Brown Sugar

By BrittanyJanae

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Love is a big part of every story but Brooklyn breaks barriers in exploring all facets of what college life c... More

1. Caroline
2. Hip Hopper
3. Work It Out
4. Won't Turn It Down
5. The Party & The After-party
7. Pop It For Pimp
8. Plain Jane
9. Not Gone Cry
10. Broken Clocks
11. Be Careful
12. One Me
13. I'm Good Luv, Enjoy
14. Realer
15. Never Call Me
16. Late At Night

6. In The Morning

82 2 0
By BrittanyJanae


Any other morning I would wake up to the sun blinding me from the window, but not this morning. This morning the room was dark, the blinds were open and the curtains weren't drawn but the sky was still dark. Not midnight dark but the darkness before a major storm. What was more unusual than the sun not shining this morning was that Booby was sound asleep. He would usually be awake, making coffee and breakfast, finishing work for school, or playing the damn game. For a while I just watched his chest rise and fall and listened to his soft snore. This was such a rare moment for me, so I chose to enjoy it while it lasted.

I soon got bored with being up alone and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and disconnected the charger. The home screen revealed 3 text messages and 2 missed calls from Melanie. I checked the 2 texts from Melanie first then the other text from Damon.

I peeled back the covers careful not to wake up Booby, climbed out of bed, and went to the closet to find a quick outfit to put on to go across the hall. Simultaneously, I dialed Mel's number and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Hey whore, how was the sex last night? A few people were talking about what you said to Willow last night and after I heard what you said, I know you got some after y'all left." Mel rambled after picking up the phone on the second ring.

"Quite exceptional if you must know. How was yours because I know that when you and G..." I trailed off as I rambled in the medicine cabinet for the bottle of Excedrin.

"Nothing happened Brook, I actually watched Harmony for you.....until-" She muttered the end of her sentence as quiet as possible but unfortunately for her I still heard what she said.

"Until what Melanie?" I found the Excedrin and popped two then washed it down with a gulp of water from the sink. I put the rest aside for Booby because I know how his hangovers torture him, as for me I have to take precautions so my hangover won't sneak up on me.

"She left with Aundrus this morning and I haven't seen her since 7AM." Her words came out rapidly and so did my worry for my friend's safety.

"Are you fucking serious Mel? I told you-"

"Yes yes but you also told him, so technically she's still in good hands right?" I shook my head and left the bathroom after looking at myself one last time.

As I reached the living room, it appeared even darker than the bedroom. I was almost scared to go outside but I risked it all anyways and grabbed my keys, leaving the apartment and locking the door behind me.

"Mel, call Aundrus and Harmony. Ask them where they are, and ask around the house to see if anyone knows where they could've went. All I know is she better be found by the time I call you back, got it?" She groaned then confirmed the plan and hung up the phone. My mind wandered as I crossed the hall and knocked on Damon's door. What the hell would he want with me early this morning? Why didn't he just come over himself? Is Booby gonna be okay with me being over here alone? Will-

"Hey, come in." He smiled, swinging the door open wider so I could enter. I've been to Damon's place plenty of times and it's never dirty, regardless of the various parties that he throws and the wild sex he has throughout the entire house.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked taking a seat on his leather sofa, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"I have a huuuuuuuge favor to ask..." He sighed and took a seat next to me. His next move was looking into my eyes with his glistening ones.

"What is it?" I asked taking his face in my hands and squishing his cheeks.

"First, let go of my face. Second, I need to crash with you for like...a week." He said as hopeful as possible that I would agree.

"D, I don't know about that. You know the situation with my mom and-"

"I know I know I know but think about it," he interrupted me and began frantically trying to persuade me to say yes, "I could just tell your mom if she happens to pop up, that I live across the hall aaaannnd and and and, I only spent the night because of the robberies that have been going on."

"What robberies Damon?" I laughed, shaking my head at his animated behavior.

"Hell Brooklyn, the fake ones. She doesn't know what goes on around here 24/7." He argued, justifying that his plan was solid.

"What do you need to stay at my place for anyways?" I asked, still not ready to give him the three letter word he was looking for.

"My ex is in town...the crazy one. I'm trying to avoid her at all costs." He groaned.

"Well....I guess you can stay but-"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you so much Brooklyn, you're a fucking angel!" Damon cheered, hugging me and simultaneously killing me with all of his strength.

"But! Just keep my place clean okay, and be polite to my boyfriend please. Be a guest not a pest." I picked up both my keys and phone and stood up from the couch when he let me out of his grip.

"I promise I will obey your wishes. I'll pack my things right now and I'll be over later." He followed me to the door and opened it for me to exit.

"Call first." I told him then closed the door and turned to unlock my door, only to be met face to face with Booby.

"Well good morning to you too." I giggled as I slid past him and welcomed myself into my home.

"Thanks for telling me that you were going to see your lil boyfriend this morning." He said, following me into the living room. I usually ignore him when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and today wasn't gonna be any different. No one has time for his mood swings.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just a Willow. By the way, he's staying here for a week." I told him calmly, grabbing the remote along with my blanket and lying down on the couch.

"For what? You just made this decision on your own? What happened to talking about major decisions with your spouse before deciding what the choice would be?" He asked, standing in front of the couch so I couldn't see the tv.

"He's having problems in his apartment right now that are going to be fixed over the week. This is my apartment and I make the decisions when it comes to my apartment." I looked at him with no emotion visible on my face. He stared back at me with a glare.

"So I just stay here?" I nodded and he repeated the action, stepping out of my view and going to the love seat. I never entertain his little fits unless I want something in return. So instead of sex for feeding into it, I get to hear him rant to his best friend about how he's just tired of "the bullshit" for ignoring him and not starting an argument. I turned on the TV but I honestly wasn't even watching it. I stared at the words typed on my notepad on my phone.

Does she know that she's strong?
Does she know that she can move mountains with swish of her hip?
That the sound of her voice can freeze time
A woman, divine she is
A queen in her prime, she is
As free as she wants to be
Ducking planets because her limits go past the stars

"What's up sis?" Booby spoke into his phone as he stood from the couch and went into the bedroom. My writing vibe was killed completely. The day hadn't even really started and he was already pushing my buttons. I constantly blame his reactions and frequent mood swings on his Gemini syndrome. I tell myself that he can't help it but he can, if I can choose to keep my mouth closed to avoid confrontation then so can he. Everything in me wants us to work, but I can't constantly keep up with the acting that he does. He acts as if everything is okay in front of his friends and our parents, as if our relationship is the perfect fairy tale. I wish it was. Sometimes I feel trapped and tied to him all to keep a reputation, all to say I have someone. In reality neither of us have one another emotionally, just sexually and it feels slightly sickening. Sometimes I want to just let him leave, or tell him that my heart can't take this agony but in love you go through hardships. When he storms out and I am alone, I miss him. Time with my girls is alright but after a while I just want to spend time with him. Every argument makes me realize that there is a reason that we are together but every time his personality changes, I lose will to fight to find that reason.

I sat up and checked my phone hoping for a message from anyone, just something to get my mind off of my current situation. Of course I found no texts but I did find a notification from Instagram. Before I could cater my attention to Instagram, four knocks on the door gained my focus and my next action was leaving the couch and going to the front door. I looked through the peephole and my eyes were immediately met with Damon's. I opened the door revealing his full physique along with the duffel bag he was lugging on his shoulder.

"Come on in." I spoke in  an uneasy tone. "You can sit your stuff in here I guess." I found my place on the sofa and reclaimed it, picking up the remote and aimlessly channel surfing.

"You good sis?" He asked as he stole the spot next to me and grabbed the remote from my hand.

"I'm straight." I said, nodding toward the hallway.

"Look, if its a problem with me staying, I can just leave. I don't wanna inconvenience you or tarnish your sex routine." He joked as he found the on demand menu on the TV.

"Its fine trust me." I shook my head trying to fight the giggle that wanted to escape from my lips. "If he has a problem he can leave."

"Well cool because I plan on having the best bestie weekend ever!" His voice bounced rapidly off the walls and soon I could hear the sound of footsteps against the floorboards underneath the carpet. I stared at the entrance of the hallway waiting to see Booby's expression as he escaped from the shadows. Our eyes met simultaneously and whatever happiness he had before he walked in the room vanished.

"Shit I be talking about." I mumbled and purposely rolled my eyes at him.

"You wanna go out somewhere?" Damon asked me in attempts to distract me from the tension between me and the demon in the kitchen. I shook my head and got up from the couch.

"Man Brooklyn don't come in here." He said once he heard the stomping of my feet against the dining room floor.

"What's wrong with you? What's with the attitude? If you gone act like that then take that shit to the dog pound, cause I'm not dealing with it. Especially not in my own shit." I didn't give him a chance to respond, instead I left him looking dumbfounded and went back to the living room to enjoy some time with my friend.

"Straight?" He asked when I sat down on the couch in my spot.

"Of course, now what we about to watch?" I grabbed my phone and texted Harmony.

If you still with Aundrus, get to my place NEEOW
Delivered at 10:43am

She texted back almost instantly.

Read at 10:43am

I giggled and turned my attention back to the TV to see that Damon chose to watch Great Balls of Fire: The Jerry Lee Lewis Story.

"See I like classics. You seen this right?" He asked and kicked his feet up on the couch next to mine as he layed back against the opposite side of the couch.

"No, what's this about?" I asked. He began explaining the story but my attention was drawn directly to Booby, who had his Nike bookbag on his back and the phone still pressed against his ear. A few short seconds later the door was opening and I wasn't gonna stop him from leaving.

"Hey! Boo..... oh okay then bastard. You ain't gotta speak." Lettie said as she came in behind Harmony.

"See smart ass, I wasn't with Aundrus. I was with Leticia and she was just showing me around." Harmony took a seat on the loveseat while Leticia laid back in the recliner.

"I just had to make sure. I know you grown honey, I just wanted to know you were in safe arms." I said in defense.

"Uhm, bitch you bold." Leticia commented.

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"So you gone lay up on this couch with Damon fine ass in Booby face?" She exclaimed and by nature I laughed my ass off.

"Man it's not even like that. Booby know I wouldn't try nothing with his girl." Damon replied for me.

"Ahh shidd, Booby so intimidated by you it makes no sense." Leticia argued.

"Now Lettie that's not true." I retaliated although even I know he's intimidated by Damon. Why? Only he would know.

"None of this matters anyways, but let me tell you what does matter. Melanie and Justin have a sex tape!"

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