Solitary Sword Sovereign

Por theonionjunktion

586K 34.3K 1.9K

One day, every human on earth was given a class and gained abilities. People gained levels and stats; like st... Más

Chapter 1: Death of the Peerless Loser (Edited)
Chapter 2: The gifts of duality
Chapter 3- Immortality is all i ask.
Chapter 4- Cultivation!
Chapter 5- The Art of The Solitary Sword Sovereign
Chapter 6- Enlightenment Through Battle!
Chapter 7- Sword Totem
Chapter 8- First Kill
Chapter 9- Perfecting Technique Through Slaughter
Chapter 10- The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Chapter 11- Wrath of the Water God
Chapter 12- The Nail that Sticks Out, Gets Hammered
Chapter 13- Blood Calamity: Part 1
Chapter 14- Blood Calamity: Part 2
Chapter 15- Blood Calamity: Part 3
Chapter 16- Earth Shattering Battle
Chapter 17- Ten Seconds
Chapter 18- The Power of Four Degrees
Chapter 18 - The Power of Four Degrees (Full)
Chapter 19 - Grinding!
Chapter 20- The Soul
Chapter 21- True Cultivation!
Chapter 22- Water Sense
Chapter 23- A New Challenger Arrives!
Chapter 24- Exchanging blows with a king of the skies
Chapter 25 - Intent
Chapter 26- Truly, Sharp!
Chapter 27- Imparting Knowledge?
Chapter 28- Energies
Chapter 29- Splitting The Earth!
Chapter 30- Bloody Spiders
Chapter 31- 9999!
Chapter 32- Uh? Greatest prodigy? Is that food?
Chapter 33- What a man does for them big butts...
Chapter 34- Boss? You There?
Chapter 35-
Chapter 36- The King of Titans
Chapter 37- Mysterious Truths
Chapter 38- Back to School
Chapter 39- Lords
Chapter 40- Have to become a Lord!
Chapter 41- Registration
Chapter 42- The Ultimate Guide
Chapter 43- What is He?
Chapter 44- Secluded Meditation
Chapter 45- Standing Corpses
Chapter 46- Eridium
Chapter 47- Testing, Testing, One Two Three!
Chapter 48- Please, destroy my planet!
Chapter 49- Soul Regalia
Chapter 50- Why do you want to kill your family?
Chapter 51- Instant death!
Chapter 52 - Goldback Warhog
Chapter 53- Arena!
Chapter 54- Spoils of Battle!
Chapter 55- A new challenger approaches
Chapter 56- Chilling Yin Dragon
Chapter 57- Do You Yield?
Chapter 58- Colossus Criterion Thesaurus
Chapter 59- This King!
Chapter 60- The Sword is Drawn!
Chapter 61- The Door Is Opened
SSS has a comic!
Chapter 62: Bastian Smith
Chapter 63: Andre Chamberlain
Chapter 64- Lord!
Chapter 65- Shocking The World
Chapter 66- Reagent
Chapter 67- Super Makeover
Chapter 68- War Is Looming
Chapter 69- I'm Crazier
Chapter 70- Surrender
Chapter 71- Stalker
Chapter 72- Death's Door
Chapter 73- Opening The First Door!
Chapter 74- Survival
Chapter 75 - Water, Overlord of the Elements
Chapter 77- A New Expieriment
Chapter 78: Ghosts and Supremes
Chapter 79: Muddled Thoughts
Chapter 80: Fishing
Chapter 81: Visitors Ahoy
Chapter 82: Entering a Dungeon
Chapter 83: Good Old Duke
Chapter 84: Talent Vs Potentional
Chapter 85: Body Strengthening
Chapter 86: Golden Lord
Chapter 87: A Welsh Greeting
Chapter 88: Taiga's Thoughts
Chapter 89: Brother
Chapter 90: The N Word
Chapter 91: Bluff
Chapter 92: Jaeger Meister
Chapter 93: Mysterious Old Man
Chapter 94: Hydromancer
Chapter 95: Kick it up a Notch
Chapter 96: Concepts
Chapter 97: Will's Disgust
Chapter 98: World Situation
Chapter 99: Death Match
Chapter 100: The System of Rights
Chapter 101: I Have Some Killing to do Today
Chapter 102: Ezra The Mad One
Chapter 103: Arthur Pendragon
Chapter 104: Klopp The Informarion Broker
Chapter 105: A While Back
Chapter 106: Challenge Begins
Chapter 107: Not A Single Crease
Chapter 108: This Is How You Make Dragons
Chapter 109: Woodsy Makes Her Move
Chapter 110: Are You Tired Of Breathing?
Chapter 111: my name isn't The Solitary Water Sovereign
Chapter 112: Ugly Yet Dashing
Chapter 113: Slow Mystic Sandstorm
Chapter 114: True Strike One Shot
Chapter 115: Tiger Of The East
Chapter 116: Will, What The Hell Did You Do?
Chapter 117: Like Grass
Chapter 118: Ezra's Top 5
Chapter 119: More Exposi...I mean Important Chat
Chapter 120: Okay, New Rule
Chapter 121: Technique Refinment
Chapter 122: Tell Me What You See
Chapter 123: The Drooling Immortal
Chapter 124: Higgs Boson
Chapter 125: Warrior? Mage?
Chapter 126: Warrior? Mage?
Chapter 127: Guten Morgen
Chapter 128 - Courting Death
Chapter 129 - The Old Man's Friend
Chapter 130 - What The Fuck Did He Do?
Chapter 131 - A Maid Nigga
Chapter 132 - Zone Destroying
Chapter 133 - Level £$
Chapter 134 - Lucky
Chapter 135 - Decapitation
Chapter 136 - (Traitorous) experts are everywhere
Chapter 137 - A New Dungeon
Chapter 138 - Ambitions
Chapter 139 - I Wonder As Well...
The Monk In The Bar
Make Your Choice!
Extreme Yin
He's Here For Me
Dukes Time To Shine
Sneezing Immortal
For The Gods! For Olympus!
Full Strength True strike
Good Results
Perverted Politics
Atlas Columns
Fafnir's Grave
A Choice to Make
The Breath
The Essence of Solitude
Immortals and Divinities
The Seventh Scion of Ha
The Formless Concept
A Clash of Swords!
Opening The First Door!
Martial Harmony: Will Strikes Back!
'Water Force'
The Immortal Realm
Hou Yi's Shock; Modus Arrives
His Name is Duke
The Raindrop Area
Strange Matter
Hou Yi's Knowledge
Will The Godslayer Uleashed! Unbound Vector!
Will's Value
Wodin's Analysis
The All Father Descends
Scavenger of the Battlefield
Hou Yi Shoots Nine Suns
The Raven's Grin
One Raindrop
A Clash Of Sovereigns: Yin vs Yin!
Jaeger Meister's Path: Hydrolytic Fission!
Four-Step Setup! Seventh Door Open!
True Sword Kaiser
Heart of a Swordsman
King of the Aesir
Odin's Trial By Fire
Flowing Tide Restriction: Breaking The Walls
Child Of The Literati: Polarising Energies
Metamorphosis Complete
Testing New Limits
Primordial Refinement Boons
Literal Growth
Energy Maps
Preparation: Frozen Asgard Mask
Michael And His Vassals

Chapter 76- The earth pyramid

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Por theonionjunktion

The past few days had been far from easy on Letty. Countless Lords and powerful users had come to meet the Solitary Sword Sovereign, yet he was missing; thus, Letty had to entertain the guests until Will arrived. The majority of the guests had little patience and quickly left in foul moods because Letty could not provide a reasonable explanation for Will's unavailability. It was as if Will had disappeared. Although he must still be alive because she had her Regent abilities, Letty was growing worried.

Within a large conference room, Letty entertained a large batch of guests dressed in black suits complemented by imposing demeanors. Two people led them: a middle-aged man who was clearly not a fan of shaving and a masked gentleman who never spoke despite the others constant respectful glances demonstrating his importance. Will had informed her that he was on his way, so she had gathered the most important guests in this conference room.

Letty only knew the identity of the bearded man, the Lord of The Silverton Alliance where Will's school was located. Ever since the Lord had arrived, he had refused to explain the reason for his visit, saying he would only do so when Will arrived.

The man did not have a pleasant reputation. He was known for being very lustful and violent. Whatever he wanted he got; if one resisted, their only fate was death.

Silverton was a man who did not shy from revealing his power. He exuded a majestic aura of wherever he went like a lone mountain towering above all other existences. Everywhere he went, he held the center of attention.

He had expected that Letty would treat him in a certain manner, but he was surprised. She was polite to him as he was a Nation Lord, but she was far from tip-toeing on eggshells in his presence. The same could not be said for the two entourages. Except for the masked man, everyone else dreaded him, and he loved it.

'As expected of the infamous untouchable guide. Just what did Solitary do to win her over?'

Silverton did little to hide his lustful gaze as he gazed at Letty's body, causing her to shiver in her heart. She was not afraid of him, but her innate disgust made her uncontrollably react.

With a creak of the wooden door, a new entry arrived. He wore a simple white robe with a snow white sheath encasing his sword. A glove adorned his left hand and had socks with his sandals. His striking white hair and his perfect brown skin made him look like a bronze war machine. Will had entered.

"Sorry for being late, guys. I had some serious business to take care of, but you now have my full attention."

Will sat at the head of the table and reclined his chair, resting his feet on the table. This was clearly a  provocation, but Silverton merely laughed while the masked man did, as usual, nothing.

A woman wearing glasses stood up behind Silverton. "Lord Solitary, we are here to represent the Dragonheart Empire in welcoming you to our nation."

Letty and Will both raised a brow. They had not expected the empire to make contact in such a manner after Will had clarified his intentions on joining them.

"Lord Silverton is the head of the vassals of the empire within the immediate area. He, along with Lord Sicario, have come to welcome you and discuss certain terms with you."

"Terms of surrender, I suppose?" Will lazily spoke.

The lady nodded. "After you become a part of the Dragonheart Empire, Lord Silverton will become your immediate superior. As is custom in our organization, you must battle a representative from the capital of the empire for us to ascertain your true power. If you fail to meet the standard, you might be asked to relinquish control of the city for the sake of the empire. It is for this reason that Lord Sicario is present."

Letty and Will were prepared for such and not surprised. Letty had quite the information network, so she had already informed Will of what happened when a lord surrenders to the Dragonheart Empire. First, a curse would be placed on you that ensured your loyalty. Second, you would battle a representative from the capital. If you are weak, you would be stripped of your power. If you were strong, they might even present you with more power, but this was extremely rare.

The woman then brought out a pitch black pill with a dragon insignia that released a dreadful and ominous aura. "In order for us to begin, Lord Solitary has to ingest this." There was no explanation, no information, nothing. Just a command: eat this. In a world filled with strange things, who knew what damage something like this could cause.
Will sneered, "If I say no?"

The woman adjusted her glasses and looked toward Silverton who had been playing with the breasts of a woman sitting next to him. In response to Will's words, he touched the table. Within seconds, the entire table had frozen over. A dense killing intent wafted over to Will. This was not true intent, but instinct that told Will, 'If you resist, you die.'

"Thank you, Lord Silverton." the woman said, fear evident in her eyes. Silverton grunted and made out with the woman he was molesting as if he did not have a single care in the world. Will's level was far too low for him to give a damn about his existence. All he wanted to do was get this over with, so he could go and have fun.

Will sighed and signaled for the woman to give him the pill. She approached and handed it to him as if it were a delicate explosive. Will marveled the pill for a second before throwing it into his mouth without hesitation.

It melted as soon as it entered his body, turning into a dark formless energy that headed straight for his heart. Will snickered in his mind because he was far too familiar with what this was. This was Intent!

'Trying to poison me with intent? Bitch, please.'

The energy went straight for his heart, but Will was long prepared. Another formless energy guarded his heart. As soon as the dark intent contacted this energy, it was engulfed. Will was prepared for the empire's methods due to knowledge from Letty warning him.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Lord Solitary. What you just swallowed was an enslavement pill. So long as you perform any act detrimental to the empire in any way, the poison will destroy your heart. The poison is made from a unique undetectable energy. His Majesty Dragonheart encourages those brave enough to attempt to remove the poison. If one succeeds, there will be much to be gained. But do be careful, accidents might occur along the line." The woman said.

'Dragonheart is looking for people who can use intent. An impressive method, but when it comes to intent, you still have much to learn.'

The woman was happy that nothing had gone wrong so far. Plenty of lords would refuse to take the pill, resulting in many blood baths occurring. This pill was one of the reasons why the empire had expanded so quickly.

"Now, Lord Sicario will test your battle prowess and other skills to determine your position in the empire. Please follow us outside."

The entourage left the room, baffling Will and Letty. Weren't they the hosts?

Once again Will marveled at how domineering the empire was. He was not a fan of taking orders, but circumstances had dictated otherwise. The group exited the skyscraper and walked to a desolate area. They arrived at what seemed to be a small, run-down stadium. The woman raised her hand for everyone to stop and bowed toward the masked man, "Lord Sicario if you please."

The masked man stepped forward while flexing his body. At that instant, a mad current of World Energy entered the masked man's body. The nearby area shook a little while the masked man's aura shot through the roof. Even Silverton stopped fooling around and had a serious expression on his face. A trace of fear appeared in his eyes. It was clear who of the two lords representing the empire was stronger.


With a shout, the man slammed his palm into the pavement, spreading mana through the surroundings. Soil gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a mini-mountain. Within seconds, the mini-mountain transformed into a pyramid. Will whistled. The sheer density of the mana used to create this pyramid awed him. In that instant, Will realized an important fact. He had no chance against the masked man, especially if it was a long range battle.

"Destroy that," the masked man monotoned. Letty gulped at his words. If it was an ordinary earthen pyramid, Will would find it easy, but the energy packed within that pyramid made it harder than steel. She was not from Earth and was born within the system; thus she was all too familiar with what was required to complete the deed.

Will had just passed the level 50 threshold, yet he was now required to break a mass created by a mage who was at least level 100, not to mention it had taken the mage time to gather energy and create this mass: the more time someone had to prepare, the more powerful the outcome, especially for mages.

Will could not help but frown when he saw the pyramid. His aqua sense had informed him just how formidable that big block of soil was. Even Silverton was pondering how on earth he would destroy that. Silverton had also taken a similar test, but it was nowhere near this difficult.

'This kid is unlucky. The empire wants to use this city as an entry point into the country, so it is extremely valuable to them. The lord stationed here would have to be someone who would not lose the territory to anyone nearby, including myself.'

Silverton quietly mused. Will sighed and started walking toward the huge mass. Under Modus's guidance, Will had learned a thing or two about formless water intent, but he had yet to come up with a way to use it as an attack. Thus, he planned to use this pyramid to test some of his theories!

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