When you came along. | Publis...

By Niqabii_muslimah

140K 1.1K 774

He splashed some water on his face and removed his handkerchief to wipe his face when a piece of paper fell f... More

Chapter 1 : The unknown threats.
Chapter 3 : Devoid of any hope.
For Signed Author Copy..

Chapter 2 : Hidden motives.

4.8K 328 256
By Niqabii_muslimah

18th January, 2018

There was a knock on the door bringing Shahmeer back from his thoughts. He closed the file and yelled a 'come in'. Detective Ashley walked in along with Aahil. Shahmeer shook hands with the detective and they all seated on the couches in his office.

"Any clues?" Shahmeer began, sipping on his espresso. Aahil being the sensible one and the only one apart from Shahmeer who knows about the threats suggested Shahmeer to report it to the police but Shahmeer didn't wanted the paparazzi to make an issue of the case, which could result in, the person who's been sending him death threats getting alert, so he instead decided to hire a private detective and handle the matter.

"Sir as per the facial details you gave of the person, we made a sketch and tried matching it with the previous criminal records but it didn't match with anyone. The person don't have a criminal record. Apart from that, the death threats that you have been receiving have a common thing. First of all the handwriting is similar in every threats and every letter have the initials 'IC'. It can be the initials of a name of the person sending you threats or it can be the name of any business institute or it can be anything." The detective spoke, pointing at the initials in the threat letters. Shahmeer nodded his head and studied the letters. The initials weren't handwritten they were printed at the bottom left of the papers.

"As far as I know, no business institute have such initials here." Aahil spoke, looking from Shahmeer to the detective.

"Then it can be the initials of the name of that person." The detective concluded.

"But why will he want his identity to be revealed if he's been sending them without the address?" Aahil asked. Shahmeer's brows were knitted together and he seemed deep in thoughts.

"Because he's challenging me to find his name among so many names with the same initials." Shahmeer spoke, walking upto the full wall window of his office, his one hand in his pant pocket and the other holding the coffee mug, his sleeves folded up. Aahil and the detective looked at him and he turned around to face them. He took a sip of his coffee and placed it on the nearby table.

"Thank you so much Mr. Ashley. You continue with your research on the case and do inform me if you find anything new." Shahmeer walked the detective out of the cabin. He turned around to see Aahil's confused face. He walked back to his seat and sat with his hands on the table.

"He wants to destroy Idrisi Group of Companies, he wants to destroy me. If he wanted to destroy me directly, he would have taken some serious actions but it's all a game for him. So! Let's play." Shahmeer spoke, the corner of his lips curved into a smirk.

"Why will someone want to do that?" Aahil questioned, his brows knitted together in confusion and eyes narrowed in slits.

"The increasing market share of Idrisi Group of Companies is the reason." Shahmeer stated, his head held high. Aahil's lips formed in an O shape as realisation dawned on him. Their talk was interrupted when the door burst open and Shumail and Zaid walked in, Shumail holding the pizza boxes.

"Assalmualaikum." They both greeted, Shumail's voice a little too chirpy. "Who wants some Pizza?" Shumail placed the boxes on the table and dragged a chair for himself to sit while Zaid did the same.

"Walaikum Assalam. Such generosity suddenly? What did you do this time for which you are trying to bribe us with this treat?" Aahil questioned, wiggling his eyebrows and Shumail gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Why do you think that I brought it to bribe you guys?" Shumail asked.

"Because you always mess things up and then this is how you get us to help you." Aahil stated, shrugging his shoulder.

"I don't mess things up!" Shumail protested.

"I highly disagree." Aahil countered.

"Then don't eat! Simple!" Shumail exclaimed, grabbing a slice and taking a bit with a huff.

"Let's just bicker afterwards. I'm starving." Shahmeer spoke, grabbing the whole box and then they all suddenly were fighting for the last slice of pizza.


She walked with small steps and entered her neighbourhood, her head low and eyes downcast, lost in her own thoughts. The basket of groceries was heavy and she struggled to lift it. She adjusted her hijab and opened the gates of her house. As she walked in further, she could hear her chachi and some unknown voices. She didn't gave much thoughts to it and seeing the door slightly ajar, she pushed it open and walked in.

"Assalamualaikum." She greeted the guests in a small voice and quietly walked to the kitchen. Even though she had walked away, all the gazes were still fixed on her back. She busied herself in her work, keeping the groceries in place and other household chores.

"Baji did you see him?" Miyad asked in her chirpy tone entering the kitchen, eager to hear her response.

"Who?" She asked, busy in cleaning the dishes.

"Uff ya Baji. You just came from the living room right? Didn't you saw the guy seated there?" Miyad raised her eyebrows. "You know he and his family is here to see me. A proposal!" Miyad exclaimed, excitement visible on her face. She shook her head in negative without looking at her.

"I'm so nervous Baji. What will they say?" Miyad asked worried, biting on her nails. She washed her hands and turned to Miyad. She held both her hands and made her look at her.

"Believe in Allah ta'ala meri jaan. If it's good for you, everything will fall in place." She cupped her cheek. Miyad gave her a bright smile and wrapped her arms around her.

"You know you always lessen my worries with your wise words. That why you're the best and I love you so much." Miyad kissed her cheeks. They heard the main door close, indicating the guests have left. Miyad walked to the entrance of the kitchen and saw her mother coming.

"Haya." Her chachi shouted her name. They both jumped on their places at her sudden anger filled voice. She turned around to come face to face with her chachi, who was fuming in anger. Even before she could say anything, a sharp slap landed on her cheek. Miyad looked at her mother with wide eyes and ran to her sister, wrapping her arms around her.

"Ammi! What was this?" She shouted. Haya just stood there stunned, her eyes fixed on the floor.

"Ask her! What was that she did few minutes ago!" Shamim shouted, fuming in anger.

"She did nothing! Why did you slap her?" Miyad was now fuming in anger as well. She couldn't understand her mother's behaviour towards her elder sister. Her mother's hatred wasn't justifiable at all.

"She did nothing? She broke the alliance with her mere presence! Everything was going good till she walked in! I didn't wanted them to meet her that's why I had sent her but no! She have to come and make her presence known and get all the attention!" Shamim shouted, her hands in a fist. "They came to see you but after seeing her they changed their mind and instead asked for her hand in marriage!" She spoke through gritted teeth. Realisation dawned on Miyad as she went silent for a moment.

"But it doesn't give you any right to hit her! And she is not at all at fault. If it was meant to happen, it would have happened anyhow. And whatever happened, surely happened with Allah SWT's will and whatever happens with His will can never be wrong!" She spoke, still angry at her mother's actions. Haya was all silent throughout. Any hit, any shout, any happiness, any sorrow had stopped affecting her long back. Nothing affects her now. She was a dead soul, alive just for namesake. Always lost in her own thoughts, not objecting anything, she wasn't living, she was just surviving. She went all silent, not talking much after her parents death. She had forgotten the meaning of laughter and happiness. The only person she was close to, in the house was her cousin Miyad. Her uncle and aunt hated her for some reason unknown to her, always trying to find a reason to remove their anger on her.

Miyad took hold of her arm and dragged her out of the kitchen and to their room. She closed the door and made her sit on the bed, sitting beside her.

"I'm sorry di from Ammi's behalf. Please forgive me." She spoke, on the verge of tears.

"No need for sorry meri jaan. Chachi was just upset and she is like my mum. She have a right to get angry on me." Haya spoke and Miyad shook her head in no.

"That doesn't give her the right to hit you. She shouldn't have done that!" Miyad spoke, wiping a lone tear that escaped her eye.

"It's fine Miyad." Haya spoke, squeezing her hand. Miyad wrapped her arms around her sister and stayed in her embrace. Though Haya was her cousin sister but for Miyad, she was her everything. She loved her as her own sister.

"Baji you know you're perfect but it's not good to stay silent every time. Sometimes let your opinion known and fight for your rights." She advised her elder sister, still in her embrace and Haya just caressed her hairs, kissing her temple.

Later that night Miyad took hold of the cake and quietly walked to their room. She turned the door knob and opened the door to find Haya stood by the window looking up at the sky, lost in her own thoughts. She walked in quietly and placed the cake on the table. As soon as the clock ticked 12, she wrapped her arms around her from back and shouted 'Happy Birthday', taking Haya by surprise.

"A very very very very veryyyy Happy birthday Baji." Miyad chirped. "Come on cut the cake!" She exclaimed happily, dragging the table in the centre.

"Miyad please. I'm not in the mood." Haya requested. "And I'm not a kid to celebrate birthdays and cut cakes." She walked to the bed and sat down. Miyad's shoulders slumped as she quickly walked to her and dragged her back to the table.

"I know you're not a kid but it's your birthday. I know you don't like all these but Baji please. Try to be a little happy and try to live for yourself once!" Miyad spoke, trying to make her sister understand. "And besides look at the cake. It looks so yummy. Chocolate ko na nahi bolte." Miyad wiggled her eyebrows and handed her the knife.
(You shouldn't deny anyone offering you chocolate.)

Not in the mood but on her insistence, Haya cut the cake while Miyad clapped singing Birthday song. She fed it to Miyad and Miyad fed her back. She handed her a gift and made her open it. Haya quietly opened it to find a handbag and a box of chocolates. "Do you like it?" Miyad asked, excitedly and Haya nodded her head in yes.

In the morning, Miyad helped Haya in the kitchen to make breakfast. Though she didn't wanted to let Haya work but Haya wasn't listening and insisted to work.

"Di it's for you. Tell me how's it?" Miyad served her the gajar halwa which she made for her sister. Her mum looked up at them while her dad kept reading the newspaper.

"Something special?" Shamim asked her daughter, her eyebrows raised.

"It's di's birthday." Miyad grinned and took her seat.

"Oh! Happy birthday." Shamim wished, in a not so interested tone and continued with her breakfast.

"I can't believe Di you turned 21!" Miyad grinned. Shamim's head snapped up to her husband who was already looking at her. Her eyes widened in realisation and they both eyed each other.

"So since it's Haya's birthday why don't we go out on dinner tonight?" Iqbal suggested, talking for the first time that morning keeping the newspaper aside and looking enthusiastic all of a sudden.

"Yes sure! That's an amazing idea! Besides Haya will feel good." Shamim chirped, showing interest.

"It's not needed chacha." Haya tried denying politely.

"Oh come on Haya. It's not everyday that birthdays are celebrated. So it's final. Be ready, we'll go out for dinner." Shamim declared. Miyad looked at her parents suspiciously but then brushed it off. She got all excited and took Haya with her to their room. As they left, Shamim gave her husband a knowing smile.

The whole day Haya got pampered which was really unusual. In the whole 2 years that she had been living in that house, she didn't got treated so well. She didn't wanted any of it though. At night, they went to a restaurant for dinner and all of Haya's favourites were ordered. Miyad was confused on her parents behaviour but she was happy that for once they were treating her sister well.

They were treating her with love, showing concern but their hidden motive was only known to them!


As the doorbell rang, Miyad stood up and walked to open the door.

"Is Mr. Iqbal at home?" The person asked. She nodded her head and invited him in. He walked in and shook hands with Iqbal and they sat facing each other.

"What's with the sudden visit Mr. Shah?" Iqbal asked the lawyer, clearly knowing what he was there for.

"As you know Mr. Iqbal, Haya have turned 21 and now I can fulfill my duty as her lawyer. That's why I'm here." Mr. Shah spoke. Iqbal nodded his head knowingly and called Haya.

"Assalamualaikum uncle." She greeted.

"Walaikum Assalam beta. How are you?" Mr. Shah was happy seeing her.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah uncle."

"Beta as you know, now you've turned 21 and as per your father's will, everything that he owned shall now be transferred in your name, to the rightful owner." Mr. Shah took hold of the papers and showed them to her. "Being his lawyer, now it's my duty to hand over everything to you. It will take a week to transfer everything in your name and then you'll be the rightful owner." Haya didn't seemed affected with it. She kept the papers back on the table.

"Thank you uncle for always being Baba's trustworthy. I just want to make a request." She spoke.

"Yeah sure go ahead." Mr. Shah said.

"Sell all the things that Baba owned and donate that money in charity. When I don't have my family with me, what will I do with these materialistic things?" Iqbal's head snapped at her in a lightning speed. His hands curled into fists but he kept quiet, silently listening to them.

"But beta your Baba left all these for you!" Mr. Shah spoke, shocked.

"Yes I know and that's why our house back in India won't be sold. That's too precious to be sold. Rest everything you can give me the papers and I'll sign them. You can give that in charity." Haya spoke, her eyes closed. The moments spent with her family in their house played in front of her.

"As you wish beta. I'll get the papers ready." Mr. Shah spoke and took their leave. All this while, Iqbal couldn't believe his ears. He was confused and angry on Haya but saying her anything now would create problem for him so he just kept quiet.

Shamim witnessed the scene as well and her hatred for Haya grew more. They had always wanted her property and now when they could have had it, they hadn't expected Haya to do this.

While Haya stood by the window in her room lost in her own thoughts, recalling the moments spent with her family, her chacha and chachi were planning to get her property anyhow. Unaware of the truth, she didn't know what the future holds for her.


Took long to update? Were waiting for an update?

So coming back to chap...how was it?

Ohk so how many Asher lovers here? Guessed who's Asher in this story? 😉

Poor Haya! What will happen next?

Comment down and let me know your views😍😘

And my new favourite actor Feroze Khan😍
His intense acting in Khaani 😍 I'm thrilled!!
Anyone watching Khaani??

Untill next time cyaao ^.^

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