Instagram // Camren

By agronsx

890K 16.8K 2.8K

FIRST BOOK OF THE INSTAGRAM SERIES @camila_cabello followed @laurenjauregui More

Award Show [ 10 ]
VMA Awards ( 52 )
( Hang Out ) 54
109 ( " Let's get drunk " )
Last Chapter
something random

117 (Camren's Anniversary )

7.7K 87 40
By agronsx

AN: Like I said, it was going to happen and it's gonna happen in this chapter. Can't promise you guys that it'll be good, but I just hope you all like it. I'm not a good writer when it comes to that, so bare with me.

Lauren was pretty nervous about her date with Camila today. This wasn't going to be like any other date. Lauren wanted to make this date special. Something Camila won't forget. Lauren had texted her girlfriend a few hours a go, telling her to dress casual and nothing fancy. Lauren was going to wear a sweatshirt/shirt of the 1975, a pair of black jeans and her pair of Doc Martens.

Camila was also nervous about her date with Lauren. She was happy, excited, and nervous all at once. She wanted this night, to be a night to remember for the rest of her life. She wants to be with the older girl for the rest of her life. She wants to marry her. Camila had received Lauren's text, that had said to dress casual and nothing fancy. So she decided to wear a blue button down shirt, with light blue ripped up jeans and her pair of black and white converse.

Lauren had already planned everything. With the help of the girls, it wasn't hard to plan at all. She planned on taking Camila to the best Cuban restaurant in Miami and then a walk on the beach. She had bought Camila a present and it was pretty expensive, but she didn't care. She just wants to make her girlfriend happy. She then gave Normani, Dinah and Ally the key to her hotel room, that she had booked for her and Camila, to set up candles, roses and every other romantic thing in the room. Like she said before, she wanted this night, to be a night to remember.

Camila wondered where Lauren was going to take her. Their date started at seven, she just needed to wait at least ten minutes for her girlfriend to pick her up from her house. " Mija, you look beautiful. Lauren's going to love it. " She heard her mother's voice. She turned around and smiled. " You think so? "

Camila's mother put a strand of Camila's hair behind her ear, " I know so mija. That girl is in love with you. But if she breaks your heart, you know what your father will do. " The younger latina nodded and smiled. Alejandro had spoken to Lauren one time she came over for dinner. Her father had ask Lauren if they could speak for a bit, when they came back, Lauren looked afraid of her father.

When Lauren had broken her heart the first time, she didn't tell her father. Only her mother. She knew what her father was going to do, so she didn't say anything to him. He eventually found out that Lauren and Camila weren't together anymore, because of Lauren and Camila's fans. He was really mad, but Camila had calmed him down. When he found out they were back together, he had told his daughter that he wanted to speak with her. And he did that and Lauren is even more afraid of him. She promise not to hurt the brunette, and Camila prays she doesn't break that promise.

Lauren walked down the stairs and saw her mother in the kitchen. " Mami, I'm leaving now. " She said, as she walked into the kitchen to kiss her mother goodbye. " Mija, I really need to meet Camila. I've seen her on the television before, but she's your girlfriend and I need to meet her in person. " Clara said and hugged her daughter. Lauren laughed softly and nodded, " Okay, mama. I'll bring her over tomorrow I promise you. I love you bye. " She said before she left her home and went into her car.

Camila brought her phone out to text her girlfriend to let her know that she was ready.

To Lolo 😩💕: Baby, I'm ready.

From Lolo 😩💕: Okay amor. Omw.

Camila smiled at Lauren's response. She loves it when Lauren calls her ' amor '. She doesn't know why, but she just does. Throughout all her relationships, her relationship with Lauren was the best. With Daniel, she didn't feel anything, she dated him to get over Lauren, which worked. Before she became a big artist, she dated the singer, Austin Mahone. That was the worst relationship she was in, he was too controlling and used to scream and hit her for no reason. And Lauren, it was just perfect. Yes they had their ups and downs, but at the end of the day, they always loved each other. Lauren was the love of her life. Lauren never touched her in a way she didn't want to be touched. Lauren treated her with respect.

Lauren got out of the car as she arrived at the Cabello household. She had a rose in her hand as she nervously walked up the porch of Camila's house. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open the door. When the door opened, she was met with Camila's mother. " Hola Lauren. How are you? " Sinuhe asked. Lauren smiled, " I am great Sinuhe. How are you? "

" I am great, thank you for asking. Come in, come in. Camila will be down in a second. I'll go get her. Have a seat while you wait for her. " Sinuhe said, as she walked Lauren into the living room where Alejandro was sitting on the couch watching a Futbol game.

Lauren nervously sat down next to Alejandro. " Hello sir. " Lauren raised her hand up for him to shake. He shook her hand, and brought his attention back to the game. " FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich. Who are you rooting for? " Lauren asked Alejandro. Lauren was a fan of soccer, but never said that she was.

Alejandro looked towards Lauren and smiled, " FC Barcelona. "

Lauren nodded, " Yeah I like them too. " She said nervously and looked away from Alejandro. Lauren was praying for Camila to come down any minute now, cause this was way too awkward. She let out a sigh of relief, when she heard her girlfriend's voice coming down the stairs.

She smiled widely as she saw Sinuhe and Camila walk into the living room. I stood up and walked over to Camila. I smiled, " Hey baby. " I handed her the rose, " For you. "

Camila smiled widely as she saw her girlfriend sitting on the couch with her father. She hoped nothing bad had happened. " Hi baby. Thank you. These are lovely. " Camila said, as her girlfriend gave her the rose. Camila asked her mother if she could put it in a vase and she did. Camila kissed her mother and father goodbye and went into Lauren's car.

When both girls went into the car, Camila spoke up, " So where are we going babe? " She put her seat belt on and looked over at Lauren. She didn't care where Lauren took her. As long as they were together, she would be happy.

Lauren looked over at her girlfriend as she spoke, and started the engine. " You will see baby. I'm not saying where I'm taking or what I'm going to do. It's for me to know and you to find out. " She said, as she took turn to the other street.

Camila pouted when Lauren told her that she wouldn't be telling her where she would be taking her. " Why not baby? You know I get impatient when people don't tell me stuff. " She said, as she looked at the road in front of them, and saw the sun setting.

" I want to suprise you. That's why I won't be telling you where I am taking you. All I can tell you, is that this night will be perfect for the both of us. Okay, baby? " Lauren said, as she stopped at a red light, and leaned over to kiss Camila on the lips. " I've missed you. I haven't seen you since New Years. "

Camila looked over at Lauren and smiled when her girlfriend leaned over to kiss her on the lips. " I know. I missed you too. But you didn't have to come with me to New York, you could've stayed in Miami with you family. " She said, as she took Lauren's hand and interwined their fingers together.

Lauren stepped on the gas as the light turned green. " Baby, I wanted to go with you to New York. You were going to perform. Also because my parents are on a cruise and Taylor and Chris were going to spend it with their friends, so that's why I went. " Lauren said. She smiled when she felt Camila bring their hand together. She brought Camila's hand to her lips, to give the back of her hand a kiss.

Camila nodded her head when Lauren told her that her parents were on a cruise and her sibilings were spending it with their friends. " Well hopefully, next year, we can spend New Years together. But with our family. " Camila said. She smiled when she saw Lauren pull up to her favorite Cuban restaurant. " I love this restaurant! How'd you get a reservation? It's hard to get one here, plus it's very expensive. "

Lauren pulled up at the Cuban restaurant and smiled widely when Camila told her it was her favorite restaurant. She parked the car in lot and looked over at Camila. " Baby, I don't care how much the food costs. Plus I know the manager, so she helped me out a bit. " She got out of the car and went over to Camila's side, to open the door for her. She grabbed her hand and they walked to the entrance of the restaurant.

When they walked in, a girl with brown hair smiled at Lauren when they came in. " Lauren Jauregui. Long time no see. How are you? " The unknown women said to Lauren and hugged her, while Camila just looked at her. She felt jealous of the women.

" Hi Keana. I'm good. This is my girlfriend, Camila Cabello. I'm sure you know her. " Lauren introduced Camila to Keana.

" Yes I do know Camila. Everyone knows her. But it's nice to see you in person. " Keana said and shook Camila's hand. She looked over at Lauren and said, " I hope your treating her good Lo. "

Camila shook her hand and smiled. She laughed a little when Keana told Lauren if she's treating her well. " You don't have to worry about that. She knows how my friends are. " I looked over at Lauren and she rolled her eyes.

" Anyways! Can we get our table? " She said, and wrapped her arm around Camila.

Keana nodded and took them to their table. " Don't worry, as manager as this place, no one will ask you for autographs. I made sure of that. " Both girls thanked her and she smile and left.

" She's the manager? " Camila said, as she took her seat in front of Lauren. She expected the manager to be a man, since majority of managers in restaurants are men.

" Yeah, she's had this business for a very long time. Babe, what do you want to eat? " Lauren asked Camila as they got their menu by the waitress. Lauren was going to order the usual.

" I'll get what your getting baby. " Camila said as she put her menu down and looked at Lauren. She loved this women very much. If she never had liked her post, she wouldn't be here right now.

Lauren nodded and told the waitress what she and Camila wanted. After the waiter took their order, Lauren looked back at Camila, and felt her heart flutter. " I love you so much baby. " She fan her fingertips over Camila's hand.

Camila smiled when Lauren told her she loved her. " And I love you too baby. Always have, always will. " She interwined their fingers. She loved her her and Lauren's hands fit so perfectly together. It was like they were meant to be.

After they finished eating their dinner, Lauren left a fifty dollar bill on the table. She stood up and reached her hand out for Camila to grab. Once Camila grabbed her hand, she walked them out the restaurant.

" Baby you should've let me pay. " Camila said as they walked out of the restaurant. Lauren took her to the most expensive restaurant in Miami, Camila might as well pay.

Lauren shook her head, when Camila told her that she should've paid, " Babe I'm treating you today. By the way, your my date. So you enjoy it and I pay. " She said and kissed the side of Camila's head.

Camila smiled when Lauren kissed the side of her head. She grabbed Lauren's arm and wrapped it around her neck and then snuggled into Lauren. When they were getting to Lauren's car, in the corner of her eye, she saw the paparazzi. " Oh god, why now? " She whined and put her glasses on, for the flash won't hurt her eyes.

Lauren smiled when Camila grabbed her arm and wrapped it around her neck. She groaned when she saw the paparazzi come out and start taking pictures. " Guys, come on. Please. " She said sternly and opened the door for Camila to get in the car.

" Lauren! Over here! "

" You girls on a date? "

Lauren nodded, " Yes we are on a date, so can you guys please get out so I can go take her somewhere else. " Lauren was tired of seeing the paparazzi every where she goes. It's like they know where she is.

" Sorry Lauren. Have a nice day. You too Camila. " The paparazzi shouted and waved goodbye to the girls, but continued to take pictures.

Camila smiled when Lauren opened the door for her as she got in. She saw her girlfriend trying to tell the paparazzi to please leave. Once they got out of the way, she heard Lauren thank them, and got into the car. " You alright baby? " Camila asked her girlfriend, and leaned over to grab her hand.

Lauren rolled her eyes and went inside her car. She sighed and put her seat belt on. She smiled when Camila asked her if she was alright and held her hand. She nodded, " I am great baby. Now let's get to our next stop! " Lauren shouted and started the engine.

Camila giggled when Lauren shouted. She leaned over and kissed her cheek. She heard the paparazzi ' aw ' and she blushed. She grabbed Lauren's hand as her girlfriend drove. She loved her girlfriend so much she can't describe it. Lauren makes her so happy. She has never felt this way towards anyone. Not even with Austin or Daniel. " Baby? "

Lauren looked over at Camila when she called her baby, " Yes amor? "

" Have I ever mentioned I love you? " Camila said and looked into those green electric eyes she loved so much.

Lauren smiled and felt her heart flutter, these were the things that Camila made her feel. Lauren nodded her head as she turned around the corner, " Yes baby, you have mentioned it. And I love you too. So much. " She smiled more, when she saw the beach.

Camila noticed the way they were heading. The beach? Is that where Lauren's taking her? She chuckled, " Baby, your taking me to the beach? "

Lauren parked the car in front of the beach and nodded, " Yeah, I don't care if it's January, besides, it's always hot here in Miami so. " Lauren said and got of the car and went over to Camila's side of the car and opened the door for her.

She smiled when Lauren opened the door for her. She kissed her girlfriend's cheek and grabbed her hand. She lead them to the sand and took off her converse and her socks. She stepped on the sand and loved the way the sand went in between her toes. She wiggled her toes and smiled and looked at Lauren.

She squeezed Camila's hand and took her shoes and socks off. She looked at Camila and smiled. She loved seeing her girlfriend happy, especially when they were together. She stopped walking and turned Camila around so she was facing her. She cupped Camila's cheek, " Your so beautiful. " She said and leaned in to give her a passionate kiss.

Camila smiled at Lauren when her girlfriend turned her around. She smiled and blushed when Lauren called her beautiful. She leaned in and started to kiss Lauren. She put her hand on the back of her neck and kissed her harder. She ran her tounge across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which Lauren allowed and explored the depth of her mouth. She moaned into Lauren's mouth when she felt her tounge brush her girlfriend's tounge.

Lauren smiled into the kiss when she felt Camila kiss back. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She granted Camila entrance and moaned when she felt Camila's tounge brush hers. When she was about to deepen the kiss, she heard a click of a camera. She pulled away and looked around and saw paparazzi's in the corner of the beach. She groaned and rolled her eyes, " Let's get out of here. These fucking paparazzi's can't leave us alone. " She said, getting mad. She just wanted to have a date with Camila, without the paparazzi's getting into it.

Camila smiled into the kiss, but whined when Lauren pulled away. She looked around and also saw the paparazzi's. She looked up at Lauren and she said that they should go. She grabbed Lauren's hand and said, " Baby, just ignore them, okay? Please don't get angry or anything, just ignore them. " Then she pecked Lauren's lips and walked them back to Lauren's car.

She smile when Camila told her not to get angry and ignore the paparazzi, she nodded and kissed Camila back. She wrapped her arm around Camila's neck and walked over to her car. When they were about to enter Lauren's car, five more paparazzi's went in front of Lauren's car and started taking pictures of them two together.

" Lauren! Camila! How are you two?! " They shouted.

Lauren got really angry. " Can you guys move the fuck out! Damn, can't you see were trying to get into my fucking car! Move out of the fucking way. You've got your pictures, now fucking leave. " She shouted, and the paparazzi moved out of their way. She opened the door for Camila and then walked over to her side and slammed the door shut and drove off quickly.

Camila rolled her eyes and groaned when she saw the paparazzi's go in front of them to block the from going to Lauren's car. She heard Lauren shouting at them and tried to tell her to relax, but maybe Lauren couldn't hear her. She let out a sigh of relief, when they let them go to the car. Once Lauren drove off, Camila turned herself to look over to Lauren, as she stopped at a red light. She sighed, " Are you alright baby? "

Lauren tried to relax herself but she couldn't, this is one of the reasons she hates being famous, that she can't have her privacy to herself and there's paparazzi's everywhere. She looked over to Camila when she asked her if she was okay. She sighed and grabbed the younger girl's hand, " I just wish they wouldn't be all over the place. Like we can be somewhere in public with them being there or just have a normal date. " She explained to her.

Camila nodded when she heard Lauren speaking. " Well, ignore them baby. I know you get angry, but we have to deal with it, that's what we were going to get into when we first started this, and that's paparazzi. " Camila said and kissed the side of Lauren's head and looked at the road.

When they got to the hotel, Camila smiled, but then frowned, " But baby, I didn't pack any clothes. " As she took her seat belt off and just looked at Lauren.

Lauren smiled when Camila said she didn't have any extra clothes to wear. She grabbed a bag, that was at the back seat and said, " Way ahead of you baby. I packed you an extra shirt, jeans and sweats, bra,underwear, and tooth brush and I also have my clothes in here as well. " She said and leaned in to peck Camila's lips.

Camila smiled when Lauren told her that she had packed her belongings that she needed. This was why she loved Lauren so much. " Baby! Thank you! I love you. How'd you do all this? I was home this entire week. " She said, confused.

Lauren got out of the car and so did Camila, she chuckled when Camila asked her how she got all her belongings, " Your mom, might have not gave me the keys while you guys went to the market on Tuesday. " She smirked as she opened the door for their hotel room. She looked around to see if everything was set. She smiled widely when she saw the candles and they roses on the floor.

Camila's mouth was wide open, " So that was why my mom took me to the market with her and all she did was buy a bag of chips! " She smiled when Lauren opened the door for their hotel room. She looked around and saw candles and roses on the floor. Lauren did all this for her? She didn't expect this, she looked at Lauren with a huge smile, " You did all this? " She said, as she walked around the room.

She set the duffel bag in the corner of the room and smiled as Camila looked at the room in awe. " I got some help by Mani, Ally and Dinah. They helped set this up. " She walked behind Camila and wrapped her arm around her waist and started to kiss around Camila's neck.

Camila smiled as Lauren told her that Dinah, Normani and Ally had helped her set everything up for her. She couldn't believe Lauren did this. No one has even done anything this beautiful to her. She moaned softly when Lauren started to kiss her neck. She turned around in Lauren's arms and looked into those green electric eyes she loved so much, and she smashed their lips together.

Lauren was taken about when Camila smashed their lips together and moaned into the kiss. She ran her hands down Camila's back and grabbed her butt and squeezed it tightly. She felt Camila buck her hips into hers and moaned into the kiss again. She backed Camila up to the bed and she fell against it and crawled on top of Camila.

Camila gasped when she fell against the bed and smirked when Lauren crawled on top of her. She lifted the hem of Lauren's shirt and took Lauren's shirt off. She ran her hand down Lauren's body. " Your so beautiful baby. " She smiled and brought Lauren's head down to kiss her oh so softly.

Lauren smiled when Camila took her shirt off and ran her hands down her body. She smiled when Camila called her beautiful and leaned down to kiss her back. She lifted Camila's shirt a little bit and ran her hands over her stomach and felt goosebumps rise on her skin.

Camila shivered when she felt Lauren's hands on her stomach. " Baby, take my shirt off please. " She begged and ran her hands down Lauren's stomach again and unbuttoned her own jeans and then reached out to unbutton Lauren's jeans. " Please baby. I need you. " She begged.

Lauren pulled back when Camila begged for her to take her shirt off. She nodded and took Camila's shirt off. She furrowed her eyebrows when Camila started to rush things, she saw Camila unbutton her jeans and then unbutton her own. She reached out for Camila's hands and stopped her, " Baby, calm down. I want to make love to you and not rush anything. I want to make our first time together special and a night to remember, okay baby? " She said and leaned down to kiss Camila softly.

Camila looked into Lauren's eyes that were filled with lust and love. Camila smiled when Lauren told her that she wanted to take it slow. She was just nervous that she was going suck. " I'm just scared I'll suck. Since this is my first time. " She said and whispered the last part, embarrassed.

Lauren looked at Camila in shock. Camila never had her first time? She thought the younger girl has. " You don't need to be embarrassed that you haven't had your first time. If you think I'm more experienced, I'm not, I've only had sex like three times. " She laughed.

Camila nodded. " Can we please stop talking? " She said shyly. Camila has been really horny lately and she can't help herself. Lauren made her horny. Every time she would see her girlfriend, she would always get turned on for no reason. She just thought her girlfriend was hot and sexy. She leaned in and kissed Lauren hard and unclasped her bra. She pulled back and looked at her girlfriend's chest. " Fuck, " she growled, " I can't believe this all mines. " She ran her hands up and down Lauren's body and leaned in to take one of Lauren's nipples into her mouth.

Lauren chuckled and nodded. She kissed Camila back hard. She took her bra straps off as Camila took her bra off. She moaned Camila's name when she felt her girlfriend take her nipple into her mouth. She put her hand on the back of the younger girl's head.

Camila flipped them over so she was on top and brought Lauren's other nipple into her mouth. She heard Lauren moan out her name, which made her smirk against her breast. She started to trail kisses down her body and then reached the part Lauren needed her most. She kissed her covered center, which made Lauren moan loudly. She tangled her fingers to Lauren's panties and dragged them down her legs. She looked up and saw her girlfriend beautiful pussy. " Baby, you are extremely beautiful. "

She gasped when she felt her girlfriend's lips against her covered center and moaned loudly. She felt Camila's fingers of the hem of her panties and dragged them down her legs. She blushed when Camila called her beautiful.

Camila leaned in and brought Lauren's clit into her mouth and started sucking slowly on it. She brought her hand up to massage one of Lauren's breast and then she started to lick up and down on her slit. When she felt Lauren's hand on her head, that motivated her to continue, so she started to suck on Lauren's clit more harder.

Lauren moaned loudly when Camila took her clit into her mouth. She brought her hand down on top of Camila's hand. When she felt Camila lick up and down her slit, she brought her hand down to land on top of Camila's hand and pushed her head more down. " Baby....more....please, " she begged.

Camila smirked when Lauren begged for her to do more. She brought her hand down and ran one of her fingers around Lauren's entrance and pushed one finger inside of her and I heard her moan loudly and whimper.

She felt Camila circling her entrance with her finger. She moaned loudly and whimpered when Camila entered one finger. She felt the familiar pleasure flow through her body. " Yes baby, " She moaned.

Camila entered a second finger and attached her lips to Lauren's clit and started to suck hard and started thrusting her fingers faster and harder. She smirked against Lauren's core when she felt Lauren's grip on her hair tighten, and moaned softly. " Mmm, baby. You taste so good. I love it. " She said against Lauren.

Lauren bucked her hips up when she felt Camila enter another finger and suck on her clit harder. " Baby, fuck yes! Harder! " She yelled when Camila entered a second finger. She moaned loudly again when she felt the vibration, when Camila spoke against her core. She felt her legs start to tremble, " Babe I'm gonna cum. " She whimpered out as she rode out her orgasm.

Camila felt Lauren's legs start to tremble and felt her juices on her tounge. She stuck her tounge inside her girlfriend and licked her girlfriend clean. She kissed up her girlfriend's body and pecked her girlfriend's lips, " How was it? " She asked.

Lauren moaned when she felt Camila's tounge enter her and clean her up, for this being Camila's first time seemed like she's done this before. " It was amazing. Are you sure this is your first time? " She joked and kissed her girlfriend sweetly. " Now it's your turn. "

Camila felt her heart start to beat fast when Lauren flipped them over and took her nipple into her mouth, " Fuck! Baby! " She said as she felt her sucking harshly.

Lauren smirked when Camila moaned loudly when she started to suck harshly on her nipple. She then started on the second one and gave the same exact pleasure to that one. She then trailed kisses down her body and slid her hand inside and felt around, " Damn baby your so wet. Did fucking me with your finger turn you on? " She said, seductively.

Camila's jaw dropped when she felt Lauren's hand dip inside her and she nodded her head rapidly when Lauren asked if she got turned on, " Yes baby. You always turn me on. I'm always horny for you. " She panted out and gripped Lauren's hair.

Lauren smirked when Camila told her that she always turned her on and that she was always horny for her. " Really? Well I'm glad that I make you feel like that. " She pulled Camila's panties off and saw how wet Camila was. " I believe you now baby. " She licked her lips and leaned in to suck on her girlfriend's clit.

Camila's hand shot down to Lauren's hair and pulled on it, " Oh fuck baby! " She moaned loudly and threw her head back into the pillow. She panted and ran her other hand threw her hair. After Lauren pleasuring her some more, she felt her legs starting to tremble and felt herself ride out her orgasm. " Fuck baby. That was amazing. I'm glad I saved my first time for you. " She panted out and Lauren came up and pecked her lips.

She leaned down and pecked Camila's lips, " I'm so glad you loved it baby. I love you so much. " She said and laid next to Camila and wrapped her arm around Camila's waist and snuggled into her chest. " Happy anniversary mi amor. I love you. "

Camila smiled when Lauren snuggled into her chest, " Happy anniversary baby, I love you too. " She responded and drifted off to sleep.


5132 words here. Hope you all enjoyed it, I'm not good at writing smut so, yeah. It took me seven days to finish this.

ALSO CAMILA'S ALBUM IS AMAZING!! All These Years, She Loves Control, Inside Out, In the Dark, and Into It are fucking dope!

Somethings Gotta Give and Consequences had me in tears!!!

But like I said, I hope you all enjoyed it!! Peace!!!

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