Warriors: Loyalty Dwindles (C...

By Borealix

11.1K 353 173

Adder had always heard stories about the four Clans from his mother. Those stories stuck with him for moons e... More

Character Designs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Allegiances Update
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Allegiances Update #2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Allegiances Update #3
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Final Allegiances

Chapter 29

211 7 9
By Borealix

The brown-and-white tabby's ears perked up at the sound of a battle yowl coming from over the hill next to the RiverClan border. Heronstar must've waited until a RiverClan patrol came! Adderstorm decided to move slowly across the ground, not wanting to be seen by any cat, which would prove difficult on the moorland. 

Silveroak's group had disbanded once they had reached this hill. The mix of warriors and medicine cats running off toward the end of WindClan territory, while Silveroak remained focused on getting to the battle. The constant sinking feeling in his stomach told him it certainly wasn't to help heal the injured WindClan warriors.

Once he got to the top of the hill he pressed his belly against the ground, even more, lowering his head so that he could discreetly track the silver she-cat's movements. Of course, Silveroak's presence among WindClan warriors was nothing out of the ordinary. None of them needed assistance so they urged the medicine cat away from the battle. She obliged, moving behind Heronstar in a few swift bounds.

Adderstorm unsheathed his claws as Silveroak lowered herself to the ground, ready to pounce on her brother in an attack. He didn't waste any time leaping forward and ran towards the medicine cat at full speed to pin her to the grass.

As soon as his paws forcefully hit the she-cat's shoulders, a bright bolt of lightning struck the ground. It rattled and shook every cat to their core, causing a ringing noise in Adderstorm's ears. He hissed and drew his paws over his ears painfully, no other sounds seemed to exist until many moments later. 

A crackling of a fire and the smell of smoke were the first things he noticed, still laying on the dry grass with Silveroak by his side. The second thing he heard was the frantic sounds of his clanmates and the RiverClan cats. Thirdly, came the aggressive yowl from Silveroak, who scrambled to her paws and ripped her claws against Adderstorm's muzzle.

Adderstorm cried out in pain and jumped away, his eyesight had finally set back in too, and the sight before him, made his breathing nearly stop. Orange and yellow flames flickered around them, easily catching fire to the dry blades of grass. Heronstar and the others fled away from the flames to the safety of the winding river.

Blood trickled from the wound on Adderstorm's muzzle and dripped on the ground below. Silveroak's ice blue eyes were furious and psychotic, "You, you're the cat that started ruining it all with your questioning and your prophecy! You're no better than my brother!"

He was taken aback by Silveroak's anger but stood far away from the she-cat in hopes she wouldn't bother attacking him again. 

"I thought you would be perfect as my apprentice. The son of Hawkeyes. Your mother and I were best friends you know? You have her rage, her determination. But you lack her fearlessness...what a disappointment you turned out to be." Silveroak spat. The fire started towering even higher behind the she-cat.

Adderstorm growled out at the mention of his mother, "I never wanted to be like her, ever. Silveroak, I looked up to you. We all did. But I will not let you destroy the Clans. We may be ferocious to each other at times, but we all believe in loyalty." 

The heat from the flames was noticeable now, and smoke began filling the air, causing Adderstorm to wheeze when he was talking. Silveroak snarled with annoyance, lunging forward and shoving Adderstorm to the ground. That look in her eyes is the same as what my mother looked like before her death. Nothing but anger...

"Your mind is gone, Silveroak. I pity you, I really do. And I'm sorry...whoever hurt you, whatever hurt you. You didn't deserve it. You were an amazing medicine cat despite all the terrible things you've done." Adderstorm said calmly.

Silveroak coughed from the smoke filling her lungs and sank her claws into his chest, "Shut your mouth! I don't need your pity! I don't even need the stars to tell me that I'm right in doing all this. I'm helping cats, as I was born to do. Medicine cats deserve more than healing, they deserve leadership. We are not weak, we're the strongest cats in the clan!" 

Adderstorm raked his hind claws against the she-cats belly, managing to turn and run away to a less fiery part of the meadow. His chest heaved from the smoke in his lungs and he stopped a moment to pant harshly.

A mass of muscle and fur bashed against his ribs, sending him back into the dirt. Silveroak stood over him, her fangs flashing, "As long as you're breathing air, you'll try to stop me. Heronstar will try to stop me. Both of you need to be sacrificed, can't you see it's the honorable thing to do?!"

"Adderstorm?!" A voice called out from behind the flames. Adderstorm's eyes widened in shock when he had processed who it belonged to. Thistlejaw? No, no! Get out of here you mouse-brain! He thought desperately. Silveroak's ears twitched and her eyes filled with a sickening delight.

"Ah! Your ShadowClan lover is here to save the day, how sweet. Oh yes, Adderstorm I've known about your secret meetings with Thistlejaw for a very long time. So did Leopardwhisper, but I told him to keep it quiet from Mintstar. You two should thank me." 

The brown tabby's eyes narrowed into slits as the she-cat continued, whispering into his ear, "A shame that he won't be able to save you this time."

Adderstorm glared up at Silveroak, summoning all of the strength he had to attack her again. His claws raked against the side of her face and he kicked her away. "You ruined his brother's life. If it wasn't for you he might still be alive. He might've still been good friends with Thistlejaw!" He couldn't hide his fury anymore. All this time it was her fault. She swayed Leopardwhisper's mind and she just killed clanmates as if she was justified to do so!

To his surprise, the silver she-cat underneath him chuckled and her blue eyes shined with excitement, "You look just like your mother right now, perhaps I was mistaken. Go on. Kill me, Adderstorm. It won't change the impact that my ideas have made on certain cats. They will have their peaceful life, one way or another."

Adderstorm pondered the medicine cat's words. The heat of the flames was almost intolerable, causing Adderstorm to let out a hiss of discomfort. His claws dug into Silveroak's neck and he lowered his face, "If I am like my mother, we have one thing in common," he bared his fangs, "I don't let injustices of certain cats go unpunished."

His jaws clamped down on the she-cat's throat. She struggled and sputtered, but he kept biting until he heard a distinct crunch of her windpipe. A wave of heat and dizziness overcame him and he let go of the she-cat's body, stumbling into another cat.

"G-great StarClan... Heronstar help get Silveroak's body out of here, I'll get Adderstorm!" It was Thistlejaw's voice again. He didn't leave me? What if every cat knows we're more than friends?  Worry flooded into Adderstorm's mind. Thistlejaw grabbed Adderstorm by the scruff of his neck and hauled him far away from the flames and down by the river where fresh air awaited him.

He was eventually laid on the cool, muddy ground of the RiverClan bank. His breathing was short and he felt a burning sensation in his throat. The blue-gray ShadowClan warrior explained to the other cats how he saw the smoke while hunting and decided to go see if WindClan needed any assistance. 

Adderstorm wheezed and hacked, feeling weaker by every heartbeat. Thistlejaw looked down at him and nuzzled his face softly, "You're going to be alright, Adderstorm. You just need to get rid of the smoke. I promise you'll be alright." He murmured. 

A cold raindrop fell onto Adderstorm's nose, followed by several others. Relief shuddered through his body, maybe it would be enough to put out the fire before it reached the camp. He hoped that Badgerfur's kits were safe and sound. 

"Thistlejaw, I love you, you know that right?" Adderstorm strained to speak, his voice only coming out in a quiet rasp. Somehow it didn't seem to matter anymore if any cats listened to his confession. All his worries had fled from his mind.

"Of course, I know that, Adderstorm. I love you too.." Thistlejaw replied shakily, resting his tail against Adderstorm's. 

Many of the cats whispered to each other in confusion, but also with grief. I don't understand. Why are they sad? They should be furious. Adderstorm thought. The scent of Thistlejaw's fur seemed to enfold him in a comforting cocoon. His breathing became even shallower and his eyelids fell until there was nothing but quiet darkness.

Thistlejaw couldn't hear breathing nor a heartbeat. Reality came crashing down as he realized the cat he loved the most was dead. I couldn't save him. I should've been able to save him! I was right there!  Thistlejaw thought and wailed miserably, burying his face against the WindClan warrior's brown pelt. 

 A long-haired dark brown tom with ginger patches bowed his head in sorrow, "He was one of our best warriors, and a former rogue no less. He will be missed." 

"May you find peace and good hunting in StarClan, my friend." A dappled silver she-cat meowed on the verge of tears. 

Thistlejaw didn't dare look at the lifeless body of his best friend and lover. He simply murmured against his fur with tears streaming down his face, "Goodbye, Adderstorm...we'll meet again one day. I love you so much."

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