The Come Up (Book II) : PRODI...

By Adrenalin5

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On a journey to find himself and forgive those that have done him wrong, Trevon takes on a life of fame along... More

The Come Up (Book II): PRODIGY
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Everyone loves Prodigy
Chapter 3 - IG LIVE
Chapter 4 - Call
Chapter 5 - The Right Poem
Chapter 6 - 808
Chapter 7 - Ice Pack
Chapter 8 - Together
Chapter 9 - Barricade
Chapter 10 - Song #1 (Slow Kill)
Chapter 11 - Song #2 (You fixed me)
Chapter 12 - Breach in Barricade
Chapter 13 - Not funny
Chapter 14 - We needed Time
Chapter 15 - Careful
Chapter 16 - Chinese Food
Chapter 17 - Proud of you
Chapter 18 - Girl Talk
Chapter 20 - This isn't Brownsville
Chapter 21 : Secrets
Chapter 22 - Beauticon
Chapter 23 - Keep it in the Car
Chapter 24 - 95 Pound Spawn of Satan
Chapter 25 - Who released my tape?
Chapter 26 - You Promise?
Chapter 27 - Coca-Yeena
Chapter 28 - Coca
Chapter 29 - My way or the ..
Chapter 30 - The Fight
Chapter 31 - Voicenote
Chapter 32 - I miss you, man
Chapter 33 - Nessa
Chapter 34: Flashbacks
Chapter 35 - Penthouse Malibu
Chapter 36 - Penthouse Malibu Part 2
Chapter 37 - What's the Motive?

Chapter 19 - D'usse

4.5K 192 87
By Adrenalin5

The smell of hookah and liquor polluted the air of the massive club filled with high end celebrities. DJ Benzy, one of the top DJs in America was finally releasing his album with only the best and most influential artists in the game and this was his release party/ turn up event. His team reached out to me with a private email and I couldn't decide if it was because Chanel was on the album or because he actually considered me worth inviting. Either way I was happy to be there. I doubt he even knew who I really was. I looked around the club, lights flashing all around me, music pumping loudly causing the speakers to shake. I saw some familiar faces, DJs, singers, rappers, models. Everyone seemed to be with their own small group of people snapping and turning up in their booth. 

I sat at my own booth with Emil. Trisha and D'tello arrived shortly after and joined us and Chanel was late because she had to do the red carpet and take pictures with DJ Benz. I poured myself a shot of Dusse and threw it back. I was most definitely here because Chanel was on the album. It had nothing to do with me. Maybe the thought kind of stung. 

Trisha and D'tello make a unique couple. His dreads tied up into a pineapple, his outfit for the night, a loosely tied tie, a half buttoned white collard shirt and a navy blue jacket and pants, the pants rolled up to look like Capris. Trisha sat beside him and took a shot of Dusse along with me. She was in navy blue as well and make no mistake, D'tello and her were dressed in the same exact fabric. As if they were walking models of their own line. The two were coupled with silver jewlery and as Trisha moved forward to pour another shot, her wrist glistened with a silver bracelet decorated in charms. 

I lightly grabbed her hand and brought it towards my face. 

Real diamonds. 

I puckered my lips and gave her a nod of the head, completely impressed. She pulled her arm away from me shyly and glanced from myself to D'tello who was smiling proudly. 

"That's a gift if I've ever seen one." I said wowed. 

"Beautiful jewelry for my beautiful Queen." He said over the music. He smiled big and kissed her cheek. I could tell that he was off the liquor. But I could also tell that he truly cared for Trisha, I saw it in his eyes. He was proud of her and proud to have her. He looked like he enjoyed dressing her in his finest. 

"A shot?" Emil questioned. He had already poured me another and was holding up both our glasses. 

I took my glass from him and watched him carefully. 

"Trying to get me drunk so you can sneak off and leak another record?" I said bitterly. 

I felt Trisha nudge my leg. I didn't meet her gaze. 

"To friendship." Emil tipped his glass to mine. 

I laughed loudly and set my glass back down, without putting it to my lips. 

His face fell as he swallowed by himself. 

I saw her now. A dress that appeared to have a thousand diamonds with a low cut V-neck exposing just enough of her breasts to set me on edge all night. Her and Flex walked over to our booth. Flex's arm interlaced with hers as those long smooth legs glide in those silver heels. My babies beauty was something to stare at and I always knew it. I almost felt jealous having to share it with the world. I stand up and take her from Flex, she kisses me lightly on the lips and for a moment I see the flash of a few hidden cameras. I ensure that Chanel sits without twisting an ankle and when she is safely in the middle of the booth by Trisha, I climb back in. 

I knew there were eyes on us. Eyes for days. Eyes everywhere. Eyes in the form of camera lenses. Paparazzi we couldn't see. People from magazines, Journalists, talk show hosts, radio DJs, public figures. It was always too much to deal with at events like these. Sometimes I felt a little overwhelmed but remembering how hard I've worked to get here always helped. Flex's huge smile and big laughter was also a distracting plus. I felt like the crew hasn't been together like this in ages. There is a nostalgic feeling in my stomach, or maybe it's the liquor. 

I took a moment to take in the entire thing and as my eyes scanned my booth, I realized that not everyone here directly knew each other. 

"Oh, Emil this is Chanel. Forgot you've never met." I said pressing my lips into a hard line. 

Chanel watches my face but shows no emotions or tension on her own. Instead she genuinely smiles. 

"Nice to meet you, Emil. Thank you for being loyal enough to stay by his side, given the hell I'm sure he's been putting you through." 

Emil smiled. "Nice to finally meet you too. I didn't get to apologize-"

"Don't." She dismisses. "Shot?" She asks. 

"Yea! Shots for everybody. A real nigga is sober as shit right now!" Flex jokes. "Can't be sober at these things, they drive you crazy!" 

"Deadass." I say to Flex. 

Everyone has a shot poured and we hold our glasses up. 

"To continual success and advancements!" Flex begins. "And to stuntin on these niggas with another Grammy nomination!" He concludes. 

"Ayyyy! That's right!" The table chimes. We all threw back the shot. Some easier than others. Chanel struggled to swallow and I discretely handed her a lime. She bit into it and shook her head quickly. I laugh. 

"I can order you your martini." I whispered. 

"Eckkk. Yea please...that was disgusting." She nodded. I chuckled and signaled to the bottle girl but someone's eyes caught mine first. Someone I never wanted to see again. Someone who shared the same home I planned to livein. Someone who decided to brag to me about it, regardless of if I pulled it out of him or not. He stood by the bar, the top of his hair braided and the sides shaved. His posture lax and arrogant in his all white outfit. Fitted pants, white shoes and a white name brand shirt. He had a sly grin on his face as soon as my gaze caught his. He winked something proud. I could feel the heat rising to my face. 

"Yo who this pussy lil boy think he winking at?" I say to Emil. 

"Who you talkin bout?" Emil asks. 

Chanel and Trisha were in their own conversation, as Flex and D'tello discuss something to do with mixing business with pleasure. I motioned to the bar where Bizzy still remained. He began speaking to some girl on his arm but his eyes were stationed in our booth and for a moment, it didn't look like he was looking at me. I look at Chanel next to me and she flashes me a smile then returns her attention to Trisha, laughing at something she said. Bizzy was looking at her. And he wasn't just looking, he was gazing in awe. The balls on this nigga was something to admire because every bone in me reverted back to Brownsville and I suddenly wanted to see blood dripping from his nose and mouth. So much so that my fists were heated as if I already swung. 

He should have been looking at me, at least if he valued his life. 

"Pardon me." I said to the girls politely and with a small smile I pinned to my face to keep my intentions hidden. They adjust so that I can get out of the booth. 

"Where are you going?" Chanel questioned. 

"Bathroom. Liquor is going right through me." I answered her. Emil excused himself as well and we began walking straight to the clown ass rapper who's career was about to end before it began. Emil and I walked straight pass the bathroom, not even bothering to say excuse me to those in our way. I turned my head to the side, cracking my neck once.  Emil stayed right beside me. 

Emil owed me, he knew that. But I was still surprised by the loyalty I saw in his face. Ready to fight for or with me at any given moment. Maybe I could forgive him later down the road. As we make our way, I watch Bizzy straighten up and even though I am a few seconds away from him, he puts his drink down and unbuttons the top button of his shirt. I 

"Bitch ass nigga." I mumbled as I near him. 'Get him to swing first' Pookie's voice echoed in my head. Suddenly, someone from behind me pulled on my shoulder causing me to turn around swiftly. I took a step back to look at the face, my brain trying to process who was in front of me instead of seeing bright raging red. I had to calm down, especially after realizing who it was. I pulled in a breath and smiled big, completely taken off guard by DJ Benzy.  His wide mouth pulled back into a huge smile and his wide nose flared in excitement. He wasn't the most attractive guy but DJs don't need to be. 

"Prodigy! My man. So glad you could make it. That record was hot shit man." DJ Benzy laughed. 

"Wow, thank you and thank you for inviting me." I said humbled. " I was trying to figure out if you actually knew who I was or if I was Chanel's plus one." I joked but I could tell he felt the seriousness of it as well. 

Benzy chuckled again and slapped my shoulder. 

"You weren't a plus one nigga. I want you on a song on the album. Wanted to see how fast you could record and get it back to me because I'm releasing a Deluxe album with two additional songs and I thought you were the perfect person for it. " He said into my ear, making sure I heard him over the music. 

"Wow, are you serious?" I questioned in disbelief. DJ Benzy wanted me on a track. Me. 

I can't even count how many awards he's won, or songs he's had top the Billboards. He was one of the best to ever do it.  Not one of his songs have flopped in decades. This would change the game for me completely. 

"That sounds dope man. I'm honored." I say sincerely. 

"So you in?" 

"Hell yea I'm in. You kidding me?" I answer. 

"Aight good to hear! We will talk more about it later. My people have your contact information cause boom- you're at the party. But it's going to be a great song. You'll be working with Mila, you know the popstar?" He questions. 

I swallowed loudly. I felt like it was audible over the music.

"Mila London?" I questioned, moving closer. 

"Yea yea! The one and only. I wrote her a nice little hook. We gon talk though." Benzy responded. 

"Yea man, yea just let me know." I end with half the excitement I started with. 

He begun to walk off and I sighed deeply. This was definitely going to be an argument. Chanel was not going to be happy about me working with such an enemy. But was I willing to let that take away my opportunity with Benzy? Mila never did anything to me, I just had to do the song with her. 

I rub my eyes and curse under my breath. 

"What's going on, man? We doin this?" Emil says, his eyes looking for Bizzy who had disappeared. 

I suddenly noticed how stupid and unprofessional it would have been to start something at Benzy's party. How would that have ended? We get kicked out? Chanel looks bad? We're black listed from working with any of the amazing people here. 

"Nah, we deal with it later." I say to Emil. "Let's just go try to have a good time." 

Emil nods and we head back to the booth. 

"You're forgiven." I say to him through the music. 

"Happy to hear brother." He responds. 

"Slow down." I grin and dab him up.  

I take my seat next to Chanel who is visbly drunk as her eyes are a little low and she holds her glass lazily for a picture with Trisha. I photobomb and Chanel turns and kisses me, just in time for the flash. Her lips taste like Dusse and my stomach drops. 

I forgot to get her the Martini in all the mix up. 

"Baby?" I said to her. My face visibly worried. 

"Hm?" She leans to me with an effortless smile but she leans to the side too much and I have to hold her up. 

"Have you been drinking straight Dusse?" I question. 

"Yes, it's actually not that bad." She giggles.  Chanel leans forward playfully. "I can handle it." She bites her lips. I chuckle and kiss them quickly, ignoring her drunk pass at me. I take the glass from her hand and set it by Flex. 

"You're done." I say holding her chin. 

She pouts. " Don't be a party pooper. Trisha tell Trev not to be a party pooper." She slurs. 

"Nah girl, I'm with him on this one. You're done." Trisha laughs. 

"You sat here and made her drink half the bottle of Dusse?" Trisha gets defensive with the amount of anger in my voice. 

"Every time I turned around she poured a shot and drank it before I could say anything. I told her I was going to make her a drink and poured the apple juice mixer in there. Ain't no alcohol in that glass." Trisha fanned me off. 

Chanel looked at Trisha with squinting eyes. 

" Can y'all not act like I'm a fucking baby." She questions. I took her hand and kissed it lightly. 

"But you are my baby." I said to her. 

"Okay." She settles calmly. I laugh as does the whole table. 

Half an hour passed and I watched Chanel and Trish dance, feeling happy that she had her best friend here to turn up with. Seeing how excited it made her to go through this with the people it started with and she really did look dazzling. I try not to stare but I can't help it. Flex moved over by me and we used the time to catch up. 

"I know that look anywhere." Flex teases. 

"What look?" I questioned with my eyebrows pointed down. 

His head shifted in the direction of Chanel. "Y'all back together and it's going good. You on top of the world staring at her like that." He says. 

"Oh you know that look cause that's how you look at Ms. Sasha?" I questioned, with a slick grin. 

He laughs throaty. "Hush up youngin.   You coming to the wedding next month?" 

"What kinda question you asking me Flex? That's not something I can miss." I ensure. 

"Well good, cause you best man." He concludes. 

"What?" I jump halfway out my seat. 

"I ain't tell you? " He asks, really thinking to himself. 

I chuckle. " You a piece a shit." I give him a big hug." 

"Ima have your suit delivered to Chanel house tomorrow. That's where you gon be right?" He questions. 

I looked up at Chanel just in time to see her throw another shot down her throat.

"Hey!" I yell at her. Trisha's head snapped up from D'tello's, as did everyone else's at the booth. 

Chanel looked at us all with wide eyes like a deer caught in the headlights before she started laughing hysterically. She stumbled to her seat next to me. "Oh Ma Gawd, calm down." She joked. But our faces were serious. 

She laid her head back on the seat then passed out in ten seconds. 

I sighed deeply. 

"Alright, I'm gonna take her home." I said to the table. 

"Valet has her car." Flex notified me. 

I woke up Chanel and made her drink a few glasses of water before escorting her through the back exit of the club. The last thing she needed was media seeing her drunkenly stumble out of the party and the amount of paparazzi in the front was more than she could handle right now. I used her phone to call her driver and ask him to bring the car around. As soon as I open the back door, fresh air greets us, a little cooler than I expected. 

Chanel mumbled. "Baby, cold." 

The back of the club was eerie and held two dumpsters in a small alley surrounded on two sides by concrete walls. The alley extended into a back road where our driver would be meeting us. As I took off my blazer to wrap it around her, a black car screeched to a halt on the backroad, shutting us into the alley.  The doors swiftly began to open. 

"Go back inside." I yelled to her firmly. 

Four men hoppeed out of the vehicle. I looked around swiftly to Chanel. 

Her reflexes too slow, I yelled at her again. "GO INSIDE!" 

She pulled the door frightened with as much energy as she could muster. 

"It's locked!" She cried. 

I turned around and I felt a swift kick to my side and another to my stomach that knocked all the air out of my body. I was unable to see who inflicted the blow when another person punched me in the face. I feel my body hit the floor and a few more kicks to my rib send shooting pains up my abdomen. Chanel screamed and banged on the club door. Another punch to the face felt like it closed one of my eyes. 

It pissed me off so much, I somehow found the strength to push two of the men off me. Ignoring the stinging pain in my side I fought myself up quickly and began punching any figure around me. My knuckles connect to someones jaw twice before they have me down again. 

"You think you run shit round here nigga? You don't run shit around here." One of them say. Suddenly a bottle mets one of the men's head and he drops briefly.  For a split second everything stopped and Chanel stood there her eyes wide open, blood streaming down her hand. 

"Fucking bitch!" He yells on the floor. He begins to get up but Chanel's heel connects with his chin. 

The distraction allowed me enough time to slam my head into one of the men's lip, busting it immediately. I fought my way up and started punching any man in my sight. A heel flew pass my head and I heard it connect with a bone. A car begins to honk repeatedly and three of the men disappear into it, the last one still receiving my blows. 

"Yo! He still on the floor!" One of them screamed. 

"Doesn't matter nigga, we gotta go." The last one yelled back shutting the car door. They screeched off, tires surely leaving a mark in the road.

I stopped punching the man underneath me. I tried hard to see his face but my own blood was dripping into my eye. 

"Who are you?" I yelled at him and grabbed his shirt in a fist.

"Nigga I will knock you the fuck out. Y'all don't know who you messing with." I spat. 

He remained quiet. 

I sent a swift punch to the left side of his lip.

He grunted in pain.  

"Babe stop!" Chanel warns standing over him. I listen. 

I take a second to look at her, just to make sure she's all good but upon seeing the man's face, her own face turns and Chanel seems to become pale. 

I get up quickly realizing what was about to happen. Throw up spews from Chanel's mouth the moment I move, right onto the bloodied man.

I turn my head away quickly and start laughing the loudest I've ever laughed. Any pain I was feeling from the attack quickly subsiding. 

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry!" She sincerely apologized. 

"My baby!" I laughed again.  

The man whimpered on the floor unable to move.

Police sirens sounded in the distance. It wasn't such a bad night. 

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