Pregnant By A....What?!

By Beautiful_Starz

274K 11.4K 1.7K

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" Iris murmured lowly as she threw the stick t... More

TWeNty- ThrEE


5K 262 45
By Beautiful_Starz




1.) One more than eighteen; nine more than ten; 19.


"Iris!" The hoarseness of the Beast's voice, reached the prickly haired ears of the surrounding dectres. In a count of about six, they stood outside the door to his chamber. Watching in murmured silence as he destroyed the chamber he was in.

"How is this possible?" One asked.

"Did anyone give him the wrong dosage of drugs? Its happened before." Another one countered.

"No, the tubes come pre-measured for each chamber, as ordered by the Council. This has to be something else." One answered.

"He is so angry, no wonder he's locked away here." Another said with nothing but fear being read across his features.

"Who or what is this Iris he keeps calling for?" Back and forth, the dectres argued about how they should handle the situation; no one fully coming up with a valued solution.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" The Beast screeched as he slammed his full body weight into the mirrored glass of the chamber. His limbs may have hurt from all the pounding on the large cemented walls but fortunately he had an unexpected burst of energy and anger to channel all his powers through. It was his own anger at his situation, and the fact that he had been locked away for so long that had his powers flickering through the room like a cool draft.

The life he could've had if they hadn't locked him away... That thought haunted his mind.

He continued to contemplate all the things that wholeheartedly seemed to harass his dreams like a ghost.

"IRIS!" He yelled as his powers raised within him before buckling out through his arms, only to clash into the one way mirrored glass of the chamber.  The power that murmured across his skin was like a wild beast attacking the wall, as he stood silently thinking about the dream he'd had of feeling Iris touch his face. Her skin was soft as she caressed his cheek in a caring manner; it had to have been a dream though. Because of the vast distance of space between them there was no way he could have sensed her in real time. And that thought itself, caused a rush of his powers to hit the glass again.

The potential of greatness being read through his powers was the exact thing the Council had been afraid of.

It was the exact reason he had been locked away. They considered him a threat to everyone around him. He was labeled 'dangerous' and locked away for almost all of his life cycle.

After another blast from him, the once secured mirror like glass shattered into a thousand pieces. Three of the dectres that had been watching from the outside were killed on instant contact from the glass shredding through their thin skins. While the other three had simply been knocked out from the force of his beastly powers crashing through the glass.

But the most important thing that seemed to echo through the Beast's brain was that...

'He was free.'

A smile stretched across his face as he hopped over the false wall and landed above the glass. Even though the greying glow of his powers kept his feet from touching the actual floor, the crunch of glass could be heard as he continued to take cautious steps forward.

'He was free..' He thought to himself even as the blaring alarm crowded his ears like a shopping center on the planet TerRiAN.

As he races through the corridors his mind wondered, 'How long had it been since he had been fully conscious? When was the last time he walked? Ran? How long had it been since he'd saw the vast amount of stars and galaxies that spaces had to offer? Or better yet...' He hummed to himself as he passed a window, 'How long had it been since he last saw his own reflection?'

As he paused, he allowed time for his eyes to take in the sunken features the window before him had to offer. His cheek bones were more angular than he last remembered, his eyes were a swirling aqua of stormy grays and small black specks, his jawbone and head heavy with the best grade of hair he had ever seen; its color being a richly deep blue color, almost verging on the paths of black. The hair of his head reaching his shoulders in a wide array of curls, his beard a bit knotted as it stretched across his dimpled cheeks; but displaying his curls nonetheless.

He was so much older than what he had initially thought...

He realized as he took in his large seven foot frame, his body built like a true warrior that had never been anywhere but inside the battles between the Galaxies. And even though he couldn't remember the last time he ate, his large body was heavily muscular as if he hasn't missed a meal.

How? He questioned the same time the marching sounds of boots could be heard through the hallways.

He had to get out of here.

And he had to find his Iris...


Iris was falling.

Her mouth opened wide in a yelp as she tried to claps an invisible ledge from which she fell. Sweat crowded her brow and back as her body continued to shutter with no understanding of what had just happened.

"What the hell!?" KyRue's voice was surprised and slightly frightened as he peaked over the edge of the bed, his eyes taking in Iris. "Iris?!" He asked as he rushed from the plush sheets over to his sweating and murmuring sister.

"He saw me! He saw me, KyRue!" She cried and held her bruised neck.

"Shh, who saw you? What the hell did you just do? How did you get in here?" KyRue questioned as he glanced up at the ceiling that held no answers.

"I don't know." Iris said with tears in her eyes. "I was dreaming, I was asleep but then he looked up and saw me. He started yelling so I panicked. You were the first person I thought about then I fell and-"

"Shh, its okay Iris. You're safe now. No one saw you, it was just a dream. Just a crazy dream, okay?" KyRue knew he was lying but he needed to get her calm, her powers were causing all of the lights in the room to flicker on and off. 

"But then how did I get here?" Iris asked.

KyRue paused as he contemplated what he should tell her, "You may have teleported yourself here once you became frighten in your dream."

"It wasn't a dream KyRue, or maybe it was. I don't know. Oh my god, this is just like how it was before. I can't tell what's real and fake anymore!" Iris cried as the familiar feeling of not knowing how anything around her happened began to drown her. "It felt too much like real life and I know he saw me forreal! He grabbed me by my neck and wouldn't let go. I tried to explain but he wouldn't listen, he just kept asking 'where the prisoner was' but I-"

KyRue cut her off, "Prisoner? What Prisoner, Iris?"

"I don't know." Iris mumbled. For some reason she felt the need to protect the large gray man that had been locked away.

"Iris, look at me, what prisoner? What did he look like?" KyRue questioned with his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't know, I wasn't there with any prisoner.. I think I popped up afterwards." She lied.

KyRue knew she was lying, he could smell it in her words but he wouldn't tell her. For whatever reason his sister had teleported herself to somewhere prisoners were held, and she possibly helped the being escape.

Why? He had no idea.

But he would find out. 'His life had never been as complicated as it was now, with his sister in his life.' KyRue thought to himself as he checked her bruised neck for further damage. When he found none, he stood, speaking softly as to keep her panic down, "Come on, let's get you back to sleep. You're fine, it was nothing but a bad dream."

"No, please. I don't want to go back to sleep. What if I teleport again? What if I go back and that alien is still there? He'll kill me-"

"Iris, I'm going to watch over you and make sure you are fine. Come on, get up." He helped her stand but as if her legs were jelly, Iris collapsed into KyRue's arms. He knew instantly what she had done and worry seemed to crowd him as he carted her over towards the bed where his three nephews slept peacefully.

"Iris?" He asked after he had settled her deep within the covers and had pulled a chair over to the side of the bed.

"Yes?" She mumbled quietly.

"Did you touch anyone while you were there?" KyRue asked reserved.

"N-No." She said in reply. Iris was shaking, she had touched someone. She touched the gray man and it had caused him to awake but for some reason his brain hadn't registered her being inside the room.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I didn't touch anyone, so can I go to sleep now."

"Yes, of course. Go ahead, I promise to watch over you." KyRue said as he leaned back into his chair, his eyes watching over his sister as she cuddled her babies, her eyes shutting instantly with them so close. After he could register the sound of her deep slumber snores, KyRue leaned forwarded, his eyes scanning his sister closely once again. "What the hell did you do dear sister of mine, and why did you lie to me about it?" He whispered quietly before settling back against the chair.

As Iris slept, her mind began replaying everything that had happened like it was a movie.

It had stared out with her inside some type of chamber, Iris stood safely with her back pressed into the corner. Her eyes scanned the room, only stopping when she spotted a large being stretched out flat against a small chamber mattress. His large ashen gray body was breathing raggedly as if he would awake at any moment. And for an actual moment Iris stood deathly still, afraid he would awake and find her.

Something told her he wouldn't harm her but then there was that little voice inside her head that said 'she should get the hell out of there...'

'As if I know where the hell I am in the first place,' she thought sarcastically to herself.

The sudden need to take a closer look at the slumbering alien had Iris taking a small step forward. "What could a quick look in a dream hurt?" She questioned herself, a giggle leaving her lips as she realized how stupid it was to be afraid. She knew she was dreaming, besides the fact that everything around her seemed a bit hazy, she didn't recall seeing a place like this within Drax's castle.

Therefore..she was dreaming, and she had nothing to be afraid of. What was the worst that could happen?

Taking quicker steps towards the bed, Iris stood above the stranger wondering if she should wake him up. Her eyes took in his beautifully savage look. She had no idea who the being was, she had never laid actual eyes on him before so why the sudden dream about him?

And why did her imagination seem to conjure up such a fine looking alien? Why did he have to look so...

Exotic? If he could be called anything besides beautiful.

Why was he still asleep, couldn't he feel her standing over him?

"Hey..mister?" She spoke in a tone close to a whisper. But he didn't move. Iris glanced around her for the second time, her eyes scanning every panel against the wall as she quickly realized the room was not what it seemed. 

Bed chamber? No.

Some type of prison? More likely.

She could tell because of the fact the room had no windows, no vents, and no doors. Just like that Box her father had placed her in.

A sympathy came over Iris as she spotted an IV of blue liquid being pumped into the gray man's arm.

'Was this what alien hospitals look like?' She wondered. But for some reason as she stared down at the stilled gray face of the man, she knew it wasn't. He was a prisoner just like she had been.

Sadness surrounded Iris, he looked so helpless as his large body began to suddenly groan as if he was in pain.

Why was she having a dream about a prisoner? And what the hell were these people doing to him?' She wondered as she saw the sunken look of his cheeks.

Iris reached out to try and pull the IV out but her hand fazed through him as if she were a ghost. A frown marred her lips as she looked down at her hands.

Iris knew she was having a dream but she wanted to help the stranger. The fact that she couldn't touch anything only seemed to urk her. Taking a deep breath and shaking her hands, "If this is my dream, that means I can control it. So come on!" She coached herself mindlessly.

Moving slowly Iris grasped the IV between her fingers, a happy giggle leaving her lips as she yanked it out of the gray man's arm. Iris awaited for him to wake but he made no move. Even his breathing had slowed.

Worry crowded her mind as she realized, maybe the IV had been to help.

Growling at herself and her little knowledge about medical things, Iris reached out to touch the stranger. Her left hand acted as a anchor, keeping her from falling atop the stranger, her right hand shaking as she reached for his beautifully sculpted cheek.

The moment her finger touched his skin, Iris gasped at the pulse she felt. Though his body temperature was warm, the chill he sent spreading through her blood stream had her knees weakening and her insides quivering. Iris couldn't help but run her fingers lightly over his cheek, her hand stretching until it was tangled in the deep black curls of his beard. Gosh, his hair was soft.

"Wake up," she whispered softly.

"Wake up!" She urged again when he didn't move. It was in that moment that Iris felt something leave her, traveling from deep within the walls of her chest, down the length of her arm, and into the body of the stranger.

A gasp left the both of their lips, Iris watched in silence and fear as swirls echoed across the close-eyed stranger. The swirls were a bright glowing blue color as they raced across his skin, leaving behind thin black marks etched across his skin. It was beautiful. 

Suddenly another gasp left the strangers lips, a deep velvety groan being next to leave his lungs causing Iris to take a step back. She could see him moving now and she would be a liar if she said she wasn't a tiny bit afraid. Iris settled herself back against the wall, her eyes staying glued to the man, her body feeling slightly weak as she leaned heavily back.

The stranger abruptly sat up, his eyes scanning the far side of the room, a deep throaty growl leaving his lips. The sound was so threatening that it sent a shiver down Iris's spine; and not the good kind.

Fear poured into her body as she saw him glance at her...

But as he continued to scan the room, Iris realized he hadn't seen her for some reason. Was he blind? I mean she was basically standing right besides him.

As she watched the large being growl and crash into each wall, Iris realized maybe she shouldn't have woken him up. I mean, people are imprisoned sometimes for good. And here the fuck she was, waking up random imprisoned strangers! What was wrong with her?! 

'It's just a dream,' she tried to reason with herself. Nothing can come from waking someone up in a dream.

The stranger yelled something out but for some reason it was as if Iris had gone deaf, her ears couldn't process any sound around her, she could only watch as the large being crashed into what seemed to be a mirror.

Iris gasped as she watched the glass shatter and go flying in the opposite direction. The force from his powers had her cowering into the corner. Iris was terrified as she watched him race down the hall he'd chosen with precise steps. Her mind told her to follow him but her body shook like a leaf as she watched him go. She couldn't even get enough oxygen into her lungs as he disappeared from her sight.

Suddenly a large uniformed being came rushing into view, he had what seemed to be a gun clutched in two of his four muscular arms. His large alien eyes taking in the shattered glass and whatever else was on the floor. But it was when he abruptly looked up into the room that gave Iris pause. A gasp tore through its lips, "How did you get in here?!" It hissed in a heavily accented voice. 

Iris gasped as she realized he could see her... How? How could he see her when the gray man couldn't?!

"Who are you! And how did you get here?!" He asked angrily as he took a step forwards as if he would hop over the false wall at any minutes.

Iris began to panic! The only person she could think about to help her out of this situation was the same being that had saved her from the last one; KyRue. She wished he was here. Or better yet, she wished she was there with him and her children. 

Now would be a perfect time for her to wake up.

The angered alien hopped over the wall, his large feet bringing him so close to Iris that she could smell his foul breath even with his mouth closed. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute as he growled out at her, "Where is the prisoner?!"

"I don't know." Iris cried out as one of his lower arms grabbed her by her throat, lifting her up carelessly causing Iris to choke out more words. "I don't know! Please just let me go! I just wanna go home. I just want to go home." Iris's words were spoken out in nothing but fear. Yet, just as the last words left her lips the wall behind her disappeared in a swirl of bright colors, sucking Iris within it. She began falling through what felt like a tunnel until she landed with a hard thud against a hardwood floor.


The sound of a commotion being made could be heard in the hallway. With quick reflexes KyRue was out the door and searching for the person causing the noise.

"Iris is missing!" Drax yelled as he came racing around the corner, his large feet eating up the space between the two of them quickly.

"It's fine, she's fine. Iris is inside laying with the children." KyRue said carefully as he held his hands up in a way to get Drax to calm down.

"How did she get here?" Drax questioned in a confused voice.

"She walked?" KyRue said in more of a questioning manner than a statement. He didn't know how, or even if he should explain what had happened with Iris.

"No, I've been sitting outside the room since the moment she was placed on the bed. How the hell-" Drax began but was cut off.

"-Okay, so maybe... she teleported." KyRue said the last part in a whisper but nonetheless, Drax heard him. 

"Teleported?! KyRue-"

"I know-I know what you are going to say but we are not going to talk about this now, especially not while she's asleep in the next room."

Taking a deep breath, Drax released the worry that seemed to etch itself within his bones. "Did she at least tell you where she went?" He said calmly.

"No. She didn't know where she was. She got scared and next thing I know she comes crashing from the ceiling into my room." KyRue explained.

"Why didn't she come to me?" Drax questioned even though he meant for the question to be directed inwardly. 

"I am her brother-"

"And I am to be here mate!"

"That is if she accepts you! Don't start becoming like the other moron that seems to chase her heels. She is not your mate but she is my sister. She considers me to be a protector for her and the children."

"You're right, I apologize. It is just... We've both heard the stories of what happens with teleporters and their first teleport. Where ever she went, she had to have a strong-"

The sound of one of the babies crying had KyRue turning to go back inside the room "We can talk about this later!"

"Yes." Drax complied even though he could feel a murmur of worry echo in his hearts. Iris being a teleporter was going to be an even bigger problem than her Seven foot tall baby daddy.


So this chapter was slightly shorter than the others. But I wanted to post it now because I know you guys were excited from the last chapter. The next one will be better lbvs

Anyways tell me what you guys thought! ✌😏

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