The Beast

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Together in the small three room house we sat in front of the fire place. A long day's work behind us, now it was time to relax. I sat and read the Bible by the light of the fire while she prepared for the next day. Tomorrow was the day we would go into town to buy some supplies for the fast approaching winter. We needed salt to cure the meat, yeast to make the bread, a new ax to chop the wood, and various other odds and ends.

From the other room I heard a shriek. I went immediately to see what happened, and found my wife had curled up in the corner rocking back and forth pointing at the window. I then ran to the window with gun in hand and peered out. There was nothing there that I could see, so I asked what she saw. She just sat there for a moment as if trying to think. Then softly she spoke the word demon. All at once she began to shake, turn pale white and scream. I quickly turned around only to once more find nothing. I then carried her back into the main room and laid her by the fire. I tried to lull her fears and calm her nerve, but she refused and insisted that I keep my gun handy along with my Bible.

As the night wore on I began to feel like I was being watched, but I figured that it was probably from listening to my wife babble about demons. A little before midnight I started seeing things. Reflections of things that weren't there, stirring in dark corners and movement out of the corner of my eye. I was really beginning to wonder about my sanity when I started to hear things. A thump at the door, scratching at the window, rustling around the walls, were just a few of the noises I heard. Every waking moment became increasingly worse, so I decided to go to bed now that my wife was asleep.

Lying in bed with my eyes closed I could hear the house creaking. I could tell that the wind was blowing outside. It seemed that a storm was moving in. I could hear thunder in the distance and the patter of rain on the window. I became very anxious and annoyed at my inability to sleep. I imagined the worst things possible like the roof caving in or the windows breaking. I kept telling myself that it was just the storm, but when something opened the door and began to walk across the floor I could do nothing except shrink down under the cover. It sounded like horse hooves moving across the wooden floor very slowly, so I reached out very slowly and grabbed my forty-four colt and cocked it. Moments later the thing came into the room we were in and stood at the foot of our bed staring at us. A mouse scuttled across the floor and distracted it and that is when I tried to fire my weapon.

The click of the hammer came again and again, but it would not fire. I quickly checked my cylinder, it was full, but the thing would not fire. The beast stood there and glared at me with blue glowing eyes. My wife woke with the sound of the gun clicking and tried to scream, but no sound escaped her mouth. Terrified she handed me the Bible as I started to pray. As I prayed I noticed the beast backing away. When I opened the Bible the beast bellowed and as I started to read the booked flew from my hands. I began to recite the Lord's Prayer and it went crazy and ran out the door.

The storm began to really intensify as this happened. The lightening was coming in blinding flashes, bright enough to sting our eyes. We could hear the thing outside, it sounded like it was tearing down the forest around us. I quickly sprang from the bed grabbed the Bible off the floor and went to the door and began to read. Soon the beast disappeared and the storm began to calm, I'd like to think our faith had something to do with this.

I went back inside to check on my wife only to discover that she had become deaf and mute. She sat in the corner softly sobbing into her hands. I went to her and held her tight and tried to let her know it was over. She just looked at me with those big, beautiful, bold, enchanting blue eyes and nodded her head. She closed her eyes and opened them again and they glowed blue. The thing had taken possession of my wife, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stood and backed away slowly, as she rose and glided across the floor towards me, calling my name. Her arms were outstretched towards me, coming closer and closer, all the while calling my name, louder and louder. Franticly I looked for my bible and could not find it. Backing myself into a corner I began to pray desperately searching for a way out. I had all but given up hope when I spotted my bible. It was perched on the window sill not even ten feet away from me. I dodged left and went right and got the bible and threw it into her hands.

The creature controlling my wife caught the book, screeched, and tried to throw it. The thing cold not lose the book, it was stuck to it like glue. The more it writhed and struggled the worse it became entangled. I could hear the screams of my wife, no longer silenced by the thing holding her hostage. I could see the two being torn apart, soon it would be over.

The blue essence slowly separated from my wife. Soon she lay motionless on the floor. I rushed to her side holding her sobbing and praying, then out of nowhere she gasped for breath. Her eyes met mine and we both smiled and cried for joy. The ordeal was finally over now we could finally move on.

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