Percy Jackson Wolf Of The Hun...

By HydraMinos

43.7K 841 352

Written in: 2017 The Gods think he's dead, his soul roaming the universe in vast void, they think they killed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 24 NEW BOOK?

chapter 23

1.4K 30 9
By HydraMinos

Zane Pov
I gripped Malcolm's hand in fear as did he to the sight I saw, my once, nagosionable, tolerate able friend clawing and hissing at us, I knew it wasn't him.
It couldn't be.
I'd seen him mad, when he killed me i was to oblivious to feel the hate flaring to me, becoming me to death.
Percy hissed again as Lycoan finally answered the question I thought was dreading,

"I wish to settle this in fair play, a fight I prosume would be suitable for a wolf of your status." Lycoan muttered proudly obviously trying to act macho, strong and determined.
The unusually large wolf gave out what seemed like a chuckle through it razor white teeth

"You? A mere mongrel against me? My dear host may have gone easy but I dare not give you chance." She sneered pacing the Bars, Lord Poseidon pulled me and Malcolm behind his shoulder protectively against the monster which was once his son, tears pricked his eyes as his teeth gritted with a sign of dare, Malcolm gripped my hand harder as Lycoan nodded

"I accept the challenge, now it shall be between us, us only." Lycoan warned putting a hand to Poseidon who handed him the key to the cell
The wolf grinned devishly and trotted to the gate
However, Lycoan turned to us and gave us the 'watch out' look before he slotted in the key and opened it, the wolf lunged out almost emediatlly egnoreing the fact the wall was infront of her and rammed into it head on, she snarled at Lycoan and leapt at him teeth veered which he easily dodged and shifted to his own wolf, a dark grey colour with a tiny hint of black, yellow eyes and sharp claws, Poseidon teleported us to the opposite side of the room as Lycoan tackled the wolf full force onto its thick neck and held on tightly with black goo slithering through his fur, the monster merely giggled with glee wrapping it's paws around his body and pinned him down, Lycoan attempted to kick the female off of him but failed as the wolf chomped hard into his neck causing an agonizing yelp to escape his lips, his paws sprawled out I'm shock and for a near moment I thought she'd killed him, in a single bite.
But no.
He still lived, she shoke him around before throwing his ragged body outside into the now wet grass beyond the shelter of the Cabin, the rain we barely noticed arrive beat harshly against the floor blocking out the loud yet weak words from the creatures lips, the mist clouded our vision as the wolf stalked to the limp body of Lycoan.
It's voice sweet yet sour.
It's rythm smooth yet rough.

"Heha pathetic! You dare challenge me without the decency to even battle" her voice was loud to my ears powering over the splattering rain as we saw he clasp her jaws around his fur blooded head daring to chew it off, his yellow eyes were dim, and claws dull
"Why don't we spice things up, how about a rematch, but this time. If you win I will gladly let you and your puny friends live peacefully, BUT if I win, you give me your tittle, your power your pack AND my pups." She offers, Lycoan was slow to react and glances to us through the falling rain, I wasn't sure what he was thinking or wanting us to say, but his face held no emotion I could describe, just...blank.

"F-Fine. I wish for a rematch." Lycoan muttered barely audible through the storm coming overhead, The monster let him go and trotted a few yards away from him before turning around to him



The monster snaps at one side to the next forcing the elderly wolf back.

The storm grew stronger.

Their eyes stayed focused onto each others movements. Lycoan ran around her large body leaping onto her back and dug his fangs into her neck, she whimpers slightly but kicked forward sending him flying through the air onto the wet mud, the monster took not time in waiting for her opponent to collect his barrings and lundges forward at him with a howl of victory but Lycoan thought ahead and jumped aside snapping at her stomach casing a clean cut, it did little effect and the monster spun around bringing it's teeth up into the air threateningly

Thunder clattered

The storms brewed

As she braught her fangd barreling down to his small body determined to slice through his spine but was met with the dirty mud floor, Lycoan had yet again jumped aside but instead of fleeing he chomped hard into her skull causing black goo to burst out, the monster cried in pain and yanked it's teeth from the ground snapping them to Lycoan in hate

"You f#'@£@'3 MUTT!" Suddenly she twisted awkwardly and bites into his chest throwing him into a nearby tree almost shattering his spine
"I'll teach you who's the boss here DOG!"
The monster pounces onto him biting into his shoulder blade of which he retaliated with a vicious attack to her paw, she yelped removing her jaw from his back and aimed at his head. Lycoan refused to retreat and let go, only until she opened her jaw wide enough to swallow him but had him whip away just in time causing her to bite down upon her own paw, she cries out in agony emediatlly letting go and jumped away coressing her injured paw which began to mold over, she whimpers and snarled at Lycoan who limped away from her in fear of her last final attack, the rain intensified as her roars of rage rung through the air

"Damn you! Damn you all to Tartarus to rot in a molding cell, mark my words you fiend, broil shall cease your very existence for as long as I live! Non shall rest. Non shall sleep peacefully." She yelled and screamed at us until the venom of her own bite began to take effect, her face began to melt, her eyes going dim and her voice evaporating into the empty obyss of death, to no afterlife, I began to cry, I couldn't save the very person I wanted back, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have pushed him away, stole his girl, stole his life-

I was shaking rappidly, tears flowing freely from my puffy eyes as Poseidon gently rubbed my back,

"It's okay boy, it isn't your fault." The lord mumbled to me, although I could clearly heard the pain in his croaky voice, he seemed angry, angry at whom I cease to know as Lycoan staggered to us

"She has been defeated, Percy's soul should return to his eternal resting place." Lycoan announced looking up at us

"W-where is he...going!" I ask weakly through the odd sniffles as a wide smile creased his wolf face

"Why Elysium of course! pure, peacefull Paradise."


Ok, this is it. Da REAL end,I hope all of you enjoyed this book as much as I hope and I'd like to thank

Hello_Fellow_Writers for making me see value in this book and continue going

For being ALSOLUTE BEST of making me happy

StevenBruce12345 (go check him out and subscribe)

For voting, reading and making this book happen




Date: 23/01/18

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