The Cupboard Series 2: Hermio...

By stargon1

185K 9.8K 4.1K

Even bars on the window, locks on the door and a demented house-elf can't keep Harry away from his friends. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 12

4.9K 278 169
By stargon1

Albus Dumbledore paused one last time to run his hands over his brown tweed suit. His beard was glamoured to be half its usual length, as was his hair. His half-moon spectacles were perched precisely on the end of his crooked nose. He considered himself to be the quintessential muggle. With one last glance at his fob watch, he nodded and lifted a finger to press the doorbell.

The sounds of heavy footsteps accompanied by occasional grunts could be heard approaching before the door was wrenched open.

"Good morning ..." he began before he was rudely interrupted.

Vernon Dursely's face had instantly achieved its distinctive red hue the instant that he recognised the wizard standing at his door.

"YOU!" he bellowed before trying to slam the door shut.

"Come now, Mister Dursely, there's no need to take that attitude," Dumbledore sighed, a merry twinkle in his eye. "I've simply come to escort your nephew out for the morning."

Vernon paused momentarily in his efforts to force the door shut against whatever was holding it open to stare at the ... man at the door.

"HIM! Don't you mention that freak in my presence!" he bellowed. "And get your ruddy foot or whatever it is away from my door!"

"Vernon?" a nasally voice called from further down the hallway.

"Ah, Petunia, so nice to see you again," Dumbledore smiled.

Petunia Dursley's long horsey face paled at being addressed by the man she remembered all too well.

"As I was telling your husband, I've come to escort your nephew out for the morning."

"Well you're out of luck, then," Vernon hissed, "the boy hasn't been here for a month and after the state that he left the house in, he's never coming back!"

Dumbledore paled slightly at Vernon's words. Surely the poor man was mistaken. The tracking charm that he'd placed on Harry's trunk still indicated that Harry resided at number four Privet Drive.

For peace of mind, Dumbledore delved into the mind of Harry's uncle.

In an instant, he'd battered through Vernon's memories until he came to an image of the three Dursleys returning home after some day's away. A bellow was heard from Vernon's son causing the whale of a man to huff his way upstairs. The instant that he stepped inside the boy's room, he saw Dudley standing slack-jawed pointing at the massive hole above the desk.

With a roar of rage, Vernon was back out the door and undoing each of the five locks on the room next door. Finally, the last lock was ripped off and the door yanked open. Inside, was a room that looked as though a tornado had hit it. Furniture had been pulled around, bits of wood and plaster littered the bed and floor. The narrow window was still open to the elements as much as it could be considering the bars on the outside of the room itself.

Pulling back out of the man's mind, Dumbledore flicked his hand, raised his wand and gave two precise movements. Vernon and Petunia Dursley ceased their struggles and backed up, turned around and lumbered into the sitting room. With the two of them out of the way, Dumbledore followed his tracking charm to the tiny cupboard under the stairs. Another wand flick had the lock off. Opening the door, he bent forward to stick his head inside, directly over Harry's trunk.

With a scowl for plans going astray and a mutter against hard-headed boys not doing what they should be doing, he strode to the sitting room. Surprisingly, he found not two but three Durselys in attendance.

At last, something's going right this visit, he thought.

After using his wand to direct Dudley to a seat beside his parents, Dumbledore began pacing as he thought of the best way to proceed.

It was imperative that Harry return to Privet Drive.

When Voldemort returned, as Dumbledore knew that he would, Harry was needed in such a mindset as to willingly sacrifice himself in order to weaken Tom which would then give Dumbledore himself the opportunity to finally rectify his mistakes from decades past. Of course, as the vanquisher of Lord Voldemort, his influence over the wizarding world would reach unparalleled heights. The fact that it required the death of the boy was regretful, but necessary.

The boy being here with his relatives for the summer, in conjunction with a stay at the Burrow beginning after his next birthday, would ensure that he was impressionable to Dumbledore's own subtle wisdom and influence. It was all part of his master plan. The fact that the boy had run off simply couldn't be allowed to be tolerated. No, this independent streak had to be squashed quickly.

A way forward was instantly found. A simple memory modification on the Dursleys would allow the boy to return to where he was supposed to be. Then he needed to get to the Ministry and the hearing, sweep away this minor inconvenience, ensuring Harry's awe and gratitude, deal with the boy's misguided independence and then return him to where he belonged.

With a last stroke of his beard, Dumbledore turned his wand to the three befuddled muggles sitting in front of him.


Harry sat nervously outside the room within the Department of Improper Use of Magic where he'd been told to wait. According to his watch, the trial was due to start in ten minutes. He really wasn't sure if he'd be able to stay seated quietly that long. Already his left leg was bouncing rapidly all by itself. Even holding it with both hands couldn't keep it completely still.

"Mister Potter, you may come in now," the stern brown haired woman who'd introduced herself earlier as Madam Hopkirk instructed.

Hopping up from his chair, Harry cautiously made his way through the door. Swallowing through his suddenly dry throat, he looked around.

The room was fairly small with a long bench-like desk intersecting it into two. A single hard-backed chair sat in the middle of what remained of the side of the room closest to the door. On the opposite side of the bench, he could make out three chairs. An additional chair was placed to the right side of the desk. At Madam Hopkirk's direction, he sat in the single chair closest to him.

He watched as Madam Hopkirk rounded the bench before taking the centre seat. A folder full of parchment was opened and she began shuffling through them. The sound of the door opening behind him spun Harry around in time to see two more people enter.

The first was a young man in deep plum robes. He carried a sheaf of parchment, a couple of quills and bottles of ink to the side chair where he began setting up ready to take notes. Harry guessed that he was a secretary or scribe of some kind, obviously only just out of Hogwarts.

The second person caused the tightness in his chest to loosen slightly. Madam Bones gave him a brief nod as she rounded the desk to take the seat to Madam Hopkirk's right.

When everyone was seated, Madam Hopkirk looked to the young man, nodded and began to speak.

"Very well. Let's begin."

Unfortunately, the beginning of the trial was delayed as the door opened once more. Harry turned in his chair to see a squat woman in a ghastly pink cardigan and an insipid smile on her face waddle into the room.

"Undersecretary Umbridge, I wasn't aware that you were attending this hearing against underage magic," Madam Hopkirk stated, her eyebrows high on her forehead.

"The Minister thought that it would be advantageous to learn more about Mister Potter," Madam Umbridge replied in a surprisingly high girlish voice.

"To what purpose, Delores?" Madam Bones asked.

"Why it's quite simple, Amelia," Umbridge replied. "Wholly upon his word, you have the entire Department of Magical Law Enforcement scurrying around, requisitioning money and resources and even have Azkaban in the process of completely unnecessary changes because of his delusion that the Dark Lord is still among the living."

Madam Bones frowned so deeply that it looked as though her monocle was cutting into her skin. "Mister Potter is simply one of dozens of witnesses that I've interviewed. Minister Fudge knows this and the changes that I've authorised for the upgrading of my department are necessary if we're ever forced into another wizarding war the like of which we only escaped with Mister Potter's intervention."

"I guess that we shall see," Umbridge smiled sweetly as she continued forward, rounded the bench and took the remaining seat.

"This hearing in regards to the improper use of magic, specifically, in regards to the breaking of the Decree for Underage Magic by the defendant, Harry James Potter is now in session," Madam Hopkirk began. "There are two instances that will be investigated at today's hearing. In attendance are Mafalda Hopkirk, Chair of the Department of Improper Use of Magic, Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Delores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, Court Scribe Joseph Delany and the defendant, Harry James Potter.

"Mister Potter, Madam Bones, Madam Umbridge, we will discuss each instance separately before a decision and ruling is declared."

Here Madam Hopkirt paused as she looked down at her notes.

"The first instance that is recorded against Mister Potter is a hover charm that was performed at Mister Potter's place of residence on the thirty-first of July at twelve minutes past nine in the evening. A letter of warning was issued to Mister Potter at this time. Is there anything that you'd like to say in your defence?"

"It wasn't me," Harry stated in as clear a voice as possible. "It was a house elf called Dobby."

"Hem hem." Madam Umbridge cleared her throat in the weirdest way that Harry'd ever heard. "Did I understand you to say that you're blaming a house elf for your violation? I was under the impression that you lived with muggles."

"I do live with muggles – my aunt, uncle and cousin," Harry replied as politely as he could. "But this house elf turned up to talk to me and he's the one who performed the hover charm."

"Why would a house elf perform magic in your house in front of muggles? Was this some misguided attempt to impress your relatives?" Madam Hopkirk asked.

"No," Harry shook his head violently. "Believe me, none of my relatives would be impressed by magic. I don't even know that elf. He just turned up. And he levitated that cake to try to stop me from going back to Hogwarts."

"It seems to me that, if true, the elf may get his wish," Umbridge said in her high girlish voice.

"Mister Potter, do you know the owners of the house elf?" Madam Bones asked.

Once again Harry shook his head, "no, I don't."

He wanted to add that Madam Bones already knew that, but for some reason, he assumed that Madam Bones didn't want it known that they'd already discussed this event in her office.

"To summarise," Madam Hopkirk stated, looking down at the parchment that she'd been making notes on, "a hover charm was performed in your home, a place where you are the only known magical in residence and your only defence is that an unknown house elf visited you and performed the charm, not you as we first thought?"

"Yes, Madam Hopkirk," Harry replied, his heart sinking at the clear disbelief in her voice.

"Very well, we shall move on to the second violation of the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Magic that you are accused of," Madam Hopkirk said, shuffling her parchments. "This violation occurred at ten past seven on the morning of the third of August at the residence of Miss Hermione Granger in Crawley. In this instance, the magic performed was in the form of a magical oath."

Just then, the door behind Harry burst open causing him to whip his head around so fast that his neck momentarily hurt. Framed in the doorway, dressed in lurid purple and gold robes, was his Headmaster. His gaze swept the room before he regally strode in, twirled his wand to conjure a plush red armchair and plonked himself down beside Harry.

"Sorry I'm late," Professor Dumbledore stated, his eyes twinkling at all those present, "I was unfortunately delayed. I trust that I haven't missed anything too important?"

"I was not aware that you were joining us, Albus?" Madam Hopkirk stated in a cold tone.

"Young Harry here is entitled to representation and what better person than his magical guardian?" Dumbledore smiled.

Harry stared at the old man seated beside him. This was the one Professor McGonagall had assured him would make sure that his living conditions with the Durselys would be better. His face darkened as an endless parade of chores, empty plates, bars on windows, locks on doors and cat-flaps marched across his mind's eye.

Whatever he'd done, assuming that he'd actually even bothered to try doing anything at all, had only made living with the Dursleys hell on Earth. There was no way that Harry was ever going to trust him again. And he was supposed to be his magical guardian? He wondered how in the world that had happened. And why he'd never been told before.

"I'm afraid, Albus, that we've already finished discussing Mister Potter's first offence and, in fact, we were just in the process of beginning the investigation into his second offence," Madam Hopkirk scowled.

A wave of an ancient hand indicated that Dumbledore was content for the matter to proceed.

"As I was about to say," Madam Hopkirk said after a few seconds of hard staring at Dumbledore, "upon the detection of the magic, a letter was issued to one Hermione Jane Granger. A return letter was received by Mister Potter stating that he was currently visiting Miss Granger and that the magic that was performed was actually performed by him. Is this correct?"

"Yes, Madam Hopkirk," Harry replied.

"Why were you at Miss Granger's house?" Dumbledore asked looking at him.

Harry shrugged. There was no way that he was going to tell him about his personal business. "Hermione's my best friend and I was visiting her."

"Your magic was reported to be a magical vow. Could you enlighten us as to the nature of the vow that you took?" Madam Bones asked.

"It was an accident," Harry stated quickly. "I was upset and didn't even realise that I'd made it until we saw the light erupt from my wand."

Madam Bones nodded but struck him with a piercing look. "Thank you for that explanation, Mister Potter, but you didn't answer my question."

"Sorry, Madam Bones," Harry replied. "I vowed that I'd rather give up my magic than spend another night at Privet Dive with the Dursleys."

Beside him, Dumbledore started and sat up straighter in his chair. "Surely you didn't mean that, my boy?"

"I certainly did," Harry scowled. "I never want to go back again."

"I'm sure that we can come to some understanding that will allow you to return to your relatives," Dumbledore stated, a faint edge of hardness in his tone.

"The contents of the vow are immaterial at this present time," Madam Hopkirk stated, cutting off Harry's angry retort. "The fact that we're currently investigating is the casting of the vow. You said that you made the vow unintentionally?"

"Unintentionally or not, the fact remains that it was made," Madam Umbridge said, a small smile on her lips.

"I didn't mean to. And like I said, I didn't even know that I was doing it," Harry replied before pulling out an envelope from the pocket of his robe. Getting up, he approached the bench. "This is a letter from Mister and Mrs Granger. They were there when it happened."

Madam Hopkirk glanced quizzically at the envelope for a moment before opening it and reading through the letter inside. A thoughtful expression appeared on her face as she passed the letter to Madam Bones.

"And what do you expect us to do with this letter from these muggles?" Madam Umbridge asked after she'd read the letter.

"We take the letter into consideration," Madam Bones answered firmly. "This eyewitness account not only verifies Mister Potter's claims that the vow was made unintentionally, but it also quite clearly stipulates that Mister Potter was very quick to take responsibility for the accidental magic."

"I'm sure that a case of accidental magic from such a young boy is easy to dismiss," Dumbledore smiled at the three witches.

"Perhaps, Albus, but don't forget that we're dealing with two cases of violation of the Decree by Mister Potter that happened within the space of three days," Madam Hopkirk replied. "Does anyone else have any questions for Mister Potter? No? Then it's time to judge this case. Madam Bones, would you like to give us your opinion?"

Madam Bones sat back in her chair as she contemplated Harry. "One case where Mister Potter states that the magic wasn't his, coupled with the clear case of taking responsibility for a second case of accidental magic leads me to believe the defendant. My opinion is that a warning will suffice in this instance."

"Madam Umbridge?"

"It's quite clear to me that Mister Potter has broken the rules and needs to be punished. It is only the severity of the punishment that needs to be decided in my opinion. Expulsion from Hogwarts would not be too severe, I believe," she smiled sweetly.

Beside him, Harry felt Dumbledore shift uneasily in his chair.

"While your conclusion is correct in its succinctness, Madam Umbridge, I feel that I am leaning towards Madam Bones' opinion in my ruling," Madam Hopkirk stated. "Mister Potter. A note and a warning shall be made in your file. Two breaches of the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry within three days is far too many. Any further breach, be they intentional or accidental, will result in a much harsher penalty being applied. Do you understand?"

Harry stared at her before nodding dumbly. He wasn't expelled. He wasn't going to have his magic taken away from him. But she'd basically just told him that it could very well happen in the future.

"In that case, I declare this hearing at an end. You are free to go, Mister Potter."

Shakily, Harry got to his feet, only to feel a hand grasp his elbow.

"Harry, my boy," he began before being interrupted by the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement.

"Chief Warlock, I need to discuss with you a trial date for a criminal that we've recently apprehended."

"And who might that be, Madam Bones?" Dumbledore asked as he attempted to steer Harry towards the door.

"Peter Pettigrew."

The instant that Harry felt Dumbledore's grasp loosen in his shock, he scampered. Madam Bones, he knew, would fill him in later on Pettigrew's trial and how that affected their aim to get Sirius freed from Azkaban. Evading Dumbledore was much more important at the moment.


"I don't know what to do, Slipshard," Harry sighed some time later that afternoon.

The old goblin regarded him calmly, his long fingers steepled in front of him.

"You have summed up your potential problems quite nicely, Harry, so what remains is deciding what it is that you not only need but want to happen in the event that the worst comes to pass," Slipshard stated. "So, I ask you, Harry, what is it that you most want?"

"I want ... I want somewhere safe where they can't find me and take away my magic," he replied as he met the goblin's gaze.

Slipshard nodded as he considered the statement. "And if this worst comes to pass while you are still in Hogwarts, what are your desires for your magical education?"

"Of course, I want to keep learning magic," Harry replied, shocked that there could be any other option.

Once again, Slipshard sat back and contemplated the boy before him. He turned the problem over and over until, finally, a slow grin spread across his face.

"That answer may just give us possibilities ..." he began.

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