Ward of Depression

By adevain02

2.6K 38 9

Hunter Hollingsworth is a privileged, rich, straight, white male to the outside world. His standing on the so... More

OC Character Profile
Sexuality vs Gender
Family Findings
Late Night Meeting

A Day Out

975 12 6
By adevain02

Hunter was always a defiant kid. Ask him to clean his room, and he'd hide everything in his closet. Tell him to behave in school, and every once in a while he'd lash out. There'd been a time where he bit another student. Maybe there was even a time in middle school where he had punched someone for calling him a fairy. 

High school hadn't helped him very much with anything. His thoughts got darker, and his anger had only roared. He had accomplished establishing a gamer club at his school, only for it to be torn down by some feminists who found the game triggering. He'd brought a gun to the Snowball, and wrecked his brothers car not even two weeks later. He stayed at a psychiatric hospital for two months, and he'd admit that some interesting things had happened.

They had magazine upon magazine in that place. He'd been reading gossip for three weeks straight, and decided he'd needed a change. One of his associates hooked him up with a playboy, and he'd thought he'd give it a try.

It was one of the worst decisions of his life. The pictures seemed degrading to women, and even though he had made fun of the feminists at his school, it didn't mean that he didn't believe in second wave feminism. He couldn't even think of the pictures as sexy, and it was difficult for him comprehend why.

He'd used his limited time on a computer to research what it was. He'd liked girls before, and even a boy every now and then. He'd thought he was bisexual -like his brother- at first, until he remembered that the pictures had done nothing for his sexual needs. 

Demisexual was his final result, and he couldn't have been more positive that it described him well. He had liked Yael, and there had been a point in time where he'd had a crush on this non binary kid back in seventh grade. He had been very attached to both of them, and had only developed sexual feelings for them after getting to know them.

He didn't make any friends while he was in the psych ward, at least that's what he told people. He wasn't exactly lying when he said that.  He didn't make a new friend, he'd gotten himself a boyfriend though. He had grown close to Logan during their stay at the hospital. Three weeks of talking does wonders. 

"Hey, Socio." Logan whispered in his ear, giving a deep throaty chuckle as he sat next to him.

"I'm not a sociopath, just quit teasing and kiss me." Hunter responded, not looking away from his game. 

"If you insist."

Logan trapped his chin in his grasp, and pulled it in his direction. Their lips met, causing Hunter to drop his controller, and turn his body to get more comfortable. He kissed back, using one hand to hold his weight, and the other to curl his fingers at the nape of Logan's neck. 

He felt his elbow buckle, and he dragged them back onto the mattress.  His back hit the mattress, and he felt Logan's body collide with his own. He grunted, but he didn't stop the kiss.

"Have I ever mentioned how adorable you are?" Logan asked. 

"I tell you not to every time." Hunter replied, planting soft kisses along the other mans jawline.

"But it's true every time. You know you love it."

"I can't agree or disagree with you." Hunter responded, tilting his head to allow his boyfriend room to nibble on his neck.

A knock on the door tore them apart. Miles walked in with Tristen, Frankie, Shay, and Lola trailing behind him. Hunter and Logan hadn't told anyone they were dating, and it wasn't very difficult to hide. Hunter hadn't really showed much interest in anybody, so they suspected that he and Logan only played video games when they were in Hunter's room. 

"Do you want to go out with us? We were thinking of going to the beach because it's summer." Miles asked.

"And we're going to the mall after, and then out to eat in between and after." Frankie added.
Hunters eyes started gleaming when she said mall. While he liked playing video games, looking at stores with video games in them was better. A new game he'd been wanting for a while would be there, and then he could play it all night. Logan would be with him, being used as a human pillow. 

"I'm down." Logan beamed as he flipped his ocean hair out of his eyes. "Hunter'll go, too. We'll be ready in ten."

Miles smiled, and walked out of the room with the others, "I never said I would go."

"You're eyes say you want to go to the mall."


"Time for some fun in the sun!" Logan yelled, ripping his shirt over his head before running towards the water. He was quickly joined by Miles and Tristen, who had decided to go all cliche and hold the others hand as they ran. 

"Not willing to jump in?" Hunter heard his sister ask.

"You know I'm not one for water." His sister nodded, before she walked to the water with her friends. 

Hunter was content to sit there and watch. Lola was floating calmly on her back, somehow talking amiably with her two friends. Miles had taken to leaning against Tristen's chest while talking to Logan. It only took thirty minutes for Logan to decided to throw him over his shoulder, and carry him to the water. They were pretty much the same height, so it felt a little awkward, but apparently it was worth Hunter yelping as his feet hit the water.

"It's just water, Socio." Logan chuckled. Hunter was currently clinging onto his lovers body for dear life. 

"It's a death trap. If I go too deep, and my foot gets caught, I could drown." He whispered, laying his chin atop the other head. "You brought me here, you get to be my steed."

"Of course, my excellency." He responded. "Your wish is my command."

Surprisingly, Logan was able to carry Hunter for forty minutes before he decided that he'd tortured his boyfriend enough. He'd carried him back to where they'd set up their stuff, and they dried off. They only had to wait twenty minutes for the others to be done as well.

Applebee's was a decent place. It wasn't too fancy, and it wasn't expensive like the places dad had taken them. They ended up fitting all seven of them in a corner booth. He had ended up squished between Logan and Frankie. Shay and Lola were seated on Frankie's side, while Miles and Tristan were seated near Logan. 

By the time the waitress was done serving them food, they had somehow started talking about what celebrities were the best. Hunter couldn't help but feel awkward when he didn't know who someone was, or what to say. Luckily, Logan had taken to holding his hand under the table as a way to comfort him.

The food was good, and with his boyfriend at his side, it was more comfortable than other times Hunter had gone out with his family. No one took notice of him and Logan stealing each others food, nor of how close they were sitting to one another.

"Excuse me." A female voice asked timidly as Hunter felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Did you need anything else?" He asked. The group halted and turned to watch the exchange.

"I was-well. I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out with me. I just, um, I thought I'd ask." She fidgeted slightly, face visibly changing red. Hunter stood shocked, not sure what to say as his hands ran around each other.

"I'm sorry, but I-"

"He's taken, sweetheart. Sorry to break it to you." Logan spoke up, wrapping an arm around Hunter's shoulders.

"Oh! I didn't-I'm so- Bye."

Hunter thanked his boyfriend, and the group stalked out of the restaurant.

Hunter loved the mall, that much was clear to anyone who saw him inside of the amazing place. When they'd gotten out of the car, Miles had said to meet at the food court by five. They had ended up setting an alarm on all of their phones, and Hunter rushed off with Logan to GameStop. Logan laughed as he was dragged to their destination. Hunter spent a good hour looking through all the games to find an interesting one, and Logan looked along with him. 

Logan eventually dragged them to Hot Topic, where he bought a few Attack on Titan shirts, and then they headed to FYE (for your entertainment).

"Hunt!" Miles shouted across the room, once his brother came into sight. "What should we eat?"

"I'm always up for Arby's."

"Nice choice, Socio." Logan smirked, throwing an arm over the boys shoulder.

"Love you too, Gorgon." 

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