Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 6: The Time Vortex
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 16: Flubble
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: AMERICANS!
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit

Chapter 27: Some Answers

21 1 0
By Jessica_Pond

Jenny's P.O.V.

"But I want to go with John and Mary." I whined.

"I know you do, but John has to do something with Mary alone." Jessica said as we walked away from John and Mary's flat.

"What is it? What does he need to do?" I was ahead of her weaving between some people.

"It's a surprise for Mary, so I can't tell you Incase he doesn't do it tonight."

"Why not? I won't tell Mary."

"Jenny, it's not my secret to tell. John or Mary will tell you." Jess had caught to me as I crossed my arms. "Now, what do you want to do today? John said that you already finished your homework."

"Can we go to the park? I want to swing."

"Alright, let's go." I smiled softly as we kept walking.

Thankfully, as we reached the park the swings were empty. We both sat down in silence as we began swinging gently.

As Jess was swinging next to me as she had a far off look.

Jessica's P.O.V.

"If you could go anywhere, absolutely anywhere without worrying about anything, where would you go?" I smiled as I leaned my head against the chained of the swing.

"Anywhere?" Rullana laughed as he swayed lazily next to me. "Without any worries? Uh, I don't know, my parents told me about a place that they once went to on assignment." He looked up at the stars with a soft smile.

"What was is called?" I looked up too.

"I can't remember the name. But I will always remember how they described it. They said it had a sky that was a magnificent mix of pink and purple that made it look like sunrise and sunset at the same time. It had amazing spires that looked like the touched the heavens and silver colonnades on every building. They talked about these mountains there that were so different than ours. They were called the mirrored mountains, and they reflected the light of the sky over the capitol city which made it shine.

They talked about how all the natives were so nice and the food was extraordinary. They told me that they could never find anything in the whole universe that has ever tasted anything like it. That's where I'd want to go." He looked at me for the first time and smiled.

"It sounds amazing, Rullana. Maybe when you become a universal ambassador, you'll be able to find your planet."

"I hope so, it's the reason that I even decided to become one." He laughed. "Where would you go, Sen?"

"I dunno, I don't think I'd rather be anywhere but here."

"Oh, come on. There's gotta be a planet out there more exciting than here."

"Maybe, but exciting isn't what I want. I've had enough excitement to last me the rest of my life. I'm happy here, with you."

"Are you really happy here, with me? You could go anywhere at all." He mumbled quietly.

"I'm absolutely, positively happy here with you." I smiled. "I have no idea what I'm going to do next year after you graduate."

"You'll be fine without me, you don't need me."

"Just because I don't need you doesn't mean that I don't want you." I said quietly.

"Do you mean that?" He leaned closer to me as he whispered.

"Yeah, yeah I mean it. I love you, Ru." He stood up from his swing slowly and knelt down in front of me while grabbing both of my hands on my lap.

"Then marry me. We can wait until you graduate and then we can do whatever we want. We'd have the wedding on Earth like you've always wanted. We could travel everywhere together or just stay here as hermits living in the mountains. Please, Senlor Theta, will you marry me?" He whispered everything to me while he gazed intently into my eyes.

"Really?" I mumbled.

"Yes, really." He chuckled. "We've talked about it before, and I want to be with for all our lives. Throughout regenerations, everything. I don't ever want to lose you, Sen." He smiled hopefully up at me. "I love you."

"Yes, yes, of course I'll marry you, you idiot." I laughed as lunged forward to hug him.

We both fell to the ground laughing as the twin suns began to rise into the burnt orange sky.

"Jessica? Jessica?" The sound of Jenny's voice snapped me back into the present. I took a deep breath as I was brought back into reality.

"Yeah Jenny?" I looked over at her.

"Your mobile is ringing." I grabbed my phone from coat pocket to answer it.


"Jessica, finally. I know that it's your day off, but do you think that you could come in and give some insight on this case we're working on?'' Lestrade answered.

"Uhh, yeah, sure. I'll be in soon." I hung. Up and looked over at Jenny. "I'm sorry, but Lestrade needs us."

"Okay." We got up and walked to Scotland Yard. I sat at Jenny down at my desk and walked into Lestrade's office where Donovan was waiting for me.

"So, what are we looking at?"

"There's a child missing. He was last seen with this man." Donovan handed me the folder as I leaned against Greg's desk. She pointed to a picture and my stomach dropped.

"No, no, that's not possible. That man is dead, and he has been for a long time." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Lestrade came in to interrupt us. "Have you found anything?"

"Uh, no, not yet sir." I looked up at him.

"Alright, Umm, how's Jenny been doing lately?" Lestrade looked out of the window of his office at Jenny. Both Donovan and I looked over too, and saw her sitting at my desk with her legs swinging.

"She's... alright. She's has her ups and downs. Ever since, the-uh, the fall, she's been having nightmares. They've been getting worse lately, nothing seems to calm her done after them. I'm lucky if I get more than a few sentences out of her a day."

Jenny's P.O.V.

I sat at Jessica's watching everyone move around the office. Jessica was in Lestrade's office with Donovan. She was leaning on Lestrade's desk as they were both looking over a file that Jessica was holding. Donovan was pointing at something when Lestrade walking in there. I could hear them talking about me, especially since they didn't even close the door.

I looked around at all the people, when my eyes fell on Anderson. He looked like he had gone crazy. He had grown out his hair and had a beard now.

Just looking at him made me ill now.

"Jen, come on, let's go." Jessica came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's getting late." I nodded and stood up.

"Bye Jenny." Lestrade waved at my from the doorway of his office. I smiled at him before I lead Jess out of the building by the hand.

"So what do you want to do for dinner? We could go anywhere you'd like to go, anywhere at all." She smiled down at me. It was nearly sunset now as I walked in silence as thinking about other things.

"Jessica, can I ask you a personal question?" I looked up at her. Her red hair looked like fire in the evening sun and her green eyes shone like emeralds.

"Yeah, I guess. What is it that you want to know?" She didn't tare her eyes away from the street ahead of us to look at me.

"Is your family still alive?" She looked at me in surprise.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Are your parents still alive and stuff?" I looked ahead of us.

"Well, umm, that's a difficult question, Jen, it's complicated-"

"No it isn't, either they're dead or not, Jess." I looked up at her. "So are they dead or not?"

"Wow, way to put it bluntly." Jess luaghed as she mumbled under her breath. "Well, if you put it that way, they, uh, they're dead, Jenny. Why do you want to know anyway?" She asked softly.

"Were you there when they died?" I didn't look at her as I whispered my question to her.

"Is this about your nightmares Jenny?" She was still holding my hand as we dodged the people in the streets.

"Were you?"

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Were you?" Her voice was barely over a whisper, it was so quiet that I barely heard her over the bustle of the people.

"Yeah, yeah I was." I was quiet as memories flooded my head.

"How did they die?"

"Which time?" I muttered to myself.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Most of my family is dead, Jen, and I was there for most of them. My grandparents, my mum, my dad...'s brothers, even my husband and kids all died in front of me."

"Do you have nightmares about them?" I took a moment before I answered.

"Everytime I close my eyes, Jen. I always find things that I could've done differently, little things like leaving 5 minutes earlier or later or something like that. I always regret not telling them simple things, like that I loved them, before they died. I feel like if I had done something different that they would still be here with me and I'd be happy." My heart felt heavy as we continued walking.

"Does it ever go away?"

"The sad feeling that comes whenever you think about. The one that makes you feel tired and empty, and like you don't want to do anything at all. The feeling that makes you feel like you just wanting everything to stop, where you just want to stop. Does it ever go away?" The whole time she was explaining it, she kept her eyes forwards. I took a deep breath as I thought about my answer.

"No, it doesn't, at least not for me it hasn't, not yet. Over time it stops hurting as much, but it'll always be there."

We walked in silence for the rest of the walk home.

Jenny's P.O.V.

I was standing in the middle of a burning building looking around at the scattered bodies around me. Most of them were children lying motionless. Their faces were smudged with soot and dark blood. It nearly looked like they were sleeping.

I tried to take in a deep breath, but it felt as if there was no air left to breath. I coughed as my eyes began to water from the smoke.

I looked around once more at all the children around me before my eyes landed on two children in particular.

Both of them looked no older than 13 at most, of them looked slightly younger. It was a girl and a boy. The girl had brown hair covered in filth with tears streaks down her face. She looked terrified, like she was having a terrible nightmare, as clung to the little boy. His hair was also filthy, but it was red. Both of them were trembling slightly as the smoke became thicker.

"It's going to be alright Zen, mum and dad will find us." The girl's voice was a hoarse whisper. The boy whimpered and clung closer to the girl. I tried to move towards them but it felt as if I was in quicksand. The fire and smoke was swirling around me getting thicker and harder to see through. I tried to call out to them, but the smoke filled my lungs.

They melted away and a new scene came up. I was outside somewhere, somewhere between some burning buildings. I had my back against the wall as I was kneeling in the dirt.

I heard a man's voice screaming out from somewhere ahead of me. It sounded like my name but it sounded to muffled. A man was running towards me, but then a shot rang out. It sounded strange, but then my attention was on the man.

He screamed in agony which pierced my heart like a bullet. He fell to the ground in pain as he looked towards me. He looked to me as the light faded from his eyes. I shriek as I tried to runs towards him, but I couldn't move again.

I could feel tears rolling down my face everything shifted yet again. But instead of the searing heat of the fire, I felt the fridge cold of rain. The bright, warm reds and oranges were replaced with dark, cold greys and blacks. I heard people talking all around me.

I looked up to see I was surrounded by people, but their attention was on the body in front of me. I looked down at my hands to see that they were covered with blood. The air felt as if it was sucked out of me yet again by smoke.

I looked down to see dark blood on a startling pale face with bright blue eyes staring straight back up at me. 

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