
Autorstwa vamp_coffee_gyrl23

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*ATTENTION!* Regina's happy ending alert!*This story is a collaboration fic, a rewrite of season 6! There ar... Więcej

Chapter 1: Smash
Chapter 2: Old Wounds
Chapter 3: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 4: Faith Trust and Little Things Like Pixie Dust
Chapter 5: Little Orphan......Anna
Chapter 6: Page 23
Chapter 7: New York State of Mind
Chapter 8: Battle Symphony
Chapter 9: The Weight of One Feather
Chapter 10: A Page of Forgotten Memories
Chapter 11: When Attitude Sparks
Chapter 12: Operation...Girl's Night Out?
Chapter 13: Snowflakes That Stay On My Nose And Eyelashes
Chapter 14: You Don't Have A Home...Part 1
Chapter 15: ...Until You Just Miss It
Chapter 16: G-I-N-A
Chapter 17: Someone To Watch Over
Chapter 18: One Step Forward...Part 1
Author's Note
Chapter 20: Piece By Piece

Chapter 19: ...Three Steps Back, Part 2

72 4 5
Autorstwa vamp_coffee_gyrl23

AN: Ask you shall receive. We hope you enjoy 34000 words worth of Regina and Anna...with a touch of Mia. Hope the new year is treating you all well. We also hope to get back on track and post more often soon.

Chapter 19...Three Steps Back

"Hold on...Hold on...Hold on to me... 'Cuz I'm a little unsteady. A little unsteady. If you love me, don't let go."

Regina felt the tingling in her spine return as she paused at the end of the porch leading into the front door of her home, a fireball at the ready if she needed it. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, so loud that it was all she could hear as her feet stepped over the threshold. Before she closed and locked the door behind her, she set about reinforcing the protection spells on the house again to make sure nothing got in. The house was silent, dark...not at all what Regina expected to come home. It made her really wonder if something was wrong. The living room television wasn't Anna wasn't, as she called it, "binging" her favourite shows. The kitchen was Henry wasn't raiding the refrigerator for a late night snack. Regina didn't hear any crying or (luckily) Mia wasn't having another nightmare.

The whole thing was just so strange...

She wandered around her dark house, growing more concerned with each empty room she encountered. Neither of her kids (or granddaughter) were anywhere to be found downstairs at all. Hadn't she told them to go straight home and stay there until she got back?! She was anxious to find Anna. She was ready to finally tell her the truth so they could start focusing on being mother and daughter instead of all the lies and withheld secrets.

She started to climb the stairs, unbuttoning her coat and wondering if the kids really were asleep after all. A quick check of both Henry's and Anna's rooms didn't get her anywhere. Both were empty and untouched since the night before.

Her eyes strayed down the hall to Mia's room, her forehead scrunching when she noticed that the young girl's door was wide open. That in and of itself was strange. Her granddaughter always insisted on having her door mostly closed but open only a crack. None of them knew her reasonings, it was just a part of little Mia's charm. So seeing her granddaughter's door wide open when she couldn't find her son or daughter was more than a little panic— inducing. Especially paired with the feeling she couldn't shake that someone was watching her.

She released a heavy breath, her hand over her heart as she stalked her way down the hall. She felt her magic bubble up within her, ready on the defensive. When she finally reached the door, she cautiously peeked her head into Mia's low—lit room and the familiar sound of soft snoring reached her ears. She squinted her eyes in the soft glow. The only light in the room came from the small lamp on the nightstand and the nightlight plugged in on the floor beside it.

She could just make out the three shapes on the bed — two older and one smaller. She let out a silent gasp, her heart just about ready to burst at the sight of the three she loved most all safe and curled up on Mia's bed together. With Mia in the middle and Anna and Henry cuddled up next to her on either side, Regina couldn't think of a more adorable sight to behold.

It was then that her eyes fell on the object under Mia's arm, snuggled in on her chest. Her breath caught in the back of her throat and she swallowed down the grief. She hadn't seen that object in quite a while, the memory of its creation from her own magic hitting her like a thousand arrows to the heart. Mia sighed in her sleep, clutching the grey stuffed monkey tighter. Regina could feel the tears gather in her eyes, lost in thoughts of Robin and Roland, flying monkeys and scared little boys.

She stood in the doorway of the room just beyond the foot of Mia's bed for a while, simply watching her precious angels and the rise and fall of their breath. Her head tilted to the side, a relaxed smile on her lips. Her eyes wandered around the room, noting the dull colours on the walls, the overly simple and outdated furniture, and the non—personal paintings scattered about the room. Besides a few of Mia's drawing Regina herself had framed and displayed, a few stuffed animals and the old yellow dreamcatcher hanging off the post of the bed frame that Emma gave Mia, the room in no way at all looked like it belonged to a three—year—old. Regina frowned, vaguely remembering a mental note she'd made to herself weeks earlier to bring up the idea of redecorating to Anna and Mia. With everything that happened it completely slipped her mind. Now standing in Mia's doorway, she decided it was really well past time to bring that idea into fruition. A toddler's room should be colourful, educational and fun. Full of things the child enjoys. Mia's room was everything but — barely passable as a hotel guest room and the more Regina looked around the room, the more she hated it.

She shook her head, sighing as she thought of Anna's room too. It didn't look much different than Mia's — though somehow that made it all worse. The first curse decided what the house would look like and it hadn't been changed much since — other than Henry's room of course. Those twenty—eight years had been nothing but misery — even for the Queen who cast it. Regina wanted to move on and forget about those terrible days. Get out of the eighties and move on to the new millennium with her entire family. Staring at the same drab walls every day brought her nothing but madness in those years — empty rooms that would never be filled. Now those rooms were full, occupied by her beloved daughter and granddaughter. They deserved to be able to feel at home in their own house — not stuck in rooms designed by a miserable curse.

Regina sighed and her eyes scanned to the bed where the kids were asleep. Anna released a comfortable breath, turning away from Mia and settling deeper into the bed. She'd never seen her daughter in such a peaceful slumber, even before the sleeping curse. She found herself entranced, taking in the familiar features of the young woman's face and recognizing them as her own. There wasn't any doubt that Anna was her blood, not that she had any. What little features weren't Regina's were Daniel's and she was so much in awe that the stunning young woman fast asleep was hers. She could still see that internal glow within Anna, the same one she'd seen in the vision – hallucination? – during her quasi—meltdown on the docks with Snow. Anna was perfect in every way as she was in body, soul, and mind. Regina couldn't wait to publicly claim the young woman as her daughter. Some remnants of the mindset of a Queen still remained in her and she couldn't help but feel both proud and possessive of her heirs — of her Prince, Princess, and littlest Princess. She may not be a Queen anymore but they would be her legacy one day when she wasn't able to evade the Reaper anymore. She couldn't be anymore at ease with leaving it in their capable hands.

She was convinced now that the threat she'd felt outside was gone, for now anyway. Her babies were right here in front of her and they were out of harm's way. Her eyes wandering over the three of them with so much love in her heart. She thought of Snow's earlier words, that the answers she didn't have weren't important and to focus on what really mattered which was what she did know. She had to believe everything would be okay. She and Anna would be okay and their relationship and friendship would survive this. That was what the snowfall had been for, right? A sign from both Daniel and Snow (and probably Robin) that the truth was the answer?

Oh but Regina could hardly stand to wake Anna and disturb her peaceful sleep; despite her impatience to get this heavy—weighted truth off her chest. She just wanted to get it over with before she gave in to that self doubt again...

Her phone buzzed loudly in her pocket and she used her free hand to quickly retrieve it before it could wake the sleeping beings. She found with slight amusement that it was a text message from Snow. Regina had only just seen her — what could possibly be the matter already!? She sighed, opening the message: A warning would have been nice before you decided to "poof" me off and out of your yard. You're welcome by the way. You best be doing some confessing right now. Seriously, you'll feel so much better. Promise. Just do it! I believe in you. Goodnight, Regina...

Regina put the phone back in her pocket and rolled her eyes, even as a nervous smile tinted her lips. She released a few quiet but deep breaths and wiped her sweaty palms on the front of her coat – nearly dropping the hope quarter she'd already forgotten that Snow gave her on the porch. She gripped it tightly now, holding it up. The light from the moon outside shone through the window and reflected off the metal coin, bouncing onto the bed right over where Anna's heart was. Her hand closed in a fist around the quarter, as if protecting the hope and strength it granted her in the moments ahead.

Her feet moved of their own accord, dragging her across the threshold and deeper into the room. She was quiet as to not wake her sleeping angels, immediately rounding the bed beside Anna. She noticed that Henry had the Storybook on his lap and a soft smile pulled on her lips. She reached over and turned off the lamp before she gently picked the book up with one hand, her heart in a lurch when she saw what page it was open to. It was an illustration of herself and young Roland, when she turned the flying monkey that attacked them into the stuffed monkey currently in Mia's arms. There were words written on the page, her words – "Not so scary. Now you have a new toy." She'd said those words to Roland to comfort him, even through the heartbreak she'd felt being separated indefinitely from her own son. Her eyes fell on Henry again, reaching over to stroke the side of his face. Since she didn't see Mia's Mr. Fluffington anywhere around, she assumed it was missing somewhere and Roland's monkey Bo was a temporary fill in. She smiled, knowing her Little Prince likely told Anna and Mia the story behind the monkey. A story which had been both told to him by her and shown to him through his Author powers. Regina smiled fondly, closing the book softly and setting it down on the floor at her feet. She turned back to the children and pulled the comforter higher up to cover all three of them.

Even in the dim light, she noticed that her granddaughter's face wasn't as pale and clammy as it had been earlier at the station. Mia's cheeks had the usual rosy colour Regina was used to seeing in the toddler. Sighing in relief, she let the back of her hand gently rest against Mia's forehead. The little girl didn't seem to be feverish anymore and Regina hoped she was feeling better.

Her eyes fell upon Anna and a strangled breath escaped her lips, her free hand over her racing heart as the words 'I can do this' repeated in her head over and over. That sneaky Snow White....putting such hopeful thoughts into her mind that was still in a trance, lost in her daughter's peaceful slumber. She raised her hand, pushing a few strands of hair out of Anna's eyes. She was about to wake her but seeing Anna's face twist and distort in discomfort brought her back to reality and she squashed the tears down. Her hand dropped, her eyes focused on Anna as her elder child's head tossed and turned from side to side and beads of sweat dripped down her forehead.

Regina's hands dug in her pockets, the quarter still in her enclosed palm. She swallowed her guilt down, remembering the Shears that laid there only hours before — what she'd almost done...before Snow convinced her to get rid of them.

"N-no...." Anna mumbled, still lost in whatever nightmare was attacking her.

Regina's eyes widened, gulping as Anna's face scrunched again. She looked back and forth between her pocketed hands and her daughter's distressed expression. She thought about watching Zelena get rid of her own magic earlier in the day and the reasons she was going to use the Shears on both Anna and Mia. She had firmly believed that her daughter and granddaughter would be better off without magic. She still believe it would only end up hurting them in the end and causing more trouble. She glanced once over at both Henry and Mia snuggling together – remembering her son's passionate words to her in her vault. That taking their magic away would be taking away part of who Anna and Mia were and she couldn't be her mother. Snow's words earlier about accepting her girls for who they were and teaching them the right way so they wouldn't be tempted by the dark also echoed in her mind. Both Henry and Snow were right and she was so relieved she got rid of the Shears forever...

The metal of the quarter was just as cold on her skin as the Shears had been and her anxiousness to release the words in her heart grew.

"No, please...too much. Too hot...H—help me!" Anna whimpered, her arms jerking out of the blankets and over her face.

Regina tensed, all thoughts of confessing temporarily sidetracked as her maternal instincts kicked in and she reached forward to grab hold of her daughter's shoulders. "Anna, honey wake up!" Regina's mind went to the sleeping curse she'd just recently woken Anna from. Was she having nightmares of the fire room already? It had only been a few days! "Anna!" She whispered, trying not wake the other two and pushing gently again on Anna's arms.

Anna jolted, then stilled. "R'Gina?" Her voice was slurred, full of sleep. Her bright blue eyes fluttered halfway open slowly, the young woman smiling even as she yawned. "You're home." Anna held her hand over her mouth, yawning again. Regina could feel how fast Anna's heart was beating from the pulse in her daughter's arm.

Regina released a breath, thanking whatever higher power was watching that she'd been able to wake the young woman. She winced, noting how pale Anna's face was even in the low light from the moon shining in through the window. "I'm sorry, honey." she whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Anna eyed her curiously before glancing over to see Mia and Henry next to her. "Um...I— It's okay... Henry was reading from his storybook and I guess we all fell asleep." The young woman yawned for a third time, blinking her eyes a few times. "So... you're one of those non—creepy, mom—stalker types huh?" Regina just stared at her, not sure she'd heard her right. Anna chuckled, still half—asleep as she leaned on her elbow and rested her head on her hand. "I could feel you watch me – or rather, us – just before I woke up."

Regina opened her mouth, caught off guard – by both the light accusation as well as the words themselves, particularly one. "W—Well...I..."

Anna's lips curled into a tired smirk and she giggled. "'S okay..." she winked, turning her head towards her tiny daughter and stoking the side of her cheek. "I am too. Shh...we won't tell anyone our mom—secrets."

Regina faltered again, her heart flipping around in her chest. She was more anxious than ever to have Anna know the truth. That she was her mom...

She looked up to find Anna watching her again. She noticed that her daughter's line of sight was on her face – more specifically, right above Regina's lip where there happened to be a small—but—prominent curved line entrenched in her skin. A long time ago she would have felt ashamed or self—conscious of someone blatantly bringing attention to the traumatic wound that permanently scarred her as a child. A scar she'd carried ever since, through so many years of both deep sorrow and joy. She watched Anna's expression with genuine curiosity, feeling no anger or embarrassment at her daughter's study of her. She wondered if Anna wanted to ask her how she got it, as the subject had never come up between them before. In fact, no one in Storybrooke had ever dared to ask her. Thinking of that day, that horrible and terrifying day of pain and torture and shame... Just the thought of it used to cripple her but she'd learned over the years that it wasn't her fault and she shouldn't be ashamed of her scar. It was just another part of who she was. A symbol of all she'd survived.

Regina cleared her throat, tabling thoughts of her past to be addressed another day. She wanted to ask Anna about the fire room but didn't want to give anything about the sleeping curse away. "B—But are you okay? You seemed, I don't something was wrong."

"Eh..." Anna blinked and shrugged, raising her head and rubbing her eyes as she sat up on the bed. "Bad dream, whatever... I'm not five, I think I'll get over it."

Regina opened her mouth to speak but stopped. She could tell by how scared Anna had been that it hadn't been just a "bad dream." Especially since she knew the after—effects of the curse were already plaguing her. Besides that, she was a mother – Anna's mother in fact – and it wasn't difficult to read her adult child's avoidance tactics. However, she could also see that Anna did not want to talk about it at the moment and she respected her daughter enough to allow her the time to process it herself first. Regina had no intention of letting it go completely – she'd ask Anna about it again later. "Okay." The Mayor nodded in response to her daughter, standing up and holding her hand out.

Anna stared at Regina for a moment before shrugging and taking the elder woman's hand, allowing her to help her off the bed. The moment the skin of their hands made contact, Regina felt a jolt to her heart. She wasn't sure if it was her emotions getting the best of her or Anna's wayward magic zapping her. Anna didn't react or even look up so Regina figured it was just her overactive hormones again.

She glanced over at Henry and Mia, who were facing each other now that Anna was off the bed. Mia nuzzled into Henry's shoulder, cuddling Bo the monkey. A warm smile painted across Regina's lips, spreading down to her chest. "They look so sweet."

Anna let go of Regina's hand and stretched, yawning again as she made her way to the door. "I know. I've said it a hundred times before but I just can't believe how good he is with her. I mean tonight, he had her completely entertained while washing vegetables for dinner. And then during her bath. And while he read from his storybook. Mia looks at him like he's the most fascinating human on the planet." Anna whispered, scoffing. "I used to be the most fascinating person on the planet."

Regina chuckled and smiled with pride as she stared at her son and granddaughter one last time. She followed Anna out into the hall and closed the door – leaving it open just a little. Anna nodded, shaking her head and laughing silently.

Regina followed a few steps behind Anna, breathing heavily as her nerves started rebelling against her again. This was it, she would finally tell Anna the truth and they could be a real that the moment was here, Regina had no idea how to go about doing it or even bringing it up. And given that her daughter talked about as fast as Snow if not more — would she even have the chance to get the truth out?

They both walked quietly down the hallway and down the stairs toward the kitchen. Regina watched curiously from where she sat at the island as Anna grabbed a pair of mitts, opened and reach into the oven, and pulled out a steaming plate of food.

"Is Mia feeling any better?" Regina asked as Anna tinkered about the kitchen, grabbing a fork from one of the drawers.

"Eh...she seemed so after we ate. I dunno...I mean, sure she was kinda whiny and fussy a little bit I think she was just tired. Probably overstimulated?"

Regina swallowed, knowing that at least some of what the issue with Mia was — her magic affecting her. Reacting to the danger and emotions of the people around her. Once she found the courage to tell Anna the truth about their blood relationship she had to figure out how to bring up both her and Mia's magical potential. That would be a whole other beast in itself. She couldn't tell Anna that now though, so she opted to go along with Anna's speculations. "Probably yeah, tired and all that. Maybe she was just hungry too. You said after she ate she seemed better, right?"

"Yeah...she sure was hungry too — didn't know her little body could hold all that! She really, really liked your homemade soup too. There wasn't much left but she scarfed it all down. Really I think it was the soup that took her tummy ache away the most. But yeah, she seemed okay. I guess." Anna sighed. "Boy this parenting thing sure is hard."

"More than you know, dear." Regina smiled weakly. "I really do need to get at making more soup and a few other things. I've just been so preoccupied lately...In hindsight I probably should have told you I won't tolerate processed foods in my house. Of all the worst inventions in this realm, it has to be the concept of artificial food...Senseless."

"Yeah, Henry filled me in." Anna rolled her eyes. "Makes sense I guess. Oh, and we had a little incident — Mr Fluffington seems to have made a jailbreak. Neither Henry or I could find him anywhere." Anna sighed dramatically. Regina's eyes widened. She could just picture the upset that caused. "Henry found a substitute for now — a stuffed monkey that totally looked familiar but I couldn't place until Henry told us the story."

"I saw that upstairs, yes. Roland's monkey, Bo." Regina nodded, her voice cracking at mention of her favourite little Knight.

"Yeah — totally realized when he told us that I saw that moment — in that dream walk thing in your head! And boy doesn't that feel like a million years ago!" Anna chuckled.

"Certainly does." Regina released an exhausted breath. It did seem like a lifetime ago that they ventured off on their smash room adventure, but it had in fact only been just shy of three weeks. So much had happened in such a short amount a time. In just a blink of an eye, her entire life turned upside down. Starting with the loss of Robin which still felt so fresh almost four months later. Jekyll and Hyde were gone, not even a blip of an issue. Belle and Gold's baby was magically full grown and teamed up with their latest villain — Gold's mother. Emma was getting married — that is, if she survived the Saviour prophecy and the Final Battle. Regina's other half was reformed and off living her second chance at a happy ending — or so she hoped...

And Regina herself went from single mother of a teenage boy to learning she was also the mother of an adult long—lost daughter who had a daughter of her own — making Regina also a grandmother. That part was still throwing her for a loop — being the grandmother of a three—year—old. It made her feel as old as she would have been had she not spent almost thirty years frozen in time.

"I'm sure Mr Fluffington'll turn up eventually." Regina cleared her throat, offering her daughter a strained smile.

"Totally." Anna set the plate down on the table in front of Regina, shrugging. "Sorry it's only chicken fingers. It was pretty late and Mia was really hungry, Henry and I had to think fast." Regina nodded, a bemused smile on her face as Anna winced. "But I made sure to bake them in the oven instead of frying them in grease." Regina opened her mouth but Anna continued. "And Mia and Henry both had healthy servings of veggies." Anna's face fell and her shoulders sunk. "Um...yeah — that's why there isn't much left..."

Regina's smile was warm, nothing but love in her heart as her eyes stared at her daughter. The last thing on her mind right now was food, let alone how healthy it was or wasn't. All that mattered was that they'd survived the day. She was here, sitting in her home inches away from her daughter who wasn't still lost in a sleeping curse. Her son and granddaughter were safe upstairs, sound asleep exactly where they should be. With a relieved sigh, she picked up a dinosaur shaped nugget and held it up. Anna raised an eyebrow, watching her. "Chicken fingers is exactly what I would've ordered after a day like today. Simple and easy." She opened her mouth and bit off the dinosaur—nugget's head.

Anna giggled, shaking her head as Regina practically wolfed down all the nuggets on the plate. "Never thought I'd see the day..."

"Food is food and it's been a long day..." Regina shrugged, grabbing a napkin from the holder in the middle of the island table and wiping her mouth. She straightened her back, feeling a few cracks along her spine as she did so. Between getting thrown around in the mines and her meltdown at the docks, she wasn't looking forward to the way she would ache in the morning.

"Ah, yeah – you totally freaked all of us out today. What the hell happened down in those mines? And why do you keep walking and wincing like an old lady?" Anna pointed to the hand Regina had on her lower back. Regina raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so technically you are kinda old but know what I mean. Ugh, this magic crap is still so confusing..."

"I do know what you mean." Regina smirked but it faded quickly, visions of seeing Anna crumpled up on the ground at the station flashing through her mind. "Though I'm more concerned about you – that's your second panic attack now. And now nightmares?"

"Eh..."Anna scrunched her face, looking away. "Don't change the subject. I asked you first."

"Can't a mo—er, friend be concerned about her... younger friend!?" Regina bit her bottom lip, catching herself.

Luckily Anna missed Regina's almost—slip entirely, her focus on the fraying hem of her sweatshirt sleeve. In the midst of her concern, Regina couldn't help but notice with that Anna was wearing the Storybrooke sweatshirt she'd given her shortly after she moved into town. The young woman actually wore the sweatshirt quite a lot. Regina had also noticed that when Anna was nervous or stressed she would pull and pick at the stitches on her clothes. The sleeve she was currently fiddling with barely had any thread left in it at all. Regina looked up to find Anna practically glaring at her.

"I'm fine, seriously — how many times do I have to say it!?" Anna rolled her eyes, very much reminding Regina of both Henry and Emma. "I just, happens. Can't really control it, definitely don't wanna talk about it.... Just don't. Okay."

Regina sighed heavily, the tone in her daughter's voice concerning her even more than the panic attacks themselves.

"At least I didn't follow my sister blindly to some unknown place and almost got myself killed." Anna crossed her arms, her lips settling into a pout.

"Oh but you did, you followed Emma and Snow to that pixie flower field — the Black Fairy showed up and not long after you had your first panic attack." Regina countered. She wanted to add that not long after that Anna got herself stuck in a sleeping curse but first of all, it was too painful to think about that particular moment of hell. It was much easier (though not much) to forget it happened altogether. Second of all, Anna didn't know all the details about that which was how it needed to stay. At least until she knew the truth about who she was.

"Actually..." Anna trailed off. Regina's eyes widened, pausing to wait for Anna to finish her thought. "Never mind." Anna's face dropped and she shook her head.

Regina watched her closely and cringed, not liking the thought of Anna having more of those horrid "attacks" at all.

Anna sighed, rolling her eyes again. "Whatever...clearly we both need to take better care ourselves."

"Clearly." Regina nodded, her nerves grating at her again. With every set of words they shared, she tried to find the right moment, the right opening to finally tell Anna the truth. But with every response that Anna gave her, the moment just kept slipping away...

"So can we get back to what happened? Or are ya just gonna give me the fifth degree all night?" Anna leaned back in the chair.

"As you wish." Regina shrugged at Anna's request even though she was still extremely worried about her daughter. Maybe she'd tell Anna the truth after she told her the events of the day. She told her about the fairy crystals down in the mines and how the Black Fairy used Zelena's unstable magic to turn the light crystals to dark magic. Judging by Anna's negative reaction to that, Regina decided against telling the young woman that the Back Fairy and Gideon had enjoyed throwing the Mayor around the mine walls like a rag doll. She did tell the young woman though that in the end, Zelena made the ultimate sacrifice to reverse the crystals by giving up her own magic to save them all. "...and I asked her to move back into the house — our house — so that she and little Robyn wouldn't be alone and defenceless out there in that big empty farmhouse."

Anna blinked a few times, her arms dropping. "I'm sorry, what!?"

Regina cleared her throat. "That's right — we'll have two new housemates. Or, one and a half really."

"The fu..." Anna sat up straight, trailing off at Regina's pointed look. "Come on, seriously!?"

Regina barely heard what Anna said, her nose picking up the faint milky scent on her coat from holding baby Robyn earlier. Despite her somewhat rocky (though improving) relationship with her sister, Regina was very much looking forward to being around and bonding with her niece more. She knew it wouldn't be easy and the hurt would take a long time to fade, but being present in her niece's life would be well worth the pain. Maybe it would even help Anna, as much as she disliked Zelena now, to have more family around to help her come to terms with the truth of her ancestry.

"Like, for real? Is this a joke?"

"Anna!" Regina scolded, narrowing her eyes.

"She's loud. And annoying. Rude. Did I mention loud!? And I'm not talking about the baby either." Anna rested her elbow on the counter, groaning as she lay her head down on her arms. "And good god the thought of sharing a bathroom with that overgrown red—haired—ugh!...Seriously, kill me now..."

"Head and elbow off the counter." Regina reached up to rub her forehead between her eyes. Anna scrunched her nose and sat up. "And she'll be up in the attic — there's a separate bathroom and kitchen up there."

Anna's mouth hung open. "Great. Stuff her in the attic while Mia and I have our own rooms." The younger brunette sighed dramatically. "That won't turn her skin green at all..."

"She doesn't have her magic anymore, her skin won't change." Regina closed her eyes, the vague sensation of a migraine setting in. If only her daughter weren't so stubborn and bullheaded. Telling Anna the truth was supposed to make things easier but it was turning out to be a lot more difficult than Regina thought. She realized though that Anna wasn't the only one that was stubborn — Regina herself had been the same way with Snow at the docks. It took a lot of Snow reasoning with her before Regina finally understood that her step daughter was right.

"Won't stop her from whining about it..." Anna mumbled under her breath but her mother heard every word.

"Anna!" Regina's eyes snapped open to find her daughter sinking back in the chair with a tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Can't she just go back to Oz? Isn't that where the Wicked Witch is supposed to be?" Anna crossed her arms again, huffing.

Regina sighed. "You know...I told her to go back there today. Yelled it at her actually. I've never seen her look more hurt." She eyed her daughter curiously. "You did hear us fight about that earlier, I know you did." Anna looked away, her head down. "I noticed you seemed a little off."

Anna lifted her head, her eyes suddenly heavy with tears. "Yeah...maybe..."

Regina's face softened, the sight of her not—so—little girl in tears turning her stomach. "The look on your face tells me it may have reminded you of your own sibling troubles...a decade long fight with a certain blonde who favours that ridiculous red leather jacket perhaps?"

Anna sniffled, wiping her eyes. "It made me feel sad, seeing you two fight. I'm sorry you had to deal with Emma and me like that."

Regina shrugged. "You two weren't so bad..."

"No — we were worse. At least you and Zelena have actual legit issues between you. Emma and I...we were just stupid kids who grew up into stubborn adults and couldn't own up to our own mistakes." Anna shook her head. "We lost so much time apart and messed up the chances we had to fix it sooner. Now Emma might not even survive this Final Battle crap and I could lose her again. So ...yeah..." Anna sniffled again.

Regina watched her daughter torment herself, her own heart aching with the decision of whether or not to tell Anna the truth. Anna was already suffering at the hands of what might have been, could Regina ever bring herself to make her daughter suffer more? Remind her of a more traumatic childhood than she already had, a fact that was out of either of their control?

The easy answer was no, never tell her the truth and Anna wouldn't have to bear the burden of her real, tragic past. But the right choice...that was something Regina wasn't sure she had the strength in her to carry out.

She found herself reaching down into her coat pocket where the quarter that Snow gave her laid. Her fingers closed around the metal and she could hear Snow's words in her head again, telling her that she could do this. She took a deep breath and looked up, finding Anna watching her.

"I guess you're right." Anna's voice was low and her shoulders heaved in a great sigh.

Regina paused, raising an eyebrow, and just stared at Anna like she'd suddenly grown another nose or set of eyes. Maybe....maybe she was wrong....Perhaps Anna had more maturity in her young age than Regina gave her credit for — more than Regina apparently had. Anna took less time to adjust to the idea of Zelena moving in than Regina would have thought possible. Would she react as well when she found the truth out about her past?

"Okay...." Anna nodded, sighing. "...Baby Robyn can move in! But only the baby!" Regina lifted her brows and turned to look at Anna in disappointed shock. Anna rolled her eyes, releasing a heavy breath. "Alright alright... I'm kidding! Geez mom, don't need to death glare me." Anna looked down, her lips curled in disgust.

Regina took a double take, unsure she'd heard her daughter right. Did Anna just call her...did she... She did... However out of context the title was used and just the sound of it was music to Regina's overemotional ears. She wished it were real, that Anna weren't just using it to mock her. It begged the question though, did Anna really see her that way? As a mother—figure of sorts?

"Zelena can... move in. I guess. Whatever."

Regina reached behind her neck, wincing slightly as she gently rubbed the sore muscles in her spine. The knots just wouldn't loosen and she had a feeling they would only get worse as the week continued. She missed the way that Robin used to always massage the ache right out of her back and shoulders after all the evil fighting. He could always make it go away so quickly, like his hands were pure magic.

After Robin died, Henry tried a few times to help her but it just wasn't the same. He was either too rough and caused her more pain or had too gentle of a touch, hardly massaging out her tense muscles at all. But she always faked a smile, praised her son, and told him she felt much better....and he'd always have such a look of pride on his face. She was thankful of course because it was the thought that really meant something to her but that didn't make her aches and pains feel any better.

Regina jumped, feeling a pair of lukewarm hands against the back of her neck and resting on her shoulders.

"Here. Let me help."

Regina scrunched her nose, feeling the ache twinge from her sudden movement. She hadn't even noticed Anna moved from the chair across to her. "It's just a stiff neck. I'll be fine."

"Okay cranky, stop being so stubborn and sit still." Regina winced as Anna started rubbing her neck. She expected the pain from her aggravated muscles to shoot down her spine but as Anna's hands moved to work on the knots in her shoulders she instantly starting to feel all the pain in her body slip away. Regina sat there frozen in shock, realizing Anna's magic might just be as special as Snow had said. Perhaps even more than any of them realized. She could feel actual warmth radiating off of Anna's skin. It didn't burn or scorch...No, the heat soaked into Regina's muscles unwinding the knots and loosening the tension. "There, is that better?"

Regina's breath escaped her lungs in a contented sigh as Anna lifted her hands from the older woman's shoulders. "Like you wouldn't believe. T—Thank you." Regina turned slightly to look at Anna, marvelling at the lack of pain as she did so.

Anna squealed in delight and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a hug from behind as she leaned her head on the back of Regina's shoulder. "You don't have to be the hero everyday you know. You can take a day off once in awhile."

Regina was finding it difficult to think, though she couldn't get Snow's comments earlier about other ways to show love even without saying it to stop echoing in her mind. First the shoulder rub and now the hug? Things she wouldn't have taken note of before now she couldn't seem to stop adding up in her head. Piecing together the signs since Anna wouldn't say the words — which, Regina couldn't say them either. It was like Snow said, both mother and daughter seemed to be afraid of scaring the other off... "I'm afraid I can't."

Anna sighed beside Regina's ear and the Mayor closed her eyes, wincing at the disappointment in her daughter's tone. Anna stood straight, dragging her feet across the floor over to the glass cabinet below the counter. With her palm over the small handle, Anna shook her head and turned to face the Mayor. "Yeah...somehow I knew you were gonna say that. Wine?"

Even with the pain gone from her muscles, she could still use a drink to calm her nerves for the task that lay ahead. It also couldn't hurt if Anna were a tad relaxed as well, ease the pressure. "Anything stronger in that cabinet?"

Anna raised an eyebrow, momentarily letting go of the wine cabinet door. "Are we talking like a nice Margarita? Grey Goose? A shot of tequila? Or a bottle of Bacardi?" The younger woman smirked. "'Cuz I really don't feel like nursing a hangover tomorrow. And by that I mean yours. I could never drink that stuff... it's gross!"

Regina smiled, shaking her head in amusement. As much as she could use some hard liquor to chase away the day she'd had, it was a relief to know that Anna hadn't inherited her mother's fondness for alcohol — at least the hard stuff anyway. And thank all that was holy Anna hadn't picked up on Emma's dreaded preference for beer. Regina shivered in disgust just at the thought of it. "Wine is fine, dear."

"Good choice." Anna sighed, a silent "phew" on her lips as she chose a bottle out of the cabinet.

Regina felt an easy smile on her lips, enjoying watching her daughter move so freely about her kitchen, now with two glasses out and about to pour them each a glass. Just the fact that Anna had known where the wine cabinet was and which bottle choice they would both enjoy. Not to mention where Regina kept the glasses which was in the freezer. It was her little secret to keep the wine cool in the glass. Anna had picked up on that right away – proclaiming that Regina was a genius and why hadn't she ever thought of that herself? Though the moment had turned sour when Anna went on that if she'd been able to afford wine she probably would have thought of it...

Regina blinked away those thoughts, trying to convince herself she couldn't change or fix the past. She looked up when the plate in front of her raised up, finding Anna grabbing it along with her discarded napkin and clearing them from the table. She sent her daughter a soft smile and Anna beamed back, trashing the napkin and taking the plate over to the sink to rinse it off.

In between her movements, Anna really downed the wine – pouring herself a second glass. Regina smirked, already noticing the tell—tale signs that her daughter had quite the buzz going. The Mayor herself had only half a glass so far – but the alcohol wasn't doing much to quell her nerves.

She watched Anna continue to fly about the kitchen, all the while humming a melody she was fairly certain she'd heard Anna play on the radio before but couldn't place. Regina swallowed another drink, the liquid rough down her throat. She could feel the alcohol slightly, her eyes tingling with energy and her stomach rumbling. It wasn't the boost of confidence she was hoping for nor did it make her feel any better. Anna appeared to be in quite a bubbling mood however, appearing in front of her with one of the disposable wash rags Regina kept under the kitchen sink and wiping down the island table. Regina bit the side of her lip, the silence in the room agitating the tension in the air.

With one hand gripped to the neck of the wine glass, she reached down into the pocket of the coat she still hadn't thought to take off. She cleared her throat and was just about to grab hold of the quarter, just about to open her mouth and finally get this truth off of her chest—

"Did you know there's some stupid prophecy that forbids fairies from ever falling in love?"

Regina's words died on her lips and she exhaled painfully. "I..." She faltered, lifting her hand away from her pocket and letting it fall on top of the counter Anna had just wiped down. Her brows creased and her head spun. "W—Where did you hear that?"

Anna shrugged, discarding the wash rag into the trash before going to the sink to wash her hands. Drying her hands on the towel that hung on the stove, Anna turned back to the Mayor. "From Nova... or Astrid? Whatever her name is, she works at the dress shop on Main Street. Modern Fashions? It was why she and Grumpy — Leroy — couldn't be together. Something about true love resulting in the birth of a powerful child the fairies were scared would turn evil...I don't know. I think it's a bunch of crap. People who love each other should never be separated. That should be a rule."

Regina nodded, her breath laboured as she took another healthy sip of wine. She didn't even want to go there...

Anna stood at the island beside Regina, holding another full glass of wine. The young woman paused, swirling the glass around. "Just look at you..." Regina's eyes were wide as they shot up and over to the young woman. "First Daniel, then your father, then Robin. Henry countless amount of times. And god knows who else is on that list." Regina gulped down another mouth full of wine. Her eyes fluttered close to mask echo of grief that never failed to haunt her. "Henry may have skipped over all the gruesome parts for Mia's sake tonight but I know what horror lies in that storybook. Mostly for you." Regina sighed, opening her eyes to find Anna regarding her with concern. "You've lost way too many people. I mean..." Anna leaned on the counter, raising an eyebrow. " do you keep doing it?"

Regina nearly choked on her wine. "W—What?"

Anna sighed, shrugging again. "I dunno...get out of bed everyday and move forward? Just the thought of maybe losing Emma in this final battle... or even Snow or Charming... Hook. Henry..." She stood up straight, her head down as her next words came out as barely a whisper. "Or you..." Regina's heart caught in her chest. "I don't think I'd be ... I'm just already weak and lost enough as it is... without you or anyone else... Mia and I... we'd be alone."

"Anna Mill—er... look at me." Regina let out a breath, finding herself wishing she could use her daughter's birth title instead. Anna's eyes lifted to meet her mother's and Regina just about lost it seeing the tears in her eldest eyes. She tucked a few strands of hair out of Anna's face behind her ears and reached to grab onto her hands —lifting them to press a kiss on each of Anna's thumbs. "Now you listen to me: You are not weak. You are not lost. And you and Mia will never be alone do you hear me?" Anna nodded, though the doubtful look on her face wasn't promising. Regina shook her head, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu. Zelena had much the same look earlier and Regina herself could recognize the feeling – it was the reason she kept stalling and not telling Anna the truth. Just many more of the reasons she had to defeat this Final Battle so that the three of them could work through all their doubts together. "I know you're scared and guess what, I am too. Terrified in fact." Anna sniffled, shaking her head in disbelief. "When Rumple first told me about The Final Battle all those years ago I originally thought it meant Emma breaking my curse. To know now what it really means..." She shuddered, the danger of it all colliding with the alcohol in her system. "But no matter what you won't lose me. Or anyone else for that matter. We're all going to make it through this battle – and that's my solid promise to you."

Anna sniffled, pulling her arms away from Regina's hold and letting them fall to her sides. "But how do you know that?"

Regina smiled, gently grabbing onto Anna's wrist and pulling up her sleeve to reveal the feather tattoo on her skin. A small whine escaped out of Anna's mouth, her eyes bouncing between Regina and the tattoo. "Because of a little thing called hope. We've been faced with battles before and we've always won. Ogres, The Dark One, The Queen of Hearts, Pan, the Wicked Witch, Cruella, Maleficent, Ursula, Ingrid, the Dark One again. Isaac, Dark Swan, Hades, Jekyll and Hyde, The Evil Queen, now the Black Fairy and Gideon... This time is no different. We always make it through."

Anna looked down. "Not all of you have..."

Regina nodded truthfully, their countless losses a constant aching thorn in her heart. "There's always casualties in war and there is always a fight between good and evil, regardless of magical realms or real ones. But...good...always shines through. Sometimes it's just hard to see it. And sometimes it takes time."

Anna sighed, her eyes focused on the liquid inside her glass as she twirled it around again. "You've been having way too many talks with Snow." The young woman smirked, turning to Regina. "What happened to my heart crushing, fireball throwing, sassy pal Gina?"

Regina grinned, winking. "She's still here." Her expression was strained, wishing very much she could be that 'Gina' all the time. "But right now she just wants to make sure you're okay." She paused, watching Anna stare into her glass again. "Are you okay?"

Anna's lips scrunched. "Maybe I guess... kinda no... I don't know." She shook her head, shrugging. "It's these nightmares. They're gonna drive me to...well..." She held up her glass. "...drink."

Anxiety coursed through Regina's veins just thinking about her daughter having to deal with the side effects of the sleeping curse. She wondered though...this was the most she'd gotten Anna to say in days about what happened. Could she maybe get some more out of her? Take advantage of all the wine in Anna's system? "D—Do you maybe wanna talk about it?" She blurted the words out, pausing when Anna set her glass harshly on the island. Regina gulped as Anna stepped back from the counter and silently turned around. Anna picked up the bottle of wine off the counter near the sink and filled her glass – to the top. The young woman held the glass and stared out the window above the sink. Regina's heart pounded with anticipation as she stared into Anna's back. If only she knew what was on her daughter's mind... "I—I'm always here to listen you know."

Anna sighed, the muscles on her back moving with her breath. Suddenly she turned around to face Regina and the Mayor's heart clenched seeing the fear in her eyes. Anna chewed nervously on her bottom lip for a moment before her eyes dropped and were focused on the glass in her hand. "It's a room. With no doors and windows. Huge curtains and a glass floor. And it's on fire." A few tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. "I scream and scream for help but nobody's there and I can't breathe and my skin burns." Regina inhaled, her own chest aching. "And sometimes even after I wake up I still feel like I'm burning...It's horrible and terrifying and somehow so real. And it just leaves me feeling so drained during the day and Mia's just so active and lately so temperamental. I just—No..."

Regina looked up when Anna stopped, holding back tears herself as the younger woman sniffled and shook her head. Regina could see Anna was really struggling with the nightmares, even worse than what she'd seen from Henry and heard from the Charmings. She didn't like the dark circles under her sweet daughter's eyes, the fear in her pursed lips, or that thinking of the nightmares made her so quiet. Anna was naturally loud and rambunctious — happy. In the short months since they'd been reunited, Regina had marvelled in the weightless light that both Anna and Mia seemed to expel despite their troubled pasts. All that changed the moment Anna awoke from the sleeping curse — for both mother and young daughter. Regina loved them all the same but it worried her greatly. She found herself always studying Anna — looking for any sign of burns on her skin. She knew she would never rid her mind the horror of seeing the fresh of her son's arm peeled off from his first Fire Room burn. She wondered if Henry found that necklace yet that Gold gave him to help with the nightmares...she would have to ask him soon.

In the meantime, she still had a delicate mission to accomplish lest both Henry and Snow "scold" her again. Once she told Anna the truth of their mother—daughter bond, perhaps the sleeping curse would have to be next on the agenda. If Henry found the special necklace, Anna could try it to ease her nightmares. Right now though, Regina just wanted to help Anna cheer up a little because the wine was not really getting the whole job done. She sighed, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on the metal apple—shaped tin on the counter. She smiled, bouncing up off the chair and headed across the room. "Well... I know a great cure for nightmares..." Anna raised an eyebrow as Regina snatched the cookie tin and turned around, beaming at her daughter. "Cookies!"

"Um yes please!" Anna's eyes widened, practically drooling in excitement. Regina chuckled as her hands fumbled with the lid of the tin. "I've already had one and they're heaven so yeah I want more. I must comment though, the apple shape is adorable — and so you!"

"I take it Henry showed you these after dinner." Regina shook her head in amusement — she did know her son after all. Anna's enthusiastic nod and reaching fingers were all the answer she needed.

"Yeah — only one after dinner?! Seriously? So lame..." Anna grumbled, helping herself to handful.

"Such are the rules." Regina shrugged, pulling one cookie out for herself. She couldn't remember the last time she indulged in any of the sweets she often made — other than the apple turnovers of course. "Everything in moderation." She took a bite of the cookie, noticing out of the corner of her eye as Anna grabbed another one out of the tin.

"Moderation—smoderation." Anna scrunched her nose, shoving a whole cookie in her mouth.

Regina closed her eyes and shook her head again — how did she ever find entertainment before reuniting with her daughter? "I suppose just this once we can break the rules." Regina released a breath and snatched out another cookie for herself before putting the lid back in its place. "Just...don't tell Henry or I'll never hear the end of it."

Anna grinned, winking — holding the fingers of her free hand against her lips. Since her mouth was currently full as well, the young girl just nodded. She picked up her wine glass and held it to her lips for a moment, then scrunched her face and put the glass down.

Regina watched her curiously. "Something suddenly the matter with your wine?"

Anna shook her head, finishing her mouth full of cookies. "No wine....with cookies. Bleh!" Regina laughed, the slurred distortion of Anna's words giving away just how much wine she'd already had. Anna let the rest of the cookies in her hand drop onto the island as she bolted up toward the cabinet. Normally Regina would cringe at the sight of crumbs on her clean countertop but she was much too interested in what her intoxicated daughter was up to. Anna was a bundle of energy in the kitchen again — searching through the fridge, rummaging in the cupboards, opening and closing drawers...what was she looking for?

It didn't take long for the Mayor to figure out what Anna was doing — a sauce pan, cocoa powder, milk, cinnamon, a can of whipped cream and two mugs. One of the mugs was very familiar — a red handle, a letter R, and painted floral pictures as well as a certain favourite fruit of the Mayor's. It was the mug Regina used every morning for her tea when she got ready for work. Henry made for her at school for Mother's Day when he was six. Not long after the curse broke, magic returned, and Henry started living with her part time again, Regina used magic to make him a mug that matched. Henry's though had a white letter H with Captain America's shield around it. The other mug Anna had sitting on the counter was just one of the others from the cupboard, a generic white one with a gold rim along the bottom.

While Anna prepared the milk on the stove with her back to her, Regina grinned wistfully as she waved her fingers toward the white mug. When her daughter turned around, she would see the surprise waiting for her on the counter.

Anna started humming something to herself as she stirred the milk and Regina sighed contently. Her thoughts strayed, deciding that after Anna saw her mug surprise she would finally tell her the truth. The only thing she couldn't figure out was how to go about doing it. She knew what she had to say and, though she hated to admit it, Snow had been right that practicing beforehand would prove useful. It only got her so far though, for she struggled back and forth with the courage to actually do it. Doubt started to creep up on her again even though she knew how much she wanted and needed to tell Anna she was her mother. It was well past time and starting to get just the slightest annoying. Every time Regina was about to tell her, her daughter either changed the subject or something came up... Couldn't she just get a break, just once during her attempt at a confession!? If only she had Page 13 in front of her, the real one that Henry drew of Regina and baby Anna. If she could hold it as she explained, point to the clues, focus on the facts, show Anna the love in her eyes when she'd held her for the first time... But Henry had it and she wasn't sure where it was. Even so, just thinking about Anna holding that particular piece of paper in her hand....Regina shivered, her heart skipping beats and constricting at the same time.

"You do realize you're having cocoa too right?" Anna turned, an eyebrow raised with a ladle in her hand.

"Cocoa sounds fine." Regina responded absentmindedly, clearing her throat and looking up to meet her daughter's shocked expression.

"You want...cocoa!? Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Regina realized what she said and then smiled softly. "Yes — cocoa would actually be quite lovely right now." Anna's jaw dropped. "Hold the whipped cream...but I will take some cinnamon."

"No freaking way..." Anna bounced on her feet, eyes still wide. "And fyi — the whipped cream is so the best part!"

"Then you may have the whole can to yourself." Regina chuckled. "I'm not a hundred percent sure how that even ended up in my cupboards...."

Anna blushed, grinning mischievously. "Guilty as charged. Guess I can still sneak a few things past ya huh?"

Regina narrowed her eyes. "Don't get used to it, dear — I may be distracted now but I won't be forever. Sooner or later we will get rid of the she—version of Gold, otherwise known as his wretched mother." Anna stuck out her tongue, scrunching her nose. Regina rolled her eyes, though still laughing. "Now I see where Mia picked up that little trick. By the way, if you don't turn it off soon the milk will burn."

"Shit!" Anna cursed, her eyes wide as she turned back to face the stove.

"I do believe you owe the jar a quarter, young lady." Regina admonished. "Perhaps another one for the tongue sass as well?"

Anna grunted, reaching for an oven mitt and turning off the stove. Regina smirked, watching Anna turn to pour the milk in the mugs she'd already put cocoa powder into. "What the—" the young woman paused. "—fudge!"

"Do you like it?" Regina inhaled, anxious for Anna to turn around so she could see her face.

"Do I like it!?" Anna repeated, her voice high and bordering on squealing. She finished pouring the milk and set the hot pan in the sink. Tossing the oven mitt on the counter she turned around, engulfing the beaming Mayor in another bone—crushing hug. Regina gasped with the sudden force of it, steadying herself so she didn't fall off her stool completely before wrapping her arms around Anna too. Her mind was blown by the fact that her daughter — who detested any kind of intimate contact — had initiated not one but two hugs with someone other than Mia in the last few hours alone! "With the blue handle, blue letter A, and the blue feather — hells freaking yeah I like it! Even better cuz it totally matches yours!"

"That was the intention, yes." Regina chuckled. Her heart was sending all kinds of crazy hormones throughout her body and up to her brain. She knew she was ready, it was time — time to confess the truth so the real mother—daughter bonding could begin even more than it already subconsciously had. "I—It's an early birthday present..."

Anna leaned her head back, raising an eyebrow. "But..that's like a whole nine months away from now..?"

Regina eyes widened. "R—Right...I—I meant Christmas present..." she chuckled nervously.

"But that's still weeks away... we haven't even celebrated thanksgiving yet!"

Regina shrugged. "Guess the wine is getting to me. Can I just get you something for no reason at all then?"

"O...kay..." Anna continued to regard her with a confused expression, eyeing the Mayor's barely touched wine glass beside her. She pulled away from the hug and as soon as she stepped away Regina wished it wouldn't have ended. "Guess it's a good thing we're switching to cocoa then..."

"Right..." Regina nodded, gulping.

"...and thank you. I love it, I really do." Anna stepped back over near the mugs, opening a drawer and grabbing two spoons. " guys don't really do holidays much around here do you?"

Regina tensed, never one to much enjoy this realm's holidays. Some of it was similar to what she'd grown up with in the Enchanted Forest but most of the strange new traditions were way too out there for her tastes. She'd never been too keen on the idea of gatherings either — both in Storybrooke and back in her homeland. It was with Henry as he grew up and the short time she'd had with Robin and Roland that she'd enjoyed the holidays the most. The last few months during her pregnancy with Anna as well. She had been so excited that her baby would be there for Christmas that year until her mother took both the baby and her memory of her. She spent that Christmas instead on her "honeymoon" with King Leopold and that had all been a nightmare. She shook her head of those dark thoughts, going back to Henry. Since her son was getting older, she'd all but resigned to the fact of not celebrating holidays much anymore (other than for her niece's sake). At least until Henry had children if his own. With Anna and Mia around now though, perhaps the holidays could be enjoyable again. If they made it through this Final Battle, that is. Although, the thought of braving a face for a whole town that still treated her like a delicate, grieving widow sounded so exhausting... "Well, it does get a little hectic around here."

"All the more reason to get together while it's quiet right? Thanksgiving is barely a week away, we should seriously do something together." Anna's eyes widened in excitement. "Hey, what if the whole town got together?!"

The Mayor opened her mouth to speak but paused, releasing a breath. Anna's words were strangely Snow—like – and her daughter said Regina was spending too much time around Snow?! The young girl was right, as much as Regina hated to admit it. She could just hear Snow in her head too – that a big gathering of family and friends would be the perfect time to bring up morale during the threat of the battle. Not to mention announce/introduce Anna and Mia officially as the Mayor/Queen's blood relatives. Regina gulped, not quite sure she was ready for that just yet... "If you really insist, how about just a small gathering for now? Family and close friends only?"

"You mean, what – you, me, Mia, Henry?" Anna raised an eyebrow.

"And the Charmings, Zelena and Robyn, Emma and Hook..." Regina nodded.

Anna rolled her eyes, grunting under her breath. "Figures — it's not bad enough the red—haired witch has to move in but now we have to celebrate holidays with her too!?"

Regina sighed, choosing to ignore that particular comment. She'd get Zelena and Anna to get along eventually, no matter what it took. They were family and life was far too short and precious to push that away. "...perhaps even Granny as well. I'm sure she'll be a bit down this year with Red spending the holidays with Dorothy in Oz." Regina swallowed down the thought of all the holidays she'd missed with her girls – and deciding there and then she wouldn't spend another one without either of them. "That is, if we're not all in the middle of a duel with the Black Fairy."

"Okay. So we'll plan it for Thanksgiving Day – Final Battle be damned, screw evil villains and their stupid quest for world domination. We can go over the details with everyone in the next couple of days between battle briefings." Anna nodded, smiling contently and turning back to the mugs on the counter.

"Sounds nice, dear." As Anna finished preparing the cocoa and carried the mugs over to the island, Regina went over everything quickly in her head again. When Anna sat down again, this would be it. She would finally—

"Speaking of plans... Henry has a date with Violet."

Regina's shoulders sank, barely able to contain the deep sigh that left her lungs. She took hold of her warm mug, bringing it to her lips and letting some of the hot liquid wash down her throat. If she believed in this realm's religions, she would say that the Lord was definitely testing her. Her concerns of Henry's relationship with Violet pushed their way to the front of her mind, It was an unwelcome distraction when she was trying to focus on Anna and getting the truth out. "Oh... that's...nice." She cleared her throat, her fingers fiddling with the quarter in her pocket. "W—When?"

Anna smirked, completely oblivious to the other woman's inner struggles as she sipped her hot cocoa. Regina could tell her daughter was using Henry's date as a way to distract from herself, to irk Regina out of worrying about her and of Henry instead. It would have worked if Regina weren't so deep in the thoughts that plagued her – the safety of her children, grandchild, sister, and niece chief among them. This date though – which Regina didn't entirely approve of but has since let it go in favour of bigger things – could be a prime excuse to get at least Henry, Anna, and Mia plus an innocent child like Violet out of town for the time being. She had been meaning to get both Anna and Zelena a vehicle anyways. Maybe they could even get rid of the Black Fairy before the kids returned...

"Saturday." The young woman's eyes flew to the clock on the stove. "Which I guess is tomorrow now. Wow, where did the week go? But yeah, Henry seemed pretty excited about it. I was actually thinking about putting Mia back into Ashley's toddler dance classes that day too. She's been acting so weird lately. I know she's just a baby but I think she's just as scared as we all are about this battle. She's so smart and I know she's listening when we think she isn't. She just... needs to be a kid for a bit I think."

"I'm sure Mia would enjoy that, even if it takes a bit to get her out of her shell again." Regina weighed both the information and Anna's response in her mind. Less than a day wasn't a lot of time to pull everything off but she would just have to have faith that it could be done. Anna certainly was right that Mia deserved to be able to just be a kid – though the same could be said of Henry as well. Even Anna herself was so young and had missed out on much of her childhood. Regina wished she could change that for her daughter but for now she'd just have to settle for giving her son and granddaughter the chance to preserve their innocence.

"And when this whole final battle stuff is done and over with I really think I need to figure out a job situation. I was really looking forward to that bar entertainer offer at Aesop's Tables but... since he turned out to be the spawn of creepy old Mr. Gold in disguise as the owner, I guess that job is out of the question now..." Anna sighed. "And I know you refuse to take any money for letting us stay here but I can't just sit around doing nothing. I mean I could – there are so many shows on my 'to watch' list it's insane... But no, I want to be a real citizen, a part of the community here. Especially when Mia goes off to school... I'll be bored out of my mind in this huge house!"

"Um...If you want... I could use some help at my office. My assistant went back to the Enchanted Forest with the others while I was in New York and I haven't had time to find a new one." Regina took another drink of her cocoa. She found she rather liked the idea of taking Anna on as an assistant. She would get to see her daughter more, work closely and bond more with her. It would also be the perfect way to keep an eye on her. Not that she thought her daughter needed to be watched, she just felt extra protective and wanted her nearby. If she could just keep her within eyesight...

She had a momentary thought of homeschooling Mia to keep her close as well...but immediately squashed it down, realizing that was pushing it a little too far. Snow would always be close to her anyways, if not a few classrooms away. And Regina and Emma would always be reachable with their magic too. Plus, Mia deserved a normal school experience — friends and activities and socialization. She'd been selfish with Henry when he was younger, wanting him all to herself and he suffered for her mistakes. Anna too didn't seem to have many friends other than Emma, though she was slowly coming out of her shell. Regina may not be able to fix the mistakes in her son or daughter's past but she'd try her damnedest to give her granddaughter whatever she could. That included a healthy childhood experience with all the friends she wanted.

"No no no." Anna pointed her finger at the Mayor, who raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Thanks...but no would just be you paying me and the whole point is to be independent. Not that I'm not grateful for everything you've done. I am... truly. But I want to find a real job— on my own. Feel like I belong, you know?" Regina sighed and nodded. She was unable to deny that the feeling of independence as a woman was important, especially for someone as young as Anna. She had to keep reminding herself that her baby girl wasn't such a baby anymore. "Also..." Anna scrunched her nose. "I don't do paperwork. I don't have the attention span for that."

"Fair enough. I'm sure you'll find something." Regina chuckled, admiring her daughter's honesty. It was yet another trait that they shared. "Though in the meantime, I may have a project you could help me with that would keep you busy. Mia could even help too."

"Really? What is it?" Anna downed a large gulp of cocoa, eyes lit up with interest.

Regina couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart seeing Anna so enthusiastic – and she didn't even know what the project was yet. "I was thinking, since you and Mia have been here a while it was finally time to redecorate your rooms. Put your own style and interests into them – make them feel a little homier. More yours."

Anna gasped, her eyes wide and a grin growing from ear to ear. The mug in the young woman's hands slipped from her shocked grasp. Regina smirked, catching the mug with her magic before it could spill and shatter on the hardwood floor. With the mug safely on the table, Anna's mouth widened in an embarrassment and she giggled. "Really!?" A squeal escaped her lips and Regina nodded, still smiling. Seeing the joy on her daughter's face did wonders for her nerves and Regina released a contented breath. "Is it Christmas already!? Seriously, Mia is going to be so excited about this too. But much redecorating are we talking?"

"Whatever the two of you want." Regina shrugged, beaming as she watched her daughter practically bounce in her seat. Her Anna had been so down lately, and so unlike the bubbly yet cautious young woman she'd met in New York. This Anna in front of her now though was close to the way she'd been – hopefully this Anna would be here to stay. It was too much torment to see her daughter suffering so much – though it seemed to be a Mills family curse. "A fresh coat of paint for the walls for sure. Maybe some new carpeting – or wood floors if you want. Perhaps we can commission Geppetto for his fine woodworking skills – new beds or dressers. Unless you'd prefer a metal bed frame. We can shop here in Storybrooke, go out of town, or order online."

"That sounds....expensive..." Anna gulped, frowning and looking down.

"Please, honey – don't worry about the money. The rooms need sprucing up anyways – the curse didn't have much of a fashion sense." Regina's expression softened, reaching over to lay her hand over Anna's. The young woman's eyes locked on their hands before raising to meet Regina's. "I want you and Mia to feel at home here, especially in your bedrooms. The money I have is from the curse and investments thereafter – I won't be running out anytime soon. It's not really mine anyways so I just want to share it. Besides, I like spoiling my girls. It may sound strange from someone who used to be "evil" but I do love to give. I gave Henry restrictions growing up yes but he never wanted for anything. So trust me when I say, I can afford a few splurges now and then and it won't be breaking the bank. And anything we can't find to buy, I could just use magic instead."

"Are you sure?" Anna's voice was small.

"Positive. You and Mia are family too – whatever you need and whenever you need it, please don't hesitate to ask. Even if one day you decide to move out of town – you're always welcome here and I'll always be here if you need me." Regina patted Anna's hand softly. Anna released a breath, nodding. Regina thought to bring up the truth in that moment, the quarter suddenly heavy in her pocket, but she wanted Anna to settle down a little first. "Now, is there any ideas you can think of offhand that you'd maybe like to do for your room? Colours or a piece of furniture you want?"

"Um..." Anna sighed, resting her hand over Regina's. "Well...I really love the wallpaper at the Town Hall you have in your office and in the main hall. It's so neat – and so you. But I like the white one in your office better than the yellow one in the hall. I also like soft colours, like greys and blues. Purple is cool too though that seems to be Mia's obsession at the moment."

A soft smile played on the corners of Regina's lips. "I'm quite fond of purple myself. Mia has good taste. I've always liked the white birch wallpaper too. My office is actually my favourite room here in Storybrooke. I spent a lot of time there during the twenty—eight years of the curse, thought I regret that I worked too much and didn't spend as much time with Henry as I should have."

"Kid turned out okay." Anna shrugged.

Regina sat back, lifting her hands and resting her arms at her sides. "He is a special one, that son of mine. I think how he turned out has more to do with who he is more than anything else."

"Regina!" Anna scowled. "Henry is totally the greatest 'cuz of you." The Mayor shrugged, wondering just how Henry managed to be anything but what he was. She had been so lost in herself she almost stifled him like her mother had tried to do to her. "I mean sure, he's got those Charming genes and Emma's his mom too but seriously...I grew up around a lot of kids in the system and I never saw a kid his age that mature, brave, or smart. Henry's the real deal, for sure."

"I won't deny that – Henry's the best son a mother could hope for." Regina nodded. In her head, she couldn't stop the thought that Anna was the best daughter and wished she could voice it out loud. Soon enough.... Once she told Anna the truth she'd make sure she knew how proud her mother was of her and how much she loved her and Mia.

"I really want to know who dealt that kid's cards, 'cuz I want a redo on my hand. He has the perfect life! Grown up in a fairytale town, magic writer powers and a family filled with royalty. Not to mention he has the best mothers. Kid has two!" Anna shook her head.

"Actually...he has three... Me, Emma and...The Queen." Regina reminded her, trying to wrap her own head around the idea of it herself. Sharing Henry with Emma in the beginning had been torture but luckily they'd worked out a way to both be his mother. She wondered how it would work now with the Queen, Henry, Anna and Mia. She should really find a way to contact the Queen so the five of them could work this out. First she had to tell Anna the truth though.

"I totally forgot about her." Anna blew out a breath. It was quiet for a few moments as they continued to drink their cocoa. Anna stood up at one point to grab the can of whipped cream from the counter and added more to her mug. As she sat down again, Anna chuckled and shook her head. "You know it's strange ... there's a whole other you out there. And not a twin or even a clone like on that Orphan Black show... which you should watch. It's like really good! And the actress totally looks like you too which is weird... Anyway, what I mean is she is you – the Queen. And yet you're both so different. And she's out there in a whole other realm... Do you really think it's possible... that she's really doing good? Maybe even happy with the other Robin?"

Regina gulped, pushing her mug forward. "I—I hope so. I really do."

Anna's face scrunched. "Isn't that kinda weird? I mean how does that make you feel? Knowing she's with him – doesn't that hurt?"

"Some days are better than others. I won't lie or sugarcoat it – I think you're old enough to handle it. There are some moments where it's incredibly excruciating – paralyzing even." Regina cleared her throat, unable to meet her daughter's eye. "It was hard enough to lose my Robin, but the thought of a version of me getting her happy ending with a version of him? It's pure torture. Even so, if she is out there doing good and living out her happy ending then I'm happy for her – for the both of them." She looked up, dismayed to see that Anna didn't seem to be done with this subject just yet.

"But you can't feel her? There's no bond that connects you in that kind of way?" Anna raised an eyebrow.

Regina shook her head. "No. Not after she used the shears. We are two completely separate people. Our memories up to the point I split us apart are the same, but after that it all deviates."

Anna sighed, shoulders sagging. "Yeah — that's just super weird. But seriously no fair! Here I am desperate for the one mother who probably ditched me and never looked back... and Henry's hogging all the good ones!"

Regina inhaled painfully, the words affecting her more than she could control. Her heart clenched, sweat dripped from her forehead, and tears gathered in the corners of her eyes - all happening at once. Luckily, Anna was far too caught up in her rant. She didn't even notice as Regina took a few moments to pull herself back together before she erupted into a full—on panic/anxiety/grief attack.

The over—emotional Mayor breathed deeply, her thoughts in circles — tell Anna the truth, never tell her at all, wait to tell her... She truly didn't know the answer in that moment. Anyone of the three options could either send her daughter spiralling into a dark abyss or give her the peace and answers she was looking for. Regina cursed herself for the millionth time, wishing she'd done more to stop her wretched mother from taking her precious baby girl away from her. If she'd just taken a half—second more to think about it, everything could be so much different... Watching Anna grow and raising her — but that would have meant she'd never have Henry. In fact, he may never have been born at all if she'd raised Anna instead of marrying Leopold. The thought alone caused so much conflict within her. She loved both of her children so deeply. Could she really trade in her son to raise her daughter? The answer was impossible and one she couldn't choose. Of course she'd do anything to show the young woman in front of her how different her life could have been! This Anna in front of her was so very broken and lost. She believed herself to be alone and unloved. The one price she couldn't pay was the existence and happiness of her son and the thought of it twisted her up inside. If she'd have raised Anna all those years, she may have never cast the curse. Or maybe years down the road she may have cast the curse anyway, still caught up in her grief over losing her child's father. She may have raised Anna to have darkness within her too and cast the curse together at a different time. A time where Henry had found another family...or never found one at all... or worse, never been born in the first place.

She looked up to see that Anna was still ranting. If Regina couldn't forgive herself for losing her, how could Anna ever forgive her? Did she even deserve forgiveness for any of her sins?

" he's got Snow and David and even Gold and sort of Belle as grandparents and Hook as a stepfather." Anna finished, releasing a frustrated sigh. "Regina!? Yo — you're not zonking out on me are you?"

Regina blinked and forced out a chuckle, burying her pain and guilt deep down for the time being. It would do her no good to dwell on such things now. The past was the past and there was nothing she could do about it. Her only focus now was the present and the future with her son, daughter, and granddaughter. They were all together now and that was all that mattered. The only thing left to do was bring their family closer together. "It's true...Henry's family tree is quite complicated. I hope for his sake he's never assigned to write it all down at school."

"Seriously. Glad I never had to do that. Mia's, if she ever has to, would be quite small." Anna lamented. Regina's heart ached – soon enough Mia would have plenty of family to put on her family tree. Anna's eyes landed on the clock on the stove again. "Wow it's late. I should probably go check on Mia and make sure she hasn't kicked Henry off the bed yet. Kid's gonna be a professional soccer play, I swear. And if I have to spend the next few days helping Zelena move into this house I better sleep. Or else I'm not responsible for what flies out of my mouth. OOohhh and it's three am! Which means the release of the first season of Jessica Jones is out! I've waited forever for it! The previews looked soooo good – and Kristen Ritter's sass...ugh! I dare say her character's saltiness could rival my own! It truly is a dilemma, sleep or Jessica Jones..."

Regina just laughed – again (and not the first time) wondering if her daughter was speaking another language. "You and your television shows. Growing up in the Enchanted Forest I had to find a way to keep myself entertained – mostly outside. I did have my best friend though, my beloved horse Rocinante. Then I was occupied with my mother's never—ending etiquette lessons – or truthfully, avoiding them and her. That was fun – seeing how long I could hide out in the stables before she found me. And by the time I was your age I was already a mo—" She stopped and cleared her throat, catching herself. While it was true she'd been made to forget giving birth, she still became Snow's stepmother at age nineteen. "I was already betrothed to marry the King."

"That's cuz you had the worst mother in history." Anna scrunched her nose.

Regina smirked sadly, thankful Anna hadn't noticed her slip up. "Touché."

"...Also cuz you're like a dinosaur." Anna chuckled into her mug before taking a sip.

Regina narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. With a quick flick of her fingers, the whipped cream in her daughter's mug splashed all over Anna's nose.

"Hey!" Anna's eyes widened and she put the mug down harshly, looking up at the Mayor with a scowled. "What the hell!"

Regina smirked, her eyes twinkling. "Refer to my age again and next time it won't be whipped cream!"

Anna glared at her, grabbing a napkin and wiping the whipped cream off her face. "That's so unfair! I would expect that from Emma but not you Madam 'I'm a bit more refined' Mayor."

Regina shrugged, her grin devious. "Guess I'm just full of surprises."

"Ugh." Anna plopped back down in her chair. "I may be at a non—magical disadvantage here but I'm totally going to get you back for that!"

"I'd like to see you try, dear. I was quite the prankster back in the day, plaguing the maids and servants in my father's castle when I was a girl."

"Well if you'll excuse me your majesty, I'm sure your little girl pranks were nothing compared to half the practical jokes I pulled in the group homes growing up. Even Emma couldn't out prank me, and I practiced on her the most." Anna giggled.

"We shall have to see, won't we." Regina winked.

"Is that a threat?" Anna raised an eyebrow – Regina could tell she was on the verge of laughter.

"Merely a challenge. If you're up to the task, that is." Regina raised her mug to her lips, finishing her cocoa.

"'re so gonna get it!" Anna rubbed her hands together, cackling. "When you least expect it too!"

"If you say so, child." Regina grinned.

"I do, my Queen." Anna shook her head, still laughing. She released a breath, grabbing both their mugs and taking them to the sink. "I'm definitely going to need some good sleep tonight. I've got lots to think about – decorating, Thanksgiving, Emma's wedding, and now I have to out—prank the Evil Queen."

Now Regina. Do it now. Regina bit the bottom of her lip, watching as Anna rinsed out and quickly washed their mugs, saucepan and spoons. "Uh...A—Actually Anna... t—there's something I want to talk about tonight before we go to bed..."

"Okay." Anna set their clean mugs in the dry rack and turned around. "Shoot."

Regina swallowed, just a mere glance at her sweet Anna's smile melted everything inside her. She hoped and prayed that beautiful smile didn't fade when Anna heard the truth. Her hand frantically dug into her pocket, her fingers clenching around the quarter from Snow as she prepared herself. She released a few breaths, squeezing the quarter tighter. Her nerves were trying to talk her out of it again but her heart and her head were screaming at her to just get it over with. Anna was watching her curiously with the same expression she had the night she found her on the docks when it snowed. Regina found herself wondering what Anna was thinking. "Well—"

A phone ringtone cut the silence — a whistling tune? Regina exhaled in frustration, vaguely recognizing the sound from one of Anna's many shows. The young woman blushed, reaching in her pocket for her phone. "Sorry. Hold that thought..." Regina watched nervously as Anna's attention turned to her phone, fingers flying on the tiny keyboard. "Ugh. Emma — geez...three missed calls... Woman's gotta chill." Anna sighed. "She's still stuck between three dresses."

Regina frowned, fingers still tumbling the quarter around in her pocket. She'd lost her window again... Could it be a sign? Maybe it really wasn't the right time... "Guessing wedding plans wasn't such a success?"

Anna's face scrunched and her shoulders shrugged. "It was... interesting. David was a little moody. I half expected Emma to go all psycho bridezilla on me, but besides not being able to pick a dress she actually was really calm about everything. It was Snow who ended up going a little insane. She's kind of intense..."

"Oh that she is." Regina let out a small chuckle, her nerves winning over with each passing second. She let go of the quarter, lifting her hand out of her pocket and resting it on the counter. The hope quarter was failing her...

"By the way, what the hell happened between Dr. Whale and Snow during the curse? No one will tell me!" Anna grunted. She fiddled with her sleeve for a moment but rolling her eyes and turning around. Regina raised an eyebrow, watching her daughter curiously as the young woman dug around in the cabinets.

"You know... that's one question I don't think you want the answer to." Regina cleared her throat, smirking — amused as Anna turned around with the most disgusted look on her face.

Anna's eyes were wide as she feigned gagging. "Wait. No... no way. Whale and Snow!? But she's married to David!"

Regina shrugged. "There was a twenty—eight year curse..."

Anna shivered, shaking her head. "I just threw up in my mouth..." She turned around again — back to digging around in the cupboard. After a few moments, she closed one and moved on to another one.

"I did warn you." Regina just laughed. The young woman let out a frustrated huff, moving to another cupboard. "Anna, what are you doing?"

"Gross. Ugh." Anna slammed one of the cupboard doors closed and turned around. She crossed her arms, scrunching her face again. "And not just the thought of Henry's grandma and the creepy town doc...." She shivered again as she reached up in the open door, pulling down a plastic container. "I know you live the healthy lifestyle or whatever but this is just pathetic..." Regina eyed the container in her daughter's hand, confused. "The lack of viable snack options in this house seriously sucks. I mean sure, there's the cookies but I don't want anymore of those. Wine always makes me crave chips for some reason — and all that's here are these nasty looking kale chips! Ugh...Would it kill ya to spring for some Lay's?"

Regina narrowed her eyes. "Lay's?"

Anna rolled her eyes and exhaled, stuffing the container of kale chips back up in the cupboard. "Yeah...they're a brand of salty chips..."

"I know what they are — I do go shopping in a grocery store like normal people." Regina shifted on her chair, crossing her legs. "I threw out those germ—infested cans of soup what makes you think I would allow those artery—clogging fried potatoes that aren't even real?"

"Come on! Even the healthiest people have their cheat foods! Geez you're like the junk food police...what, are you a heart specialist or something? Do they even have anatomy in the Enchanted Forest?! " Anna slumped back down on her chair, her arms crossed on the table with her chin on her arms.

"Ahem." Regina cleared her throat eyeing the young woman. Anna rolled her eyes, exhaling loudly as she sat up and slumped back against the chair. "Thank you."

"Yeah yeah..." Anna mumbled, crossing her arms. The minor tantrum was short lived as the whistling ringtone sounded from Anna's phone on the count again. Anna raised an eyebrow and uncrossed her arms, looking down at the phone. Moments later the ringtone sound again — and again moments after that. Before Anna could get her hand down to tend to it, the phone went off again. Regina eyed the phone and then up to a flustered—looking Anna who stared down at it curiously as her fingers flew back and forth on the screen.

Regina wondered who would be calling or texting her daughter so much — and so late — at night. "Everything okay?"

Anna sighed, shrugging. "Eh... just Emma having some pre—wedding nerves I think. Not sure how to help her, this whole maid of honour thing is a lot harder than I thought. And geez! Weddings happen fast around here! Emma's getting married on Sunday! I mean she just got engaged! Or well... re—engaged? But I guess when you have magic at your fingertips it makes it easier. I just can't believe she's actually getting married. People like her and I...opening ourselves up doesn't happen often. But I guess when you find someone as amazing as Hook is..."

Regina bristled, her shoulders tensing slightly. Her lips curled into the most genuine smile she could, despite the gnawing, aching, soul—sucking whole in her heart. She was tired of the mourning and the crippling pain of seeing others find their happy ending when she'd tried for so long and always came up short. Was it so much to ask to actually be genuinely happy for someone without experiencing her losses all over again?! "It's nice to see her happy. And she really loves you. There's no one better to stand up there with her."

Anna grinned, though it faded fast. "I just hope it actually happens..."

"What do you mean?" Regina was shocked. The last she'd heard the wedding was back on and the Saviour and her Pirate were blissfully (annoyingly) happy again.

Anna typed out another message on her phone before looking up, a frown on her face. "Well... with the final battle, Black Fairy, Gideon/Gold stuff ... She wants to postpone the wedding." Her eyes scanned her phone again and she winced. "Or...looks like she may already have...Which kinda sucks because the gift I had planned is actually almost done. Damnit Emma, chill out!" Anna groaned, slamming her phone down on the counter.

Regina decided to allow the slip go for the time being. She was concerned with how much Anna was letting Emma's wedding decisions upset her. She also didn't want Anna to get so worked up and accidentally blow out the lights in the house. Maybe if she distracted her with talking about her gift..."What is it? Your gift?"

Anna released a breath, her hand reaching behind her to the back pocket of her jeans. Moments later, she was holding out a small notebook and holding it out to Regina. "It's nothing super exciting...just something that came to mind while we were shopping for dresses. Most of the music I have planned too. I haven't been able to come up with a title yet."

Regina accepted the notebook and opened it up. Her eyes scanned over the neatest, most eloquent, and surprisingly familiar handwriting she'd ever seen. The penmanship was so similar to Regina's own it was almost frightening and yet oddly exciting all at the same time. The strokes were fine and the wording flawless. She scanned through the words, the lyrics bringing a smile to her face even though she could barely control herself from breaking out into tears. Her daughter was so talented, so gifted... She never had the chance to meet Daniel's mother or hear her sing but she was curious how alike their voices were. She just wondered, though, how Anna was able to develop and nurture her talent in the harsh conditions of the foster homes she grew up in. Regina felt a pang of longing — if she'd been allowed to raise her daughter she would have encouraged Anna in her gift of music and enjoyed watching her daughter's talents grow. She cleared her throat, looking up from the notebook. Anna watched her anxiously and Regina allowed herself to smile, grateful she was able to witness her daughter's many talents now. "Anna, this is amazing! I...I didn't even know you wrote music."

Anna shrugged, her cheeks growing red as a soft smile tugged on her lips. "Thanks. It's really all 'cuz of Emma. She's the one who got a scared little girl hooked on musicals — all starting with 'Annie'. She even gave me my guitar. So, just seemed fitting that I write her a song... kind of like a thank you."

"The lyrics are beautiful, I really think Emma will like it too." Regina nodded, looking down at the words to read them through again.

She could feel Anna's nervous eyes on her as she finished reading. "Want to hear what I've got so far with the melody?"

Regina sniffled, smiling warmly. She found herself thinking that Daniel would be proud of their little girl — his mother too. She wished both of them could be there to see how beautiful and smart and talented Anna was. She knew with certainty both father and grandmother would be as proud as Regina herself was of the young woman in front of her. "I would love to."

"Really!?" Anna grinned from ear to ear.

"Really." Regina nodded, wiping a tear from her eye.

Anna bolted up from her chair in excitement and Regina followed closely behind out of the kitchen. Once in the living room, Regina cleared her throat as Anna plopped down on the piano bench. "You haven't touched this thing since before you moved in."

"I know...just never got a chance to find time I guess." Anna shrugged as she opened the wooden cover off the keys of the piano. "...but we'll just have to change that once we kick that black fairy's butt won't we?" She flashed a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling.

Regina chuckled, looking down at Anna with a smile. "No complaints here — in fact you could sing and play all day and all night and I would be more than okay with it." She sat down on the bench beside her daughter, her hands resting on her lap. She could feel the quarter against her leg even through all the fabric.

"Ready?" Anna's fingers hovered over the keys on the piano, her head turned toward the Mayor.

Regina released a breath and nodded, her hands folded together tightly. Anna twisted her head back to the keys and her fingers started moving. The opening melody washed over her and Regina's heart swelled as Anna opened her mouth sang out the first verse. Anna's voice singing the lyrics hit the over—emotional mother even more so than just reading them and one of her hands lifted to rest over her chest. The first few words alone sent her reeling, thinking about the Final Battle and the Saviour Prophecy and everything that was ahead...not to mention her earlier conversation with Anna about casualties of war...

Anna continued to sing, smiling nervously at the older woman and it was all Regina could do to keep herself together. It would do no good to fall apart again now in front of Anna or she'd never get the truth out. And it absolutely had to come out soon or Regina was going to burst.

Every note, every all blended together like magic raining down from her heavenly daughter's lips. The former Queen shut her eyes tight, a sense of peace and calm washing over her. Every time Anna sang, it always felt like magic but this was different...Somehow it being both Anna's voice and her own written words just felt even more special and meaningful. It was all from a place of love that Anna felt for the woman she looked to as her sister, who latched onto her and raised her through the foster system when Regina couldn't be there for her daughter.

Through one line of lyrics in particular, Anna winked at Regina and the Mayor chuckled, wiping a joyful tear from her eye. The song continued, Anna's voice as melodic as in the beginning of it. Regina sniffled, the words beautiful but no less painful to hear. The thought of the woman beside her – her long lost daughter who'd suffered through so many things Regina didn't even want to think about – singing of something so positive as hope and togetherness and was all too much to bear! Was the young woman actually healing, mending her scars both physical and emotional? Did Anna feel at home here in Storybrooke? At home with Regina? She wanted so much to see her daughter happy someday – after their relationship was revealed and the battling was done and they could just be with each other and be a family.

Anna repeated a few syllables a couple of times and then suddenly stopped. Regina gulped, her hand over her heart. "Don't stop..." She breathed out, the action as painful as the ache in her chest.

Anna shrugged her shoulders dramatically, her fingers still on the keys. "That's all I got so far...almost done but still needs some work. Geez! Now that I've heard this part out loud it totally sucks. Maybe I won't give them this for a gift...newlyweds always get kitchen stuff right? Maybe a blender..."

Regina shook her head, still struggling to breathe. "N—'s perfect. The perfect gift."

"No...they probably already have a blender. Duh...they already live together..." Anna ranted on, smirking. "The nuns from the one group home we went to totally wouldn't approve. Toaster? Jesus, a little more of a ditz. If they have a blender they definitely have a toaster. Waffle—maker? Regina?"

The Mayor inhaled, her daughter's quick words and the emotions from the song still making her dizzy. "Waffle—maker? What?"

The smile faded from Anna's lips, now a melancholy frown. "The song...I can't...It's not..." Anna closed the cover on the piano keys and turned away from Regina on the bench. "I can never finish anything. Why should this song be any different?" Regina's heart broke just listening to the self—disappointment in her daughter's voice. Her hand lifted and hovered over Anna's back, wanting to comfort her but unsure how... "They don't need a gift from me anyways...nothing would be good enough – not for Captain Hook and the Saviour."

"Anna, please..." Regina's voice cracked, reaching forward to rest her hand on the back of the young woman's shoulder. Anna flinched and Regina gasped, pulling her hand back. The older woman's eyes closed and her head dropped, tears falling down the side of her face. "The song is perfect, it really is. It's so beautiful, I think Emma and even Hook are really going to like it. They'd like it anyways just because it's from you and you wrote it. Please, honey...."

"It won't even matter anyways 'cuz none of us are going to survive the psycho goth bitch...or if anything Emma won't. I can just feel it...So what's the point in finishing the song?"

Anna shook her head and Regina released a heavy sigh. "Now that's not true!" Regina raised her voice and cleared her throat. Anna sighed again and Regina could hear soft whimpers coming from the young woman in front of her. "Honey...look at me." The room was quiet except for the small cries but Anna didn't move. "Anna!" Regina's voice cracked again and she reached around her daughter. "Anna, take my hand." She gently pulled on the young woman's arm and latched on tightly to her hand. Anna turned, her tear—filled eyes locked on their enclosed fingers. "I told you this already, no one is going to die in this battle – do you hear me!? Not even the Saviour. We'll survive and we'll find our happy endings – all of us!"

"But you can't know that, none of us can." Anna sniffled, shaking her head and looking down.

Regina winced, closing her eyes momentarily. She steeled a breath, sitting up straight as she let go of Anna's hand and let her finger rest on the underside of the young girl's chin. Anna cried out, her eyes closed and her tears falling onto Regina's wrist. "I do know that. I'm the Evil Queen – and I demand that we all survive. Okay?" She tried to feign the low, serious tone she'd had as the Queen but her emotions were much too in control and it came off a bit weaker than she'd intended. Anna opened her eyes and they locked with the other woman's, a slight chuckle tainted with her tears. "See...I can still get you to laugh. Mayor's not so stuffy after all, huh?"

Anna sniffed and laughed again. Regina smiled softly and let her hand fall to rest on Anna's arm."I have faith that you will find the perfect finish to your already perfect song, I do. You're so talented. The answer is already in your head and in your heart – you just have to look within yourself. And as for this insufferable fairy threatening us...she doesn't stand a chance against all of us. Okay?"

Anna nodded, blinking her tears away and sighing deeply. "Okay..."

Regina held open her free hand and a tissue appeared. While Anna clutched her other arm tighter, Regina gently used the tissue to dry her daughter's tears away before making it disappear. "There, all better." Anna's eyes fell again. "No, not all better?" She paused, wincing at the look of confliction on her daughter's face. "What's wrong?"

"N—nothing..." Anna mumbled.

"Nonsense, I know when my da—um when my friend is hurting." Regina sighed, wanting so much to tell her in that moment. Once again, however, she knew it would be more beneficial to all of them if she tabled it for the time being in favour of a more appropriate time. Her priority now was as a mother, to comfort her child and take her pain away. "It's okay...Maybe if you talk about it, it will make you feel better." Anna's face scrunched and she muttered something under her breath Regina didn't catch. "Look, I know you're scared but you have to know you can talk to me about anything. We may not know each other as well yet but you can trust me. Something's bothering you and I'd like to help."

Anna released a breath, still holding tightly to her arm as she leaned her head forward against Regina's chest. Regina inhaled, her lips softening into a smile as she held her hand over her daughter's arm and gently stroked her hair. "It's probably stupid but...I can't stop thinking about it. Especially with the wedding and watching Snow and David act like they're on their second honeymoon...It's just – what's love like?"

Regina blinked in surprise. Anna lifted her head to meet her eyes and the Mayor cleared her throat. "W—What?"

"You know...what does it feel like to be in love? To have someone look at you like you're the only one that exists in the world? Like Hook and Emma, Snow and you had with Robin and Daniel." Anna looked down.

A small gasp escaped Regina's lips, the Mayor's heartbeat tripling in speed. "You've never..." she trailed off, barely able to get that out let alone finish voicing the painful question.

Anna's eyes lifted, a sorrowful tear in the corner of her eye as she shook her head. "Honestly Regina – who on earth would love an awkward weirdo with a three year old like me?!"

A line of tears tracked down Anna's cheeks and a slice of agony ripped itself through Regina's heart just at the idea that her beautifully perfect baby girl could even think so lowly or so little of herself... "Well I know I do..." The words fell from her lips and felt good — right even. Not quite the actual confession of love but enough to show her daughter that she cared. Actually saying the real words out loud may be too much in the moment – this showed the truth without scaring Anna off. Made the young woman think about it.

"But..." Anna released a tired breath, her voice quiet. "B—but that's different. I'm talking about a real romantic love – someone to love me and only me. You know...a boy—guy—man type person..." Anna's cheeks blazed bright red and her eyes snapped away from Regina's.

Her mother's eyes, however, widened and she smirked brightly. "Oh. Oh! Right..." Regina nodded, her eyebrows high on her forehead as the thought of her little girl — no her adult daughter — with a man sunk in. "Oh..."

She'd already had the so—called "talk" with Henry. She and Emma sat him down in an empty room in Camelot in Arthur's castle shortly after he started spending so much time with Violet. It was slightly uncomfortable though mildly heartfelt — what with Emma being the Dark One and all the drama that had entailed. He'd taken it quite well, insisting he wasn't naive and he'd already learned all of it from health class. They made him promise they wouldn't become grandmothers for a long time — and they certainly didn't want to have to drag a baby home from Camelot. Just thinking of Emma being the Dark that brought back memories. Emma jumped into that tornado for her, took the Dark One mantle so Regina wouldn't have to give in to her darkness again. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to repay her for that or so many other things — including unknowingly raising her daughter.

Anna squealed and buried her face on the top of the piano. "Oh my god...could you make this any weirder Gina!" The young woman's voice was about three or four levels higher than it usually was.

Regina grinned again, still worried but finding amusement in the situation – especially since her daughter was grown up with a daughter of her own. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting the conversation to go in this direction. I didn't know you were thinking about it. Nor that you were having...issues."

Anna lifted her head, her eyes wide. "Ugh – Gina!" She rolled her eyes. "Look...I've never been very good at this sort of thing and Emma took off when I was still little. I was never social anyways but when Emma left...I fell deeper into my shell. I was angry and lonely and only focused on finding either Emma or my real didn't really leave much time for d—dating or parties – or even interacting with anyone, let alone boys. A—And then when Emma and I had that fight in Boston I was stupid enough to go to that party..." Anna winced, fidgeting with the sleeve of her sweatshirt again.

Regina swallowed, her heart constricting seeing the pain and trauma in her daughter. She didn't know all the details about what Anna went through that night but she didn't need to. Just seeing the pain and shame in her daughter's eyes told her all she needed to know. Someone hurt her daughter that night and Regina couldn't stand the thought of it. She may have given up the business of crushing hearts ages ago but if she ever got her hands on that horrible excuse for a man she could certainly make an exception — and she'd do more than rip his heart out. She didn't care if he was biologically Mia's father, he didn't deserve Anna or Mia, or even to be allowed to live.

"Anyways, a year later I had a screaming infant to deal with and now a toddler. Being Mia's mom doesn't leave a lot of time for much else but her a—and...well it's j—just hard... I don't—I don't trust people." Anna paused, scrunching her face. "Besides...I probably wouldn't know what love looked like even it if hit me in the face..."

Regina sighed, chuckling. She pushed the dark plans out of her mind for the moment, sending herself a mental note to possibly enlist Emma's expertise on finding people later on.... "Honey, you're looking at the Queen of failed single—mom dating. My first love was killed and then I was married to a man I hated and a stepmom to a young girl who took someone from me before my twentieth birthday. Or so that's what I told myself. And then I was evil...and I didn't want nor care about love. In fact, I hated it. My darkness took over and I wasn't capable of love anyways. Even when Henry was still little, there was always some part of me that couldn't love him because I knew once he grew up and found out who I was and what I'd done..." She looked up to find Anna watching her intently. "It wasn't until the curse broke and Henry let me in that he showed me how to love again. And it was in missing him while trapped in the Enchanted Forest that I allowed myself to fall hard and fast for Robin but we had so little time together..." Her mouth hung open and her eyes widened.


The former Queen lifted her hand to her mouth, a tear falling down her face. She thought of the talk she and Snow had earlier on the docks and her heart skipped a few beats. She'd never, not once, in all the moments they shared told Robin that she loved him out loud. She knew she'd felt it, knew he did as well. But she never told him... Regret flooded her system and she ached everywhere. "I...I'm just now realizing something, that's all..." She bit back the tears, desperate to keep her pain to herself. Her priority was taking Anna's away – not bombarding her with her own. "My point is that someday you will find it, I know you will. It'll happen when you're not even looking for it – and probably when you need it most but don't realize it. You'll find someone who shares your beliefs and morals and you'll want to share a life with them."

Anna groaned, turning on the bench to lean against the piano. "But it's just so...the idea of it seems so out of reach. And I'm not one of those girls who whines because she can't function without a boyfriend – that's just dumb. I'm definitely one of those independent women who think girls run the world..." Regina raised an eyebrow and Anna sighed. "I think we need to introduce you to some Destiny's Child and Beyonce, Gina. And so many other things. You're seriously worse than Dr. Brennan from Bones. Anyways...I'm not desperate for a guy or anything...I just think it would be nice. Useful even, in a town like this. I mean, what would happen if I ever fell under a sleeping curse? I'd probably be stuck forever. Or... well... I guess maybe Mia... unless she grows up to hate me."

Regina's heart jumped at the memory of holding her daughter on the floor of her office, panic ridden that she hadn't awaken like everyone else. And the relief she'd felt when Anna eyes finally shot open at the touch of Regina's lips to her forehead... "Do you really think you're that unloved?" Anna drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She shrugged, sniffling, and Regina let out a sigh. "You would have to allow yourself to love someone too – it has to be true on both sides. And it's not always just about romance either. That's just what the world seems to think, what they're so focused on. Honestly – who cares who a person chooses to love? It's nobody's business but the two people who are in love. There's all different forms of true love anyways. What it really comes down to is the unconditional bond that can't be broken. It's putting someone before yourself. Doing anything and everything to see them happy. Sometimes... it even means knowing you would risk your life to make sure they are safe." Her mind went to Robin as it often did – how he died to protect her. She would do the same – almost had many times – to protect the lives of her family, friends and even the whole town. "That is true love. That's why it's the most powerful. It's selfless. It's sacrifice. So very much like you and Mia... or you and Emma... or...someone else."

Anna nodded, her chin on her knees. Regina found herself thinking her adult daughter looked very much like a little girl in that moment. "Ugh. Okay can we just drop the subject and forget I even brought this up? So much more than in the movies."

Regina smiled softly. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about honey."

"Eh. Whatever." Anna shrugged. Regina shook her head— her daughter really did inherit the Mills family stubbornness. "And, speaking of needing to introduce you to more of this world's culture...You never got to explain how you knew the Frank Sinatra song earlier, what with all the crazy and everything." Anna lifted her chin off her knees and tilted her to the side. "You usually don't recognize any of the songs I sing or play."

Regina chuckled, fond memories of her first moments with Henry dancing in her mind. "Do you remember the talk we had outside the warehouse when I explained that I almost gave Henry up but didn't?"

"Yeah, it was when I told you about almost giving Mia up. Right?"

Regina nodded. "On the drive home after I decided to keep him, that song came on the radio. I was feeling doubtful again about keeping him and turned the radio on to chase the thoughts away. When I heard that song, I can't explain it but it was like my father was somehow telling me it would all be okay. That he was watching me and I was on the right path. That night I was putting Henry to bed and he wouldn't stop crying. I hummed that song and he was out instantly — and it worked from that night on. While he slept I promised him that I would always watch over him and never let him go."

Anna's eyes widened. "Wow...that's beautiful, Regina."

Regina's smile continued, the memories of that day a welcome distraction from the chaos the future was sure to bring. "After adopting Henry, being a mom became just... it's all I know how to be."

Anna stretched her legs, all traces of her earlier mood gone and she was back to her bubbly, overactive self. "Well you kinda rock at it, it's like your best quality." Regina's smile faded. She was just barely able keep herself together and not give anything away. "It makes me sad though — I wish I had that growing up as a child."

Regina exhaled, wanting very much to engulf her little girl in her arms and hold her. She knew though that her daughter wasn't a little girl – she was a grown woman. She couldn't just kiss and hug her baby's problems away. "You do now. I'll never let you go." Anna beamed and Regina breathed a sigh of relief. Baby or not, she wouldn't ever be letting her daughter go again.

"Regina, I don't think there's anything you could do that would make me want to leave this place."

Regina's heart jumped at the thought, very much okay with that. "That's good to hear. As long as you allow it, I'll always watch over you and Mia. And you're going to finish this song. I may even have a title." She waved her hand and Anna's notebook and pen she'd left in the kitchen appeared on the top of the piano. Regina picked up the pen and wrote her idea down.

Anna's eyes widened as she looked down at the paper and then up at Regina, grinning from ear to ear. "Wow! The title was literally staring at me right in the face! Duh! Thanks Gina!" Anna squealed, wrapping her arms around Regina and squeezing her before letting go and clapping her hands together excitedly.

"And...I may or may not have a little surprise for you..." Regina grinned. There was a few details she still had to sort out but being the Mayor, Regina knew she wouldn't have much trouble.

"Really!?" Anna's smile grew wider. "What is it!?"

Regina smirked, also knowing all too well how impatient her daughter could be. "You'll have to wait. It should be ready tomorrow — I think anyways."

"Ugh come on, Gina!" Anna drawled out in a whine. "You're such a tease!"

"Sorry dear." Regina chuckled. " Patience is a virtue."

"Yeah one we all know I don't have!" Anna sulked on the bench, her bottom lip pulled down into a pout. "This is totally gonna be the longest twenty—four hours ever!"

Regina smirked in amusement, amazed how much Mia resembled her mother. "And we all wonder where that child of yours gets her attitude from." Anna crossed her arms dramatically over her chest. Regina laughed, unsure she could love her daughter anymore than she already did. "I'm sure you'll find some television show to binge watch as you say and help pass the time..."

"Ha...ha...ha." Anna rolled her eyes, though she failed to hide the hint of a smile that pulled at the corners of her mouth. "I'm kidding... kinda...but really Gina this will fall on deaf ears I know but you don't need to get my anything. Seriously, you are way too good a person!"

"I certainly try..." The former Evil Queen sighed, pushing aside dark thoughts of the past to focus on the exciting surprise she had for both her sister and daughter. One would be more excited for it than the other but Regina still couldn't wait for their reactions. She looked up when she realized it was quiet, noticing with concern the smile was gone on her daughter's face and replaced by a forlorn expression. "Something else wrong?

Anna blinked and looked up at her. "What? No. It's nothing."

Regina raised an eyebrow. "Anna... Need I remind you, I know that look." She'd know that look anywhere — she'd seen it on her sister, her mother, Mia... Not to mention in her own reflection. It was a common expression amongst the Mills women.

Anna scowled, sighing in defeat. "Well... just..." She paused, looking up at the Mayor with soft eyes. "Do you ever think you'll find love again? After everything that's happened to finally get a happy ending? Or....even to find a beginning of something new? Because it just seems unfair. You of all people totally deserve it. "

Regina blanched at the question, gulping. That daughter of hers, always keeping her on her toes. All her life, so many people told her she didn't deserve a happy ending. Villains don't get happy endings was as ever present in her mind as it always was. It had always been true for her — everything and everyone she'd reached for were always taken away. Freedom, happiness, love, choice, power...all of it stripped away time and time again. Only a few people in her life ever truly believed she'd find a happy ending — Daddy, Daniel, Henry, Emma, Snow...and now Anna, her own daughter.

A happy ending for her? She really wasn't even sure she knew how to answer that. Or if she was even ready to figure that out. She had thought she'd found it — with Robin. Pixie dust wasn't supposed to lie — he was supposed to be her soulmate, her ultimate happiness. But..she'd lost him, twice. And now... Now she was wasn't sure anyone would ever compete. It often made her wonder if she'd ever find true happiness — or if such a thing even existed for someone with as dark a past as hers.

Or...perhaps her 'happy ending' would be something different. She had her children after all, plus her grandchild. She smiled warmly at the thought of the three of them, her boy and two girls.

"What are you smirking about over there, Madame Mayor?"

Regina chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. If her daughter only knew... She found herself thinking about something Snow had once said — that happy endings weren't always what they thought they would be. At the time it was said, she had been in such pain over knowing she had to lose Henry to save him that it hadn't even registered. But she could see what Snow meant. She gripped the quarter in her pocket, still smiling. "Happy endings aren't always about getting married and falling in love. For years I used to think that's all it meant, but I was proven wrong. Yes, I loved Daniel and Robin and yes they made me happy but I realized even while Robin was still alive that my happy ending was always feeling at home in the world. Like I belonged somewhere, had a purpose to fulfil. Robin was just a part of helping me find that. It's a struggle and I imagine will continue to be for quite some time, but I'm still trying to find that purpose. And and Mia are now part of my world and you are both so loved. I truly hope one day you can see that. You'll find your purpose too. We can search together. And one day you're going to have all the answers you've been looking for...I promise."

Anna blushed and smiled, nervously tucking her hair behind her ears. Regina watched her look around the room, equally as nervous. The quarter in her pocket felt like it was burning through to her skin and her heart was pounding. The more her eyes were on Anna, the more she felt that now was the time. Their blood relationship would finally be revealed, they could have their own beginning to start over—

Anna hopped off the piano bench just as Regina was about to open her mouth and the Mayor deflated once again. "Ugh. Mia must have done that when she took Henry's book out of his bag!" The young woman knelt down on the floor by the couch where Henry's backpack was open and its contents strewn about the floor. "I didn't even notice it earlier when I went looking for that dumb stuffed dog. I seriously can't find him anywhere!"

Regina released a frustrated and disappointed breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "W—Well, where did she have him last?"

Anna rolled her eyes, starting to dig through the mess. "Lord knows with that kid. She had him in the kitchen while we ate. After that I don't remember seeing him but the night has kind of been a blur. I have to find him though. Henry may have able to convince her to sleep tonight with Bo the monkey — which is shocking enough — but I don't think we'd luck out another night." She continued to pick up Henry's belongs from his bag – papers, books, pens and pencils – until — "Is that...?" She bent down on her knees and bent her head to look under the couch.

Regina crossed into the living room and stood a few feet away, raising an eyebrow with her hands on her hips. In the short time since they'd been reunited, it hadn't taken long to learn that her daughter had a very short attention span. It certainly kept Regina on her toes...and she was sure it would continue to do so. She chuckled, watching Anna reach her arm deeper underneath the couch. "What are you doing?"

Anna's head popped out, her arm still digging. "Oh...hey...weren't you going to tell me something?" Regina opened her mouth about to speak but Anna's squeal of excitement spooked her. "Ah ha! There you are, you dumb dog!" Her daughter pulled her arm out – now holding Mr. Fluffington by the ear. "He must have slid under the couch when Mia dragged Henry's book into the kitchen. I could have sworn I checked under here but I guess I didn't..."

Regina dropped her arms, anxiousness filling her. She very much wanted to get the truth out, right now. "Or it was magic."

Anna crawled out from under the couch and rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

Regina just laughed as Anna sat down on the floor with her back against the couch — the stuffed dog in her lap. Regina's fingers latched on to the quarter in her pocket where she still stood a few feet away.

Anna looked down at the stuffed dog, sighing. "You don't understand how relieved I am to have found you little buddy."

"What's his story?" Regina asked, needing a momentary distraction to build up her nerves again.

Anna raised an eyebrow. "Who? Fluffington?"

Regina nodded. "A dog as special as him must have one."

Anna smiled, looking down at the dog and gently petting behind the stuffed dog's ear as if it were real. Regina watched Anna curiously, still trying to calm herself down. Anna played with the toy for a while, seemingly lost in thought until she finally looked up, still smiling. "That woman I told you about who used to babysit Mia for me in New York? Nancy?" Regina nodded, remembering Anna talking her about the elder woman the night at the Smash Room warehouse. "She actually made this stuffed dog for Mia for her first birthday. I had no idea how attached she was to my daughter until I dropped Mia off the morning of her birthday and Nancy handed me a package. Mia opened it up and her face lit up so much — I'd never seen her so happy like that! She wrapped her little arms around it and squealed out a word — 'Fuffy' which was of course her toddler way of saying 'Fluffy'. From then on it was Mr Fluffington."

Regina's heart was practically melting with the adorable cuteness of the story. "It's a pitbull puppy right?"

Anna grinned, nodding. "It is a pitbull yes — which is Mia's favourite kind of dog — made from Nancy's late husband's socks and buttons from her own childhood coat. Took her two weeks to make it, she said!"

"A pitbull is a strange dog for a child to be attached to." Regina noted, raising an eyebrow. Even in the Enchanted Forest, the breed unfortunately wasn't given a positive reputation.

"They're actually really great with kids — if they have the right owner. Nancy had one for a long time — a beautiful brown and black female named Piper. Sweetest dog you'd ever meet. Nancy and her husband got her later in their marriage when they decided that kids just weren't in the cards for them. She took to little Mia immediately and from then on, Mia was obsessed. I was a bit nervous about the dog at first, but once I saw how good she was with Mia I warmed up to her. Mia wanted one as early as she could ask for it. And after Nancy died, I wanted to take Piper in... but dogs are expensive and most apartments wouldn't even allow that breed anyways or any dog really so I had to take her to a shelter. I couldn't imagine taking care of a baby and a dog and go to work too so...I never did find out what happened to her. But when Nancy gave her Mr. Fluffington, she pretended it was real and even after Nancy was gone it distracted her from wanting a real one. She took it everywhere — still does. Even tried to feed it gummy worms and apple juice once!"

"Really!?" Regina laughed out loud, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes despite the heartbreaking tale of her daughter and granddaughters beloved canine friend. Not to mention the passing of the one person who cared enough to love them as her own.

"Oh ya. Nancy had to hand wash the stuffed dog after that...Mia was not happy to have not have him that night while he dried." Anna chuckled, shaking her head.

"Despite that, I think Fluffington is better than a real dog anyways. He certainly smells better and definitely isn't as dirty." Regina's lip curled at the thought of a noisy, smelly, dirty animal traipsing through her spotless house...her immaculate garden... or jumping on her expensive satin sheets and custom made fabric couches. She shivered, remembering the fights with her son when he was younger over pets. Luckily, Henry always had Pongo to play with growing up.

"So...that's a no to asking if we can get Mia a dog it." Anna blew out a breath, scrunching her nose and dropping her shoulders. "I figured as much." Her brows furrowed, focused on the stuffed pitbull on her lap — even stroking its fabric fur.

Regina winced as guilt rose to the surface. A flash of Mia's sad face if she ever asked for a dog and was told no ingrained itself in her mind. She detested denying Henry anything even now but she'd always been firm on the no—pets rule in her house. But now...she was finding the prospect of saying 'no' to either Anna or Mia increasingly difficult even though the idea any kind of pet in the house made her skin crawl. But she did felt bad that they couldn't keep their beloved Nancy's dog. "I...I think that is a discussion for another day..."

"Okay..." Anna sighed.

"Nancy sounds like she meant a lot to you and Mia. I'm happy you had someone in your life, even for that short while." Regina told her, though she knew that Anna couldn't fully understand how relieved her mother was that someone was there for her daughter and granddaughter when she couldn't be.

Anna's smile faded and she cuddled Mr Fluffington close. "Yeah...Nancy was the best. I miss her all the time — and I know Mia does too. She really helped me a lot too. Before her I was sorta just flying blind when it came to taking care of Mia. The nurses at the hospital weren't much help when I had her — most of them anyways. There were a few older nurses who did nothing but judge me for being so young when they didn't think I was paying attention. Though there was one guy, a nurse, that was nice. He was cute too. Or at least I think he was...I could have totally imagined him. I was doped up on a lot of demerol! But anyways, yeah..." Anna paused, sighing. "Nancy used to be a midwife before she retired so any questions I had I could go to her. And she taught me so many things, so many tricks too. She was literally a godsend — an angel sent from heaven!"

Regina's breath caught in the back of her throat, her heart speeding up. There were so many similarities....this Nancy who mysteriously showed up in her daughter's life when she needed her most...who taught her how to take care of her baby... Her mind went back to Snow asking who would be willing to take care of Anna as a baby all those years. Regina couldn't think of anyone at the time but now...there was someone who came to mind...

The one who was there for Regina during the delivery, who showed Regina how to feed and bathe and take care of Anna that first night after her birth....


Regina exhaled sharply, her hand on her chest. Now that she thought of it, after Anna was born she hasn't seen Clara around her parent's castle at all — ever. Nor did she ever even hear if she'd died or left or anything! What if... "Anna, do you h—have a picture of Nancy. P—possibly?" Anna looked up, raising an eyebrow. Regina smiled nervously. "Just curious, really. She meant a lot to you, I'd like to see a picture of her. Put a face to the name."

"Oh...Sure." Anna nodded, reaching in the pocket of her hoodie and pulling out her phone.

Regina waited while Anna scrolled her thumb over the screen, anxiety building in the pit of her stomach. Clara wouldn't have been able to get to this world... it was impossible wasn't it? But Regina hoped it wasn't. Snow was right... someone had to have taken care of Anna as baby and the thought of it being the one person Regina always adored as a little girl... She closed her eyes, the quarter in the palm of her hand once again, silently hoping it was possible.

"It's the only one I have of her." Anna stood up, holding her phone out for Regina to see. "This is from the day Nancy gave Mia Mr. Fluffington."

Regina took in the image on the screen, of a very tiny Mia and an elderly woman with glasses and short, dark, curly hair. While the bright smile on Mia's face made Regina's heart sore, the woman holding her most certainly wasn't Clara and Regina felt disappointment creep into her stomach. The two women couldn't look more opposite from each other. Clara had long silver hair that was always pulled back into a bun. Their faces were different shapes and their eyes different colours — Clara's were green and Nancy's were dark brown. She looked up from the photo and gave Anna the most convincing smile she could. "It's a—adorable." While disheartened that it wasn't Clara, Regina was still grateful to this woman — Nancy — for taking care of her daughter and granddaughter when she couldn't.

"Told you the kid was spoiled." Anna sighed, stuffing her phone back into the pocket of her sweatshirt. "No one ever made me a stuffed animal for my birthday. Although, I don't even know when it is so..."

Regina's entire body tensed on the spot. "I thought you said you were born in the summer?"

Anna shrugged, bending down to begin cleaning up the rest of the articles that had fallen out of Henry's backpack. "You mean August 6th, 1992? Yeah that's totally made up." Anna blew some stray hairs out of her face and went back to picking up supplies off the floor. "It was the day Emma and I ended up at that police station in Portland after our foster mother went postal on us. I always loved summer so she gave me a summer birthday — I think she was trying to make me feel better or something. My name was made up, why not make a birthday up too."

Regina frowned. "I—I see..."

"We were kids and it was a long time ago." Anna's head turned, grunting when she saw some more papers and some of Mia's toys under the coffee table across the room. " did those get all the way over there?"

"So... you have no idea when your birthday really is?" Regina's hand was back in her coat pocket, fingers grasping for the quarter.

"Nope." She grabbed one last book from the floor and put it into Henry's backpack, zipping it up.

Regina stumbled backwards a little, momentarily dizzy. The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. Anna had no idea that her real birthday was barely weeks away or that she shared that birthday with her father. Not to mention the anniversary of the day her parents met. She had to tell her soon, very soon. Her daughter deserved to know these things, these basic facts about herself — the things she shared with the father she never got to know.

"There. Ready for school tomorrow." Anna propped the backpack on the floor beside the couch where Henry had it before.

Regina noticed another sheet of paper on the ground and watched as Anna spotted it too and walked over towards it. The Mayor's fingers turned the quarter in her hand, still in her pocket. Something was telling her there would be an opening soon but fear overruled the anxiousness she felt to tell Anna the truth. She questioned again if she should tell Anna at all...

"Oops. Guess I missed one." Anna picked up the piece of paper meanwhile Regina's heart and mind and stomach were all spinning in circles. "What do students even learn in magical Storybrooke anyway?" Anna unfolded the paper and her eyes went wide. "Whoa...t—this isn't homework. W—what is this? Is this you and Henry? But wait... no. It can't be. He just read us that story and I never saw this picture. And your hair... its so long! And..."

The noise around her became a blur as Regina desperately tried to pull together a string of words in her head to get this confession out. She wanted to do it right, wanted to come up with something worthy of the special person her daughter was. Everything was scattered, jumbled in her brain. Nothing she could think of was right. Even what Snow had called "perfect" earlier was just all wrong.


Regina's eyes snapped up at the sound of her name to find Anna staring at her with panic in her blue eyes and a piece of paper in her hands. She'd barely heard anything of what Anna had said in the last few minutes, too lost in her head trying to figure out what to say.

"Regina, what the hell is this!?" Anna turned the paper over and Regina's heart jumped when her eyes latched onto the image on the page.

"N—no..." Regina stuttered, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. The tears were locked in her eyes, as stuck as she was in place standing on the floor. Everything was blurry, the world around her spinning. Anna was still talking but Regina couldn't hear what she was saying. Anxiety flooded her system followed closely by a paralyzing state of panic. And then there was a flash of anger that her son could be so careless! She'd specifically told him to keep that out of sight, away from where either Anna or Mia could find it!

Anna moved toward her and she shook her head, her feet heavy as she shuffled backwards — until the back of her legs collided with something solid. She gasped, reaching behind her and gripping the first thing her fingers stumbled onto. A quick glance down and she realized it was the piano. She held onto the solid wood tighter, her knees buckling beneath her.

"Shit, Gina!"

Before Regina could even process it, her legs gave out. Her hand fell open and the quarter slipped from her grasp, the metal coin colliding with wood and rolling out of sight. Regina let out a soft cry as she felt herself fall toward the floor, about to slam into the legs of the piano...

A pair of arms caught her then, guiding her to the floor with a hand on the side of her face. Her ears were muted, she couldn't hear anything but her own pounding heart. A pair of crystal blue eyes peered into her, full of worry and panic. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't...

Daniel...Was Daniel here? What...?


The voice was an echo, pulling her in. Regina blinked, her ears ringing. Across the room, her eyes landed on a piece of paper on the coffee table. The image on the paper bore into her, confusion paralyzing her. Those blue eyes were still watching her, a hand on either of her shoulders. Visions swirled around in her head, her eyes flashing back and forth between the past and the present. Those eyes...those precious blue eyes...

A strangled whimper left her lips and she turned her head away from the haunting shade of blue... away from memories of a stable boy, a beautiful baby girl, an affectionate toddler...

"Regina, I don't know what's wrong, but you need to calm down!"

Regina's head spun and she shook her head. She blinked some more, her hands jolting to wrap around each of the arms that held on to her shoulders. She opened her mouth to speak but her voice was weak, barely coming out a raspy whisper. Her eyes landed on the page again and she winced, her throat burning. Her chest heaved and she squeezed the arms that were holding onto her.

"Gina, calm down. You're having a panic attack. You need to breathe. I know, I have them all the time. Just breathe okay? Oh my god are you do you still have this jacket on!? Have you really had this on since you got home?"

Regina looked up at her daughter wordlessly, trying to do what she was telling her and breathe but it was so hard and she couldn't concentrate. She ached from head to toe, both inside and out and everything was so muddled... Anna was pulling at her sleeves, tugging at the scarf around her neck. Everything became hazy again and her eyes burned. She felt flush, looking down to ease the dizziness that hit her like a wave. When she looked up again it wasn't Anna pulling off her coat – but Robin. The living room disappeared and she was in her vault, seated on the couch. Robin smiled down at her but she could see the worry behind his eyes. When she moved her muscles ached. Robin was speaking to her, something about the sight of the bruises on her skin not being as bad as he thought they'd be. That she looked good for someone who just went toe to toe with her sister, thrown through the air, and crashed into a clocktower.

Regina closed her eyes, feeling a wave of nausea hit her out of the blue. When she opened them again, she was back in the living room. Anna spoke words of comfort, laying Regina's coat and scarf on the piano bench beside them. She laid her hand on the back of Regina's shoulder, nodding. "You're doing good, Gina. Just breathe. It'll all be over soon enough."

The voice was overlapped and Regina was in two places at once – in the living room with Anna and in her vault with Robin. Robin was telling her they'd find a way to defeat Zelena soon enough, his hand a comforting touch on her back while his lips pressed to her forehead. Robin tried to convince her to lay down and rest but she could also hear Anna continue to tell her to breathe.

Anna let go of her shoulders and moved to stand but Regina held her tighter, her eyes wide as she shook her head. The image of Robin faded and the reality of Anna moving away from her grounded her in the present. "It's okay, Gina. You just stay down here, okay? I'll be right back, I promise. I'll just go get you some water and come right back. You're probably just dehydrated or something...Overheated."

Regina could do nothing but sit on the floor and watch her daughter walk away, her heart aching with every breath. The irrational fear that Anna wouldn't come back overwhelmed her but she was too rooted where she was to move. Her hands reached to her side to dig into her coat pocket for the quarter...but then she realized she wasn't wearing her coat. But where...

Her eyes landed on the pile of fabric on the bench beside her and her fingers scrambled to the pockets – the quarter was gone.

The panic started to rise again, but then Anna was beside her with a steady hand on her arm. Regina breathed heavily, exhaling as Anna smiled and nodded. "Think you can stand? Let's get you over to the couch, it's so much more comfortable than this hardwood floor." Anna helped her to her feet, catching her when she almost fell again. With Anna by her side, Regina gingerly moved her resistant feet across the floor. Another dizzy wave struck and she closed her eyes, feeling Anna clutch her hands tightly.

She could feel a weight in her arms and she looked down through blurry eyes at the small yellow bundle she carried in her arms. Once again, the living room was gone and she found herself in her childhood bedroom. The room was dark with only the light from the moon shining in through the windows and a candle lit beside her bed. Her whole middle ached as she walked but her heart was full, cradling the warm bundle close to her chest. Just as she reached the rocking chair by the window, she blinked and the bedroom was gone – as was her infant daughter.

She inhaled sharply just as Anna was guiding her down to sit on the couch and took a seat beside her. "Okay, we're nice and comfortable now. Didn't want to sit you up here while I was getting the water 'cuz I totally didn't wanna come back and find you on the floor again. Or worse, have you hit your head on the coffee table." Anna reached over and picked up the cup of water. "Ignore the fact that it's Mia's Olaf cup minus the was the first one I found and it was sitting out in the dish rack. Thought it would be easier to drink this way anyways."

The thought didn't even register as Anna held the cup up to Regina's mouth. The cool water was soothing down her burning throat, bringing her back to her senses if only enough. She gasped, coughing. She looked down at the cup and grimaced, the cartoon character throwing her off. Anna was holding one of her hands and watching her anxiously. She blinked in confusion, momentarily forgetting where she was. And then her eyes landed on the illustration on the coffee table and it all came rushing back: Anna finding Page 13 on the floor, panicking about it ... but... why?

"There, that's better." Anna sighed in relief, setting the cup back on the table and reaching for the illustrated page.

Regina's eyes widened watching Anna's fingers get closer to the page. Why was this effecting her so? Isn't this what she wanted...for Anna to know the truth? Hadn't she just spent the entire night trying to find an opening to finally say the words out loud? What the hell was wrong with her?!

"Regina...what the hell was that?"

Regina looked up, finding herself lost in her daughter's blue eyes again. Those eyes she shared with Daniel – and with Mia. The page was still on the coffee table – for now – but its presence was doing enough damage just the same. The day the page represented was one of the best and worst days of her life. She realized she was panicking despite her intention to tell Anna the truth because...because...

She was terrified.

"Regina? Are you okay?"

Was she okay? Regina couldn't even fathom where to begin with that question. None of it was okay. She lost her daughter, her newborn baby girl. Anna was ripped from her arms and they were separated for more than thirty years. Yes, they were reunited now but that didn't make any of it okay. Nor did it fix anything either. Anna was still watching her, waiting for an answer – looking very much like her father who'd constantly watched Regina whenever they were together. Daniel always told her he could watch her for eternity. She supposed he still was — up somewhere better, and through the eyes of their daughter. Anna asked her if she was okay again and Regina inhaled painfully.

It dawned on her that if she lost her again – if Anna left or were taken away — Regina wouldn't survive it. It would physically kill her, gut her from the inside out. The thought ached in every part of her, and hit her to the core – right in her soul. "No..." She breathed out, and shook her head. All of her energy drained and her head leaned forward against Anna's shoulder. And just like that...the dam broke and she was sobbing into Anna's shirt and wrapping her arms around her daughter's stomach.

"Whoa okay..." Anna's arm wound around her back, patting her gently as the older woman continued to cry. "'s okay I'm here. I got you." It was quiet for a long while, except for the soft cries from the former Evil Queen. Anna hugged her with both arms, tears leaking from the young woman's eyes now too. Her voice was soft and just as scared as Regina herself. "Please Gina. Please tell me what's wrong. I want to can trust me I promise just please... You're scaring me..."

Anna's words were like a knife and it tore Regina up inside that her pain was affecting her daughter so deeply. And not just the pain — it was all the secrets as well. The secrets were eating at both of them and that made the situation that much worse. She knew that Anna could tell she was keeping something from her. It hurt to think of what Anna must think — that Regina didn't trust her enough to tell her. Despite all that, Regina was still terrified. Once the truth was out, there would be no taking it back. Visions of little Owen running from her in fear for his dear life, a yellow bug driving away with her son over the orange painted line through a haze of purple, the disappearing image of her Soulmate walking away with his arms wrapped around his family...all came flooding back at once. The image of Anna and Mia came next — turning away from her and crossing over the town line — regretting her in every way and leaving her behind. She wouldn't survive it. The thought crippled her to the core and prevented her from voicing the words Anna so desperately deserved to hear.

The silence returned, both of them crying together and into each other now. Regina inhaled and she could almost smell that intoxicating baby scent her daughter first had at birth. The scent calmed her and the tears just about slowed down enough where she could actually breathe again. Finally Regina released her grip on Anna's shirt and sniffled, straightening her back. She could feel Anna watching her with fresh tears leaking out of her young eyes. Regina exhaled deeply as Anna grabbed hold of her forearm and the Mayor's eyes strayed to the coffee table, landing on the illustration.

Anna's eyes followed hers curiously and reached over to pick up the page. She let it rest on her lap and looked up at Regina, tears falling from her blue eyes and down her cheeks. "It's this, isn't it?" Anna released a breath. "This is what's causing you so much grief...what is this Gina? Please – talk to me."

Regina stiffened, unable to speak as her eyes scrambled back and forth between the page and her daughter's confused face. Her heart thundered in her chest and she reached for her coat pocket — but her coat wasn't on. Beads of sweat dripped down the side of her forehead and her fingers flexed anxiously at her side.

"I know something is going on. There's something you're hiding and I'm not angry. I just want you to trust me. Please Gina... tell me what's going on. This..." Anna glimpsed down at the page, picking it up and then letting it drop on her lap again. " doesn't make any sense... I mean... I know this isn't Henry!" She looked down at the page again, squinting at it before her eyes rose to meet Regina's. "Regina... whose baby is this?'' Anna's eyes widened at the sight of the Mayor's fresh tears. "I—I—Is it... No... but that's impossible...i—it can't be..."

Regina's eyes fell. Terrified of losing her or not Anna deserved to know. She'd avoided it for far too long and she couldn't lie to her daughter any longer. She nodded, her voice barely a whisper as more tears fell. "Y—yes. S—he's mine."

Anna gasped. "She? But...w—what?!" She looked down at the page again. "How?!"

"It's..." Regina gulped, sniffling. She glanced at her coat across the room and let out a strained whimper. "It's a..." She needed the quarter — the Hope Quarter that Snow gave her. She needed it now more than ever.... Now was the time, the perfect time to tell the truth. But the quarter was gone and she had nothing to hold on to. Nothing to help ease her nerves and —

Regina flinched as a pair of hands grabbed hold of hers, fingers entwining with her own. She looked up and her eyes locked with daughter's. A flash of hope shot through Regina and she trembled, lost in their first few moments together as mother and daughter...To the first time her baby girl's little hand grabbed on to her mommy's fingers. A small cry escaped Regina's lips, still staring at her daughter's hands in her own. She closed her eyes, her bottom lip quivering — wondering if Daniel was sending her another sign. When she opened them, her daughter's eyes were still full of concern as she watched her. "I..."

Anna started humming a soft melody and her thumbs grazed across the skin of Regina's. Soon enough Regina could feel her heart slow down from its rapid pace and she released a heavy breath. She looked up at Anna who nodded, the humming gradually fading.

Regina paused a moment and looked down — unable to meet her daughter's eye. "Back before I was the Evil Queen. I had a —," she paused, inhaling deeply to settled the nerves in her stomach. She could do this. She had to do this. She felt Anna squeeze her hands then and her eyes lifted back up to meet her daughter's. "A b—baby. A beautiful little girl with big blue eyes and the most perfect little face. From the moment I first saw her I loved her and held her close. Until my mother came...ripped her from my arms, and s—sent her away" Regina's voice cracked and she looked down, momentarily lost in those dark moments with her newborn daughter. "She wanted me to be queen and a baby with a stable boy would have prohibited her dreams for me so she stole my memories of my precious baby girl. But even though I didn't remember ever having my daughter I could feel her everywhere. Like a hole in my soul that never made any sense. A piece that was forever missing. My mind was blind but my heart wasn't. I felt her every time I looked at my son. There was always a desperate want to be a mother and I never knew why. It all makes sense now that I have my memories back."

"Gina... I...don't know what to say." Anna's voice was quiet, releasing her hold of Regina's hands and letting them fall to her lap. "Who else knows?"

Regina gulped when her daughter let go, already feeling empty without the physical connection. It was like she was present in both the past and the present, lost reliving that horrible moment her baby girl was ripped out of her arms. Anna's fingers were fiddling with the corners of Page 13, her eyes scanning the illustration. Regina's chest fluttered, remembering those eyes looking up at her for the first time with such wonder – the same way they regarded the paper in her lap with. "Henry. And Snow. Now you. That's it. No one else."

Anna narrowed her eyes, squinting at the image. "So...this is why you've been so distant? Why you're always disappearing and on the verge of tears. That night at the docks..."

Regina whimpered, just as emotionally scarred by that day and night on the docks as when newborn Anna was taken away from her. She never thought she'd get to this point. She was so close to having that moment of recognition – that moment of truth. That moment when Anna would look up at her, eyes wide, a smile on her face...maybe even call her "mom"...

", Regina...I...I d—don't even...holy sh—" Anna trailed off.

Regina couldn't stop thinking about that warm newborn baby girl in her arms – the contentment and serenity in finally being in the presence of the daughter she waited nine months to meet. Of looking at the child Daniel and she created together in awe, both overjoyed and heartbroken all at the same time. Regina found herself grieving him all over again, devastated that he'd never get to meet their precious little girl or even their granddaughter. He would be a far superior parent than she could ever even strive to be.

"And this page... this is all you have? There's nothing else about her?"

"No. Nothing." Regina croaked, shaking her head. She paused and her eyes fluttered closed, her hand rising to rest over her overworked heart. Her lips smiled and she could still see that precious newborn baby face even when she opened her eyes. She kept her head down, unwilling to see her daughter as anything but the happy and content newborn in her arms. "Henry and I have been working on it...he actually calls it Operation Lost Princess."

"'Cuz you're a Queen and she...Holy Sh—R—Regina that's...that's intense!" Anna exhaled loudly. " and Daniel...had a baby?! Wow...Just..."

"But he never got to meet her." Regina croaked. She could hear her own voice echo around her, telling her sweet baby girl that even though her daddy wasn't there he loved her so much...

Regina looked up to find her very adult daughter staring at her with wide eyes and her jaw hung open. She'd been hoping through all this that Anna would figure the truth out herself and Regina wouldn't have to voice it out loud. Or maybe Anna could feel it too, feel their connection within her – feel the magic that bound them together as family, as blood, as familiars...

"If this wasn't all so horribly tragic I'd be freaking out about the lost Russian princess comparisons...but I realize, obviously, how inappropriate that is. 'Cuz obviously you're not Russian or even from this world – land? Realm? Whatever. What am I even talking about? You've probably never seen it. The point is ... the point is . . . oh my god!" Anna gasped and Regina tensed with a nervous excitement. "Holy moly I just figured it out..." Tears prickled at the corners of the young woman's eyes.

Regina's hand dropped from over her own heart down to her stomach, gripping the flesh there through the fabric of her blouse and remembering that first sign of life. Standing at her mirror in her childhood bedroom, trying to figure out why her dress wouldn't lace up...feeling that strange fluttering sensation within her...

"You adopted Henry because you wanted to be a mom, aww . . ." Anna gushed, eyes still wide.

"Yes, but it's more complicated than that." Regina exhaled, flinching. "Losing my daughter changed me – even if I couldn't remember why. Years later after I sent my mother to Wonderland, she showed up on the anniversary of the day she took my fiancé from me. My husband was dead and I was at the height of my darkness – more bitter and lost than ever. She said she wanted to apologize – that she'd seen the error of her ways and wanted to help me find love and happiness. Even said she come across Tinker Belle who told her about trying to help me find my soulmate – the man with the lion tattoo. My mother said she wanted to find him for me." Anna raised her brow in confusion and Regina turned the other way. "She showed up at my castle with him...but it wasn't him. She enchanted a fake tattoo on some vile schmuck to seduce me and give me a baby...At the time I just believed she wanted to use me to create another heir – another child she could control after she got rid of me. But now..." Regina paused, memories of that day running through her head. It all seemed so different with the knowledge she had now...

Anna held Page 13 in one hand and pulled on Regina's arm with the other. "What, Regina? What did she do?"

Fresh tears gathered in the corners of her eyes and she clutched the fabric of Anna's sweatshirt, seeking comfort in the bond they'd developed in their short time together. "Oh's not what she did...It's..." She closed her eyes, one hand still clenched painfully over her stomach. "I m—made a potion..." She heard her daughter's sharp intake of breath and a line of tears tracked down her cheek. She idly wondered if her daughter would hate her for this part of her past – for cursing away the idea of any future biological brothers or sisters for her firstborn.

"Wait. S—so you can't..." Anna breathed out.

"I made sure she would never take anyone away from me again – by making it so there wouldn't be anyone worth taking. Little did I know, she'd already taken a child away from me once..." Regina's voice grated like gravel at the thought. "Looking back now, with my memories intact, perhaps I misjudged the situation – and her... It will never excuse her actions that led to me losing my daughter but..." The former Evil Queen released a painful breath. "Perhaps her guilt was really getting to her, sending her grandchild away... Even I know that with how bitter and cold and...well... evil I was, if she would have told me the truth then it would have only made it worse. Especially since I believe now that she sent my daughter to another realm. It would appear she opted instead for a replacement baby and a fake soulmate to make me happy. I didn't know that then, nor could I have. I thought she wanted to control me – and any child I would have – so...I drank the potion and cursed away my fertility. I willingly took away my ability to have any more children with nothing to cure it. That was why I adopted Henry, because I couldn't have a child of my own. I wanted to fill that void in my heart I believed was caused by cursing myself – but now I realize the void was from losing my daughter."

"I...I can't even...Oh my god Regina, I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Anna stuttered. "I don't understand how some people can be so cruel! Especially Cora! I mean... how can a mother do that! But said she sent your daughter to another realm? But how...wouldn't that mean if she is alive that she'd be, like, super old by now!?"

"I—It doesn't really work like that..." Regina shook her head. "Different realms have different rules, run on different times. For example, in Neverland you don't age. In the Land of Untold Stories time is frozen – and that is where I believe my daughter was sent the day that she was born though she somehow found her way to this realm... In whatever realm the Black Fairy is from, time goes faster than it does here. That is why Belle and Gold's son Gideon is a man even though he was born only a few weeks ago."

Anna scrunched her nose. "Magic is so confusing...It feels like just yesterday we found out Belle was pregnant and now...ugh – now her kid is older than me I think...Not to mention kinda evil."

Regina nodded, her own head still wrapping around the idea that Snow White's daughter was older than her own when Anna was born before Snow barely finished puberty.

"Wait a minute. Here? Your daughter's here – in the Land Without Magic!?" Regina nodded. Anna's legs bounced up and down and the young woman practically buzzed with excitement. "There's gotta be something in this town that can help find her. She's gotta be out there somewhere right? Henry's book has to have more answers. Or...What about Mr. Gold? I know he's a creep but he seems to know everything."

Regina grimaced, that particular confrontation still a thorn in her side. "I already went to Gold. He was working with my mother. Struck a deal with her that he would make the baby disappear if she upheld her end of the bargain."

"What an asshole!'' Anna scowled, crossing her arms. "Didn't he spend centuries of his life searching for his own kid? Ugh I hate them for doing this to you and your daughter — Cora and Gold. Monsters, the both of them! Taking an innocent baby away from her mother like that!"

"Anna, I—"

"No! It's not right! A mother and her child belong together... Not ripped apart — or constantly terrified they'll be torn apart by some busybody who thinks the mother broke some stupid law or rule..." Anna practically growled. "Honestly Regina, it's a good thing your mother is burning in hell for what she did. Because if I ever saw her I would do a hell of a lot more than punch her in the face."

Regina couldn't disagree with her, smirking as she noted that her daughter had definitely inherited her mother's wild rage. It worried her though too, concerned it would be that much easier for Anna to give in to her darkness. She never want to see even a drop of black on her daughter's heart. She could barely even handle the thought of it alone.

" there something your daughter might have that you could find her with? You do those locator spells or whatever all the time...can't you just do that? Use something personal of hers?" Anna pulled the sleeve of her hoodie up her arm, revealing the familiar gold chain Regina cherished so dearly that was clasped around her wrist. " I have my anklet from my birth parents. Does your daughter have something like that? Or something you've held onto maybe?"

The hand Regina had on her stomach reached forward to rest on Anna's knee, her heart in a lurch seeing the anklet again. The one that belong to Daniel's mother along with the ring she had lost forever after tossing into the Mad Hatters hat. Regina swallowed down her tears, knowing that if she lied her daughter would know... "Well... you see... I... I've already found her..."

Anna's eyes widened. "You have!? Where?"

Regina smiled broadly, her eyes locking with her daughter's wide blue ones. She hoped beyond all hope that her daughter would stare into her eyes and feel it – feel that Regina was her mother. "Here."

Anna's eyes shifted away, looking toward the window. "Here as in Storybrooke!? No freaking way! Have you seen her, spoken to her? Who is she?! What's her name?!"

The smile faded quickly from Regina's lips, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe again. "I...I haven't told my d—daughter who she is – or who I am to her. I..." She could feel her heart begin to speed up, anxiety rushing through her veins like a poison. She was trying to get Anna to figure it out on her own...but the more she thought about all of it... Maybe she shouldn't have told her after all... "I panicked..." Regina sighed. "About telling her. If she'll like me. Of her reaction. Who wants the Evil Queen for a mother? All the things I've done...all my sins...I've...thought a lot about not telling her at all..."

Anna threw up her hands, hopped off the couch, and stood there with her hands on her hips. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Anyone should count their lucky stars to have you as a mother. I mean look!" The young woman pulled up her sleeve dramatically, holding out her arm. Regina's eyes fixated on the tattooed ink on her wrist. "My skin might as well be as green as Zelena's! You're the most amazing woman ever! Your daughter can't not love you. It's impossible! You have to tell her!"

"It's not that simple, honey..." Regina sniffled and wrapped her arms around her middle. She found herself chilled without the comfort of her coat and hopeless without the quarter. Her stomach felt queasy as Anna began to pace back and forth in front of her. "She doesn't know me. Not really. I—I can't just walk up to her and tell her who I am without any answers to give her. I can't cause her more pain. I can't—"

Anna stopped in front of her. "What do you mean you don't have any answers? Regina! You have ALL the answers!"


Anna dropped to her knees, tugging on Regina's hands. "No! This is crazy. You have to tell her!"

Regina looked away, trying to pull her arms free but Anna had too firm a grip. "I barely even know where she was for thirty years! Or how she even got here to begin with! And she has magic too! Magic she doesn't even realize she has yet! Strong and unstable magic, that *I* barely even understand and it terrifies me! ...and her dau—" Regina shut her mouth tight before any more could slip out.

"So what! None of that matters!"

"You just don't understand." The words came out as barely a whisper as Regina shook her head, more tears falling from her eyes.

"Like hell I don't!" Anna threw her hands in the air, shot up to her feet.

Regina flinched, spotting a vase on the fireplace behind Anna begin to wobble and a lamp flicker. Anna's attention remained focused on the Mayor in front of her, lost in her rant. Regina gulped, her hands now free from Anna's grasp. She quickly hid her hand behind her back and gave it an experienced wave – preventing the vase from falling or exploding and fixing the bulb on the lamp. Everything was back to normal again and Anna was oblivious – Regina breathed a shaky sigh of relief.

"..she deserves to know, Gina. Regardless of how little answers you may have, it really doesn't matter. She deserves to know who you are. Who she is! Take it from someone who has spent her entire life looking and wondering who her parents might be...and why they gave her up..."

Regina looked down as Anna trailed of. She could see the gears turning in the young woman's head. The tears in the corners of Anna's eyes revealed the torment Regina knew rooted deep in her daughter's soul and it hurt all the more. If she could just get her mouth to stop running off book and actually tell Anna the words she needed to hear instead of stalling... Not telling Anna was hurting her as much as not knowing. She may not have sent Anna away but she was hurting her now by allowing her to wonder if she'd ever really been loved...

"God, I can't even imagine what it would be like if my mother walked through those doors, I'd probably fall right into her arms..."

Regina's eyes shot up then and her heart jumped in her chest. "R—Really? wouldn't be angry at her for...letting you go?"

Anna scrunched her nose and shrugged. "Oh don't get me wrong — I'm furious. Somedays I hate her more than others...but..."

Their eyes locked and Regina's eyes began to well up. That word...she'd been on the brunt of it from many over the years including her own mother, her son, and her stepdaughter. She'd been trying to prepare herself for the inevitable fall out, on some level, for quite some time now... Knowing her daughter had every right... But she'd never expected it to hurt as much as it did. She thought that hearing it from everyone else in her life would prepare her for this... She knew she deserved it but hearing her daughter say the words out loud made her hate herself all the more....

"For years I used to lay awake wondering how on earth a mother could just leave her child behind. It just seemed so foreign to me." Anna rose from the floor and took a seat back on the couch. Regina tried to looked away but the tips of Anna's fingers under her chin forced their gazes to meet again. Anna smiled softly, taking hold of the Mayor's hand within her own. "It wasn't until I was sitting on that bench with a screaming Mia in her car seat ready to give her away that I realized... I really don't have the right to judge. No amount of anger could change the fact that she's still my mom, whoever she is – wherever she is. And as much as I want to deny it, there's always been a part of me that's loved her and hoped the reason she had to give me away was out of her control. Like Snow and David giving Emma away."

Regina closed her eyes, torn between wishing for the millionth time that she'd never cast that godforsaken curse and knowing that if she hadn't she wouldn't have Henry.

"And even if it wasn't...even if she gave me away out of her own free will...coming here would mean she's been looking for me. Now my father..." Anna rolled her eyes. "... is a whole other story. He's probably some lowlife who doesn't even know I exist. None of that matters anyway because they'll never find me. They might even be dead for all I know..."

Regina's breath caught in her chest — memories of a limp, lifeless Daniel cradled in her arms causing her heart to constrict in her chest. Almost half a century later and it still hurt all the same. More so now, hearing Anna talk about her father with such distaste in her tone. She could handle the weight of Anna hating her. It was a cross she was willing to carry... but Daniel? No. Anna had it all wrong! She wanted to grab her by the shoulders and tell her how much he would have loved her — that he had dreamed of a daughter he could name after his mother. But her body was frozen stiff and the words died on her lips. And the more Anna talked lowly of her father the more Regina wanted to scream.

Daniel was an innocent — one of the many victims who paid the ultimate price of loving her. Daddy and Robin had faced the same fate; and with the ambiguous Final Battle fast approaching she feared who might be next...

Her eyes fell on Anna, whose mouth was still moving but Regina couldn't hear a word. Would she be next – her sweet, loving Anna, her long—lost baby girl? Or would it be her lively and rambunctious granddaughter, Mia? Or was she fated to lose her beloved son once again – would Henry be the one to lose his life permanently this time? Regina's blood boiled in her veins and her ears rang with the screams of her precious children. She needed to step up her plan to get them out of town and fast, even if it meant never seeing them again. She'd rather sacrifice herself knowing that they were safe than watch them die right in front of her – just like she had with both Daniel and Robin...and Daddy. The thought occurred to her that Anna hating her could be her daughter's own saving grace...since everyone who had loved her has been faced with danger time and time again...

" ...but honestly it's fine. I let that dream go when I decided to move into this house. I have the family I want here now. You, Henry, Emma, this whole town. This is my home. Mia's too. And I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna suck losing a piece of you to someone else. The fact that I now have to share you with your sister is bad enough! And before you say anything, I will put up with Zelena for your sake but... I'm getting way off track here."

Regina chuckled, wiping tears from her eyes despite knowing more were about to fall. Her eyes fell to their hands, mesmerized as Anna's thumb calmly stroked little circles over the older woman's. She knew now more than that ever that it was time – if only her mouth and her brain would catch up to her heart. And...if her daughter didn't talk as fast as Snow (or faster) maybe she could get in a word or two...

"My point've got a real shot here, Gina. You didn't just abandon your daughter. There's no way she could hate you for what your mother did and if she does then I'll smack her senseless till she realizes she's being a complete idiot and should be grateful she has a mother like you. None of it is your fault. You have to see that. Right now you've got a clean slate but if she finds out the truth some other way than from you..." Anna stopped and Regina looked up. "...this isn't a secret you can keep. You have to tell her or you may lose her again... and this time it could be forever."

Anna's arm jerked forward and lightly laid over Regina's. The older woman gasped as their skin made contact, her eyes blinking shut. When she opened them, her living room was gone and she found herself in a dark street. Anna jumped in front of her, latching on to her hand as she just had and pushed her out of the way – shouting at her. Regina could hear the words screamed as clear as day: 'Mom, look out!' Her heart clenched at the sound and she fell to the ground – only to see a bright light hurled at her daughter in her place.... Anna fell hard to the ground in front of her. A silent scream escaped her lips and before she knew what was happening she was sitting on the ground, cradling her daughter's still and broken body in her arms...


She blinked and everything was spinning. The light was blinding, brighter than the moonlight from the devastating street. Her daughter's bright blue (worried) eyes peeked at her from her half—open slits. A deep and mournful groan rose up from the pit of the former Evil Queen's womb. The sound died in her throat and she stared up at her daughter through wide eyes. Anna's nose wrinkled with concern and the young woman gripped the Mayor's shoulders tightly.

Regina trembled, lost in the blue eyes in front of her again. Lost in the past, in the the future she was terrified of facing. In the words that were stuck on the tip of her tongue, desperate to be confessed. She glanced at her coat on the piano bench out of the corner of her eye and whimpered, remembering that the Hope Quarter Snow had given her fell somewhere on the floor... One way or another she needed to get this truth all the way out before it consumed her.

Even so, whatever she just saw – vision, illusion, hallucination – threatened to swallow her whole. If she thought watching her infant daughter be ripped away from her had been torture, watching her adult daughter take a blast of magic meant for her – and calling her 'Mom' at the same time – crippled her on a whole other level. So much worse than waking to find her daughter limp on the floor, stuck in a sleeping curse. She realized that if Anna knew the whole truth, knew who she was, knew how they were could put her right in the cross hairs. Anna would want to save her – just as Robin had and Regina would lose her daughter forever...

"Regina, you okay? Here – have some more water." One of Anna's hands let go of the Mayor's shoulders to reach for the glass on the coffee table.

She was quiet as Anna held the glass up to her mouth, letting the cool water glide down her dry throat. The tenderness her daughter handled her with disoriented her, the vision of holding her still daughter in her arms imprinted in her mind. "I'm just scared." She barely managed to croak, gasping for breath.

Anna returned the glass to the table, wrapping her arms around Regina and pulling her into a firm hug. Regina's head rested on Anna's shoulder. The tears washed down her face and onto Anna's hoodie. The young woman's mother let herself revel in the warmth and kindness of her daughter's calming embrace. Here in this soothing, safe place near her daughter Regina allowed herself to forget all of it – the danger, the confliction, the fear, the heartbreak... "I know you're scared, and that's perfectly normal. But it'll all be okay, you'll see." Gradually Regina's heart slowed to a normal pace and the tears began to subside, making it easier to breathe. She lifted her head and released a heavy sigh. Anna leaned back and unwound one of her arms, using the sleeve of her sweatshirt to dry the Mayor's tears. She grabbed hold of Regina's hand and leaned her forehead against hers. "She's going to love you. I promise. I can feel it."

Regina only wished she were as confident as Anna about that statement.

Anna reached over, a smile on her face as she picked up at the page. Regina's stomach turned in somersaults just at the sight of her daughter holding that page. Anna's focus was on the drawing for a long while and with each passing second Regina's heart sped up faster. The young woman tapped her foot on the carpet, bringing one hand up to her mouth to bite on her nails. Her eyes squinted, really studying the image intently.

Regina grew more nervous when Anna dropped her hand to pull up her sleeve. A strangled breath escaped the Mayor's lips as she caught sight of the feather tattoo while her daughter's fingers twirled around the gold birthright jewelry around her wrist.

Anna sighed, still smiling, and looked up to meet Regina's eyes. "You look so happy here."

Unable to respond, Regina's focus dropped, locked into staring at the drawing herself. She'd spent so much time looking at it already and now that she had her memory of it back she could replay it on repeat in her mind too... She knew that Anna was watching her, waiting for a response, more of an explanation. She couldn't stop looking at the page though, thinking about those moments it displayed — and the terrifying trauma that came after . . . the years of heartbreak, disappointment, and darkness that followed, nearly consuming her...

Her muscles tensed up and she swallowed, opening her mouth to speak but nothing was there. Her voice was just gone, swallowed up by the memories of the past. As if she were laying in that bed again, too weak to move...watching her mother disappear in a cloud of magical smoke with her precious baby girl, telling her this was for her own good...

All these years later and and even from her prison cell below the Underworld, her mother was still controlling her, still tormenting her. Would she ever fully be rid of her childhood abuser? Could she ever shed the insecurities and character flaws and trust issues that a lifetime (or more) with that wretched woman scarred her with?! Her chest grew tight and she was finding it harder to breathe, panic rising once again —

— a hand on her knee jolted her from the din, their eyes levelling and Regina released a deep, heavy sigh. She remembered Anna telling her to breathe earlier during her last meltdown, her daughter's words replaying in her mind: Gina, calm down. You're having a panic attack. You need to breathe. As Anna gently patted her knee, Regina really tried to focus like Anna had said and calm her breathing.

Anna's fingers were still twiddling with the anklet on her wrist. Regina inhaled...and then exhaled — still slightly struggling to breathe but not gasping for breath anymore. She wondered why Anna had the anklet on her wrist, only seeing it on her ankle yet so far. Her mind wandered back to the winter she was pregnant with Anna — wearing the same anklet on her wrist in easier view as well to feel closer to Daniel and give her the strength to carry their child without him. Anna picked up the page again, her eyes still focused on the image. Did the young woman see the anklet in the picture? Was she starting to figure it out? Is that why she had the anklet on her wrist now? There were equal parts of her that found the idea of Anna figuring it out both terrifying and exciting all at once.

She wanted to say it, to speak the words — ask Anna why the anklet was on her wrist all of a sudden. Feed her a few questions, gauge her reaction before she actually spit out the words 'you are my daughter'... She was close, so close — almost ready. The words were on the tip of her tongue—


The words died on her lips — again — and Regina's shoulders sank. She sighed heavily, raising her eyes with as much of a smile on her lips as she could muster.

"If... if I hadn't have found this page... would you have ever told me?"

Regina tensed, her smile waning. "I—It's what I was trying to talk to you about tonight but I...I keep stalling. Letting things get in the way."

Anna pulled her hand back, her nose wrinkling. "Why?

Regina's eyes dropped. "I didn't want you to think less of me..."

"B—But...why on earth would this make me think less of you?!"

"I..." Regina's voice cracked, caught in her throat as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She turned her head away and let out a deep breath, her hand on her chest trying to get her racing heart under control.

Anna laid a hand on the older woman's back. "There's more you want to say but you're too afraid to... I can see it in your eyes." Regina hiccupped, clenching her hand over her chest. "But it's okay I won't push. You don't have to tell me if your not ready. You don't even have to tell me what her name is. I don't even know if I could act normal around her knowing her connection to you anyway. I just want you to know that you're not alone. You're my best friend, Gina. I just want you to know that you can come to me — with anything. Anytime."

Regina's head snapped back to look at Anna, her tear-filled eyes wide. "...but... I thought... Emma?"

"She is too... sorta. It's complicated." Anna shrugged, sighing. "I love her to bits and she'll always be my big sis but there's still a lot of history there. Plus she's got Hook now and her parents and Henry — and I imagine it won't be long before they have a little one of their own. I...really only have you. Well Mia too...but she's kind of hard to talk to at the moment. But you... You're always there when I need you, and I trust you more than I've ever allowed myself to trust anyone — even more than Emma. I just hope you trust me too. I will always be here for you, Gina. Whenever you're ready."

The young woman's mother found herself lost in her daughter's blue eyes again, surprised and touched by her words. Her daughter, who in the horrors of her childhood away from her mother, who had built up such high walls in her heart to the point that she didn't trust anyone... Regina's heart skipped, knowing that her damaged daughter trusted her fully and completely. She remembered the surly, broken young woman she'd met in New York — a full on emotional scar tissue and wounded mama bear with an attitude. That Anna had been hard to read — though Regina had still seen a lot of herself in the young woman even then. She'd managed to crack through that day, if only a little, to convince Anna to move to Storybrooke if not for herself then for Mia and Emma — a better life for her daughter and a second chance with her once—foster—sister. Regina smiled softly, thinking back on the growth she'd seen in Anna since. Her pride grew more and more each day, watching the young woman who became a fast friend to her blossom, learn to trust herself and see her daughter happy as the two of them found a way to fit in this crazy fairytale world — find a home. Regina cleared her throat, swallowing down the painful realization that even if she weren't Anna's mother there wasn't anyway she could destroy that by continuing to lie to her.

"If you would like, I can sit here with you all night. I will, for as long as you need... Or if you'd prefer to be alone, that's okay too. I can go —"

Regina's hand jerked out as Anna started to stand, latching on to her daughter's arm. "No! Wait...d—don't go."

Anna froze, whipping her head back to face the Mayor. She frowned, her eyes focused on the hand Regina held on to her with. "O—kay." Panic coursed through Regina's veins as their eyes locked. "Gina, what is it?"

"W—Well actually t—there is more." She cleared her throat, allowing herself a few deep breaths to build up her nerves again. *This* was the time, the moment of truth so to speak...Finally. "You see... Anna...honey..." She reached her hand up, tucking stray hairs behind her daughter's ear. "...t—the truth is—"


Both women turned, the small child in the doorway startling them both. Young Mia was in tears, beside herself as she ran up to attach her arms around Anna's legs. Anna reached down and stroked her daughter's back soothingly. "Hey, Bean. What are you doing up?"

Regina watched the two interact, her hand on her heart again as she released a long, frustrated, and emotional breath. This truth was going to kill her — literally — if she couldn't get it out soon. Alas..she couldn't do that in front of her granddaughter. She hadn't really even thought about it at all — how they were going to explain all of this to Mia.

Anna eyed the former Evil Queen curiously over Mia's head for a moment before turning her attention back to the young girl. "Did you come down the stairs by yourself, kid?" Mia nodded, her bottom lip popping out as she leaned into her mother's side. Anna bent over to press a kiss to the top of her daughter's head. "It's not safe, you know that. Both Gina and myself — plus Uncle Henry — have all told you that."

Mia sighed dramatically. "I knows..." Her little blue eyes started to water and Regina's breath hitched. "Bad dweam agin. I no feel goods — Gina sad..."

"Oh baby. I'm sorry. Mommy wishes she could take them away."Anna reached down to pull Mia up on to her lap and hugged her daughter close. "Mommy has bad dreams too, I can't make those go away either. But you, my little Bean, are so much braver and scarier than that silly dragon. And they're only dreams — they can't hurt you."

Regina wished she could tell her girls that it was true, but her heart ached just remembering that awful morning raising Henry's sleeve and finding a burn there from his extended time in the netherworlds dream world. Now when she looked at Anna every morning she couldn't help but look for those same burns...

"Mommy and Gina fight?"

"What kind of silliness is that? Mommy and Gina don't fight." Anna laughed, tickling Mia's belly.

Regina gulped, her stomach growing queasy. Would they fight more when Anna finally knew the truth? Would their relationship change as Emma and Snow's had? Would they lose that easy bond of friendship that they'd developed so quickly? All of it would prove to torture Regina even further.

"What dat?"

Regina jumped, startled — realizing both Anna and Mia were looking at her. She looked down — Page 13 now resided her lap instead of Anna's. When had...? She gulped, the paper feeling hot through the fabric of her dress pants.

"Um...ah...It's nothing, sweetie. Don't worry about it..." Anna glanced at Regina, shrugging. Regina opened her mouth to speak but nothing would come out so she simply nodded instead.

Mia looked at both women curiously, quiet for a moment. Her eyes moved down and she gasped, pointing further down the couch — her child—like short attention span kicking in. "Mr. Fluffington!"

Anna smirked and reached for the dog, still holding Mia on her lap. "You forgot him down here silly goose! He was very sad but I told him not to worry. His best friend in the whole wild world would come back for him. See buddy, I told you she would come find you!"

Mia giggled, wrapping her little arms around the stuffed dog and hugging him tight. "Sowwy Mr. Fluffington." Just as her momma had done to her, Mia kissed the top of her puppy's head.

Anna turned to Regina, a silent squeal on her lips. Letting out a deep breath, the young woman looked back at her daughter. "Okay, Bean. I think it's time we go back to bed. It's very late and we've all had a long day."

"Cuddle wiff Henwy!" Mia squealed.

Anna laughed, shaking her head. "Yes, bossypants." She stood up, holding Mia on her hip. Reaching over with one hand, she laid it on Regina's shoulder. "I'll be right back, okay?"

Regina held her breath for a moment feeling the same warmth rush through her under Anna's touch as from before. "O— It's okay. You should get some rest yourself. It's been a hectic day."

Anna's eyes bore into her, one brow rising. "Are you sure? I can put her back to bed and be right back down before you even know I'm gone."

Regina shook her head, her hand on the couch clenching the fabric. "No it's fine. Go on to bed..."

"If you're sure..." Anna trailed off, letting go of Regina's shoulder.

Regina smiled weakly, rising slowly from the couch. "Positive. I'm okay I promise." Mia whined and Anna let her down. The little girl stood at Regina's feet and reached her arms up and lifted her. Mia immediately wound her arms around the Mayor's neck, sighing contently. Regina hugged her granddaughter close, shutting her eyes and feeling a calm wash over her. "Goodnight, my Mia."

Mia kissed her cheek. "Nite Nite Gina. No more be sad."

Regina released a breath, opening her eyes to find Anna watching her. "Goodnight, honey."

Anna nodded, smiling sadly as she took Mia back into her arms." Goodnight. I... uh..." Regina's eyes widened and her heart sped up. "I...I guess I'll see you for breakfast?"

Regina swallowed down her disappointment and nodded, giving Anna a small smile "I'll be here with the usual feast." Anna watched her and Regina grew nervous, wishing that Mia wasn't there so she could say it now. She cleared her throat and Anna blinked, turning to Mia and setting the young girl down on the ground.

"Mia why don't you start heading upstairs. Mommy will be right behind you."

Mia looked up at Regina and then her mom before the young girl nodded, holding Mr. Fluffington tight in her hand and making her way out of the room.

Anna released a breath and pivoted on her feet to face Regina, who grew more concerned by the second.

"Everything alrigh—" She was cut off abruptly by Anna's arms wrapping around her again, pulling her in for a tight, fierce hug. Regina's eyes widened and it took her a moment to catch up before a few tears fell and she was winding her arms around her daughter too.

"Anything you need Regina... anything at all I'm here. Every step of the way." Anna whispered in her ear and Regina's heart skipped a beat as Anna squeezed her tighter for a moment before pulling away. She reached down to grab on to Regina's hand, bringing it up to hold it over her heart and smiling at her. It was quiet and Regina couldn't hear anything, their eyes locking.

...And then Anna let go of her hand, running to catch up with Mia.

The young woman's mother was left standing alone, half of a confession still on her lips and her heart full of confusion. Her legs wobbled beneath her and she stumbled back and down, sitting on the couch again. With the force of her decent, Page 13 bounced up and landed on her lap — her breath caught in her throat. She picked up the page with both hands and clutched it to her chest, a small cry escaping her lungs. Tears tracked down her cheeks and she started to sob, cursing herself. She had been so close — so close to finally telling Anna the truth but she'd been nothing but a coward. Anna had given her every opportunity, show her so much love...

If only Mia hadn't walked in...

The sound of little feet running toward her jump—started her heart and she quickly used her magic to make the page and her tears disappear. She breathed deeply as Mia barrelled into her and hugged her middle.

Regina's eyes glazed over her granddaughter with concern, glancing at the archway of the living room and wondering how long before Anna followed behind her. "Mia, sweetie. What's wrong?"

Mia looked up at her with a shy smile, her chin resting on Regina's knee. "You my best fwiend too."

Regina's heart melted, marvelling at the adorable innocence of the young girl in front of her. It may have thrown her off earlier when Mia ran in at the wrong time but it was the exact right boost of love and confidence she needed. As well as another sign — that the right time to tell Anna would come but she just had to be patient and let it happen. She thanked her lucky stars that they were her family — her beloved long—lost daughter and precious baby granddaughter. Sighing contently, she picked the toddler up and hugged her close.

Mia wound her little arms around Gina and whispered in her ear. "I wove you gwamma."

Regina tensed, pulling away and locking eyes with the blue eyes in front of her. "W—what did you just say?"

Mia giggled happily, reaching forward and placing her fingers over Regina's lips making a "shh" sound. "Mumma woves her mumma too."

"Mia! It's bedtime!" Anna's voice echoed from the hallway. Mia kissed Regina on the cheek, gave the Mayor one last innocent smile and jumped down from her lap; running back out of the room and out of sight after her mother.


See you all in Chapter 20!

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