The Forbidden Destiny

By VadIMIV77

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The story lingers around two best friends; one is the heir to the throne and the other one is the Premier's s... More

Chapitre One: The Predestined Fate
Chapitre Two: The Unwavering Decision
Chapitre Four: The Win and the Anxiety
Chapitre Five: The Wrath of a Father

Chapitre Three: The Route of Nowhere

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By VadIMIV77

Argyros went to look for his young master since he was not in the changing room together with the rest of their teammates. Perhaps he went to the washroom, he made a wild guess. And he was right. The captain was in the washroom, staring himself in the mirror. "Andros, you are here." He called the latter's name as he walked into the washroom. "What happened?" he asked since the captain remained silent.

Shook his head, Andros then wiped off his sweats with a hand towel. "Nothing. I am just a bit frustrated. Yeah, after what I have said to them and yet..."

"Oh, c'mon," Argyos patted softly on his young master's back. "We still have time. I am sure we can turn this game around." He took out a new jersey and gave one to Andros. "Here, change into this."

Andros laughed. "Argyros, are you seriously playing my mom's role?" The Premier's son turned on his back while placing his arms on his breasts. "I'm sorry, but...." Andros picked the jersey up and changed it with his sweaty one. "Thanks, my best friend."

Argyros shrugged a little. "Can I say, your apology is denied?"

The young prince displayed his dashing smile. "Since when you have such option?" And this time he sounded a little bit boastful. Argyros froze. It was a cold shoulder. He too, had his own limitations, even though he was just a servant. "Alright, Argyros. I'm sorry." And this time Andros really mean it. "If you don't forgive me, I will steal your first kiss."

Argyros quickly sealed Andros' lips with his index and middle fingers. "I won't let you have it. Ever." He chuckled. "Apology accepted. By force."

"Oh?" Andros responded as he rolled his eyes. "By the way, I have revised my strategy. And I need your help, Argyros. I will tell you on the way back to the changing room. Let's go."

The Premier's son followed his young master from behind. Looks like they are asking for this. Andros' being serious. He swiftly catching up Andros and it was then Andros whispered something into his ear. A strategy to score against the Rozens. Argyros smiled upon the unseen victory. However deep down in his heart, he began to feel uneasy. A very nasty feeling. Dark and cold. Unexplainable. What is this feeling? He gasped as he held his hands tightly into one another. He was a young mage, because all members in his family possessed magical powers. Only the heir of von Ibenré will inherit the Instant Future Dream which allowed him/her to see a future prophecy.

Karl Raphael and Gerald welcomed Andros and Argyros when both entered the changing room. Their coach, Francis Lahm clapped his hands as he required his players' attention. "Alright, everyone. I know that the first half had drive all of you crazy and drain much of your energy. I may need to substitute some of you to enhance attacking engine force. This is just a mere grouping stage, but if we can beat down this powerhouse, I am sure we can go to the Nationals. Am I right?" The Imperials replied with a great energetic and positive answer. "Andros, Argyros, Karl Raphael, you three are the key roles here. I am sure you have some strategies playing in your mind that you want to try it out later in the game, and so... " he patted on the boys' head gently. "The game is all yours."

Andros responded with a smile. "I do, Coach. Don't worry. I'll make sure I will be the one to break their defence first." Even though he gave such an assuring promise, but no one really knows how he felt at the moment. At this point, Andros felt the heaviest burden he never knew before. He was always the gamemaker, which allowed his team to reach the district level after several decades of failing to do so. Andros stayed unyielding. As if there is no tomorrow for him in this team.

"Attention, the Imperial Academy. The match will resume in ten minutes. Kindly be ready at the exit. I repeat, the match will resume in ten minutes. Kindly be ready at the exit." The announcement message filled the whole atmosphere of the changing room.

"Okay, boys. I don't have any word to say to all of you. Just to remind that, remember to have fun and play to the fullest. Okay?" Francis stated, encouraging his boys before they left for the second half. As usual, the boys kept their fighting spirit high, and that assured Andros so much. In any battle one goes, fighting spirit and high morality are the main factors to enhance his or her winning chances. The coach was aware of such aspects too well.

The boys went out from their changing room, led by their captain, Andros. In the middle of their way out, they met the Rozens, Johannes being the first in the line. "Andros, I remembered you said that the Goddess of Victory had smiled on you, but hey..." he grinned which displayed his evenly white teeth. "I think she had a mind change and granted us her winning smile. Isn't it cool?"

Argyros burned in anger. Instantly he felt that the uneasy feeling he had all along was just getting deeper. Those words, those attitudes were actually a disgrace towards the nation's next ruler. That was just too much. "Argyros, don't do it," Andros warned his best friend as he grabbed the silver-haired boy backwards. "Johannes, I will proof that to you. Believe me." He sounded and acted with high pride in himself. The latter seemed to be frightened about Andros' warn. Argyros read the whole situation, of course he understood well that his captain was being serious this time. Something he will put everything on stake; for him was not serious in everything. Unless for his passions. Andros walked away, leaving his arch enemy in anger. So did Argyros and the rest of the Imperials.

That was... What was that? Argyros monologued. Something bad is definitely going to happen to His Imperial Highness. My heart says so. The Crown Prince is in danger. He pressed his rose red lips tightly as he joined his team to resume the second half. His greyish eyes glared at the Rozens, but they became tender when he gazed at Andros a little. I am going to be your shield, my prince. Even if I have to sacrifice my own life. He had made up his mind. He was not going to waver again. This time.


The stadium became livelier, heated with audiences' cheers and drum beatings when the two teams made their way into the field. They were cheering, singing songs, talking, discussing, taking selfies, and some even made themselves as a TV reporter. Andros and the Imperials, as well as the Rozens, went to their respective positions on the field. Andros quickly glanced at his rival, who was soon to quick to cut the eye-contact between them. He understood well, because without revealing his true identity, he will be able to join a fair play. Argyros knew it too, because Andros was kind in nature. Too kind to become a demon emperor. (Oh yes, in this dimension, even though you are a demon, you are not necessarily to be a bloodlust demon, and vice versa for fairy clan).

"Are both of you ready?" asked the referee to both Johannes and Andros. This time was the Rozens' opening kick. The Rozen's captain replied confidently, "Any moment."

The referee changed his eye-contact from Johannes to Andros. The red-haired captain just replied with a thumbs-up and a smile. I am not going to let you pass through me again, and I really mean it. Andros narrowed his eyes while focusing on the ball located just a few inches away from Johannes' right foot. The moment the referee blew up his whistle, Andros rushed towards Johannes, marking on him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, with that kick marks the opening of second half of the match between the Imperial Academy and the Grand Rozen Technology Academy. And, look at the Imperials' number 7, Andros von Nordsternhaufen is now challenging the Rozens' number 10, Johannes Clipton. Can Andros defies Johannes' attack? And look at that!!!!"

It was when Andros tried his best to tackle the ball out from Johannes and he succeeded, however....


Andros received a yellow card. Argyros, Gerald, and other the Imperial players tried to defend him against the decision made by the referee. "Dammit!!!!" Andros seemed relunctant to admit his mistake. Yes. His tackle was a success one, but his rushing dash made Johannes fell down just when Andros' foot accidentally crossed over Johannes' thighs and that made him receive a yellow card warning from the referee. He stood up towards his defenders and the referee. "Alright, everyone. Stand back."

"Captain!" Gerald called Andros in his anger voice.

"Stop it. I am at fault," Andros replied, impregnated with refusal to give up. He went towards Johannes and gave him a helping hand. "I'm sorry."

Johannes pushed away Andros' hand, trying to get up by himself. Andros, on the hand, quickly helped his opponent to stand up, even though the latter threw tantrum, refusing to be helped. Johannes did not even say thank you, and yes Andros did not expect it as well. "I'll have my revenge," Johannes whispered into Andros' ear. Instead of holding grudge against his opponent, the red-haired captain chuckled, patted lightly on his back.

"Captain," Argyos called Andros from behind. It was then he saw something just when he placed his right hand on Andros' shoulder. What was that? A prophecy? But... Argyros tried to recall that instant future scene. His Imperial Highness... Is in danger? He gasped, trying his best to calm down. He just sensed a great danger which soon to befall on his young master. Prince Andros will get injured, but how? By whom? Dammit!!! If only my power is stronger enough, then I will have a better details...

"Argyros!!!" Andros yelled from behind which brought his best friend back to the real world. "Forward!!!"

Argyros' greyish eyes found his young master via his calling. He observed the game for a while. The Rozens had just given a free kick. Johannes was the one who took up the free kick. "Tch!!!" He bit his lips as he rushed forward to the penalty area. Johannes, Yuri and Mark Xavier were already in their stand-by position to support Johannes' attack. Argyros to support the defence, from the body gesture of Andros.

"Look! Johannes Clipton from the Rozens is now advancing into the penalty area. Can Johannes adds another goal for his team?" said the commentor, explaining the current situation of the game. "The Imperials seem to have a hard time right now, to defend their goal from the attacks from the Rozens!!!"

The Imperial's No. 3 and 4, Adam Wiesenthal and Ian Veitenheimer were marking on both the Rozen's wingers, Yuri and Mark Xavier. Benedict Heinrich, the Imperial's goalkeeper, focused on the movement of the ball. He cannot afford to make his second mistake anymore. As the last defender of the Imperial's home, he himself cannot forgive himself for allowing such penetration. "I can do this!" He gripped his hands hard as he kept on his concentration on the ball. The ball passed through both defenders and now was his turn to save everyone's hope. "C'mon!!!!" Benedict roared, as if towards the incoming attack by the trio. Which one is going to make the shoot? I have to trust my own instinct!!! Benedict nodded, giving himself a high confidence comfort. And there came....


Siegfried walked up straight to the Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtstudie und Luftraum-Gateway-Zentrum (National Aerospace Study and Airspace Gateway Centre). This centre is homed to airspace travel, aerospace scientific and engineering studies, astronomy and astrology studies, equipped with stand alone university and airforce training academy. While a small part of this centre is opened to public, severe and strict security blocks and access covered the whole centre. Siegfried, being the personnel with the highest authority in military, he had the access to the secret passage which can bring him towards the main airspace gateway in such a short time, which are meant for military purposes.

"Your Excellency Arch Marshal von Platina, welcome onboard. I am your newly appointed Intelligence Force Engineer and First Lieutenant, Rad-Ludvig Orion Nermin," a young man with dark moss hair and bright brown eyes introduced himself to the Arch Marshal, while giving him a military salute.

Siegfried replied to the lieutenant's salute, nodded, said nothing. He seems the one His Imperial Majesty sent to me, but... He had his own doubt. In such critical situation, doubts became his ultimate fear, and gaining trust became his ultimate desire. He had to act with high precaution. One wrong, and his whole nation may fall. "Lieutenant Nermin, show me the way." He made a random move. If this guy is truly sent to me, he should know where to bring me to, Siegfried thought to himself.

"Understood," the lieutenant replied with a salute. "Please let me guide you there."

The marshal followed the lieutenant without saying another word. The doubts were still there, while keeping his mind clear and sharp, Siegfried had less battle experiences. He became the nation's Arch Marshal just when he hit his adolescent age. He always knew that even though this pendant chose him as the new master, not all military staffs silently obeyed his command, especially in battles whereby his zero experience made him doubted his own decisions. This lieutenant... he seems reliable, at least a bit... He had his first conclusion.

"Your Excellency, we are here," Rad-Ludvig stopped in front of the entrance which is the main military exit to the outer space.

The marshal studied the outer surface of his subordinate; i.e. his reactions, behaviours, and the ability to comprehend his orders without further explanations. This lieutenant... as if he had been brainwashed. Or programmed to work without my orders. I mean, he understands his work order way better than the normal us. He monologued to himself. Perhaps, he is the one His Imperial Majesty sent to me... to assist me in my investigation. Siegfried was trying to convince himself, but he could not finalised his standing. "Lieutenant Nermin, is the shuttle ready?" he asked a stupid question, but he actually had his own assuming, to almost everything.

Rad-Ludvig softly nodded. "Yes. Would you like to be onboard right now?"

Siegfried coughed a little, to clear up his dry throat. "Alright. Inform all the crews who are involved in this expedition to be ready in ten minutes. And get me their First Techical Engineer to meet me at my cabin."

"Understood, Your Excellency," Rag-Ludvig responded as he saluted before leaving the marshal alone.

The marshal placed his hand onto the security panel and instantly it activated the bio-security check system. Siegfried had his whole body check, including his vitality and health. All clear, he read. He entered the bullet lift and said, "Take me to Level 1 Outer Ring." The AI system responded as it understood such command. Siegfried settled himself on the seat while letting his emerald green eyes wandering at the blue sky. The clouds were floating in the air, just like those cotton balls. So fluffy and white. The bullet lift moved within the unseen guided orbits in high speed. His emerald green eyes were sparked by the glittering black diamond reflection on the glass panes. His fingers played with the diamond stud as he kept thinking about the Kaiser's plan for him. This task is killing me. Might claim my own life if I make a mistake. A warning note to himself.


"An excellent try from the Rozens! The Imperial's goalkeeper, Benedict Heinrich had successfully defend his own goal!" the commentor clarified the current situation. "What a beautiful shot, honestly!!! But that allows the Rozens to have their third corner kick. Who is going to pick up this kick?"

Argyros wiped off the sweat drops with his sleeve. "Good job, Ben!" he uttered, with a thumbs-up.

Benedict sniggered to himself. "Still under pressure, Argyros. Need you and others to help me in defending our home." His violet eyes wandering around the players nearby his goal. "I will be indebted to all of us if we let this pass through."

"That is not going to be so easy, Ben." Argyros replied as he too, lining himself in the middle of the 'wall' few metres from the goal. "We will make sure this won't pass through!"


The ball was kicked out from the right corner of the goal towards the centre. The tallest player in the Imperial team, Jeremiah Vasel jumped the highest the possible to defy the kick. He succeeded. "Forward!!!!" he yelled, with his might.

Andros saw that, so did Argyros and Karl Raphael. The trio dashed forward the moment Jeremiah had accomplished to lift up the team's hope once again, chasing the ball. Karl Raphael made it first, to have the ball to himself. He turned his head to the left; the Rozen's midfielders and their aces trailed from behind. This is going to be our chance! A chance to have a tie with them! Karl Raphael insisted his body, his legs to run faster before the Rozens were able to confront him. Argyros was already nearby the opponent's goal area, and so was Andros.

"Defend!!!" Johannes howled while running forward from the centre of the field but Karl Raphael's quick eyesight caught the Rozen's defenders coming down towards him and when they were nearer, he accidentally passed it to the left where Argyros was in the position to receive the ball. "Damn!!!"

The silver-haired left winger gladly received the passing as if he enjoyed his opponent making such a silly mistake; the eagle-eye ability he had, pinpointed each and every player on the field. He recalled the strategy Andros thought off and told them about during the break time. The chance has come, Argyros monologued. "Andr..." he could not alarmed his captain, his silver eyes caught Johannes who was rushing towards Andros. He stunted as the vision he had earlier was coming true. This is.... this is what my vision is trying to tell me... My prince is....

"Argyros!!!! Pass the ball to me!!! Quick!!!" Andros roared as he was nearing the penalty area. "Argyros!!!!" The captain prince became impatient and agitated. Duh!!!! What the hell he freezes there like a stone!!! In this In this kind of hellish moment! Andros ran away from the penalty area towards Argyros, but he was stopped by Karl Raphael.

"I'll go and get it!"

"Watch out!"

Andros' howl brought Argyros back to himself. All he did were dribbling the ball and let his mind wandering. "Karl Raphael, get back!" he shouted, kicking hard on the ball which crossed over from the left to the upper right corner of the penalty area, forcing the Rozen's defenders and Karl Raphael to step back and chase over the crossing ball. Andros, who watched the situation, quickly rushed up to according to the ball's projectory. The Rozens' trio were soon to reach the penalty area which will make thing hard to get the Imperials their first goal.

"Captain! It's all yours!"

"Oh no!!! The Imperial's captain is now being surrounded by the Rozen's two defenders, a forward and two wingers! Can the Imperial's captain, Andros passes through them and secure a goal?"

Andros saw his first chance to give his team an equality goal finally came despite od being nearly surrounded. This moment was meant for him to grab. A time for him to fulfill his promise to his team. He met the firs defender, he paused a little and then with a slight feint, he kicked the ball passed through the defender's legs and rushed up to claim the possession.

"Look at that!!!! What an excellent move by Andros von Nordsternhaufen. He managed to beat down the defender, Noah Dallas. And now he is facing the other defender, the Tower of the Rozens, Will Schleich."

Argyros noticed that something wrong with his captain. The dark aura surrounded him, a demonic one. Yet soft. He just did not want to accept this failure. When the losing team gives up on winning, the chance to win will wither too. Andros said that, he chuckled to himself. I need to catch up with him, Argyros monologued.

Andros faced Will Schleich one-to-one. Andros was a lot shorter than Will. His head was just at Will's lower chest. Andros himself, was not very tall either, though he was just a few inches taller than Argyros. He heeled back a little the ball with his right foot as he dodged Will's tackle attempt and 'collect back' the ball with his left foot. He sprung the ball forward a little and succeeded in his attempt to 'fool' the defender.

"Nice attempt!" The coach, Mr. Francis Lamh yelled in excitement. He always knew Andros had such talent, which made him appointed Andros as the captain after they won a practice match whereby all the hat trick were scored by Andros.

The trio of the Rozens ran towards the captain since the ball was still on his possession. Andros scanned those trio's eyes with a cold stare, which made they backed off a little. They were surprised with Andros sudden back steps as he heeled the ball to his left where Argyros was in the position. The left winger quickly dashed up further to the penalty area. Andros took up that chance to slip away from their defence. In an instant his feint tricked the trio as he ran way up to the goal. Argyros saw that, as fast as he could, he passed the ball to the running captain. Andros! It is all yours.

"Not so fast!!!" Johannes dashed himself towards where Andros was just few feets away from the goal. The Rozen's goalkeeper was in his standby mode, as he could not have himself far away from his goal. The Rozen's defenders and the Imperial's forwards (some midfielders) went upwards to assist their own teams. The ball curved downwards toward Andros and....


Siegfried reached the Terminal 1 Outer Ring station. A transit station with warp exits to the outer space for military use. This terminal is the homebase of his spaceship. The Majestic Fraternal. This spaceship, is equipped with an advanced aerospace technology which allowed her to battle in any battle stages or conditions. She is homed to fifteen Mirakel Fafner Valkyrie or simply, Valkyrie and the pilots are known as the Einherjer. Siegfried was one of the best Einherjer, though with his current position, he did not have much time to pilot a Valkyrie. The Arch Marshals of the Platina family inherited this vintage yet elegant spaceship for generations. For his mission, Siegfried did not require his spaceship; all he needed is his baby. A small space shuttle. He named him with a unique name; the Blutkralle Wilberwind. Siegfried walked out from the bullet lift and was greeted by the crews who were stationed there. He went towards a panel on the wall and entered his password to unlock the exit to his personal resting room. Five more minutes before the departure. He read the reading shown by his wristwatch. He had a quick bath when a message entered his intercom.

"Your Excellency, I am from the Intelligence Force Engineer and First Lieutenant, Rad-Ludvig Orion Nermin. I am sorry to disturb your resting time but all your orders had been successfully carried out."

Siegfried pulled down his bath towel and had it wrapped around his muscular well-built body. "I'll be there in three minutes." He replied as he dressed up himself in his official costume. His hair was still wet, though. His image was everything to him. Thus, he had to make over himself the best he could. He then bit a little his index finger and licked the oozed blood. The Eight Pillars of FATE activated their internal powers via their blood. This made them different from others.

The young marshal finally reached the bridge linked to the Blutkralle Wilberwind. Rad-Ludvig was there before him, and stood beside him was a middle aged male figure in white black suit. He had dark purple hair and black eyes, and yet slightly tan. He gave the marshal a military salute as what Rad-Ludvig did. "Your Excellency, this is the First Technical Engineer of this Terminal 1, Mr. Julius Biehn. Mr. Biehn, meet the Arch Marshal Siegfried von Platina," said Rad-Ludvig, introducing both.

As usual the marshal ran a quick appearance-based checking on Julius Biehn. "Ir. Biehn, get me a full detail report about this Blutkralle. Follow me to my cabin. And, Lieu. Nermin, please take the command of this Blutkralle Wilberwind."

"Your wish is my command, my Marshal." Rad-Ludvig saluted before taking his leave. He went straight away to the bridge, leaving both Siegfried and Julius there, walking to the marshal's cabin.

"Ir. Biehn, did you know about this Blutkralle Wilberwind?" Siegfried asked, as this baby contained several confidential matters both virtually and physically, and to him, it is one of his irreplaceable hereditary heirloom.

Julius smiled. "If you could rephrase that, Sir..."

Seigfried gulped his saliva. Julius Biehn was hundred years older than he was, for simple understanding, if Siegfried is now twenty years old, then Julius will be in his late fourties. The young marshal looked away, towards the scenery of an outer space. "The Pe..."

"Attention to all crews. Attention to all crews. This space shuttle, Blutkralle Wilberwind will depart in two minutes. I repeat, this space shuttle, Blutkralle Wilberwind will depart in two minutes. All crews onboard, kindly be seated and fasten your seatbelt. Our destination is marked by the coordinate Skyline 25, the Pearl Satellites." It was Rad-Ludvig. The total crew in this baby space shuttle was only seven personnels, including the marshal himself. However, according to his intelligence assumption, Siegfried should be acting alone. The only non-android onboard. Practically he did not trust anyone unless to those who won his trust, and thus he was willingly to pay with his own life. That was his biggest weakness. Everyone said so.

"Your Excellency, I am sorry because I am about to be blunt with you," Julius said, while taking the nearest seat because the space shuttle was about to depart. "You are preparing to die."

Siegfried's emerald green eyes widened instantly just when he fastened his seatbelt. "I wasn't..." denied the marshal, pretending to cough a bit. This engineer hit the jackpot, he thought to himself.

The engineer kept silent, as if he was trying to add further intense mood to the current atmosphere. So did the marshal. On the other hand the marshal made himself busy by read something via his virtual document reader. Julius let out a cough sound which brought back Siegfried from too indulging into his reading. "Your Excellency called me, but you haven't said anything."

The young marshal unfastened his seat belt and stood up away from his seat. "Do you know the story of the Black Dragon Ring?" He asked the engineer, focusing his emerald green eyes onto the engineer's further reactions. The latter nodded slightly. As expected. No. He must be focusing on this matter too much during his martial study. He must have aimed to enter the Elite Forces upon graduation. Siegfried exhaled a deep breath. "I assume that you are an expert in piloting a Valkyrie."

Julius chuckled. "Your piloting skill is as rumoured. I am old. I am not even on par when I was at your age," he replied. "This mission is too confidential. I.e. indirectly this may claim our lives. The shadow of the Angel of Death could be seen."

The Angel of Death, huh? Siegfried sneered a bit while keeping his eyes on his reading. He hated that topic a bit, because he was not willing to die in such state. Without accomplishment. For his country. However, he had not yet taste the physical scar from the battlefield. One of the things he wrote in his wishlist. "Do you know what you are going to do in this mission?" asked the young marshal, still keeping his eyes on his reading.

The engineer nodded. He then slowly handed the marshal something. Siegfried looked that 'something' in his hand. A small vial contained black mist. Wait... Is that ... Siegfried's eyes caught something glittering in the mist. "That is.... Your vitality gem."

Julius gave his marshal a thumbs up. "Bingo!"

Siegfried said nothing. In his understandings, this black mist is the Kaiser's spell and that vitality gem is crafted from one's heart cell. The cell is then crystallized into a gem. This is somewhat some kind of one's fidelity oath. With this oath, the Kaiser has the ability to sense if one breaks the oath; i.e. the Kaiser may kill one instantly if he senses that betrayal danger. Either, one could have instant brainwash or force memory depletion to remove all his or her memory on the tasks he or she is working on. Both ways are at the mercy of the Kaiser. "I need to go to the bridge," he quickly returned the vial to the engineer and he added before he took his leave. "Don't die. No matter what happens."

Julius nodded. Remained mute as he was, he understood the main characteristic of this young marshal. He hates dying. He hates to see people dying. That may be the main reason why he was not born and bestow with the Power of Sacred Healing.



The whole stadium turned turmoil, and so were the referee and the linesmen. The Imperials' captain, Andros scored a goal by an unintended heading, in the same time his right foot was injured by Johannes' tackle attempt. Johannes had unintentionally hit Andros' ankle, causing a twist to his heel.

"Are you alright?" asked the referee, just at the right time Argyros reached to where Andros was lying in his pain. Andros shook his head, tears fell down to his cheeks, though he was trying not to scream between his pain.

"Andros! I'm sorry! I knew that was coming---"

"Argyros, stop it," replied Andros, while letting his eyes run all over towards Johannes. Some of his teammates gathered around the incident place. He saw his team members were defending him and so did the Rozens. Johannes spoke nothing, letting himself being judged by the atmosphere.

The referee quickly removed Andros' cleat and left him under the paramedic's care. He went towards the commotion caused by both teams. "Stop. I said stop!" He forced himself to cool down the argument. He then took out something out from his left chest pocket and it was what Johannes had expected earlier on. The first one was his second yellow card and instantly he obtained his nightmare; a red card. An absolute order to leave the field and he will miss two consecutive games. His teammates, especially Yuri and Mark Xavier. Both stood up for him, trying their best to change the referee's decision, but they could not do anything since the decision was already finalized. That unintended goal had been confirmed, if not, the Imperials will still be given another chance; a penalty kick.

Argyros could not hold back his tears, though Andros was smiling because he was able to tie his team with the Rozens. "I leave the rest to you," Andros said, giving a thumbs up to his remaining teammates and handed Argyros his captain armband as he was carried out from the field with the help from the paramedic team. Argyros nodded, putting the captain armband on his left arm and decided to end this game with the Imperials' victory. Andros, this may be our last game and so I want to win this game so that when we are to leave this team, even though both of us do not get a chance to make our dreams come true, at least all the people here will remember our names which turn around this game into our favour. I will repay my irresponsible act with my own punishment acceptance. I am screwed. I am at fault. I have injured you. And this time, I am sure the Imperial Majesty and my strong headed father would not forgive me. Argyros' decision was firm. As strong as a wall of concrete.


The game resumed with a goal kick by the Rozen's goalkeeper. Andros' position was replaced by a substitute player, Ian Lee Meyer. Ian Lee was the best substitute player the Imperials had. He played the same position as Andros, and he was a good finishing scorer. Unlike Andros, he wanted to score a goal all by himself without the assistance by him teammates, which sometimes lead to failure attempts.

The Imperials' coach, Mr. Francis Lahm and several substitute players were cautious when the paramedics who were carrying Andros on the stretcher. "We'll send you to the hospital right away, okay?" said Francis, combing his captain's hair with his bare hand.

Andros shook his head. "Please don't." He sounded as if he was begging. "Coach, please don't. My benefactor father will definitely kill me." Francis and the other players seemed having trouble to consume what Andros had just say. Nobody knew Andros was the crown prince, was the first in the line of succession to the throne of the Orseddfawr Dynasty, their future Kaiser.

"Andros, you can't do this to yourself. If you don't get a proper treatment immediately, you will have to say goodbye to your soccer career." advised the coach. He knew Andros was a stubborn type; and sometimes he acted arrogantly. "You have that potential to become a national level player. Andros, listen to me..."

"Don't force me, Coach!" Andros quickly sat up and wanted to get down from the stretcher but his action was held back by paramedics. "Let me go!" Andros forced a resistance towards them. "Let me go!"

"Calm down. We'll treat your foot first, okay?" said a paramedic to the sick captain.

Andros nodded. "Just don't take me to the hospital, and I promise that I will stay quiet." He replied bluntly. His red eyes glanced over the clock which was just right above the scoreboard. Thirty minutes more before this game ends, and both teams are without their respective captains. The main playmaker. However, we outnumbered them by one player, this should make our chance to win even closer and clearer. He alleged that assumption to himself. His mind thinking was disturbed, as he cried in pain.

"Mr. Paramedics, how is he? Does he experience any severe injury?" Mr. Francis Lahm inquired. He was of course, worried about his players, since everyone was not being obedient. Young teenagers are like that, ran wild and curious about everything. While having the thought of "I am grown up already, so stop treating me like a child", yet they are still immature and require attentions from their close ones.

"This looks bad, Mr. Lahm. Aside from instep injury he sustains, I am afraid he might have another injury, far worse than this instep." The paramedic responded, in monotone voice. "This is my assumption, though.. .I am afraid he is experiencing Archilles Tendon tear. He needs to undergo an orthopedic examination to double confirm whether this tendon is partially or completely tear."

Andros gulped. His heart beats palpitated heavily. He was not afraid of this pain, nonetheless his strict father was the reason why he had such feeling stirring in his mind. "Can I walk?" he asked the paramedics, in case if he was okay to walk, then the punishment that awaited him could not be any severe.

"We'll see after that, okay? Temporarily we are trying to subdue your swollen foot. Don't worry, we have crutches ready or a wheelchair to aid you later on."

Andros okayed it. He just hoped that without crutches or wheelchair, he still could walk back to the palace. He still put up that high hope, as he knew if he didn't, he will be treated as the national criminal by his father. 

Foot Note: I lost my chapter recently. So I have to rewrite. 😭😭

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