Alan Walker Saved Me

By Walker_5004

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#2 in Alan Walker Your brother is a security guard in a nightclub in Dublin (Ireland) He gets you a backsta... More

Authers Notes/ Backstory
1. Best Brother Ever
2. Getting Ready
3. Did That Just Happen??
4. Blackout
5. Alan's POV
6. Family Secrets
7. Robbie's POV
8. Pizza Girl
9. Wakeing Up
10.Alan Walker's in my hospital room
11. Talks
Authors note
12. Alans POV
13. Phone Call
14. Restaurant
15. Heading Home
16. VIP list pt1
17.VIP List pt 2
New Characters
18. Getting Ready 2
19. Meeting The Team
20. First Kiss??
21. Need To Talk
22. Opening Up
23.Nice Calvin's
24. Gossip
25. New song
27. Video Call
28. GBF
29.Kicked Out
30. meeting
31. Lies
32.Gavin James
33. Back to Ireland
34. Pancakes
35. Music Video??
36. Confession
37. Welcome to Bergen
38. Meeting the family
40. Skate Park
41. Instagram recents
42. Making Friends
43. Tired
44. After Party
46. Heading Home 2
47. Instagram recents 2
Life Update

45. Warnings

1K 46 77
By Walker_5004

Alan's POV

Robbie lead me outside to the balcony area before turning to me with a serious expression "Soooo... I know I can be an arsehole at times but I actually really like you for Dannii. I mean you clearly care about her and look after her, a blind man could see that you make her extremely happy. So I'm just gonna keep this short ok??" He explained and I nodded my head signaling for him to continue.

"Ok well first of all if I ever have to witness the two of you kissing again I'm gonna vomit all over both of you" he said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I understand that, if I saw my brother or sister kissing someone I'd want to vomit too" I said and he nodded.

"Second of all no being all cringy or touchy feely around me... That'll also make me vomit all over you two" he said and I nodded in agreement.

"Third of all. When we're on tour you two will have separate hotel rooms. If I catch you two sleeping together I will personally kick your arse so hard my foot will come out your mouth" he threatened.

"That's descriptive" I frowned and he glared at me.

"Fourth of all if you ever, EVER hurt her or force her to do anything she's not comfortable with doing I swear I will break every bone in your body" he said with a glare. If someone normally threatened me like this I wouldn't take it and I'd punch them in the face. But considering Dannii's past and especially her past relationship I can understand why Robbie would be this aggressive and protective.

"Robbie I understand your concern but I would never hurt Dannii or force her to do anything she's not comfortable with but if I ever did do any of those things then I would deserve to have every bone in my body broken" I said truthfully. All I ever want to do is protect, love and care for Dannii I would never ever do anything to hurt her.

"I trust you not to do any of those things but there's no harm in warning you of what will happen if you did do any of those things" he said with a smug grin. "Anyway, last of all you better keep looking after, careing for, and making her happy like you've already been doing" he said in a serious tone.

"All I ever want for Dannii is to be happy" I said truthfully. Her happiness means everything to me.

"That's all I want for her too. So if you keep her happy we'll be good friends" he said and I nodded in agreement.

"You don't need to worry about me Robbie. I'm not like her ex I'll never hurt her like he did" I said my anger rising slightly.

"I know your not like him but I just don't want to see Dannii get hurt again.... Physically or mentally" he sighed.

"She won't be hurt again. Trust me" I said while putting my hand on his shoulder.

He turned to me and smiled. "you know she's hard work right??" He said in a more light-hearted tone

"I'm willing to put in that hard work" I said with a chuckle.

"Good" he said with a smile before he shivered

"It's getting cold we should probably get back inside" he said as he turned on his heel to walk inside.

"Well yeah you are in Norway. It's not exactly on the equater now is it??" I said and Robbie chuckled.

"I see you've picked up some of Dannii's sarcasm"

"It seems I have" I said as I thought about it. I really am picking up on her sarcasm aren't I??

Once I went back inside Dannii made her way over to me "he wasn't being an arsehole was he??" She asked as she glared at Robbie.

"No I wasn't" Robbie interrupted before I had a chance to reply "I just set down the ground rules for dateing my little sister" Robbie said smugly as he messed up Dannii's hair before walking off.

Dannii then sighed in annoyance before turning back to me "please tell me he didn't say anything embarrassing?? Or overreact??"

I gently wrapped my arms around her "don't worry baby girl, he was actually pretty calm and his rules are pretty reasonable" I reassured her but she frowned at me.

"What are the rules??" She asked

"I've not to be kissing you or be cringy with you while he's around and we're not allowed sleep in the same room" I said and her face saddened.

"But I don't feel comfortable sleeping by myself. I told you last night that I get anxious sleeping in other peoples houses. Like even when I stay in Abbie's house my anxiety is a mess" she pleaded and I gave her I gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry baby, Robbie's staying with Gunnar tonight so he won't know" I said gently. I don't really want to make Robbie angry but I also can't have Dannii being uncomfortable.

Before Dannii replied, Andreas walked towards us. "Alan how are we getting home?? You've been drinking you can't drive"

"You know Andy there's these things called taxi's and you pay them to bring you places" I said in a flat tone and Dannii gently slapped my arm.

"Don't be mean to your brother" she said with a frown.

Andy then put his arm around Dannii "I like her Alan you've good taste in girls" he said and Dannii chuckled.

"Yeah I know I do" I said proudly and I noticed Dannii blushing a little. "I'll order us all taxis soon I just need to go say goodbye to the last few guests first"

"Ok me and Camilla will be sitting over there" Andy said as he pointed at some couches in the corner that were around a fire. "Dannii you can come sit with us too if you like, unless you wanna go with Alan and say goodbye to lots of people you don't know" he said while shrugging.

"Yeah I think I'll chill with you and Camilla. I don't think my anxiety could handle that meny people.   Sorry Alan" she said with a nervous chuckle.

I gave her a reassuring smile before I walked off to say goodbye to the last few guests, well most of them weren't actually my guests they were mostly my close friends. Most of the guests had left about a half an hour ago.

I walked over to a group of my friends that where getting ready to leave since it was about 2AM. Once I gave them all hugs and thanked them for coming they then congratulated me on the new song before heading outside to get their taxis.

At this stage theres only me, Dannii, Camilla, Andreas, Nat, James, Robbie and Gunnar left. I took out my phone and ordered a taxi for Gunnar, Nat and Robbie to go to Gunnar's house and a large taxi for the rest of us to go back to my house.

Once I ordered the taxis I made my way over to Camilla, Andreas and Dannii. I noticed James was passed out on the floor. "is he ok??" I asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah he's fine. That's just what happens when he drinks vodka" Dannii said as if it was the most normal thing in the world for her best friend to be passed out on the floor..... Actually come to think of it their Irish.... It probably is the most normal thing in the world.

"If he gets sick I am not cleaning that up" I said and Dannii chuckled.

"ohh no don't worry he won't get sick. He'll just sleep until morning and then wake up with a hangover." Dannii said with a chuckle "the hangover is what you need to worry about.... He won't shut up moaning".

"That's just great... He's staying in my room" Andreas said grumpily.

"I'm so sorry your gonna have to deal with that mess" Dannii said to Andreas as she glared down at a passed out James on the floor.

"It'll be fine. I have earphones" Andreas said as he took out his earphones from his pocket and plugged them into his phone.

Nat then came over to us "hay guys the taxis are here" he said as his eyes suddenly trailed down to James.

"I guess I'll put him in the taxi for you" Nat said as he picked James up and walked towards the lift.

We all followed Nat to the lift and left the nightclub. It wasn't until now that I noticed how tired Dannii was. She looked so sleepy I felt bad for keeping her out this late. I gently slid my hand into hers and held on tightly but not tight enough to hurt her. I also noticed how she blushed as I did that. She's just adoreable.

Once we went outside of the nightclub I noticed Dannii shivering. She's not used to the severe cold weather in Norway and it doesn't really help that her dress is short..... Not that I'm complaining though, the dress really emphasizes all of her curves and fuck... Dannii has the body of a godess.

I didn't have a hoodie or coat with me so in attempt to keep her warm I wrapped myself around her until we got into the taxi. Once Dannii was in the taxi I was about to get in and sit beside her but I heard Robbie call my name.

I turned my head to see Robbie shout out the window from the other taxi. "Remember what I said earlier Alan" he said in a slightly warning tone.

I had to force myself not to roll my eyes "ja Robbie, I remember" I said before getting into the taxi. Once we we're all in Camilla had told the driver where to go and he started up the car and headed towards our home.


Once we got home I paid the taxi driver and woke Dannii up since she fell asleep on me in the taxi. I also woke James up too since he was still passed out.

"Ughhhh where am I??" He asked in a confused state.

"Your back at my place" I said as he got out of the taxi. He was still drunk and found it hard to walk so Dannii helped him walk.

"Dannii... Your such a great friend you know that" he stuttered.

"Ohh I fucking know I am" Dannii said in a cocky tone which made me chuckle. She can be so sweet and innocent at times an then other times she's confident and sassy as fuck.

Once I got into my house Dannii and Andreas brought James up to bed since he was a mess.

Shortly after that Dannii came back down the stairs and chuckled. "sorry about James. He can't hack the sesh" she said and I gave her a confused look.

"He can't what the what??" I asked and she got a little nervous.

"Ohh umm....I'm sorry... He.. um... Can't handle.. his drink.... In Ireland we say can't hack for when people can't handle something. For example I can't hack school because the people are shite. And the sesh... Or a sesh... Is short for session.... Which basically means going out for drinks.... Um... If someone's having a party their having a sesh" she explained and I gave her a reasurring smile.

"Sooooo.... I basically had a sesh tonight??" I said and she chuckled

"Yeah.... And a fucking good one" she said with a smile.

"I aim to please" I said proudly.

Dannii then yawned and stretched out her arms.  "Sleepy??" I asked and she nodded her head. 

I made my way over to her and brought her into my embrace before gently kissing the top of her head.

"Come on" I said while pulling away from her and gently holding her hand leading her up to my room. 

Once we where in my room I walked over to my wardrobe to take out some tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt to sleep in   I also took out an oversized hoodie for Dannii in case she got cold from the Norweigian weather.  I don't think her extermely short shorts and t-shirt she had as pyjamas are warm enough for her.   Although I'm not complaining about the shorts, they do give me a nice view. 

And speaking of nice views once I closed my wardrobe I saw Dannii's reflection from across the room in the mirror that was on my wardrobe door. She was facing the wall with her back to me and I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before.  She had a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, the tattoo was red and it said 'player 2'.

(Obviously just pretend the player 2  tattoo is on her shoulder not her wrist)

I was kinda shocked. I knew Dannii had a PlayStation but I didn't think she was enough of a gamer to get a tattoo.  Although I felt my curiosity grow as I wondered who she had gotten the tattoo with??. Who was 'player 1'?? I felt anger build up in the pit of my stomach. Was it that pathetic excuse of a human, her ex?? Or maybe it was Abbie?? James maybe??  Before my thoughts got too much I subconsciously trailed my eyes down as Dannii put on her really short shorts.

I forced myself to look away.  I didn't want her to think I was being a creep but fuck, she had a perfect ass. The way her shorts perfectly defined it. The shape of it. It went with her perfectly shaped body. And her perfect smile.  It's just her... She's perfect.. 

"Al??" Dannii said as I turned around and gave her a confused look. While I was looking away and getting lost in my thoughts about how perfect she is I didn't hear her walk towards me.  

"Awhhh you giving me nicknames now?? That's cute" I said with a chuckle and she blushed slightly. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mea--" before she had a chance to finish I pulled her into a hug.

"Stop worrying baby I like the nickname" I said reasurringly as she snuggled herself into my chest before imediatly pulling away. 

"Shit did I get makeup on you??" She asked in a panic as she scanned over my shirt that I was wearing

"Dannii you know I do own a washing machine right??" I said sarcastically and she frowned at me. 

"Your turning into me with all the sarcasm" she said with a glare while I grinned at her. 

"And your turning into me with your cockyness" I said as she blushed and looked away slightly.

"Umm... Anyway I gotta go and brush my teeth and remove my face" she said casually as she turned to leave my room.   

"Remove your face?? That sounds fun" I said with a chuckle.  I knew what she meant by it.  She was going to remove her makeup but I couldn't help but laugh at the comment.

"It's great fun" she said with a chuckle as she walked into my ensuit bathroom and started to remove her 'face' as she said.

While she was in there I got changed and walked over to my bed to sit down while waiting for Dannii to finish. Once she did she came straight over and crawled into bed beside me. I automatically wrapped my arms around her as she lay her head on my chest. She must be really tired I'm such an idiot for keeping her up so late, she's exausted.

As she lay there on my chest while I gently ran my fingers through her hair. She lightly began to shiver at the cold. I gently lifted up her head. "baby your cold" I said with a frown as she groaned and buried her face further into my chest. 

I really didn't wanna force her to get up but I can't have her being cold, she won't get a good night sleep if she's cold and considering she's flying back to Ireland tomorrow I need to make sure she has a nice sleep. 

I slowly lifted her up off my chest and got out of bed to get the hoodie that I had left on the other side of the room. Dannii was not impressed that I had gotten up and left her but it was for her own comfort that I done it.

"Here nydelig put this on" I said as I handed her the hoodie. She groaned but took it anyway and put it on her and once I got back into bed she basically wrapped herself around me so tight that I wouldn't get up and leave her again.  She's adoreable.

Shortly after that Dannii had fallen fast asleep. I didn't sleep for a while after her since I wanted to cherish the moment I had her here in my arms since she's flying back to Ireland tomorrow and I won't get to see her again until the summer tour next month.

It killed me to think about that.  I mean I know I've only known her for a short period of time.  But in that short period of time I feel like I've finally found someone who I actually connect with.  Someone who I can call my own and protect them from all the things that upset them.  Someone who makes me truely happy.... Someone who I love...


Hayyy Walker's 😘 sorry I'm being extremely slow at updating my life's a mess right now 😅😅.

So on 9th of March 2018 I saw Alan live in concert in Manchester 😍😍😍 he came down to the audience at the end of the show and touched my right hand 😱😱😱 I'm soooo happy he was soooo amazing. If any of you guys are friends with me on Snapchat you'd have seen the videos from that night it was truely amazing I'm so lucky. 

Anyyywayyyy don't forget to vote and leave some asks for me to answer  I hope you enjoy this update❤️❤️

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