
By mrsmellarkable

436K 9.9K 5K

5 years after the rebellion, Katniss and Peeta are together and living in district 12. They are both happy al... More

New District 12
Happy Birthday!!
Wedding Planning
Wedding day
Authors Note
Honeymoon part1
Honeymoon Part2
Snow Day
Train journey
District 4
The Accident
Don't leave me
I love you
Coming Home
Phone Call
Authors Note
Prep Team
The Scan
Will our lives ever be normal?
New Story - Please Read
Bed rest
Birthday Party
Merry Christmas!
Not the only one
Long nights, exhausting days.
Haymitch? Effie?
We couldn't be happier
This is our life now
Not an update//Sorry
District 10
The funeral
The Big, Big, Big Day!
Crashing Down
Without You
A Mellark Christmas
All good things


9.5K 201 68
By mrsmellarkable


I'm going to start putting dates on each chapter because I think it's getting a little confusing to which month it is so uh yeah. Here's the next chapter😊

21st February


The word replays in my head. Positive, Positive, Positive. I am pregnant. I don't know what to feel, I should be happy. Peeta and I have been trying to get pregnant for months and it's finally happened, but Peetas in a coma, what will I do if he doesn't wake up? I can't live without Peeta, let alone raise a child without him.

I open the bathroom door to a nervous Effie. "Are you?"

I don't know what to say so I just nod.

"Oh sweetie come here."

I walk straight into her arms and the tears begin to flow. "it's okay, I thought this is what you wanted?" she asks.

"It is, it really is. But what if he doesn't wake up Effie, what happens then." I ask her, wiping away the tears running down my face. She leads me over to our bed and we sit side by side on the edge.

"Katniss, you listen to me. You and Peeta have survived two hunger games and a rebellion. Peeta will wake up, and you and him will live the rest of your lives and raise a couple of mini mellarks together." She says softly, yet sternly. The last part makes me giggle, I can imagine mini Peetas running around the house and it makes me smile.

"You'll be okay." she says wrapping her arms around me again.

"Thankyou Effie." I say into her shoulder.

"Come on, better head to bed and get some sleep." she says standing up.

"Night darling." she says sweetly, heading out the door.

All I want to do right now is sleep, im so tired. I get under the covers and curl up in a ball and close my eyes but i cant sleep. After tossing and turning for an hour I end up just laying on my back. I stare at the white ceiling thinking about our baby. Our baby. After what Effie said I can't stop thinking about a little Peeta running around our house, his blonde curls and sparkly blue eyes. Peeta always said he wanted a girl so he could have mini me, but I don't see why he would want a mini me. I have always wanted a boy so he could be just like Peeta. I glance at the clock and its 12.30, how long have I been laying here? I roll over onto my side and try and get some sleep, and finally sleep does come.

I wake up to birds singing outside, they sing as it's a happy new day. Although its not as my husband is still in a coma. I get up and change into black leggings and one of Peetas t-shirts. I walk into the bathroom and out of nowhere feel the urge to throw up. I run over to the toilet and spill my stomach into the toilet once again. Once it's over a wash my mouth out and brush my teeth. Finally i re-braid my hair and walk downstairs where I find Gale feeding his sons, Noah and Hunter.

"Hey, how you doing?" Gale asks me, breaking up bits of waffle and giving some to Noah.

"How do you think i'm doing Gale?" I snap, regretting it as soon as the words leave my mouth. "Sorry." I apologise.

"It's fine, stupid question really. I'd be the same if it was Rose."

I walk over to the cupboard and take out a muffin and start picking at it. I'm really glad Gale and I are friends again, after the war I did blame him for Prims death but then i realised I was just looking for somebody to blame.

"How you getting to the hospital?"He asks.

"I was going to ask Haymitch if he could take me down. Why?"

"I can take you if you like. Get these two out of the house for a bit." He says, tickling their stomachs as they giggle hysterically.

"Well only if your sure, Haymitch won't mind."

"It's fine. Come on." He says helping the boys out of their chairs.

I wait in the front seat of Gale's car and wait for him as he straps his sons in their car seats. When he's finshed he sits in the drivers seat and we get going.

"I'm sorry about all of this Katniss, I really am. You both deserved a happy ending after what you both have been through." He says looking at me for a second and then putting his attention on the road again.

"Thanks Gale." I say honestly with a small smile.

We sit in silence for a little longer and then I remember that Gale doesn't know i'm pregnant.

"I've got some news." I say, looking at him.

"What?" He says anxiously.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god. Uh, congratulations! You must be over the moon." He says happily.

"Thank you, yeah I am." He can tell i'm not so happy about it as Peetas in a coma but I don't think he wants to push it.

We sit in silence for the rest of the ride, when we get there I thank Gale and walk straight to Peeta's room.

"Hey honey." I say, I know he wont reply but the doctor said it sometimes helps to talk to him and to remind him of happy memories.

I take a seat next to his bed and take his hand in mine where it belongs.

"Guess what."

I reach over and place my lips right next to his ear and whisper, "I'm pregnant."

Although I knew he wouldn't reply, i'm still hurt because for ages I have pictured his reaction when I would tell him that i'm pregnant, but he just laying there motionless.

I brush away the loose curls that had fallen onto his forehead. "You will be an amazing dad you know." As I say this a single tear runs down my cheek but I brush it away quickly because I know I have to be strong for him.

"Remember our wedding day?" I say with a sniffle. "It was beautiful, everything was perfect. You looked so handsome, as always!" I say this while stroking his curls. "It was the happiest day of my life." That's when I let the tears flow again. I can't do anything about it so I don't, I just cry, and cry until there's nothing left.


Kind of a filler chapter until the next one really, I know it wasn't very good but tell me what you think. Don't hold back on the criticism, I want to make this story better!

Thank you all for reading, voting, commenting. It makes me so happy to know that people are actually enjoying this book!

Love you all, and May the odds be ever in your favour! -Megan💕

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