Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbi...

By sarahk1514

29.8K 643 146

"I don't understand..." Wendy said, "I thought I was your prisoner." "Wendy, how could you not have known t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

1.1K 21 7
By sarahk1514

Wendy exited her new tent and saw all the boys in a circle, laughing and throwing some of their dinner at one another. As she walked towards them, she noticed Peter sitting on a log at a distance, eating by himself. He made eye contact with her and she gave him another one of her fake smiles. He rolled his eyes and continued to focus on the dinner on his lap. 

"Wendy!" Alfie screamed over the boys shouting and laughing with one another, "Come sit next to me!"

Wendy smiled and made her way over to the rowdy group of boys and took a seat. She looked in the middle of the group and noticed that most of the food was gone. As much as she would like to convince herself she wasn't hungry, her grumbling stomach was evidence enough that she would be lying. 

She felt a small nudge on her arm and turned to the smiling boy who held a plate of food in front of her.

"I made sure nothing touched each other. See?"

Wendy laughed, "Thank you very much, Alfie."

"You're welcome, Mother."

Wendy still was not used to that being her new title.

"Don't think I'll be calling you mother." George stared daggers in Wendy's direction.

Wendy smiled, "You can call me anything you want to, George."

"How about crazy fur ball?"

Some of the boys roared with laughter. Wendy blushed as she realized her hair was a huge frizzy fur ball. As she felt anger creeping up on her, she replied, "Alright, only if I get to call you dirty rubbish."

Every single one of the boys rolled around with laughter. Wendy even thought she saw Peter smirk a little. George, however, was not happy with Wendy's response.

"Why don't you go back where you came from? Oh wait, that's right. You're not wanted there."

Wendy's smile quickly started to fade.

"George, why don't you stop-" Timothy tried to intervene, but George interrupted him.

"But, here you are. Still in Neverland with no place to go because you're not wanted. Well guess what?"

"George-" Timothy protested

"Shut up Timothy!" George shouted. He walked over to Wendy and kicked her plate out of her hand. She gasped as the tin plate flew to the group along with all the food on it. "No one wants you in Neverland either."

"Hey!" Alfie started to stand up but George pushed him down.

"How does it feel, Wendy? To be so unwanted everywhere you go? I bet you feel so worthl-"

Suddenly, George was thrown back and hit a tree behind him. Wendy gasped as all the boys kept their heads down. In an instant, Peter was standing in front of George and picked him up by his shirt collar.

"You are not going to speak to her that way," Pan said in a menacing voice, "Do you understand?"

George nodded as he was so terrified he couldn't form any words to respond. Peter let him fall to the ground as George ran into the forest terrified. Peter turned and made eye contact with Wendy, who was in shock. Why would Peter do that for her? Wendy got up and ran through the woods. She felt tears forming in her eyes as she ran. George was right. She was unwanted everywhere she went. Her parents gave her away. She was forced to leave the farm. And now here, no one wanted her. The only reason she was staying was because Pan was convinced that she had magic, which was the only reason the fairies wanted her, and they made her leave too. Where did she belong? If not here and not back in England, then where? She collapsed to the ground by a small lagoon and sobbed. Everything that had happened since she arrived just hit her all at once. She felt hopeless and alone. This must have been how my brothers felt, she thought to herself, sitting here on this island alone and afraid and just hoping their sister would come and help them...and I never did. She continued to sob, feeling sorry for her brothers and thinking of how awful of a sister she was, until she heard a voice.

"Miss, why are you crying?'

Wendy jumped up and saw a beautiful woman in the water. She wiped her eyes quickly and smiled at her. "I'm fine. I'm sorry."

The woman looked up at her with a smile. It was hard for Wendy to make out what she looked like since the sun was setting, but she could see that she had long brown hair and was incredibly beautiful. She looked like someone Wendy had never seen before.

"My name is Alana." The woman said with a sweet, angelic voice. 

"My name is Wendy." 

"Come sit by me." Wendy did as she was told, almost memorized by this woman.

"Peter told me that there are no other girls in Neverland." Wendy said.

The woman laughed, "Well, I am not exactly a girl." Wendy heard a splash and saw a blue tale appear from behind the woman. 

"You're a mermaid!" Wendy gasped with amazement.

Alana laughed, "Yes, I am."

"I-I've never met a mermaid. I mean, I've read about them in stories but I...oh my gosh, I'm talking to a real life mermaid!" Wendy squealed as she examined the beautiful creature.

Alana laughed in a sing-song, almost perfect way. "Wendy, would you like to be a mermaid?"

"I've only ever dreamed about it for all my life." Wendy said excitedly. 

Alana swam up closer to her, "I could teach you. I could help you become a mermaid."

"You...you can't be serious. Can you really?"

Alana nodded, "All you have to do...is come into the water."

Alana slowly grabbed Wendy's hand and went to put it in the water. Wendy allowed her to do so, feeling like she was in some kind of trance.

"Get away from her. She's not coming with you!" 

Wendy was suddenly in Peter's arms as he held her away from the water. Alana's beauty faded away into a hideous sea creature as she shrieked at Peter and dove away farther into the lagoon. Wendy watched Alana swim farther away until she made eye contact with Peter. Their eyes locked on to one another, with their faces only inches apart. Wendy never realized how incredibly striking his bright green eyes were. Suddenly, she was pushed to the ground. She huffed and looked up at him with annoyance.

"I'm sick of you always pushing me to the ground!" She exclaimed.

"Well, maybe if I didn't have to save you every five seconds, I wouldn't have to push you."

"Okay, but still-"

"What were you thinking? You should know not to go with the mermaids. They're dangerous!"

"I didn't know that! I thought...I don't know what I was thinking. I-"

"Never come here alone again. Do you understand?"

Wendy sighed, "Yes, I understand."

Peter let out a sigh himself and made his way back into the woods.

"Thank you."

Peter stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned to Wendy.

"What did you say?"

A fearful look came over Wendy's face, "I-I was just saying thank you...for saving my life."

Peter's heart dropped. He hadn't been shown true respect from Wendy since she arrived. He also hadn't been thanked for anything for as long as he could remember. This girl really was kind. Kinder than anyone else he had ever met. She didn't belong on this island, not with him and his boys, but he knew he had to find out what sort of magic was in her.

"We'll walk back to camp together." Peter said.

"Oh, no it's okay. I think it's quicker if I-"

"That wasn't a suggestion."

Wendy went silent then suddenly nodded. She walked up to Peter's side as he led the way back to camp. They walked in silence in the dark forest for quite a while until Wendy finally broke the silence.

"Why did you defend me at dinner?"

Peter said nothing. Wendy sighed and continued to walk alongside him back to the camp.

"I'm the only one who's allowed to talk to you that way." Peter finally answered, "He should respect his mother figure."

Wendy looked up at him, "Well, I don't really like when you talk that way to me either."

"Well, I don't really care."

"Well, alright." Wendy huffed as she continued her way through the woods. It was getting harder to see since the sun went down. Wendy tripped over a tree root and Peter quickly caught her by the arm. They made eye contact again, but she could see worry on his face. He was worried she was going to get hurt. Somehow, as if Peter could read her mind, he scoffed and released her arm. She fell to the dirt ground and winced.

"I told you to stop doing that!" She stood up and wiped the dirt off her clothes. She suddenly saw that Peter was not around. 


She was alone. He left her in the woods.

"Well, great. I guess I'll just find my-"

Red suddenly flashed in the sky in between the trees. Wendy gasped as she tried to find her way back to camp. What was going on? Suddenly, she heard the boys yelling. She followed the voices  until she was at the beach. All the Lost Boys were screaming and yelling, running towards the water, holding bow and arrows and swords. Wendy was traumatized by the scene in front of her. Suddenly, men rushed from the ocean, swords at the ready, running towards the boys. The Lost Boys. Her boys.

"Boys, no!" She screamed as she raced towards them. A cannonball suddenly crashed behind her, causing her to fly up into the air and fall onto her face in the sand. She winced in pain as she looked up to the scene in front of her. Her vision was blurry, but she could see a small figure running towards the scary looking men.

"Alfie no!"

Wendy quickly stumbled up and ran towards him. She grabbed him in her arms and threw down the sword he was holding. She ran into the woods with him as she tried to find a place to hide.

"Put me down! Mother! I want to fight!"

She set him to his feet on the forest ground, "What were you thinking? You can't be out fighting with them! You could get killed!"

"But, Mother, I-"

"What would I do if something were to happen to you, Alfie?"

Seeing how upset she was, Alfie wrapped his tiny arms around her neck as she embraced him. He quickly released her and an idea appeared in his head.

"I know where we can go! Follow me!"

He ran back towards the beach and stopped beside a tree. He pulled down on a rope that released a ladder. He quickly made his way up and Wendy followed. As they got to the top, they could see the entire battle going on.

"This is our lookout. We can see what happens from up here!" Alfie was jumping and pretending to be slashing a sword as the battle took place.

"Alfie, who are these people?"

"They're pirates!"


"Not just any pirates! It's Hook!" Alfie exclaimed with his pointer finger curved in the shape of a hook.


"Captain Hook! The most evil pirate that ever sailed the seas! He's Pan's worst enemy!"

Wendy glanced down at the battle between the boys and the pirates, trying to pick out which ones were there and if they were okay. She saw Evan, then George, Daniel, then Ryan. She spotted Timothy fighting a pirate much larger than him, and he was losing. Worriedly, she kept an eye on him. The pirate swung at Timothy and cut his arm then pushed him to the ground. 

"Alfie, stay up here!"

"Wendy, what-"

"DO NOT LEAVE THIS SPOT!" Wendy angrily ordered. 

She made her way down the tree towards the beach where Timothy was. The pirate was swinging his sword down at Timothy who was struggling to survive on his back. Quickly, Wendy rushed to his side and grabbed the sword out of Timothy's uninjured hand. 

"Leave him alone!" She said as she pointed the sword at the large pirate.

"Wendy, no!" Timothy winced as he tried to stop her.

The pirate laughed in her face, "Aww look, Peter Pan has a little girly on his side now. How adorable. Well, in my opinion, he has one girl too many."

The pirate swung his sword at Wendy as she guarded herself and gasped. "I'm in a sword fight" she thought to herself "I'm in an actual sword fight with an actual pira-" 

Her thoughts were interrupted when the pirate lunged again and Wendy continued to fight back. Suddenly, the pirate hit the sword out of Wendy's hand as she screamed. "That didn't go as well as I wanted to." 

The pirate laughed to himself as he started to come towards her with his sword. She quickly backed away until she was right by a bleeding Timothy again.

"Now you and the little boy will both die."

As he held his sword up ready to strike, Wendy, as if by instinct, held both her hands up in defense. A shooting ball of light shot at the pirate, sending him back all the way towards the ocean. The battle had suddenly gone quiet. Wendy looked to each of the boys, shocked at what had just happened. Her eyes then fell to Peter, who's hands were still glowing green from his magic since he was in the middle of a fight. The man who Peter was fighting looked at her in shock. That must have been Hook. She panted as she looked down at her hands, shocked that she had just done that to someone. All this time, everyone was right. She had powers. 

She really did possess magic.

As she looked up to the pirates running up to the man she had just attacked, her head felt light. She turned to look at Timothy and then, everything went black.


Tried to make this chapter a little bit longer since I haven't updated in a while (sorry about that)

Anyway, I'm gonna try my best to update more since its summer and I have a lot of free time!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please like and comment if you wanna ;)

Much love, 

Sarah K

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