This Town |Ziall|

By Moonlightmuze

71 4 0

Niall Horan wants nothing more than his brothers, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn, to be brothers like they all o... More

Chapter 1 : Friends Forever
Chapter 3: Burning Homes

Chapter 2: Hey Brother

13 1 0
By Moonlightmuze

"A candle does not lose its light by lighting other candles."

Loud banging on his hotel door startled him awake. It took a second or seven for him to get his bearing and the pounding on the hotel door louder and louder. He groggily dragged his feet to the door, and opened it without checking through the peep hole.

"What have you been up to?" Eleanor explodes, making her way into his hotel room. Niall rubs his eye with the back of his hand, sleep still heavy under his eyes. "It's almost one-thirty. In the afternoon, Niall. Have you really been asleep all this time?"

"Yeah," he managed to say, his throat scratchy. "Why are you so hyper in the morning?"

"I'm guessing you haven't checked Twitter? Instagram? Maybe read a few articles this morning?"

Niall stared at her. "No. Why? Are people hating on my brunette hair once again? That's hardl—".    

"You followed Zayn yesterday."

"... I did. Yeah."

"And?" she asked, waiting for a better explanation than that.

"And I turned on his notifications."

Eleanor groaned, flopping down on the chair and crossed her leg on her knee. "You really haven't seen anything?"

"No. And please tell me you're carrying food in that large bag of yours?" he asked, eyeing Eleanor's rather large forest green bag.

"Nope. Today is vlogging day so I'm going round Manhattan to—Stop distracting me! You've brought the world of Twitter on a standstill."

Niall gawks at her. "Why?"

"Because, you Irish idiot, unblocked Zayn and followed him. Everyone knows that all four of you blocked him literally the month after he left and now here you are, following him. Immediately after, the Zquad and Directioners got wind of it."

Niall sat on the edge of the bed, his head spinning lightly. "Crap."

"Crap does not cover it. The two fandoms got into wars with each other, one saying that you were a traitor to the pact that you made with Louis and Co. while the Zquad were saying that you finally grew a pair and—"

"Grew a pair? Whose words?"

"Theirs," she said, a little too quick if Niall is being honest, "but I agree with them. Took you long to grow a pair."

"Someone told me that it's my life and I can do what I want," he said and winked at her.

"So after the war, which is still going on right now, several trending hashtags were about you, well, you and Zayn. There was Ziall, Ziall Bromance, someone hoping One D were getting back together but the one which is still trending is Ziall. Then people like Sugarscape, Elle, the Debrief," she flips her wrist in a 'and all those others' motion, "were all about you following and what impact this has. Most just want to know if there is a One D reunion."

"I agree with them," confessed Niall.

"He followed you."

Niall looked up from the floor at her. "Zayn?" She nodded. "He followed me?"

"A few minutes ago."

~ ~ * ~ ~

After the interview with iHeart Radio, Niall accompanies Eleanor on her Youtube vlogging tour of Manhattan. The interview, thankfully, goes on successfully and thanks to his bestfriend slash PA, the topic of him following Zayn on Twitter was not brought up. He talked about his debut single, the vague meaning of This Town, his future plans, if he prefers chocolate ice-cream over vanilla, you know, the norm.

For the day, if he is being honest, would have been spent lounging in the hotel room, watching whatever was on TV, then ordering a Guinness six-pack, then ordering pizza, and passing out before 10 o'clock.

"I can't believe that we're really going to all the places that Gossip Girl was filmed at," moaned Niall as they got into a yellow taxi and Eleanor gave the taxi driver their next address.

"Don't pout, Nini," she grinned, linked her hand to his elbow. "We're going to have an amazing time."

"And momentarily forget the war going on in cyberspace," groaned Niall, throwing his head back against the taxi seat.

"Have you checked your dumb One D WhatsApp group?" asked Eleanor, talking of his WhatsApp group with the other three lads where they (mainly) hate on Zayn. And occasionally talk about their lives. He cannot imagine what they are talking about now.

"Avoiding them too." He shifted in his seat to face Eleanor square in the face. "Today is all about Gossip Girl and trying out restaurants and seeing that particular Burlesque club that Blair and Chuck went to..."

"Is that all you care about?"

Niall chuckled. "And those other stuff too, but that Burlesque club is literally Chuck-themed. He's been trying to create places that leave you forgetting about your life for a few hours."

The taxi stops in front of a fast food restaurant that looks exactly like the one that was on the show. Eleanor excitedly ticks it off her notebook and pockets it back into her vanilla sling back. They make their way in the restaurant, fried food and milkshakes hitting their nostrils as well as loud chatter and music playing through four corners of the restaurant.

They are told to wait, seeing as all the tables are full and they do for 23 minutes. Finally, Niall's rambling stomach can rest easy as the waitress sat them at a circular wooden stable with two metallic seats and the menu.

"This place looks like something off a Lana Del Rey music video," commented Eleanor. Niall was about to comment when he saw that she is talking to her phone – probably vlogging. He looked back down at the menu, wondering what to do order. She gasped mid-sentence when Niall's debut single plays in the restaurant and she does an actual squeal – grabbing the attention of those near them.

"Hush!" he silenced her. "People are not meant not recognize us."

"Hush yourself! This is huge, Niall. Your song is playing at the same time you're in a place and you're telling me to shush!? People deserve to know how amazing you are!"

Niall chuckled and blushed under her compliments. "Thanks, El."

"I don't know why you get surprised when I tell you this but you're an fan-bloody-tastic songwriter and your album is going to slay everyone's if This Town is anything to go by. You are absolutely, maddeningly talent and I'm so glad that everyone gets to know this."

Niall pulled the menu to cover his blushing cheeks. "Stop, El. You're embarrassing me—and stop filming me, too."

Eleanor put a pause on her vlogging, giving in. "Alright, alright. Only because I need to preserve my battery for the other places we're heading to. But don't you feel it? When your song gets played?"

"Feel what?"

"Like the world is on the palm of your hands?"

Before Niall could gather a response, much less respond, the waitress came to take their order – chicken salad for Eleanor and beef burger for Niall – with milkshakes and a 2L water bottle to share.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" asked Niall.

"Yes. Why?" she responded. Niall gnawed on his bottom lip. "Please don't tell me you're reading The Fault in our Stars again?" she asked when Niall was responding. "Come on! Every time you read the book, then watch the movie, you start wishing for someone to come into your life. You wish for their love life."

Niall vehemently denies it.

"To quote the book, the world is not a wish-granting factory. You actually have to get off your ass to get something done," she said with power.

"You didn't answer—"

"I said yes. What about you?"

"I think you never know someone is your soulmate because they grow on you. It's like one day you're hanging out with this person and fuck—it hits you that you've been falling for this person's eyes this entire time."

"And then they go and tell you to get an abortion," she spat angrily.

What the fandom did not fully understand was the reason behind Louis and Eleanor break-up back in 2015. All the fandom got was one minute Elounor were doing great, the next Louis was kissing some woman in a pool.  As it so happened, Eleanor had accidentally gotten pregnant, or well, she was late. Her periods were four days late and she had taken all the necessary precaution to prevent it. Accidents happen, after all.

She told her then boyfriend about it and he immediately said she should get an abortion. Niall had come into the room to find Eleanor bawling on the floor, Louis angrily speaking above her. He knelt before her and held her warmly in his arms where she cried for who knows how long, Louis still spitting venoms about the abortion she was going to undertake.

Once she had calmed down she explained it all. She was late, she thought she was pregnant (was almost positive), Louis was forcing her to have an abortion to which she did not want. That night, she cried in bed being held by Niall. The next morning, Niall gave Louis a piece of his mind.

"She is scared," he had said to him, "so scared and you act like an asshole and tell her to get an abortion!"

"Where is she going to raise that baby? Tell me Niall, where?" he barked.

"That's her decision, Louis. You can't tell her what she can or can't do with her body. It's not your body to control."

"I am not ready to be a father and she is in no condition to be a mother."

Niall snorted bitterly. "That's rich, Louis. Your mother was 18 when she had you. And look at her, she's a strong, independent woman."

"My mother is not Eleanor."

"You're such a hypocrite. It's the same bloody thing. Except, unlike your mother, Eleanor is not 18; she is old enough to take care of a baby that she wants to keep and she will have plenty of support even if you aren't in the picture."

"No she isn't because I know her more than anyone. We've been together for four fucking years!" he had growled.

Niall scoffed, Louis' violent anger not scaring him one bit. "As if you know Eleanor is capable. Your girlfriend is much stronger than you think. She can be a single mother is she wanted to."

"No, she can't. Her parents will look down on her—"

"They would not hate her for being pregnant and even if—"

"Because you know her parents so well," he scoffed, laughing sarcastically.

"She told me last night!" Louis had looked taken aback, this being new information. "She told me that all she wanted was your support but you shut her down and told her to abort the baby. How could you be so selfish Louis?"

"I'm the only one who has her best interest at heart—"

"You're not thinking of what she's going through. She's bloody scared and the one person, the one person, she is meant to count on can barely touch her because she is carrying a baby. Your baby," he growled and pushed Louis violently.

It was then that Harry had come into the room, finding both of them on the floor in a fist fight, blood, saliva and black eyes and hanging jaws on them.

As if that was not bad enough, Eleanor had made a 180-degree turn and said she was going to get an abortion. Niall had tried talking her out of it, even calling his mother to convince her, and Eleanor's own mother, even bloody Johannah who thought her own son was an idiot.

Nothing moved Eleanor.

"You made the right decision," Louis had told her, standing in the spacious living room. Harry was standing beside Louis; Niall had his hand on Eleanor's back while Liam was gnawing on his bottom lip. And Zayn was, well, on the other side of the world.

"I'm making the worst decision of my life," she had told him, her hands wrapping around her frail body.

"You're not," Louis said, stepping closer, his arms reaching out and palming up and down her arm. "You're making the greatest choie that you'll ever make. Once you get through this, we will both move on, and live our lives without a baby hanging over us."

"You're not coming with me?" Her voice was weak, so weak and small that Niall was so furious at Louis for not seeing that his girlfriend did not want to do this.

"I have a meeting to go for, love," Louis excused himself, "but after, we'll cuddle over popcorn and Crazy Stupid Love, your favourite."

It was then that she took a step back, shaking her head slowly. "I came only to see if you'd change your mind, if maybe you thought that keeping this baby was the right thing but."

"El," he sighed, hand covering the right side of his face, "we've gone through this."

"I think it's for the best if I did go without you," she said, swallowing the bile rising in her throat, "and for the rest of my life as well."

Liam's eyes were the first to fly open, understanding the doubling meaning behind her words. Niall then got it: Eleanor was breaking up with Louis. Harry clasped his hand on Louis' shoulder who was shaking his head at Eleanor.

"What? Ar-Are you—" He could not say it, he could not utter it but his eyes spoke volumes of acknowledgement. "You're not—You can't—This abortion—" He paused, to take a gulp of air through his mouth. "This—," he could not say the word twice, "—has taken so much of your energy you're not thinking straight."

"Don't do this Eleanor," Harry pleaded.

"She gets to do whatever she wants," Niall spat at him.

"Look at him, Niall!"

"Look at her!" he screamed back. "She's the one getting a bloody abortion while Louis has to do, what, go for a bloody meeting? Fuck you!" The last part was aimed at Louis.

"Get the abortion, and then we talk."

"I don't think you understand, Louis, I don't want to be with someone this heartless," she said, her eyes shining and lips trembling. "I forgive you, for this, but I'll never forget."

"Fine, then. I'll come with."

She shook her head. "Niall's taking me."

He was not taking her but as of that moment, he most definitely was. And they were out the door before Louis could get a word in, and heading for the hospital. The doctor was welcoming, the kind Dr Chires, who made sure that Eleanor was comfortable, and ready, and sure this is what she wanted.

She nodded. "And I'd like Niall in the room."

Niall's face blanched and his eyes wavered. He was not strong enough for this. But looking over at Eleanor, her eyes downcast, her shoulder's slumped and body dressed in a pale polka dot yellow gown draining her pale skin, he had to be strong.

"Would you like that, Mr Niall?" Dr Chires asked.

He nodded. It had taken the entire day, Niall vomiting only thrice, which he counted as a win. The first time was nerves; second time was when Eleanor was screaming at the top of her lungs, blood spilling between her legs onto the floor, so, so much, he thought she was going to die of blood loss. Dr Chires assured him that it was normal for this much blood, and him not being a doctor, believed Dr Chires. What made him vomit was the smell, the strong smell of bloody, sweat, and a life being murdered. The third time happened when he saw the foetus laying lifeless in a pool of blood.

He was going to vomit for a fourth time but he willed his body, willed it not to and also there was nothing else to come up as he is sure he puked a whole week's breakfast! He helped her change from the gown, washed her blood-stained body, and held her as she wept painfully on his shoulder when he was cleaning her knees.

She had asked for his phone, as they rode to Niall's house in London from the hospital, texting her ex-boyfriend that she went through with it and that is the last time they ever talked.  She called it quits and Elounor was over as the fandom came to know. It is a bit ironic, Niall came to think months later, how Louis got Briana Jungwirth pregnant and did not tell her to abort but did with Eleanor. Fucking prick!

"Louis can be a jerk," he commented. "He had no right to tell you to get an abortion."

She shrugged. "I've moved on, Nini. No need for the Speech. We should focus on you and finding your soulmate, probably one who does not have a life-threatening disease so you can at least live to be 78 years."

Niall laughed. "That's so specific."

Their meal comes forth, Niall already salivating from the mere smell of his beef burger and double-chocolate chip milkshake. He has already eaten half of it by the time Eleanor began on her bowl of salad.

"Honestly Niall, do you never stop inhaling your food?"

"I don't inhale," he corrected her, chewing happily. "I eat like a normal person. You would too if you didn't eat that disgusting meal you call salad. What even is in there?"

"It's healthy."

"It's basically leaves and those red stuff," he said eyeing her bowl. "And that excuse of chicken."

"Forget living to 78 years. With blocked arteries and lack of gym you're looking at 49 years."

"Take that back," he threatened, though he was joking. He steals THE red stuff in the salad and grimaces as he chewed it down. "I'd rather live to 49 years, a happy man, than 78-year old a miserable man."

"I'll never get you to eat salad, will I?"

"It was a relief that you stopped trying. It was getting exhausting."

"You just gave up is what you did."

"Oi! I do drink at least a litre of water."

"When it's meant it be this whole bottle," she said pointing to the 2L bottle on their table. "Not half of it."

"I'm not a water tank, idiot."

Eleanor rolled her eyes at him and happily finished her salad. The day ended for both of them quite exhausted, full and worth it. Niall plops down on his hotel bed, happy to rest his feet as Eleanor sets up her laptop on the table and chair already working on editing all the videos she has been making throughout their trip of places Gossip Girl was filmed at.

Niall knew he cannot keep avoiding his present, and the cyber world, so he took a deep breath and opened the WhatsApp group. He does not bother reading the entire thread of messages he has missed (about 873 messages) but the last few.

Louis: I don't think that's a thing Harry. Babies do not smoke, that was a dumb video you saw on Youtube.

Harry: Well, just be careful with your newborn. You DO smoke and we don't want your child to be born with lung cancer!

Liam: That's Not A Thing, Styles!

Harry: Because you know so much about lung cancer and all those life-threatening diseases?! Don't remember you being a DOCTOR, Li!

Louis: Aww c'mon Haz. Give me some credit. I won't be a horrible person for my son. MY OWN CHILD.

Harry: You better not or else I will sue you for child endangerment... or whatever it is called.

Louis: You're going to sue me? YOU?


Liam: You Can't Hurt A Fly. You'd Probably Replace All Of Louis' Cigarettes With Electric Cigarettes And Tell Him To Smoke Outside.

Louis: AHAHAH that's Haz!

Harry: :(

Louis: Don't be glum, chum. Cheer up! I promise to not smoke – any type of cigarettes – around my baby.

Harry: Promise? :)

Louis: Yes.

Liam: Happy Now?

Harry: VERY!!

Perhaps Niall had scrolled down to read the messages. He honestly does not know how the conversation started but he decides to pop in.

Niall: Hey lads! Great day?

Louis: I don't know? You tell us?!

Harry: Are the rumors true?

Louis: Not rumors, Haz, because they are true.

Niall: Yeah I followed him.

Harry: WHY?????

Niall: Because I think we all should forgive each other and get back to being brothers. 


NiaLl: But he had his reasons and they were valid. Zayn was not happy and now he is. He's more himself and enjoying what he does.



Niall: I don't think he was happy. I mean, you could tell at times he really wanted to quit like when he would lock himself in the bus, writing music and whatnot, but he didn't because we always told him things would get better.



Niall: No. I just followed him that's all.

Louis: Why?

Niall: I think he'll be good publicity.

Niall does not know where that lie came from but it has and it was out there and perhaps he should have taken more than a second to think but Louis was asking, and he had to come up with a good lie to get him off his back about following Zayn on Twitter.

He knew, somewhere in the future, that he will regret stating this but in order for One D to be brothers he needed all of them on his side, so whatever lies he had to state, he would state them. Seeing all of his brothers was worth all the lies he was going to spit. So he ventured on.

Louis: Really?

Niall: Yeah. I've not been getting as much publicity for TT as I would like and following Zayn has gotten be a boost for my single.

Harry: You've gone up on the Billboard Charts. From #13 to #7.

Niall: See? It's working.



He locked his phone as the conversation between the two of them continued on how Zayn would fail now that Niall was going to be stealing his shine. He logged onto Twitter and headed straight for his Twitter account.

It was not that different, save from retweeting Snoop Dogg's tweet about weed that he thinks is funny. Sort of. Eleanor's words, forget everybody for a moment Niall. It's your life, do what you want, rang into his brain as he loaded his profile photo. He gnawed on his bottom lip for a moment before tweeting him:

Niall Horan @OfficialNiall
@zayn hey bud !

He locked his phone immediately after, not wanting to see what happens because of a mere tweet. He changed into his PJs, brushed his teeth and grabbed a can of Guinness from the fridge.

"Sleeping late tonight?" asked Niall, standing behind Eleanor and looking at her editing her vlog.

"Yeah. I need to put the videos in order then tomorrow it'll be easier to just upload them." She turned in her seat and looked up at him gulping down the can of beer. "You'll need to be up early tomorrow. We're flying to LA and in the afternoon you have an interview with Ryan Seacrest."

He exhaled through his nose. "Great."

Eleanor frowned at him but said nothing. Niall bent and kissed her goodnight on her temple. "Don't stay out for long or I'll come and shut down that laptop."

Echoes of her laughter followed him as he made his way to the bed. He throws his empty beer can into the trash can and snuggles in between crips, clean cream sheets. He logged back onto Twitter to find a new message.


Turned out he had several messages.

@NiallOfficial did you really tweet him?



There were hundreds, thousands of more of the same messages but nothing from Zayn. He decided to go to his main account and there, there in all it is glory it was. It really should not have made him gasp loudly and speed up his heart but it did.

ZAYN @zaynmalik
@NiallOfficial hey man (:

He stared at the message. Stared at the letters, at his name, at the 'Y' of ZAYN, and then at the 'A', 'Z', and 'N' as if each letter was just as majestic and dizzy as the name itself. He gushed at the smiley face at the end, at the word 'man' at—everything. Somewhere, he knew this was important, it was huge, yet it was a large contrast to the quietness of his hotel bedroom.

Niall Horan @OfficialNiall
@zayn what's up?

He waited with bated breath for the response. He ignored the various dings on his phone of fans and magazines and everyone losing their nerve over a mere conversation. Granted, Niall, too, was losing his cool, what with his gasps and high heart rate, but it was no reason to be—

He sucked in a large amount of air when he saw his Direct Message having one new message. From Zayn.

Zayn: Hey. Thought we'd chat here than out there. It's crazy!

Niall: AHAHAH so much easier here

Why do I laugh in all caps? he wondered.

Zayn: Thanks for the follow (:

Niall: No problem.

When Zayn takes a while to reply, actually, takes several minutes not replying, he opts for restarting the conversation.

Niall: Saw your music video for PILLOW TALK. Sick!

Zayn: Thanks mate. I didn't think people would love it this much (:

Niall: What's not to like? It's creative, fun, and brills.

Brills? Niall internally groaned.

Zayn: Brills?

Of-fucking-course Zayn pointed it out. Someone should literally open the ground so that he can be swallowed by it and not be here, face-palming himself so hard.

Niall: Something Eleanor says.

Zayn: Eleanor? As in Eleanor, Louis-ex-girlfriend Eleanor?

Niall: The very one.

Like before, there was a second pregnant pause between them. This time Niall wondered if Zayn was wracking his brain wondering how Niall and Eleanor were friends (if he were Zayn he'd be wondering the same thing) or if perhaps Zayn is already bored with this going-nowhere conversation.

Niall: Are you in London?

Zayn: Nah. I'm out here in LA. I have a cousin's party that I'm planning for.

Niall: You and your 1000 cousins? AHAHAHAH

Stop laughing in all caps, Niall scolded to himself.

Zayn: haha (: I don't have THAT many.

Niall: You have more than me. Granted, we are a typical white, small family.

Zayn: Small, true. Typical, no.

Niall: We are so white when we go out in the sun we end up looking like lobsters. And we eat plain chicken with a little salt

Zayn: aha (: salt makes everything taste much better.

How they started talking about cuisine is beyond Niall but, well, here they were.

Niall: Remember when you cooked for me and Liam and at that time Liam had his "salt will give you kidney stones" phase so you lied you didn't put salt but did?

Zayn: And he said it's the best chicken he's ever tasted !


Zayn: To be fair, the salt was overpowered by the chicken masala and paprika I added.

Niall: Idk what it was but the chicken was soft, tasty, and I literally could've eaten the entire thing... if the both of you weren't there.

Zayn: I see some things don't change...

Niall did not mean to press his phone to his chest after reading Zayn's message but he did, biting down on his bottom lip as he squelched his squeals.

Niall: How's the party planning going?

Zayn: TIRING ! I had to look for all sorts of candles. Dija wants all these types of candles I've honestly never heard off but here I am, finding them all.

Niall: Dija?

Zayn: Khadija.

Niall: What sorts of candles? Is she having a candle-themed party?

Zayn: Yeah she is. I bought normal looking candles already. But now I need to buy tea lights, ball candles, block candles, votive rounds... I honestly don't know what these are!!

Niall: Oh! They're really nice. They are candles placed inside glass.

Niall: Dija has a good eye

Zayn: Can you send me a photo of one?

Niall: Better yet I could show you.

Oh crap! Niall curses. Show him? Show him what votive rounds candles were—

Zayn: You're in Cali?

Well... that went well, Niall thought and earned himself two points.

Niall: I will be tomorrow in LA.

Zayn: What brings you to LA?

Niall: Interviews. The norm. Nothing much else so I could show you

Niall: If you'd like that is..

Niall: Don't want to impose or anything

Niall: I know that we've just started talking and all and since you didn't know what votive rounds were and I do

Niall: I thought I'd help you and

*NIALL is typing*

Zayn: It's fine, Niall. I don't mind. You'd be a great help.

Niall breathed out a breath he had been holding then took a swig of his Guinness.

Niall: Good, good. Anything else on the candle party list you need help buying?

Zayn: No. Just candles (:

Niall: Ah well. I best go to sleep before El barges in and demands me to be asleep. Early flight and all.

Zayn: Alright.

Zayn: Goodnight Niall (:


Why the hell do I type in all caps? Niall demanded to his inner self. Why?!

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