Seventeen (Kokichi Ouma x Rea...

By LoveableLibra

215K 5.6K 33.2K

In the beginning, all you could see was darkness. It was as if you had faded into nothingness, the inky black... More

Chapter One - Trepidation
Chapter Two - Hematic
Chapter Three - Nostalgia
Chapter Four - Secrets
Chapter Five - Wounded
Chapter Six - Melancholy
Chapter Seven - Bereavement
Chapter Eight - Farewell
Chapter Nine - Renewal


54.1K 906 7.3K
By LoveableLibra

Okay so I've had this idea in my mind for the longest time and I had to finally get it all out. Basically, without going into too much detail, the premise is that before the game started you and Kokichi had been in a relationship. I'm hoping this will be a long fic, but knowing me I have no clue what the actual outcome will be. But judging by how long the damn prologue is, I have high hopes for the rest of the chapters!


Everything was dark. Everything was silent.

It was as if you had faded into nothingness, the inky black hands of unconsciousness pulling you under. You fought as you tried to escape it's grip, but in the end it was all futile. The darkness enveloped your mind, taking over all your senses until your thoughts escaped you. And with that, reality drifted away, leaving you in a state of dreamless rest.

When you awoke, everything was the same. Your eyes fluttered open, but the only thing that met them was a wall of black. Any sounds around you were drowned out, barely recognizable to your ears. The one thing that changed however, was your sense of touch. The sides of your arms were pressed against the cool surface of metal, cramped in the small space you were confined in. Without thinking you reached out, your hand meeting with the same thin metal in front of you, except this time it moved. Swinging open from your touch, it revealed the bright light coming from the other side.

You stumbled forward, desperate to escape the dark prison that confined you. In doing so, your foot caught on a dip in the floor, leaving you to collapse onto the ground with a muted yelp. A pain bloomed on your knees from the impact, stinging as your bare flesh made contact with the concrete below.

Within the brief moment of silence after the fall, you heard a startled gasp from the space in front of you. Wincing, you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, wiping the dust off the palms of your hands onto your skirt as you looked to the source of the noise. Standing before you was a boy, dressed in a proper school uniform the same navy color as yours. His dark hair messily framed his face, and his expression showed one of pure shock as he took in your appearance, though it was quickly masked for one of neutrality.

"(y/n)?" he asked, your name rolling off his tongue like he had said it many times before, "Why were you inside a locker?"

You stood, brushing off your knees as you did so. The boy was the same height as you, if not an inch or two taller, and his violet eyes sparkled with a familiar flame you saw in them before. Mischief. Raising an eyebrow, you followed his gaze to behind you, being met with a pair of oxford blue lockers roughly the size of an average person. That was what you were locked in?

"I don't know, I just woke up in there," you explained, a nervous edge to your voice as you spoke. You took in your surroundings, noting that desks that were haphazardly placed around the vicinity. It was a classroom, similar to the ones back at your old school, except those ones didn't have barbed wire on the windows. "Kokichi where are we? Is this another one of your pranks?"

"No, I swear it isn't. I just woke up here too, but I was sitting in a desk... Should we check to see if somebody is in the other one?" he said, pointing to the unopened locker beside yours. The whole situation filled you with unease, but you nodded to his suggestion anyways.

Together you both grabbed the handle of the door, pulling it open at the same time. The sight inside caused you to jump back, loosely gripping his arm in shock. It was another boy around your age, though his skin was a pale grey. His eyes opened, revealing an electric blue color almost unnatural for a human. Kokichi dragged you back with him, watching intently as the stranger looked around with a surprised expression.

His gaze landed on the two of you, causing him to jolt in confusion, ¨Who are you!? Were you the people who kidnapped me?¨

Your initial fear dissipated; so he was in the same boat as you two. Letting go of Kokichi's arm, you went to reassure him, ¨No, we aren't-¨

"Yes. We kidnapped you and stuffed you in this locker," Kokichi interrupted, a malicious grin tugging at his lips, "And now we're gonna have to kill you. Right, (y/n)?"

"As much as I'd like to mess around right now, it isn't the time. Now stop scaring-"

Before you could finish, the other boy pushed past the two of you, running towards the door. He swung it open, disappearing into the hall leaving you in a stunned silence. You shot a glare at Kokichi, though he just waved you off with his signature smile. A moment later a loud scream ripped through the quiet, accompanied by the rapid thuds of footsteps sprinting away from the classroom.

"What the hell?" you breathed out, voice light with concern.

Kokichi shrugged in return, placing his hands behind his head nonchalantly, "Dunno, but let's get out of here. Whoever that was had the right idea, I'm getting tired of this place."

"Are you sure that's really the greatest option right now? I mean that poor kid just screamed bloody murder. We have no idea what's out there."

"That just makes it exciting. Now come on," he explained, grabbing the end of your sleeve as he trailed you behind him. At first you tried to object, but you knew all too well that Kokichi was not one to listen.

On the other side was a sight you would never be able to forget. The floors were cracked, weeds and grass growing through the concrete. It appeared unkempt, abandoned. To your right was a long hallway that lead to a large entrance hall, branching out to show various other corridors. It seemed calm, unlike what lied to your left. Standing at the top of a staircase was a large robot that towered over the two of you, the sides equipped with various different types of weaponry.

Without a second thought you both bolted in the opposite direction, veering right at the first branch before the entrance hall. The robot was on your heels, a metallic clang ringing out for every step it took, the noise getting louder as it got closer. As you ventured deeper into the building, the worse the structure got. At points the greenery that sprouted from the ground was so dense it was almost as if you were outside.

You barely had time to watch where you were going as you flew down the halls, Kokichi keeping a tight grip on your sleeve. He was much faster than you, practically dragging you after him as you tried to keep up. There were many forks in the corridors which you gratefully took, hoping to shake the robot off your trail, but in the end it was all futile. No matter how often you turned, how many paths you ventured down, the robot was somehow always a few steps away.

Finally, you were both trapped. Kokichi lead you down an empty hallway, but instead of a place to run you were met with a set of double doors. It was the only way out, the robot so close you couldn't turn back. Without hesitating you both pushed through them, sprinting into what appeared to be a gym. You slammed the wooden door behind you, leaning your back against it with all your weight as Kokichi swiftly turned the lock.

With a sigh of relief you collapsed to the ground, pulling your knees up to your chest and burying your face in your arms. In your chest you could feel your heartbeat pumping against your rib cage, calming down as you caught your breath. From beside you, you could hear a similar exhale come from Kokichi, but it was caught in his throat midway.

"Um... (y/n)? Do me a favor real quick and look up."

"Huh?" you grumbled, but as soon as you lifted your head you were met with the eyes of 15 other people on you. Each one looked to be around the same age, adorning different uniforms from various schools across Japan. They didn't seem shocked by your presence, but you could see the look of concern in their eyes.

Kokichi inched closer to you as you stood, tugging on the sleeve of your uniform. His expression showed one of fear, but in the back of your mind you knew it wasn't genuine as he spoke, "(y/n)... I think I can see dead people."

You couldn't help but let out a giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. Though you knew the situation was strange, his humor calmed you down enough to regain some of your confidence. Deciding to approach the group, you heard multiple voices speaking over one another at the same time.

"Did you both get chased by that monster too?"

"What... are they? What do they want with us?"

"Should we check outside?"

"No, it could still be lurking out there!"

As the area erupted into chaos, one of the girls nearest to you spoke up. Her hair was long, descending down her back in golden locks, though she wore a baggy blue uniform that appeared rather unfitting. After clearing her throat to grab the group's attention, she began, "Wait! Now hold on everyone, instead of yelling we should at least try to figure out the situation we're in."

"But we don't even know where we are, how can we possibly figure out the situation?" a voice rang out, a mix of agitation and fear present in their tone.

The girl sighed, "If we're patient and work together, I'm sure we'll be able to. We're not going to get anywhere by yelling over each other, so the least we can do is stay calm for the time being."

The room went quiet, but it showed a silent agreement with the girl. She was right, you wouldn't be able to get anything done if all you did was argue and panic. She surveyed the group with a smile, that is, until an unknown voice echoed throughout the gym, "Sorry to keep you waiting, but thanks for bear-ing with us!"

Suddenly you felt a rumbling from all around you, almost akin to that of an earthquake. As if they were hiding in the ceiling, five robots dropped down, surrounding the group in a confined circle. A scream escaped your throat as you jumped back, your hands subconsciously latching on to the collar of your shirt.

One of the guys nearest to you let out a panicked yell, his eyes widening, "The monsters are back! What do you want with us?"

The red robot began to respond, his voice sounding vaguely human as he did so, "We're no monsters, we're Exisals! Highly functioning robotic weapons!"

"Weapons!?" you exclaimed, the grip on your collar tightening. You could feel your blood run cold at the thought of it, these could kill you in a minute. They easily towered over even the tallest person in the group, probably able to crush them instantly if needed.

They ignored you, the blue one continuing with their speech as if he read your mind, "Should we take these for a spin by killing one of 'em?"

"Wait! We can't kill them with the Exisals. According to the schedule, the Exisals aren't supposed to show up until later."

"But... we're in the Exisals right now."

"We screwed up, we're not supposed to be in the Exisals for our first appearance."

"Well... why don't we just get out of these mechs? It shouldn't be too late for that."

"Yeah, let's do that! Okay, ready?"

At once, five object flew out from the Exisals, spinning in the air before landing on the ground in exaggerated poses. They resembled small bear stuffed animals, each the color coordinating with the Exisal they exited from. One by one they introduced themselves, speaking in unison right after, their voices clearly more human once out of the robots, "Rise and shine, ursine! We are... the Monokubs!"

No one said a word, in too much shock to muster up any cognitive sentences. Disregarding our surprise, Monotaro began, "See, were out of the Exisals now! Now we're not so scary anymore, right? Right? Right?

"Hey, what's up with these stuffed animals? How are they moving?" the boy from before asked, a grimace filled with fear gracing his features.

The blonde girl gasped, "Wait! You guys call yourselves... the Monokubs?"

"This is exactly as I thought," A voice from behind me said. I turned to be met with its owner, feeling a mysterious aura radiating off him. He was more serious than the others, unfazed about the scene before you, "But who's behind all this? What's up with all the ridiculous theatrics-"

"Shut up, you! All of you are reacting way too normally to this! It's boring!" Monokid interrupted, agitation clear in his tone. He shot a glare to the owner of the voice behind me, though it was as he was a kitten trying to intimidate a lion.

"Actually... don't their clothes seem kinda boring, too?" Monotaro asked.

Monosuke looked over the group carefully, "Wait a minute... You think maybe they haven't been given their first memory yet?"

"Huh? That should've happened before they woke up..."

"Hey, who the hell are you punks!?"

You tilted your head in confusion, shouldn't they know? Considering the events that unfolded in front of you, it would be logical to think they were the ones who brought everyone to this academy in the first place. Once again, another voice from behind you voiced their uncertainty, only this time it belonged to a girl, "What do you mean?"

Monosuke glanced up from underneath his glasses, "We're just wondering... do you guys have Ultimate talents or anything like that?"

Your mind pulled a blank, Ultimate talent? Nothing you did could qualify as something that grand. Sure, you had things you were skilled in, but nothing you would consider your "Ultimate talent". Scratching the back of your head, you averted your gaze to the ground, "I... don't think I have one. I mean, nothing good enough to be considered one anyways."

A chorus of agreements rung out all around you from the various students. Monokid let out a laugh of triumph at the sight, "I knew it! They haven't gotten their first memory yet!"

"Ugh, so you all have forgotten your talents and become generic high school students. But, in your current state it's pretty much useless to talk to you guys about this. The first thing we need you to do is remember your true selves," Monosuke explained, though you could tell it didn't do any good. You, along with the rest of the group, had confusion riddled all over your faces, "Let's just do this already, no one wants to watch a bunch of generic high school whiners."

"First, we'll update your wardrobe so you guys look all cute and spiffy!" Monokid said, pulling out a bag in the process. The other Monokubs followed, and in unison they threw the contents in the air. Clothes flew around the area from a variety of different styles, each outfit landing with their respective owners.

In front of you fluttered down a mass of dark colors, landing perfectly on your body. It seemed that as soon as the new clothes were on, the old ones had vanished. Instead, replacing them were articles you've never seen before.

On your torso rested a loose violet top, neatly tucked into a black and white skirt. The sleeves were large and flared out, stopping right below your elbow. Just from the feeling you knew a pair of suspenders had replaced your old belt, while a new necklace hung around your neck with a heavy charm. Curiously, you picked it up and turned it around in your fingers, pressing a button on the side to open it up and revealing a detailed clock face. It was certainly pretty, but how did it relate to you?

Looking over to Kokichi, you found him in an equally puzzled state. He was clad in all white, save for the checkered scarf that rested around his neck. His hands were mindlessly fiddling with the thin fabric, much like he'd do with his hair. Shifting your gaze lower, two long belts hung off the back of his jacket, unfastened for what you assumed to be a stylistic choice. He turned to you, taking in your new appearance, "My, my, (y/n). I never took you for the dark type."

You rolled your eyes, lightly shoving his shoulder, "Take a look at yourself, I've never once seen you wear this much white. Ever. It must be a new record."

Before you could continue childishly bickering, Monophanie interrupted with a soft applause. She was practically glowing as she scanned the group, "Mh-hm! Looking good! Now you look more like Ultimates!"

"Next up is the memory you've all been waiting for. After the flashback light helps you remember your amazing talents, this story will begin for real," Monosuke said, brandishing what you could only assume to be just that. It resembled a normal flashlight, but the extra embellishments decorating the handle proved it was anything but. Still in a state of bewilderment, you opened your mouth to speak, but before any words could come out he flipped the switch on, consuming your consciousness in it's bright white glow.

And then the world went black.


Everything was dark. Everything was silent.

It was as if you had faded into nothingness, the inky black hands of unconsciousness pulling you under. You fought as you tried to escape it's grip, but in the end it was all futile. The darkness enveloped your mind, taking over all your senses until your thoughts escaped you. And with that, reality drifted away, leaving you in a state of dreamless rest.

When you awoke, everything was the same. Your eyes fluttered open, but the only thing that met them was a wall of black. Any sounds around you were drowned out, barely recognizable to your ears. The one thing that changed however, was your sense of touch. The sides of your arms were pressed against the cool surface of metal, cramped in the small space you were confined in. Without thinking you reached out, your hand meeting with the same thin metal in front of you, except this time it moved. Swinging open from your touch, it revealed the bright light coming from the other side.

You stumbled forward, desperate to escape the dark prison that confined you. In doing so, your foot caught on a dip in the floor, leaving you to collapse onto the ground with a muted yelp. A pain bloomed on your knees from the impact, stinging as your bare flesh made contact with the concrete below.

Within the brief moment of silence after the fall, you heard a startled gasp from the space in front of you. Wincing, you dragged yourself up into a sitting position, wiping the dust off the palms of your hands onto your skirt as you looked to the source of the noise. Standing before you was a boy, dressed in a white outfit you were all too familiar with. His dark hair messily framed his face, and his expression showed one of pure shock as he took in your appearance, though it was quickly masked for one of neutrality.

"(y/n)?" he asked, your name rolling off his tongue like he had said it many times before, "Why were you inside a locker?"

Raising an eyebrow, you followed his gaze to behind you, being met with a pair of oxford blue lockers roughly the size of an average person. That was what you were locked in?

"I don't know, I just woke up in there," you explained, a nervous edge to your voice as you spoke. You took in your surroundings, noting that desks that were haphazardly placed around the vicinity. It was a classroom, similar to the ones back at your old school, except those ones didn't have barbed wire on the windows. "Kokichi where are we? Is this another one of your pranks?"

He held his hand out to you, which you gratefully took to pull yourself up from the ground. He shot you a grin, his violet eyes sparkling with a familiar flame you saw in them before. Mischief. Without warning he tugged you into an embrace, lowering his voice, "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows, I could've prepared a romantic getaway for the two of us, and now you're the jerk 'cause you got all freaked out. How could you be so cruel to me, (y/n)?"

Tears began to well up in his eyes, which you quickly dismissed as you pulled away, "Okay, cut it out. I know when you're lying, Kichi, so don't even try it."

"Fine, you got me. I just woke up here a few minutes ago, but I was in one of those desks. Speaking of that-" He peered over your shoulder, pointing to the unopened locker beside yours, "should we go check to see if somebody is in there?"

The whole situation filled you with unease, but you nodded to his suggestion anyways. Together you both grabbed the handle of the door, tugging it open at the same time. The sight inside caused you to jump back, grabbing his hand in shock. It was another boy around your age, though his skin was a pale grey. Thick lines came down from his eyes, which opened to reveal an electric blue color. His whole body was covered in metal, lights glowing down the center of his torso. Kokichi dragged you back with him, watching intently as the stranger looked around with a surprised expression.

His gaze landed on the two of you, causing him to jolt in confusion, ¨Who are you!? Were you the people who kidnapped me?¨

Your initial fear dissipated; so he was in the same boat as you two. Letting go of Kokichi's hand, you went to reassure him, ¨No, we aren't-¨

"Woah, are you an actual robot!? That's so cool, can I touch you?" Kokichi exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight. You sighed, once he got like this it was hard to stop him.

The boy backed away from him as he inched closer, "No you may not! I'm just like any normal human, I have boundaries!"

You quickly stepped between them before Kokichi could get any further, holding him back as he desperately reached over you to try and touch the robot, "I'm sorry about him, he can be a bit insensitive at times. I'm (y/n) (l/n), Ultimate Hypnotist. And you are?"

The boy relaxed, though he was still wary as he stepped out of the locker, his legs shaking, "My name is K1-B0, but you may call me Kiibo. I'm the Ultimate Robot."

"So you are a robot!" Kokichi said, impatiently pushing past you, "Now get over here and let me touch you!"


In the end, it proved useless to try and hold back Kokichi. You knew the hard way that when he wanted something, he wouldn't stop at anything to get it. So instead, you took a seat in one of the open desks, kicking back to watch the scene that unfolded in front of you. Kiibo was running from Kokichi frantically as the smaller boy ruthlessly chased him around the class. Though you felt a twinge of pity for Kiibo, a part of you couldn't help but let out a giggle.

The only thing that stopped them for a moment was the sudden presence of five teddy bears. Each one was a different color, standing in a line with exaggerated poses. They seemed to materialize out of nowhere, earning a scream from Kiibo once he spotted them. The blue bear at the right of the group yelled back, but you could tell it was feigned to tease him.

Your eyes widened as you pushed yourself farther into your seat, "What are these!? They're like talking teddy bears!"

Once again the blue bear spoke, his intense tone matching the pose he was in, "We're not stuffed animals, we're the Monokubs!"

"Huh? Monokubs? What does that even mean?" Kokichi asked, tilting his head in confusion. It seemed he had forgotten about Kiibo, letting the robot move to the other side of the room as he watched the bears with a curious eye. You couldn't blame him, this was much more interesting. He took a daring step closer, "You must know where we are, right?"

The red bear in the center nodded, "This place is called the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles."

"What? I've never heard of a school like that before," you said, sitting upright. You knew there were academies around the country for gifted teens (considering you were one of them, it was common knowledge), but the name didn't ring a bell.

"Well of course you haven't. This school was made just for the seventeen of you!" the pink bear explained, her voice light and girly. Out of the lot she appeared the least intense, bringing you a wave of relief. But as soon as you felt it, it dissipated. What exactly did she just say?


"Yeah, there are seventeen of you Ultimates at this school," the yellow bear at the end said, pushing up his glasses, "Now quit your yapping and start exploring the academy already. It's getting boring seeing you all clueless."

And with that, before you had the chance ask anything else, the five of them disappeared just like they had shown up. It left you in a stunned silence, your mind trying to figure out what had just happened. Before you could poder any more however, Kokichi interrupted your thoughts, "I know that was weird and everything-" He turned to Kiibo, "-but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Now get over here!"

Just moments later the classroom door slid open, revealing two people on the other side. The first was a confident-looking blonde girl, a rather sheepish guy behind her, hiding his eyes behind the bill of a hat. At the sight of the two boys they jumped back, startled from the sudden chaos.

"C'mon, wait up! Lemme touch your body a little, I've always wanted to be friends with a robot!" Kokichi yelled, cornering Kiibo as he tried to escape, "I'll leave you alone as soon as you let me touch you... Or will I? I am a liar, after all."

The girl gasped, placing a hand over her mouth as she gaped at Kiibo, "Wait, you're a robot? Like, an actual, real robot?" She exclaimed, but suddenly after her expression went dark, " Wait, you're not one of those Monokub things, are you?"

Noticing they had company, the two stopped running, Kiibo tensing up even more, "Do not compare me to those toys! I'm not just any old robot, I'm Kiibo the Ultimate Robot."

Kokichi stepped in front of him, directing the two's attention away from Kiibo, "That's no fair, you can't take all the spotlight! Here, I'll introduce myself too, I promise it's way more interesting," he asserted, straightening up his posture to take on a more confident stance, "I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!"

The girl was clearly puzzled by the two of them, and you didn't blame her. Both of their talents were rather... peculiar. And so was yours, in all honesty. Pulling yourself up from your desk, you decided it was about time to introduce yourself, approaching the two, "I'm (y/n) (l/n), Ultimate Hypnotist. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The girl was about to respond, her eyes filled with gratitude at your normalcy compared to the others, until a loud voice from behind you cut her off.

"Hey, do robots have dicks!?"

You tried to keep yourself composed, you really did, but before you could stop it a loud laugh escaped your lips. Even if you tried to make yourself seem professional in front of the other students, you had a clear childish side, and Kokichi knew that. As you wiped the corner of your eye, you let out a sigh and turned to him, "But do they?"

"(y/n), I thought you were on my side!?" Kiibo exclaimed, hiding his face in his hands, "Please do not ask ridiculous questions!"

Eventually, the two who came to meet you introduced themselves as Kaede and Shuichi, before taking their leave shortly after to find the other students. You had to say, even though they did appear startled by Kokichi, you could see yourself becoming friends with them in the future. Either that, or they would become your new subjects to delude.

As you expected, only a few minutes after the other two left Kokichi grew tired of chasing around Kiibo, plopping down on the surface of the desk you rested at. At first you ignored his presence, examining your nails with deliberation as you pretended to be lost in thought. He let out a groan and waved a hand in front of your face, causing a smirk to tug at the corners of your lips.

"Ha, I knew it! You totally knew I was here the whole time. Wow, you're so mean to me (y/n)," he remarked, crossing his arms childishly, "Just for that, I'm dragging you out of this classroom. No more relaxation for you!"

"Weren't you just going to do that anyways?" you teased, picking yourself up from the chair to stand beside him.

He flashed you a grin, extending his hand to you, "Maybe, maybe not. But either way it's extremely boring in here. Come on, let's explore this place together. We might not be able to find a way out, but we could find something exciting!"

You intertwined his fingers with yours, "Alright, that sounds kinda fun. I guess I'll go with you."

"You never had a choice in the first place. Now let's go!"

He practically ran to the exit, dragging you behind him as you tried to both slow him down and keep up with his pace. In the end you could only achieve the latter as he pulled you out the door, stopping once you set foot in the hallway. The floors were cracked, weeds and grass growing through the concrete. It appeared unkempt, abandoned. To the left appeared to be a staircase leading to the lower floor, while to your right extended a long hallway that lead to an entrance hall, branching out to show various other corridors.

He placed a finger to his chin, looking back and forth between the two options, ultimately opting to veer right. You heart sped up, if there was an entrance hall then surely there was an exit. Picking up your pace, you fell in step alongside him, gently swinging your hands back and forth with a giddy feeling in your chest. Maybe this was all just a prank, and as soon as you stepped outside you would be greeted with the smiling faces of people you knew, welcoming you back home after a quick laugh.

As you ventured deeper into the building, the worse the structure got. At points the greenery that sprouted from the ground was so dense it was almost as if you were outside. On top of that, it seemed that a faint mist had settled over the academy, leaving the longer corridors with a hazy, unclear view. The entrance hall was better, the floor made of a sturdy stone that showed no breakage, though bushes of pale yellow flowers had began to bud in the corners of the room.

From where you came you could see various different entrances, each with a label over the top. The first one your eyes were drawn to was the corridor opposite from where you were standing, labeled "west", presumably to indicate the west wing of the school. Behind you was "east", indicating the same thing, while between those two was a large set of wooden double doors, the word "south" proudly displayed above the frame.

That was the exit, there was no doubt about it. You could almost feel it's presence dragging you towards it, beckoning you with the thought of freedom. Beginning to approach the doors, you felt your heart speed up with excitement. Kokichi however, was more skeptical.

"Do you really think this is the exit?" he asked, stepping forward to run his fingers down the carved design on the wood, "This is all... too easy. I don't think those bear things would really let us leave this effortlessly."

"Well, the only thing we can do is try it, right? There's really no harm in that, and if I'm wrong then we can keep looking," you explained, moving up to stand beside him as he analyzed the area curiously.

Much like with the locker he gave you a nod, and together you pushed open the doors.

The first thing that greeted you was a gust of wind, pushing back your hair and ruffling your clothes. Your eyes didn't adjust right away, leaving you blinded by the bright light that overpowered the dim illumination of the entrance hall. Wafting into your nose was the scent of fresh grass, its presence alone enough to make you grin. You were right, it was the outside world.

Once your eyes finally adjusted your confidence faltered. You were correct in assuming it lead outdoors, but Kokichi had won that round, as for surrounding a large courtyard was a towering metal dome. It resembled a bird cage, but no exits could be seen. Warily, you took a step out of the building, trying to comprehend just where you were.

"What the hell is this?" Kokichi asked, sounding just as astounded as you felt, "I could understand us getting kidnapped and waking up in some weird building, but this is just on a whole nother level."

"There's got to be people on the other side, right? I mean, this thing is huge, someone has to know it's here," you mused.

He stepped further into the courtyard, his head tilted up as his eyes trained on the cage-like structure, "There's no way this could be built in secret. Even if it was in the middle of nowhere someone would have to know about it."

"You're right. Do you think we should just take a look around here for now? Maybe try and find a way out?" you asked.

"Yeah, let's get going"

Much like the inside of the academy, the courtyard was overgrown and rugged. The sidewalk leading out from the building was clear, but the area around it was covered in a variety of wild plants and vines. On top of that, a metallic noise rang out in the air, seeming to belong to the large machine working beside a circular structure in the distance. Exchanging a look of agreement with Kokichi, you headed towards the building.

From outside it didn't appear to be much, though the word "dormitory" was printed across the side in bold grey lettering. Tilting your head in confusion, you read over the label again. Why would you need dorms in a place like this?

The inside was round as well, with two stories each home to a set of identical doors. You counted them out in your mind, lips moving silently with each number. Seventeen. It was such an odd amount there was no way it hadn't been deliberate. As you thought, Monophanie's words came back to you. There were seventeen students here.

From the second floor of the structure Kokichi called out to you, "(y/n), come here. I found something you really need to see."

Raising an eyebrow, you bounded up the set of stairs to meet him. The first thing you noticed was his expression, uncharacteristically worried. That alone was enough to set you on edge, in addition to the realization you had came upon. With fretful eyes you followed his gaze to the top of one of the door frames, falling upon a white plaque. Printed onto it was a colorful pixelated drawing of a person, adorning dark purple hair and a checkered scarf. Each door had a similar one, though each depicted a different character.

"I was right... these are us. These rooms are meant for us, the students trapped here." you said, fiddling with the clock pendant that hung around your neck, "Oh I really don't like this. I'm getting such a bad feeling about this place. Why would we even need dorms?"

He pulled you closer to him, his arm loosely resting around your waist, "They're planning to keep us here for a while, that's why. What I'm wondering is why they're even keeping us here in the first place."

As he finished his sentence, a loud ringing filled the area. Four tones played in succession, closely resembling that of the Westminster Chimes, before the static from a TV could be heard. Turning to the source of the noise, you were met with a large monitor proudly displaying the five Monokubs.

"Hi! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" Monophanie exclaimed, taking a sip from the pink colored drink in her hand, "Everyone, make your way to the gym please."

An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach as the monitor turned off, leaving the room in an eerie silence. You met eyes with Kokichi, who's facade had changed back to one of confidence. It didn't surprise you, he never showed vulnerability in front of others. So far, you were the only exception to that.

Together you walked down to the gymnasium, meeting a few of the other students along the way. It was interesting to see how peculiar they were, from a small girl dressed as a witch to a guy with long hair and a mask covering the lower half of his face. But to them, you and Kokichi probably looked just as strange. That thought somehow brought you a sense of comfort; in here, everyone's a little weird. You guessed it just went along with being an Ultimate.

The gym was just as much of a mess as everywhere else, complete with a few full grown trees sprouting out from the decaying floorboards. But by now, the ruggedness of it all didn't even faze you anymore. It felt like you had been stuck in the school forever, the scenery just as normal as anything else.

Soon enough all seventeen students were gathered together, a hushed murmur breaking out between them. So many voices were speaking over each other that it was difficult to zone in on one conversation, the only thing you were able to make out being a few words in the jumbled mess. But just as it started it came to an end, the roaring of an engine cutting everyone off.

The longer the group stayed quiet the louder it got, shaking the room with intensity akin to that of an earthquake. As if they were hiding in the ceiling, five robots dropped down, surrounding the group in a confined circle. A scream escaped your throat as you jumped back, your hands subconsciously latching on to your necklace in fear.

In unison the robots spoke, their voices giving away who was inside of them, "Rise and shine, ursine!"

Everyone panicked, yelling and fearful muttering sounding throughout the air. Like the gentleman he is, Gonta rushed to stand in front of the group, holding his arms out by his sides, "Everyone, behind Gonta!"

Kokichi ignored him however, ducking under one of his arms to be mere inches away from the robots, "Woah, these are so cool!"

"They're Exisals, highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms!" the blue one explained.

Beside you, you saw Miu tense up, "Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!"

"Run, Himiko!" Kokichi teased, his eyes meeting yours for a moment. He gave you a wink, causing you to let out a stifled laugh.

She didn't seem to understand the insult, scratching her face with uncertainty, "Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?"

"Alright, chill out everyone. We're probably not in any danger. If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now," a voice reasoned, Rantaro stepping past both Gonta and Kokichi, gazing up at the Exisals with an intense glare, "So, what do you want from us? You clearly want something, that's what the guns are for, right? Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt. Well, you have our attention. So what do you want?"

The yellow Exisal shifted in its spot, "Huh. Well aren't you a wiseguy? Okay, here's what we want you to do."

The whole room went quiet, no one even daring to breathe. Your heart sped up, practically thumping in your chest as your mind was filled up with anticipation.

"A killing game."

And like that, your whole world came crashing down around you. A... killing game? No, that had to be a lie. You were around Kokichi so much, it was the first thought your mind went to. However, being able to catch lies was an ability you've perfected since being in a relationship with him, and this wasn't setting off your radar.

Tenko was the first to speak, her usually boisterous voice reduced to a struggled whisper, "W-Wait a second. What did you say?"

This time, it was the green Exisal who answered, his voice the most robotic out of the five, "KILLING-GAME"

"Now, now, now... those are my favorite words to hear. Especially coming from my cute little cubs," a new voice rang out, different from all the others you've heard. It sounded vaguely innocent, though the laugh that followed was anything but.

"Oh, that voice!" the pink Exisal exclaimed, endearment laced in her tone. As if on cue, the Monokubs sprung out of the robots, landing perfectly on the stage at the end of the gym, "Daddy!? Where are you, daddy?"

"Father!? Father, is that you!?"

"Papa Kuma! Papa Kuma!"

"Father...?" you mused aloud, eyebrows scrunching together in confusion, "What are you-"

Before you could finish, you were cut off by a sudden darkness. All the lights in the gym had shut off, earning the screams of several students. It was only for a second, but when the lights had been brought back you almost wished they hadn't. Because right before your eyes, you were met with who was going to soon be your worst enemy.

Springing up from the podium at the stage was a bear similar to the Monokubs, though larger. He was monochromatic, a large spilt going down the center of his body, dividing his features into two completely different designs. But what had to be the worst was the words he spoke, faultless enough on their own, but laced with a malicious undertone.

"I am the god of this new world... and the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy! The one, the only... Monokuma! Nice to meetcha!"

"Another teddy bear appeared," Tsumugi said, trailing off shortly after. Her face looked pale, drained from fear.

Korekiyo narrowed his eyes in concentration, "Yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear. I can see it, the despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing."

In agitation, Monokuma bared his claws, "Whoa, first of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma. And show some respect! I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles!"

"Well you may be, but what I'm worried about is this 'killing game' the cubs mentioned," Rantaro chimed in, "What exactly does that mean?"

Monokuma let out another laugh, "I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game, of course! Just take a look around this academy, surrounded by a huge wall and protected by the Exisals. So, as long as we have those things, you can't escape nor defy us. In other words, I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you."

"So, we do what you say if we don't want to die?" Rantaro asked.

You felt your veins run cold, and before you knew it you were speaking up, "You have to be kidding me. Why in the world would we kill innocent people?" You thought back to everyone you met so far. Sure, you weren't close or anything, but you'd never want to hurt them either, "Especially those who are our friends?"

Monokuma tilted his head, his stare burning into your mind, "Who said you guys were friends? You guys aren't friends at all. You're enemies out to kill each other. You see, here the killing game is punctuated by class trials."

"Class... trials?" Kaede uttered under her breath.

"Let us explain!" the Monokubs exclaimed, Monotaro taking the lead, "Alright, so if one of you maggots kill someone, you all gotta take part in a class trial. That is where the blackened killer faces off against their spotless classmates. After you've decided, it's voting time. And if the majority of you idiots vote correctly... then only the blackened killer will receive punishment. But, if you vote for the wrong person, everyone but the blackened gets punished."

"One can likely imagine, but I shall ask just in case. What is the 'punishment'?" Korekiyo asked, as if reading all our minds.

Monokuma's body shook with laughter, "Well, to simply put it. Execution. If you do the crime, obviously you'll be punished for it," he scanned the room, taking in your shocked states, "Now let's get this heart-pounding killing school semester started already! You have free rein to murder however you like, too. Whether you shoot, burn, drown, blow up, crush, electrocute, or laugh your victim to death, you can use any method you like to kill anybody you like, any way you like! At the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, you will realize your murderous potential!"

"Killing school semester... it's like a game," Rantaro mused, his expression going dark. The mysterious vibe he gave off was enough to make you shiver. You couldn't help but wonder if he would end up snapping.

Korekiyo let out a soft chuckle, deep and muffled by his mask, "Risking our lives for some silly game is absurd."

"It doesn't seem like it'll be boring, though," Kokichi's voice rang out.

"How are you all so calm?" Kaede exclaimed, turning to Monokuma in defiance, "No matter what you say... we won't do it! Whatever you have planned, I'm not gonna let you get away with it!"

The bear hardly batted an eye at her defiance, "That kinda spirit is important to the killing game, you know? It's fun to watch the defiant ones eventually snap and get their hands dirty. Everyone loves that kinda brutality in a death game, especially me! And plus, as the headmaster, it's my job to force you to do it."

And with that, he let out a laugh, louder and more prolonged than the rest. The Monokubs joined him, filling the room with their unbridled joy before vanishing from the stage, plunging the area back into silence.

Slowly, one by one, everyone dissipated. A few quiet words were exchanged here and there, talking about the rules and findings from searching the academy, but in the end it felt hopeless. Clenching your fist, you held back your emotions as you turned to leave, the low heels of your shoes distinctly clicking against the wooden floors. Pushing open the double doors, you kept on walking. You didn't know where you were going, but you had to get out of there.

Somehow, you ended up in the basement library, curled up next to one of the many book shelves. You weren't crying, you couldn't remember the last time you showed weakness like that. Instead, anger welled up inside of you. The only thing that seemed to calm your emotions was the scent of old books wafting into the air, smelling of home. Letting out a sigh you leaned your head against the shelf, closing your eyes.

"You know, it isn't very smart to go off alone during a killing game," a voice scolded, their presence settling beside you. You felt them wrap their arm around your shoulders. Pulling you closer to them, "I could've sworn you were more intelligent than that, (y/n). If I would've known you could be this stupid I wouldn't have accepted your confession last year."

You turned to face him, seeing the devious smile creep onto his lips. Returning it, you placed your head on his shoulder, "You can still break up with me, it's not too late for that Kokichi."

"I wish I could, but there's just one little thing that's stopping me."

"And what would that be?"

His face contorted into one of mock disgust, "I ended up catching feelings for you, the biggest idiot on the planet," he trailed off, resting his head on top of yours, "And now we're stuck in this damn killing game together, teenagers murdering in cold blood for a way out... You know, we can't let anyone know about us."

"What do you mean?"

"Our relationship, the fact that we knew each other before this whole thing started. The situation we're in is dangerous, and I'm probably going to be pissing a lot of people off. You know me, I manage to do that quite often. But, if I make someone angry and get on their hit list, if they don't immediately come after me who do you think they'll kill?"

"I'm not weak, you know. I can protect myself," you said, though you could hear the edge in your voice. On its own, seeing Kokichi worried was enough to make you nervous, but with the killing game on top of it all you were close to a mental breakdown.

He shook his head, a soft tsk-ing sound escaping from his lips, "(y/n), you really need to work on your lying skills."

"I know," you said, clenching your first once again to keep your emotions in check. The pain brought you back to your senses, fingernails digging into the soft flesh of your palm, "Fine, I'll pretend like I just met you today. But you have to be careful, I don't want you getting hurt either."

"I'll be fine, I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader after all. Nothing can kill me"

"If you say so," you sighed.

He drew his arm away from you, getting up from his spot on the floor. Holding his hand out, he pulled you up beside him, "Come on, let's get out of here. I wanna check out the inside of our dorms. See if the beds are nice, you know?"

He gave you a wink, to which you let out a giggle, "Alright, let's go."

And with that you left the library, walking through the empty halls of the school with your fingers intertwined. As soon as you neared the entrance hall, he let go, keeping a distance between the two of you as if you were strangers. It sent a pain through your heart, but you knew it was for the best. After all, the killing game had just begun. You couldn't trust anyone.


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