Mortuum's Calling


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This story is still under construction Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nine

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I know I didn't sleep well. Especially after what Magnus showed me. I may have not remembered my mother as well as my father, but I certainly didn't need to know what she was like before she died. My mother was everything to me. I would always hang out with her. After class, we'd cruise in her car, screaming the lyrics to her favorite Drake songs. Sometimes, I would watch her be this cool cop lady who can take down a criminal. Of course, she wouldn't let me sit in the same car as one and would call for a backup car. The entire department made a code just for me: Code Rookie. Nothing too special. I knew everyone at the department. They were my only friends. My family. My mother was perfect: beautiful, strong, fun. She was never afraid, or, at least, that's what my nine year old brain made me believe. I saw a different side of her in that dream. She was terrified.

I lifted myself off the comfortable chair, folding the blanket onto the seat. I rub my back and look around. No sign of John anywhere. I stumble back to his bedroom door, turning the brass knob in my hand. I poke my head inside, scanning the darkness. His room was neat, no errors anywhere. His bed was made with no creases in the sheets, a deep grey, nearly black. His walls were a soft pale purple, contrasting well with the bed sheets and the grey carpet against the mahogany floor. The desk and dresser were the same wood, standing in front of the pale paint. I leave the room, closing the door behind me. I leave the study, following the light leading to the courtyard. Luckily, I remembered where my room was from all that running I did the night before.

Finally, I reach my room, the door welcoming to my sight. I push against it, stumbling inside. The lights were on, probably from Willow packing everything. I move to my bedside table, grabbing the octahedron. Something falls with a clank. I cock my head to the side at what lay on the floor: a locket. I pick it up with caution, tracing the design. I turn it over: Brooke Rose Madrigal-Parker. My mother's locket. It was the only thing that I was able to keep of my momma's personal possessions. I open it to find the picture my parents and I had taken on our trip to Disneyland. My momma and I were wearing our twin Mickey hats and my dad was wearing the Goofy hat. It was too tall to fit in the frame. That was the last time I ever truly smiled. My dad, too.

The place was bustling with activity. The twins were flying up and down the halls, grabbing things or dropping them. Willow was grabbing anything useful as a weapon, twirling her twin pistols. John was organizing defenses of the building with people I don't even know. Boxes were floating to and fro. Everything was just hectic. I quickly took leave down an empty corridor, away from the hustle and bustle.

I check my watch: 4:30. It's almost time to leave.


I glance to my left, finding Grace holding a large box. She peeks over it, "I can't find Allister. Can you help me?"

"Who's Allister?"

"Oh," she exclaims, "That's Vlad's real name. I forgot you don't know him personally. He changed his name after Magnus' falling out."

"Why'd he change his name?" I ask, trying to help balance the heavy cube.

Grace tried her best to shrug with the box in hands, "I forget. Ask him later, but right now we need to find him. Could you do that while I help with this?"

I nod, cautiously letting go, "Yeah, sure."

I begin to walk further into the hall, hearing Grace yell out a thanks. This hall seemed darker than the others, probably from the lack of use. I put my earbuds in, turning on a song to calm my nerves. I was still freaking out about stupid Magnus and his fucking "prophecy". He was just crazy, he wasn't stable. I scan my tracks before clicking on shuffle, too lazy to look for a single song. I pat my thigh to the beat of the song, somewhat nodding my head. I sang along, closing my eyes. Not the smartest thing to do when you're walking, but, then again, I couldn't care less. A small poking on my shoulder, though, that's when I care. I whip around, punching whoever it was in the stomach, hearing a small grunt with the contact. I yank my earbuds out, staring at who had surprised me and, lo and behold, it's the man I was looking for.

"Sorry!" I squeak, I bend over, examining him, "You're not hurt, right?"

He shakes his head, standing straighter and removing his arm from around his stomach, "No, just shocked."

He stood up, lifting up the bag he had dropped and I placed my earbuds in my pocket, "Why are you surprised?"

"I didn't expect you to have a mean right hook. Impressive."

I grin, crossing my arms, "I have a few tricks up my sleeves."

He chuckled, "I bet, but what are you doing over here?"

"Looking for you. Grace sent me."

"That's odd. She sent me to look for you."

My eyebrows scrunch together, "What?"

He shrugs, "No matter, we're heading out in half an hour. Come on."

We begin walking back from where we came. It was hard keeping up with him seeing as his strides were much larger than my mouse steps. It was more of him walking and I was jogging. He glanced down at me, probably assessing my situation. He walked smaller steps, slower.

I nod my head, "Thanks."

He chuckles, "You are welcome."

I think back to what Grace said with Vlad's name change. Maybe I'll ask him, "Hey, um, can I ask you a question? Grace brought it up."

"Yes, what is it?"

"So, why did you change you're name?"

His step hesitates before he resumes walking, "What do you mean?"

"Grace told me you're real name is Allister. Why'd you change it to Vladimir?"

Vladimir sighs, "Actually, it is a part of my real name. Allister Charles Vladimir Pont de la'Arche. I changed my first name to my second middle one to somewhat hide my identity."

"Why'd you want to hide your identity?"

"There are a few angry spirits who know me only by name, so I changed it to protect myself and those around me."

"Honestly, I think your first name is better. Vladimir sounds evil," I mumble out, smiling at my last comment.

He laughs at this, "I suppose that's something."

He stops walking, looking ahead. I follow his gaze, searching the room for whatever caught his attention. Nothing seemed odd, "What's wrong?"

"We have to leave. He's watching us."

Vladimir quickly grabs my arm, dragging me away from the room, "What do you mean he's watching us?"

He stops and flips me onto his shoulder, running through doors and turning sharply. I look behind him, scanning to see what got him so excited. I don't see anything weird other than the surprised servants and guards watching us leave. It's only when we turn a corner that I see a silhouette of a man, standing there in the corner.

Vlad bursts into a large room and behind me, I hear a humming and a strong wind. Vlad drops me to the ground, helping me land on my feet, "John!"

The humming heightens, vibrating the floor. I feel the buzz in my feet as I walk closer to Vlad. I examine the source of the sound, amazed at what I saw. A golden hoop stood upon a large stone, steps leading down to us. The light reflected off the glinting metal, displaying it's power to all. Inside was what looked like a mosaic stained glass window, the light reflecting onto the walls with beautiful colors. The others were standing near the steps, bags hanging off their shoulders.

Vlad jogged up to John with me behind him, "John, Magnus is watching us through a floating apparition. We have to leave. Now!"

John nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the steps. Willow helped Vlad grab the last two bags and the twins stood at the top.

"You two, go through first!" He shouted over the humming, pointing his fingers to the portal's opening.

They jumped through, the window warping like water rings. I felt John pull my arm and I stared up at him, "It's our turn!" He yelled and pushed me through.

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