Unexpected (Tokyo Ghoul Touke...

By random_guy_22

100K 1.5K 564

A white-haired man come to Anteiku late at night. He has no family, no friends, no memories, no nothing. Kiri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 : Who Is He?
Chapter 2 : Training
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 [Lemon Special]
Chapter 18


3.3K 52 41
By random_guy_22

Kaneki's POV

Five years had passed since then. Touka managed to graduate from the university she wanted with flying colours. I have a identity thanks to Tsukiyama forged one for me. I managed to find a job with quite a high payout. I bought a house at the suburban areas in the 20th ward.


"Ehh Kaneki...I was thinking about open a cafe...", she said as she rested on my shoulder.

"Hmm...a cafe? Like Anteiku?", I asked.

"Yeah...can we do it?"

"Of course. Since I have a significant amount of money thanks to my brilliant brain.", I proudly said.

"So...Let's make it happen!", she said as she gave me a smile. I smiled back as I gave a light kiss on her forehead.

"We need a name right?"

"Let's call it :re."

Flashback end

I leaned against the counter, taking a break after a long day of work. I looked at her, she's as beautiful as always, no matter what she's doing.

"Stop staring at me and help me to put the chairs on the table!", she threw the cloth and yelled at me.

"Y-yes ma'am!", I said as I walked towards her position.

"Oh just the chairs of this area only, a friend of mine is on the way here.", she said.

"Okay. Oh I have one question, Touka-chan."


"When do you decide to marry me?", I stepped towards her and whispered at her ear. She stunned as her face slowly turned red.

"W-what are you talking about....?", she nervously said.

"When can I put the ring in your finger?", I teased her.

"Un-until I say so!", she said while looking away from my eyes.

"Touka-chan!", I protested. She came by and kisses my cheek.

"Let's continue your work. I'm gonna have some coffee.", she said as she walked towards the counter. I looked around the cafe, this is her dream, as well as mine.


"Congrats for the opening for the new cafe.", Nishiki said

"A congrats from shitty glass, I'm gonna buy lottery.", Touka said.

During the opening of our cafe, we kinda invite everyone we knew. Nishiki, Hinami, Irimi, Koma, Tsukiyama, Yoshimura, Yomo and even Ayato showed up.

A year ago, human and ghoulkind had a agreement. Ghouls can finally walked out of the shadow, living a normal life without the fear of CCG. Aogiri Tree were disbanded afterwards since there's no need for it. Finally a world with human and ghouls can coexist.

"Finally showed up huh, Ayato.", she said.

"What, you didn't welcome me?", he jokingly said. She walked towards him and hugged him.

"We welcome everyone.", she said as a little tears rolled down her cheek. "Welcome back, Ayato."

"Stop being emotional, dumb sister.....*sigh*...Yeah, I'm back.", he said while hugged back.

Flashback end

Everyone went good after that, have a good source of customer, both human and ghoul. Every day is a busy day but I enjoyed it. Serving drink to customer, worked along with Touka, what can be even better than this.

"Kaneki! Stop daydreaming!", I snapped out from my daydreaming and looked at her in fear before I quickly continued my job.

As I finished my job, wiped the sweat off my forehead, the doorbell rang. I looked at it, a hazelnut colour hair female and a orange hair male came in.

"Touka-chan!", she jumped towards Touka and hugger her tightly.

"That's a bit too tight, Yoriko.", she said. She looked at me and gave me a nodded.

"As handsome as always.", she said while looked at me.

"Ehh Yoriko-chan, how about me?", the male behind her said. "It's been a while, Touka-chan."

"Yeah. A bit too while.", she smirked.

"I assume he's your boyfriend.", he said while pointed at me.

"Yup, I'm her boyfriend.", I proudly said as I walked towards their location.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Yoriko's boyfriend. Nagachika Hideyoshi, you can call me Hide. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Touka's boyfriend, Kaneki Ken. Nice to meet you too, Hide.", I said as we shook our hand.

"We may become a very good friend.", he laughed a little as he said.

"Yeah, me too.", I laughed back.

"Oh by the way, Welcome to :re.", Touka and I said as we gave them a smile.

This chapter mark the end of this book. I really enjoy writing every chapter of it. Thank you all the votes and comments on every single chapter. Thanks for 3.45k reads on this book. Thanks for supporting my book. I really really grateful about it. Currently no further sequel for this book so if anyone is looking forward for a sequel, I apologize.

Thank you all again for the support for this book.

random_guy_22 signing out

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