Chilling Tails of Terror

By horrerfreak

1.6K 228 33

Looking for a real scare? Then you might enjoy these short tales of terror. From tales of mischievous monster... More

Mischief Makers
Road Kill
The Dream
Super Bowl Night
Dutch Colonial
The New Town
The Feeling
New Construction
Party On
The Beast
The Cottage


61 14 2
By horrerfreak

If there was ever a time to be afraid that time would be now. About an hour ago my mother called to tell me that I should go to the local town meeting in Town Hall. Now normally this sort of thing should not bother somebody, but my mother is absolutely against any kind of political affairs. You see she has no understanding of such things and believes that the antichrist is going to come from some political power. I myself don't know where he will come from, however if he comes from our little hick town I don't think he will make it very far. The only people that even know anything about this place live here.

Ten minutes after she called I heard something out back, it sounded like the creature on the Incredible Hulk television show. Now you can call me crazy if you want, but at least I will still be alive. I am telling you that there is something out there and as long as it doesn't know I am in here I might have a chance to get away. My only hope is that it didn't hear the phone when it rang.

Slowly I make my way through the house peering through all the windows as inconspicuously as possible. Trying not to step on any creaky floor boards I moved as quietly as possible trying to find the beast that made that noise, but to no avail. Wait!! What was that? I know I saw something, it looked like my friend Nick, but his body was twisted in very unnatural ways. There was blood everywhere and suddenly I heard a couple of very sickening thuds against the wall and then a spine tingling screech, like nails on a blackboard. Then finally a cracking noise, like bones being crushed. What can I say, it made me cringe and grimace in pain.

Dare I chance a peek out it has been almost half an hour? I have just got to get out of here, but I am still paralyzed with fear. Finally, I muster up the courage, slowly I raise my head up to the window to look out. What I see just makes me wretch. There is blood everywhere bits and pieces of my friend lay scattered abroad. The thing is nowhere to be found. I figure that it probably moved on to find a new plaything. To be sure I'll peer out several other windows to see if there is any sign that it could still be there.

Moving a little more swiftly I gather a few things and prepare to leave. Making a list, I discover that I made a huge mistake. The ammunition for my rifle is missing. I'm tearing the house apart looking for the bullets as I remember that I loaned some to Nick last hunting season. Nick lived directly behind my house, maybe I can make it over there. After all I don't think he would mind he certainly wouldn't be needing anything again.

Slowly I open my back door and looked around, and saw nothing. Suddenly I made a mad dash for Nick's house, and I made it. Now that I'm inside I can begin my search. Locked up in his gun case is everything I need. I'll go to retrieve a knife from the kitchen to jimmy the lock with. A creature seemed to be exploring my house I noticed as I spotted Nick's keys hanging on the wall beside the open door where I came in. Carefully I'll creep over to the door, the whole time try to watch the beast. When the beast proceeds into my house I'll go for the keys. Running back to the gun case I find the right key on the fourth try. I open the case and grab the biggest gun I can find and load it. By the time I turn around it's almost too late. The beast is now standing across the room from me, I raised the gun to my shoulder, took aim, and squeezed the trigger. The blast knocked me on my butt and I missed. The thing, is now on top of me so I squeezed the trigger again this time expecting the kick and bracing it on the floor and the monster went flying backward this time with a chasm the size of a football in it.

I gather the rest of the guns, and head back over to my house to get the rest of my stuff. Not knowing if there are any more of those things out there I am not taking any chances.

I'm driving over to my mother's house to see if she is alright. I arrive and can see that the house is in ruin and there is no sign of life anywhere. The door has been ripped off the hinge the windows have all been broken out and the porch is demolished. The strange thing is that all the damage seems to have come from within the house. Then I hear that roar again and I know that one of those things is in the house. I spotted it, is it even possible, that thing was wearing one of my mother's dresses. Could it even be possible, is that thing my mother? No it can't be, but it is. I can see the way it moves, the dress and other features. It was her, so I had to take care of her because it was no longer my mother. I took aim and squeezed a round off from the big gun, it found its mark and there she lay.

Driving away now I don't know where to go. I am scared to go into town for fear that they too were changed. What about the rest of the world? Are they like that too. I can't look back only ahead, it's too painful to think about the past, I can only hope there is a future.

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