The Universe Put us Together...

By Mama_umbrige

222K 8K 14.2K

By Snoop_kat AU where the date that you met your soulmate is written on you. When you met them, the date chan... More

Learning something new
Omg this is so cute
The truth
Wait what?
Shopping and lessons
This isn't so bad......right?
A/N *shout out*
You want to support me?
Emotions and talking
Late night talks
Is this okay?
New names and realizations
Ready, set, GO!!
I'm sorry
So you wanna...?
Pick and choose
Take your time
Oh boy (*boi*)
Hey, I'm Lance
New views
Not in my house


7.2K 292 516
By Mama_umbrige

Lance was curled up in his bed staring at his phone that was on his desk. Everyone was calling him Hunk, Shay, even Katie, they hadn't stopped since he ran off. He couldn't blame them, Hunk and Shay were worried where he went and Katie wanted to apologize for what she said.

Lance wanted to pick up the phone but he couldn't bring himself to move. He had been sitting on his bed since he finished dinner claiming he had homework to do.

Lance heard a knock on his door, he looked towards his door and mumbled "Come in."

The door slowly opened up and Lance glanced over and saw Anna standing in his door way. She was already wearing her pajamas and her hair was braided in her "nighttime braid" she likes the waves she gets from doing it. She had her fingers in her mouth and she had tears streaking her face.

Lance immediately sat up from the location on his bed "Anna? Is everything okay?"

She shook her head frantically and Lance motioned her over to his bed. When she reached his bed she put her arms up and Lance reached down and pulled her up on the bed.

She curled up next to Lance and he placed his arm around her and pulled her closer. Lance looked at the clocked and read the time 11:34pm.

Everyone was already asleep and Lance knew how much Anna hated waking people up. Damn it she probably saw my light on. He looked down at his shaking sister and silently sighed. Don't get Lance wrong he loved his sister and wanted to help her but he wasn't in the mood to deal with anything right now.

"Anna what's wrong?" He hugged her a bit tighter.

She didn't say anything but she curled closer to Lance.

Lance thought about what could've happened "Do you feel sick?"

She shook her head.

"Hmmmm did you have a bad dream?"

She shrugged slightly.


She shook her head yes.

Lance wanted to scream, Why is she being so difficult? He looked back down on her and placed his hand in her face and wiped her tears away.

"What was it about?"

Anna looked up at her brother and mumbled "Mamá and Papá."

Lance blinked a few times and processed what she just said. He swallowed and thought about how to respond to her. "What do you mean? Mother and Father would never hurt you."

Anna shook her head no again and grabbed Lance's shirt tighter. "That's not true."

Now Lance was straight up confused. "Anna what do you mean that's not true?"

Anna looked up at Lance "They hurt Camillia."

"They had too."

Lance felt Anna tense up then stare at Lance with anger in her eyes. "No they didn't. I don't care what their excuse was that didn't need to hurt her. Or you."

"Me?" Lance let out a nervous laugh.

"Yes you. I heard Mamá and Papá say your soulmate was a guy. They're going to hurt you too. They're going to make you leave and I don't want that." Anna fought back tears but Lance of course notice what she was trying to do.

Lance ran his hands over her hair and calmly explained the same thing he had been explaining to his siblings for a while. "They were only mean to Camilla because she was weak and wanted to be with her soulmate. They won't be mean to me because I'm not weak. I am going to fight against my soulmate."

Anna stared at Lance "But what if you're not strong enough? What if they make you leave?"

Lance wiped the tears that fell down her face and fought back his own. Lance wanted to comfort her but he couldn't even promise her anything. I wanna be strong but what if I'm not? What if I fail like Camillia? Lance shook his head. No I'm not going to fail. I will stay away from Keith if it's the last thing I do.

He looked down at his sister who had her head buried in his chest. "Anna, I'm not going anywhere."

Anna looked up at Lance, "you promise?"

Lance nodded "I promise."

She gave him a small smile and placed her head back on his chest. Lance laid his head back, he wanted to sleep but no his mind was preoccupied. After about 5 minutes of his sister laying on him he felt wetness soak through his shirt and glanced down at his sister.

She was slightly shaking and Lance could hear small whimpers coming from her. Lance opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong but she cut him off.

"I missed Camillia."

Lance closed his mouth and hugged his sister tighter. His mind was flooded with memories from when he was younger and Camillia still was considered part of their family. He thought of the bike rides they would have, he thought of the games they would play, he thought of how easy she was to talk to. He felt a pain in his heart as he thought of the person he tried not to miss.

"Don't worry Anna I miss her too." Lance prayed that she didn't notice the tears that fell down Lance's face.


When Lance woke up for school Anna was gone, she must of went back to her room after I fell asleep.

Lance rolled out of bed and checked his phone. He had almost 50 messages in text and calls from Hunk, Shay, and Katie. He felt terrible that he didn't message them but he didn't feel like talking to anyone them.

He put his phone back down on his desk and started to get change. He barely had enough energy to change his shirt. I don't want to go to school today. Lance sighed Thank goodness it's Friday. Lance made his way to his bathroom and completely ignored his morning skincare routine. He had no energy to do anything, he just wanted to crawl under his blankets and ignore the world.

Lance walked back into his room, grabbed his phone and walked down stairs.


Lance was trying to keep himself awake and engaged in the conversation but he couldn't bring himself to talk. His mother noted his silence and placed the back of her hand on his forehead.

"Lance are you feeling okay? You don't have a fever." She gave him a look of concern. It wasn't normal for Lance to be quiet.

Lance shook her hand off and gave her a weak smile "I'm feeling fine, I'm just tired."

She gave him a small frown and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by her husband.

"Have you not been sleeping Lance?" He started at him while he took a sip of his coffee.

Lance attempted to sit tall in his chair but he felt himself shrink down a little under his father's gaze. "I've been sleeping, I just have a lot on my mind."

Lance watched his father narrow his eyes at Lance and put his coffee cup down. "Well let us know if you need to talk about anything."

Lance fought back a shiver and stood up to grab his bag for school "Is it okay if I walk today? It's a nice day out."

Both of his parents nodded and Lance nearly bolted out of the house.


Lance didn't live that far from his school, 3 miles or so. It wasn't uncommon for him to walk when the weather got nicer so he was relieved he was allowed to go.

Lance was about halfway through his trip when he heard a voice behind him.

"I've never seen you walking to school before."

Lance stopped in his tracks and bit his lip, he didn't need to turn around in order to know who was talking to him. Keith...

Lance listened to the steps get closer to him and stop right beside him. Lance stopped biting his lip, exhaled and looked at the boy right beside him. Lance ignored the small jump his heart did when he made eye contact with Keith "I only walk on nice days."

Keith looked up at the sky. "Dark clouds are consider nice day?"

Lance followed Keiths gaze and silently thank God that his mother didn't realize the weather and make him drive into school. He looked back at Keith who was staring at him lazily "I also walk when I need to think."

Keith nodded "That makes more sense." Keith started to walk and Lance found himself following him. Keith notice Lance following him and slowed down his walk so they were side by side.

Both of the boys walked in complete silence neither looking at each other either. Lance could feel his heart jump every time he looked at Keith so he avoided looking at Keith with all his power. Why am I even walking with him? Lance sought through his mind for an answer but couldn't find one beside the fact that he really didn't want to be alone right now.

He snuck a look at Keith and noticed how bored he looked, liked he had walked this way multiple times.

"So do you walk to school?" Lance stared at the sidewalk.

Keith gave Lance a small glance before smiling, "You're cute when you blush and yes. I live a few blocks back."

"What do you mean blush?" Lance tired to make his tone sound angry but even he couldn't deny how hot his skin felt.

"Please, you're blushing but it's cute." Keith stared at Lance who was trying to hide his face.

Lance was screaming internally, he didn't want Keith to say things like that to him but his heart was pounding right out of his chest. Why am I feeling like this? I can't like him, yet here I am talking and walking with him. This isn't good.

"What about you? Doesn't your mom usually drive you?" Keith looked at Lance as he walked.

Lance nodded and looked back at Keith "Yeah she works about 30 minutes from the school so she'll drop me off then my sibling. They go to the middle school a few blocks away."

Keith nodded as he processed the new information. "How many siblings do you have if you don't mind me asking?"

Lance was slightly taken back, he's actually curious about my family? Lance gave Keith a small smile and notice how his heart didn't jump as much the more he looked at Keith. "Well I have 5 well 4 siblings. Three sisters and one brother. Benji, Emily, Lily and Anna." Lance counted off on his fingers as he said each name. "Benji is 9 years old and is always hyper, that kid is never tired."

Keith gave a small chuckle in response and Lance joined him. Lance ignored how energized keith made him feel. When they both stopped chuckling Lance continued.

"Emily and Lily are identical twins, both 7. They can be very sassy at times but are the cutest thing ever. Finally Anna, she's only 5 and she is very conserved. She doesn't talk a lot but if she sits by you she likes you."

Keith laughed "I'll keep that in mind."

Lance laughed in response. He felt at ease like he didn't need to impress anyone, him and Keith fit perfectly. "What about you?"

Keith looked at Lance and gave a small smile. "I have a brother, he's 19 going to be 20 in two weeks. He's super buff and the kindest person ever."

Lance gave Keith a nod "What's his name?"

"Shiro or Takashi but he prefers Shiro."

Lance looked at the ground as he continued to walk. Where have I heard that name before?

They both continued to make small talk and where about 3 blocks from the school when it started to rain. It started as a light sprinkle but within minutes turned into a downpour.

Lance and Keith both bolted to a little gazebo that was about 20 feet away from the, it was located in a local park that Lance used to go to everyday growing up.

Lance and Keith were standing right next to each other, too the point that their arms were touching. Lance fought back shivers and started to laugh as the thunder started.

Keith looked at Lance and started to laugh as well, there was no reason for it they just were laughing.

Lance looked at Keith "I love thunderstorms!"

Keith looked back at the taller boy "Same." He gave Lance a huge smile and Lance felt his heart jump and start to pound.

Everything was silent, Lance couldn't hear anything. The thunder, the rain, the voice that was telling him what he was feeling was wrong. He could only hear his heartbeat and it was loud. Lance continued to stare at the boy that was standing right infront of him. The boy that made his heart jump even he knew these feelings were wrong.

Keith was staring at Lance thinking the same thing as Lance.

Lance didn't even acknowledge the fact that he was leaning closer to Keith or that Keith had wrapped his arms around his neck. Lance only acknowledge the pressure the appeared on his lips when he closed his eyes.

Everything was still silent and even if it wasn't how could Lance have heard the click of a camera through the thunder?

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