The Preacher's Daughter

By TheyLoveMeechie

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"If you don't know me, don't judge me"-Tupac Shakur....?โ—How could a girl with such a great life, let it all... More

Chapter 2๐ŸŒนโ—
Chapter 3โ™ฅโ—
Chapter 4โ„๐Ÿ’ฆ
Chapter 6
Chapter 7๐Ÿ˜†
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Character Change?
Chapter 11๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฝ
Chapter 13๐Ÿ’œ
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Read. Ss please

Chapter 5๐Ÿ™

847 24 4
By TheyLoveMeechie

"Get up ladies." her mom said tapping on us.

"We up." Ambie told her.

"Y'all better hurry before breakfast gone." She walked out the room.

I grabbed my bag and went to the restroom.

"I'm in the shower." I yelled out before I closed the door. I turned the water on and decided to call O'shae.


Did I wake you up?

Oh uh naw Nay where are you?

Can't tell you that just wanted to let y'all know I am okay.

Come home.

Nah.. I can't do that.

Why not?

Shae do you not know my dad will kill me for this.

Nay listen to me you can't do this on yo own. Go home and we'll help you find your momma together.

Bye Shae


I hung up and got in the shower.

I let the hot water hit my face and body as I stood there with my eyes closed.

After about 15 minutes I got out and finished doing my hygiene. I took a picture making sure not to post a lot of the background.

I posted my picture on instagram.

"Finished." I yelled out.

"Ambie?" I called out once I reached her room. "Wassup?" "You look pretty but where to put my stuff?" I asked. "Thank you and just put it in my closet." *Ambie outfit*

"Why you so dressed up?" I asked.

"Me and Ryan are going to leave school early. He's taking me on our first date."

"Okay then sis." she smiled.

"Let's eat before my brothers eat everything." I nodded and grabbed my phone.

It smelt so good.

O'shae P.O.V
I was woken up out of my sleep by my phone ringing. I moved Malaysia arms from around me.

Without looking at the caller I.D I answered.

I heard Nay's voice...........

After she hung up on me I got up and showered. After handling my hygiene I walked over to they crib.

I just walked in cause they never lock they doors.

"Ay Calvin?" he was sitting on the couch with blood red eyes.

"You straight fam?"

"Do it look like it? Ian slept since she been gone and don't nobody know where the fuck my sister is."

"Actually she just called me and said she was okay but didn't say her location." "That supposed to help me how?"

"At least we know she okay bruh all we can do now is wait."

"Fuck waiting I need her here." he grabbed his coat and keys and walked out.

I followed after him and got in the car.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

He grinned.

"Ian got shit yet but it's good to know you up for whatever." "You already know nigga." he drove off down the street we pulled to her school.

"So we just gone sit out here?"

He nodded and got on his phone.

*Ring* *Ring*

Ay Pac


You got an interview at 10 o clock today don't be late.

Ight see ya then

I hung up and just scrolled down my phone.

Naomi P.O.V
We was in the car singing when we pulled up to school.

I noticed my brother car.

"Ambie?" I whispered.

"Huh?" "Can we go through the backway." she nodded. She parked then I hid behind the other kids making sure they couldn't see me.

I was in first block and laid my head on my desk.

"Nay?" I looked up to see Romeo.

I just rolled my eyes. "What?" "You mad at me?" "Nah I'm just so happy you tried to sneak and tell my dad where I was."

"It was for yo own good."

"How do yhu know? You don't know why I left you just assumed."

He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." "Yeah I bet." he walked out of my class.

I just sat back and put my headphones in.

I slowly fell asleep.

"Ms. Brown?" I felt my teacher shaking me. "Huh?" "They called you to the office, grab your things just in case."

I nodded and grabbed my purse.

I walked to the office.

I peaked in and noticed my dad sitting there. I turned around and quickly walked to the library.

"Hey Naomi, missed you yesterday."

"Hey Mrs.Rose, I was kind of busy." she nodded. I went to the back of the library and sat in the bean bag chair.

I covered my face with a book.

"Naomi?" I looked up to see my first period teacher. "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yes?" "Did you ever stop by the office?"

"Umm yes." I said trying to hide the fact I was lying. "I know when your lying. Care to explain why not?" I looked at him and shook my head no.

"Family issues?"

"Don't wanna talk about it." I stood up and walked out. "Nay?" I turned around to see Calvin.

"Shit." I said to myself.

"Yes?" "Come on pops waiting on you in the office." "Calvin he gone kill me I'm not going back."

"You really think I'm finna let that happen?"

I just walked to the office when I got there my dad immediately ran up hugging me.

"Naomi you scared me."

"Sorry Dad."

"Do you have all of your stuff? I checked you out for today." "No sir it's at my friend's house."

"We'll stop by there after school to get your belongings." I nodded. "Yes sir." we walked out to the car to see Shae, Jen, and Grammy.

"My baby." my grandma said getting out the car.

"Hey grammy." I said hugging her.

I got in the car everybody remained quiet.

"No yelling No punishment No extra church lines?" I said breaking the silence.

"No, not this time." my dad said.

I just sat there.

We pulled up to my house and my grandma handed me some money than left with her boyfriend. Shae went to his house and Jen and Cal went to a doctor's appointment.

I was sitting on my bed when I noticed a box.

I opened it and it was a new phone, shoes, and makeup. "Naomi." I walked downstairs.

"Yes sir?" "What made you do it?" he asked.

"I don't know." "Naw it's a reason."

"I just-- I just don't wanna be here any more."

"So you was trying to leave?" his eyes turned a dark shade. "No no I was just trying to escape for a moment." he walked over to me.

"Yea I see." he balled his fist up.

I tried to run back up the steps. I felt my hair get tugged then I slipped down the steps.

"You're not going to leave me Crystal." he called me my mother's name as he poured holy water on me. "You're mines you hear me you not leaving me again." he kept grip on my hair as I felt like I was drowning from all the water he was pouring in my face.

"Dad!" I tried to scream. "I love you Crystal."

"Let me go dad I'm not my mom. Let my hair go please." he held on to it as he was fully gone.

I couldn't imagine who this was his eyes was darker.

I became scared as he continued to hit me in my face. I balled up. "Stop dad please." I cried out.

"You not leaving me again bitch I love you too much Crystal you stuck with me." he said. "DAD STOP I'M NOT MY MOTHER." his face softened.

"Naomi?" he said letting my hair go.

I laid there crying.

"Naomi honey I'm so sorry." he said trying to touch my face. "No don't touch me." I scooted to the wall.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to."

"You used to do this to my mother?" I asked holding my face. "What?" "You used to beat my mother?" "No." "Don't lie!" I said.

I could feel my face swelling up. He sat on the couch crying with his head in his hands.

I felt bad for him and walked over to him and laid my head on his lap. "I'm sorry sweet heart." he said. I cried silently as I felt his hands going through my wet hair.

I slowly dozed off.

*hours later*

I woke up to a dark living room I noticed gifts on the table. I picked up the card it read.

"I'm sorry baby girl -from dad."

I just stared at them as thoughts of what happened earlier came back to me.

I started crying.

"Nay you finally woke." I heard my brother's voice when he turned the lights on I looked up at him.

"What the fuck?" he said.

"He did this?" he asked me. I stayed quiet afraid of what would happen next.

He ran upstairs then I heard arguing.

Jen ran from the back when she seen me. "Oh my god Nay." I didn't say anything I didn't even know how my face looked but by their reactions I knew it was bad.

I got up and walked over to Shae house.

*knock* *knock*

I stood out there for a moment before I seen Sofia come to the door. "Nay what happened?" "Nothing I had an allergic reaction to something." I said walking off.

"Baby who is it?" I heard his voice.

I felt crushed but didn't even know why. "It's nobody baby." I heard her say.

I wiped the tear that escaped my eye.

I made it in the house to see them downstairs fighting. "Stop y'all stop." I said getting between them.

"Move Nay." Calvin said.

"No y'all stop." I managed to pull Calvin back while Jen shoved my dad.

"Nay get yo shit let's go." my brother said.

"Where we going?" "I was gone wait to tell ya but I got an apartment you coming with me." "Okay." "Who said? This my daughter she ain't going no where." my dad said.

"Mane nigga you just beat my sister ass now she yo daughter fuck out of here nigga."

"Calvin you can't take her away from her dad." Jen said. "Fuck you mean I can't?" he said.

They started arguing back and forward.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed.

They all looked at me.

"Calvin I'm staying here just go and be happy with your new family. I just wanna be left alone."

I grabbed the gifts off the table and ran upstairs.

I broke down as soon as I closed the door.

After a few minutes I grabbed a poster board and taped it on my vanity mirror and bathroom mirror.

I don't wanna see myself like this.

I decided to open the gifts it was a dress that was really pretty.

Something that I actually didn't mind wearing.

The other box had matching heels and the last one had accessories to match. I smiled and laid back on my bed starring at the ceiling.

"Keep Going..." I read the poster I had stuck up there along time ago.

I lifted up and grabbed my laptop I searched for a travel uber. I grabbed the new phone out the box everything was already set.

I called Ambie.


Hey Ambie this Nay. This my new number. You busy?

Nope. Where were you after school?

My dad came and got me. How do you feel about going to Atlanta this Christmas break?

I would love to but my family don't have that type of money.

Don't worry I gotchu I was saving up for college but considering I got a full scholarship to Yale and Harvard I don't need it.

Well sis if that's the case....I guess we're going to Atlantaaaaa.

😂We leaving Friday night right after the school talent show.

Let me pack now.

Okay Goodnight sis

Night Night

I hung up and laid back smiling.

"One step closer mommy I promise." I said to myself. I turned the light off and went to sleep.


I finally removed the poster board from my mirrors to reveal my face which was still badly brushed. I used makeup to cover my bruises as good as I could then got dressed.

I put my outfit for the talent show in my bag then went down stairs.

I haven't spoke to my brother, Sofia, or Dad since the incident happened. Shae came by to check on me after Calvin told him what happened, Jen came over and spent some time with me yesterday, and I haven't came out my room at all.

"Morning honey." I didn't respond.

I walked to the bus stop and got on. I seen an empty seat but it was by Sofia I sucked up my pride and sat down.

"You look cute." she said. "Thanks."

"Are you seriously mad at me for dating O'shae?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm 17 he's 19 or 20, my brother's best friend, and he's like a brother to me.

I'm mad because you haven't been much of a best friend lately." "Oh sure blame me when I'm the only one that's been there for you." "Right." was all I responded.

*Ring* *Ring*

I checked the caller I.D it was O'shae speaking of the devil.



We still going to Atlanta today?

I'm going I don't know about y'all

Stop being so damn stubborn Nay. I'll be waiting for you after school.

I gotta do my talent show and I'm riding with somebody.


Don't worry bout it.

Sofia snatched my phone and started to talk to Shae. I couldn't hear what he was saying so I just tried to put 2 and 2 together.

"Baby you going to Atlanta without me?"

"Yeah." "Okay I'll start packing when I get home okay bye." she handed me the phone back.

"To Atlanta we go." she said smiling.

I gave her the thumbs up.

We finally pulled up and I was happier than ever to be at school. I parted ways from Sofia when I seen Romeo at my locker.

"What now?"

"Hear me out. I tried to explain yesterday but you didn't come to school so I'm explaining now." "You got 3 minutes."

"Nay I did it for yo own good I was worried about your safety like damn I got real ass feelings for you and we just met a few weeks ago but just give me a chance to make it up."

"Okay I'll give you a chance but one is all you get okay?" "Okay baby what you doing after the talent show?" "Going to Atlanta."

"Let me come." he said.

"I'll pay for all yo expenses." he continued.

"Whatever Romeo." "Bye baby." he kissed my cheek then walked off.

I walked straight to the library.

"Morning Ms. Rose."

"Morning honey." she marked me present for all my classes since I was spending today in here.

I went to the back and pulled the book out I never finished.

*after school*

I walked to the auditorium and went to the back with the other talents.

Ambie and I agreed to sing a duet.

"Vocal warming you ready?" I nodded "Ma mow Brown cow." I repeated after her.

The building was packed I went and changed into the outfit my dad bought.

I fixed my hair than started on Ambie's hair and makeup.


O'shae P.O.V
We was at my house getting ready for Nay performance since Calvin acting like a bitch and don't wanna make up with his pops.

"Y'all ready?" I asked.

They nodded.

We loaded our bags and luggage into the trucks I rented for me and Calvin.

Calvin and his girl was in one and me and Sofia rode in the other. We arrived at the performance and took our seats.

They had all different talents one boy ate a knife that was lit on fire, some girl curled herself into a pretzel. "Nay got some competition." her dad said.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen for our final act we have Naomi Brown and Ambie Riley singing a very complicated song called Hurt by Christina Aguilera." they principal said.

"Who?" Calvin asked.

"My baby." this lady in front of us said.

"This must be the girl she was with." Jen said. They walked on stage and I couldn't help myself.

"Dayum." I said to myself when Nay walked out.

Sofia punched my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." she rolled her eyes and started back paying attention.

They both grabbed a mic. "Hey I'm Ambie." "And I'm Naomi I chose this song because she was singing to a passed away loved one and at this time each lyric spoke volumes to me thank you."

Ambie sat at the piano as she started playing.

Naomi: [Verse 1]
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

[Verse 2]
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

Naomi:Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Ambie stood up and hugged Nay who was now crying.

The crowd roared and clapped as they released from the hug. They took a bow and walked back stage.

"That's my girls!" the lady in front of us screamed again. "Nayyyyyyyyy!" Jennifer yelled out.

The principal walked back on stage.

"Well after that I know everybody shed a tear you all can now vote and we will be back." he said.

Everybody pulled they phone out and started voting. I voted for Nay and Ambie but noticed Sof voted for somebody else.

I shook my head.

We all talked to Ambie's parents and siblings till they got back on stage. All the contestants came back out.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen's the winners of this years talent show in 3rd place is Macy Jones and her pretzel legs, 2nd place isssssss Adam McGee singing All of Me, and last but not least first place goes to can I get a drum role."

"..............Naomi Brown and Ambie Riley." "Oh my godddddddd!" they screamed getting their trophies.

Little did they know I had my manager and a couple other record producers in the audience cause they had to hear their voices for themselves.

"Ay Man tell ya girls holla at me they got a bright future ahead of them." Biggie said.

"Say less." he handed me his card like I don't got his number. "Ay mane you got the number hit me up I got plans for them two." Snoop said.

They both hid they faces making sure to not get seen by paparazzi and headed out.

People started leaving but we waited on the girls.

Ambie P.O.V
When they announced we won I didn't know what to do we grabbed our trophies and went to the back.

"We wonnnnnn!" Nay screamed.

"I didn't even know you could sing like that."

"Me either it's like some just sparked in me." "I see sis. Let's go see our families."

We walked down the steps to the section our folks was in. "I'm so proud of y'all." my momma said. Nay looked kind of taken back by it.

"Thank you." she said hugging her.

We walked over to her family. "Good job baby girl." this lady said to her. "Thanks Jen."

"Here y'all ladies go." the infamous Tupac Shakur said😭😂 he handed each one of us a bundle of roses made out of $50s and $100s.

"Thanks." I told him.

"No problem and another thing I got some people that want to sign y'all only if y'all up for it."

I damn near fainted. "Yes Yes Yes!" I said hugging him. "😂Alright Ma I'll keep in touch." Nay didn't say anything.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Where y'all going?" Calvin asked.

"Atlanta." I said smiling. "ATLANTA?" her dad damn near screamed.

Naomi P.O.V
"You ain't tell him yet?" Shae asked me.

"Dad it's this huge charity event in Atlanta that I want to go to." I felt bad for lying lord forgive me.

"When was you going to tell me?"

"I was going to tell you the day you checked me out but after everything happened I forgot." "Nay I can't go to Atlanta what about my church?" he said.

"Jennifer is going and Shae they're over 18 and responsible."

If I said Cal and Sof that would've been an automatic no. "I don't know Nay." "Come on grammy is also going." I said begging.

"Come on Mr. Brown let the girl go.

She got good grades, she got home training, and she knows right from wrong give her a lil freedom." Ambie's mother said.

"Pleaseeeee?" I said.

"Alright you can go but I want you back before Christmas eve." "Yes sir thank you thank you thank you." I hugged him.

"Alright." I let go.

"We gotta go to my house to get my things." I told Ambie. "Let's get going"

Everybody loaded in their cars.

"Baby?" I turned to see Romeo . "Huh?" "You riding with me?" "Nah I'm going with Ambie."

We might as well ride together then." I nodded "You gotcho stuff?" I asked. "Yea I'll get a renter car while we out there." "Okay bae"

He grabbed his stuff out his car and let his brother drive it home.

Ambie mama let us borrow the truck to fit our stuff.

When I reached the house I grabbed my luggage. "I'm on t.v again!" I heard Sofia scream.

I looked over the stairs.

'Today on LMZ *made up* we spotted Rapper Tupac leaving a highschool with both of the mystery girls.

It's rumored that he's dating Sofia Black they have been seen leaving restaurants and his home in New York lately.

Could these two be a thing and wassup with the other girl whom he was spotted with at Red Robins?

Are we here for the couples?

Make sure to watch Shakur's interview on MTV tonight where he address these questions.'

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the rest of my luggage.

I put all of my mom's pictures in my make-up bag.

I packed light cause first of all I'm not carrying all of that and second I plan to shop while I'm out there.

"Baby?" I called out to Romeo.

"Wassup Ma?" "Can you grab my bags?" I asked. "Yea I gotcho."

Calvin, O'shae, or my dad haven't said anything to Romeo. I really didn't care at this point I turned my light off.

"Here I come mommy." I said.

I closed my door and walked down stairs.

"Bye dad I love you." "Love you too." we loaded back up in the cars.

There was so many because everybody might wanted to do something different than the others.

We stopped by the store as I was going through the list getting snacks for everyone. "Aww shit my bad." some guy said after bumping me. "You good."

"You look familiar." the guy looked around 15 or 16 not much younger than me.

"From?" "I don't know it just feels as I know you from somewhere." "😂Oh well nice meeting you." "Same to you." I walked off and went to check out.

I handed everyone their snacks then got in the back seat with Romeo.

Only 9 days to find my mom.

Romeo P.O.V
Her folks just stared at me upside my head the whole time but ian care.

I offered to drive but Ambie said she was okay.

After at least 5 hours we arrived the whole ride we ate junk and watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

"Baby wake up." I told Nay.

She fell asleep a couple hours ago. "Huh?" "We here" she looked up and started to do that annoying snorting shit my sister do.

"Ew bruh." "😂Get used to it boo." she got out the car stretching.

The hotel was exclusive pac paid for everybody room shit I was surprised he offered to pay for mine but I turned it down.

"Ight y'all it's 5 rooms Calvin and Jen, Me and Sof, Gma and her lil junt, and ahhh." O'shae stopped talking.

"Hell nah nigga don't even think it Nay not sharing rooms with his ass." her brother said.

"Shut up Calvin."

"Mane Nay you trying me." he told her.

"Look bruh chill I understand I wouldn't want a nigga sharing a room with my sister either." "Any ways seems like you'll be in yo own room since Ambie and Nay sharing." O'shae said.

I was tired as hell I just wanted to sleep.

We got our keys and I carried Ambie, Nay, and my stuff. After we was settled in it was late at night I was in the bed with Nay watching t.v.

The rooms was sectioned off everybody had their own hot tub and pools.

*knock* *knock*

Nay got out the bed closing the door behind her so she could get the door.

After a few minutes she came back.

"Who was it?" "Shae apparently his manager wants to meet with me and Ambie tomorrow morning." "Damn my baby live.

How many niggas can say Naomi Brown gone be their wife?"

"😂😂Only you baby." she climbed on my lap kissing all over my face. All she had on was a tank and some booty shorts that had juicy on the back.

"😂Stop Preacher's Daughter." I told her.

Naomi P.O.V
"Don't call me that." I rolled my eyes.

Honestly I don't know what I'm doing I'm just going off what I seen people do in movies.

"😂Why not?" "Cause I'm not The Preacher's Daughter I'm Naomi Crystal Brown."

"I know baby." he gripped my face kissing my lips.

"And you can stop I know you not use to this baby. I'm not rushing you." I smiled at his words most guys would've tried to take advantage of it.

"Thank you." "No problem baby girl now go get allat make up off I wanna see yo natural face."

I remembered the bruises under my makeup.

" okay." I got up and went to my bathroom and started to wipe my face.

It was still badly bruised but it lightened up a little.

I walked out scared of his reaction.

"The fuck?" he said looking at my face. "What happened to you?"

"Don't wanna talk about it."

I climbed in bed and laid on his chest while watching Disney Channel.

"Nay?" "Hm?" "When you gone tell me?" "I don't know baby I just want to forget about it." "Goodnight y'all...use protection and don't be to loud." Ambie said making me laugh.

"😂Goodnight sis." I focused back on the t.v as he played in my hair causing me to slowly fall asleep.

This chapter kind of dull but I accidentally published it and people already started reading so I had to rush through it. But Nay has finally made it to Atlanta....Who was the guy that spotted her at the store? Continue reading to find out. Thank you to all my supporters. Try out my other stories N A D I A, Long as my Bully Loves Me, and CRIMINAL kissessss💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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