Golden Maknae| j.jk

By theebrat_

209K 8.1K 2.4K

❝Why are you so nasty?❞ ❝I learned it from my dad. He's good with the ladies.❞ ❝Aren't you too young to be ta... More

»O n e«
»T w o«
»T h r e e«
»F o u r«
»F i v e«
»S i x«
»S e v e n«
»E i g h t«
»N i n e«
»T e n«
»E l e v e n«
»T w e l v e«
»T h i r t e e n«
»F o u r t e e n«
»F i f t e e n«
»S i x t e e n«
»S e v e n t e e n«
»E i g h t e e n«
»N i n e t e e n«
»T w e n t y«
»Tw e n t y-o n e«
»T w e n t y-t w o«
»T w e n t y-t h r e e«
»T w e n t y-f o u r«
»T w e n t y-f i v e«
»T w e n t y-s i x«
»T w e n t y-s e v e n«
»T w e n t y-e i g h t«
»T w e n t y-n i n e«

»T h i r t y«

6.9K 262 182
By theebrat_

Jungkook reached the States a day ago and he had to bring his manager, the only member who followed along with them was Taehyung.

"Are you ready to see your girlfriend?" Taehyung smiled looking at Jungkook with curiosity.

"I'm super nervous, it feels like I'm about to perform on stage for the first time. My heart keeps pounding."

"Awww that's called puppy love, it's cute seeing you in love." Taehyung cooed.

"I guess."

Jungkook wasn't good at expressing his feelings so hopefully when he sees you it'll all flow naturally. "Don't forget the roses, we paid a good amount for those."

"Let's go guys we have a flight tomorrow morning!" The manager reminded.

The three of you hurried down and exit the hotel trying to find a taxi. So far no sign of any fans were near but if you guys didn't find a taxi some will definitely come.

"Taxi!" You pointed out.

Your manager placed his hand out as the taxi driver was coming your way. You and Taehyung sat in the back as your manager sat in the front.

"Excuse me sir can you send us here?" Giving the driver your phone he nodded.

"This drive will take about 15 mintues." He said.

Your palms became sweaty and honestly you hope that the girl you've been texting is the same girl you'll meet in person.

"Relax JK, it'll be alright."

The driver said 15 mintues when it was actually 16 mintues to get to your destination. You couldn't complain because you made it safely.

After paying the guy the three of you were shocked to see a two story house. "Are you sure this is the place?"

"Yeah this is the right address."

"Taehyung you can go first."

"What do you mean I go first, this is your girlfriend."


Taehyung rolled his eyes and continued walking. The area was quiet and the scenery was beautiful.

Once you guys made it to the front door Taehyung pressed the doorbell.

Suddenly the door opened and your heart was pounding hard. There she was shyly standing by the door wearing a nice two piece outfit.

Your manager made space for you and once you made eye contact with her the two of you started smiling.

"Hey babygirl."

That's all folks☄☄☄☄

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