The Norsemen (Editing)

By BajanBelle

42.8K 1.9K 77

Disclaimer: This story is NOT based on the MARVEL universe. The Asgardians are based on Norse mythology and e... More

Chapter 1: Midgard
Chapter 2: Not a Myth
Chapter 3: Shopping
Chapter 4: Date
Chapter 5: I'm dating Thor.
Chapter 6: Crush
Chapter 7: Knowing you
Chapter 8: Loki
Chapter 9: Asgard
Chapter 10: Banquet
Minor Update
Chapter 11: Who was she?
Chapter 12: Asgardian Mornings
Chapter 13: Encounters, encounters, encounters.
Chapter 14 - Do I Love Him?
Chapter 15 - Scared?
Chapter 16 - Secrets.
Chapter 17 - A New Day in Asgard
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: The Return of the King
Chapter 20: Daughter of Ullr.
Chapter 21: Goddess
Chapter 22: Family
Chapter 23: The Son of Nanna and Baldr
Chapter 24: The Five
Chapter 25: The Truth
Chapter 26: Training
Chapter 28: Legacy

Chapter 27: The Prophecy

258 13 0
By BajanBelle


I heard Kaylee screaming outside. I put my bath supplies down and ran out to see what was the matter.

When I got to the gazebo, Thor was holding her.

"What's going on out here?"

I looked around to see if anyone else was there.

"Was Loki here?"

I was peeved. I was sure that he came and said something snarky to her that hit her last nerve.

Kaylee was crying heavily, her arms holding her chest tight.

"When I see him again I'll kill him," I heaved, "son of a bitch!"

Thor looked up at me worried.

He whispered, "I don't think it was Loki."

I gaped at him confused, but it began to dawn on me slowly... The only person who gets Kaylee this upset is...

"Bloody hell!"

I sat beside her in a flurry.


Forseti ran up behind us.

She looked over at me, gasping desperately to catch her breath.

"I-I" she sobbed, "can't breathe..."

Forseti turned away. "I'll go get Sjofn."

"N-no!" she reached out to him, grabbing Thor's bicep for support. "I-It's just a panic attack." She said out of breath. "Ullr was here..." she panted, "I couldn't him."

She was shaking uncontrollably.

Thor looked at her, his eyes filled with pain. "What can I do?" He held her hand tightly in his.

"Take me to Heimdall."

Thor looked up at us, eyebrows furrowed.

I nodded to him.

We slowly helped her up.

"Hey Kay, before we go," I exhaled, "there's something you should probably know?"

She tilted her head quizzically.

"Loki was the one who killed Baldur."

"I know," she frowned, "my father tricked him into doing it."

"Kaylee." I held her up so that I was holding her close. "You knew?"

"I always suspected," she sighed, "Ullr confirmed just now. He said it was because Baldur just 'wasn't the same'."

"What a load of bull." I was steaming.

"He has been claiming that for years." Forseti shook his head.

She squeezed me, "He didn't even say what his 'suspicions' were."

I kissed her cheek.

"Typical." Forseti heaved.

I looked around at them, "So we go to Heimdall to find out what he saw?"

Kaylee gaped at me, her eyes smiling.

"Don't say it!"

She nodded and held Thor's hand.

Thor tried to warn her, "Heimdall may not have all of the answers."

"I still want to see him," she paused, "and Odin as well. I can't stand aside waiting anymore."

Thor and Forseti looked worried.

"Are you sure, love?"

She nodded, "Intensely."



Forseti and Thor took us to the Bifrost bridge.

Heimdall and Odin were already in the middle of a discussion. It looked serious, but they stopped talking when they saw us coming up to the bridge.

"What is the matter, my child?" Odin gestured for me to come closer.

I looked back at the others, they nodded and walked in behind me.

"Kae-li." Heimdall smiled, "goddess of truth and light, welcome to Asgard."

I stopped in my tracks. I gaped at him and Odin. What? Who? That caught me off guard but I really wanted to know what was going on with Ullr and Baldur, and my mother.

"Heimdall," I tried not to sound too shaky, "you see all don't you?"

He nodded with quiet confidence. His glowing eyes watching me as if he was looking right through me, which he probably was.

"I want to hear it from you," I pleaded, "I know you can't lie, I want to know everything."

"What could a lie be, but a variation of the truth?"

He smirked.

Did Heimdall just make a joke?

He chuckled, "It's alright," he paused taking a deep breath, "I will tell you everything I know."

Odin nodded in agreement.

"Kaylee,"he took a step toward me, "you were prophesied to either be the undoing the Ullr, or the one who brought him glory. You are the first of us to be born with the gifts of both your parents combined. Maybe it was the intention of Ullr all along when he tried to turn your mother against Baldur."

"You and Ullr may meet again, my child," Odin added, "he may very well try to explain some of what we are telling you, and maybe even the real reason why he killed your mother."

"Nanna was gravely ill when Kaylee was a child," Heimdall continued, "she was dying but she wanted to get you away from Ullr and send you to the elven realm with your brother."

"But..." Forseti crossed his arms, "I didn't even know of this."

"You wouldn't have," Heimdall exhaled, "Ullr killed her before she could get word to you, he was desperately trying to keep Kaylee with him, but as she got older, she grew more and more away from him."

"What are you telling her?!"

Ullr appeared interrupting us.

I lunged at him but Forseti held me back. I was shocked by this, but his face told me he wanted to do the same thing I did.

Odin heaved. "You've got some nerve showing up in my presence, Ullr!"

"Stay your spear!", Ullr looked at me, "I just want Kaylee to know why I did it. I didn't want her to have to choose between me and all of you."

"By killing my mother?!" I glared at him, "You think murder is the answer to everything?"

"I was going to tell you this earlier," he exhaled, "about the prophecy, about everything. I wanted you to remain human, I cloaked you as best as I could from Heimdall, Odin, and even Frig." He sighed, "I had no idea that fool Thor would be the one to find you."

"Well it's refreshing to know that the all power Ullr can't predict everything!" I heaved at him. "You are brave to show up here father, in front of all of us here."

"I love you." He pleaded, "There is nothing that can ever stop me from trying to keep you safe."

"Maybe you should add yourself to list of things to protect me from." I felt my eyes fill with tears, "Out of everything and everyone, you are the one who has hurt me the most. How could you ever think that anything would ever make this right?"

Renee held my hand.

"I loved your mother, Kaylee," he paused, "I did what I thought was right, I tried to keep you with me at all cost. I never wanted you to have to fight me or fight them. I just wanted you to be a human, unburdened and safe from all of the dangers of the realms. On Midgard, I at least was the most powerful being, able to protect you with everything I have."

I shook my head, "Why did you have Baldur killed? What are you trying to do with Loki?"

"I'm not trying to do anything with Loki," he looked at me, I could see that he was trying to be as sincere as he could be, "Loki has his own demons to battle with. As for Baldur, I believed that he was the god Ymir come back. Odin and his brothers, Ve and Vili, slaughtered him to create the nine realms. I was and am still certain that he had returned as Baldr to get his revenge. The person your mother loved was no longer Baldur, even just how different his behaviour and exuberant became after he was healed, that was never his way. Odin refused to listen to me because what person wouldn't celebrate as much as Baldur did after being so close to death and surviving."

Odin shook his head.

I looked at Odin and then back to Ullr.

"You just answered your own suspicions." I exhaled, "Why couldn't you just have left Asgard and gone to Midgard if you felt that way... I just can't understand..."

Ullr nodded, "I'll leave you to talk with the others."

He looked at me defeated and disappeared.

Heimdall sighed, "Lord Odin, a word?"

Odin nodded and walked away with Heimdall.

Forseti rested his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry. If I knew I..."

I hugged him, "There was nothing you could have done differently. Thank you for stopping me from doing something I might have regretted. I still need him to give me answers."

He smiled at me, "When the time comes, I'll be right there with you."

Thor and Renee nodded in agreement with his statement.

"Always -" Thor smiled to me.

"- No matter what happens." Renee concluded.

"Thanks guys."

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