Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfi...

By etherella

54.8K 2.1K 706

Rhea is a trained and skilled SHIELD agent. She is tasked with the job of bringing in criminals all over the... More



1.9K 83 24
By etherella

"Are you taking a nap?" I asked Bucky after he finished his shower.

He nodded, "I need to be alert."

"Okay. Well I'm gonna go grab some food for when you get up."

He gave a faint, toothless smile.

I left the hotel room and looked up places to eat on my phone.

Bucky has mentioned something about pizza earlier so thats what I decided to get.

I got the pizza and quickly headed back to the hotel.

Bucky was still asleep when I got there.

I decided to let him sleep a bit longer before waking him up.

"A few more minutes." He grumbled.

"You said that a few minutes ago." I sighed.


I rolled my eyes, "I've got pizza."

His eyes shot open.

I fought a smile, "It's getting cold Barnes."

He sighed and got up out of the bed before mumbling a thanks.

I silently nodded at him.

To be honest I was worried.

Over the past few days I've gotten to know Bucky.

Well if you could even call it that.

He didn't talk too much due to his fear of over sharing and frightening me.

He spent a lot of time writing in his journal, usually things he would remember about his past.

Things that were erased.

I tried not to interrupt him when he was like that.

He could spend hours writing if I'd let him.

But unfortunately we had other things to do.

Tonight was the night.


Or should I say we,

There's no way I'm letting him go in alone.

So tonight we were going to sneak into the hydra base to find evidence to clear his name.

It was dangerous and we could both die but hey, what else was new?

We both lived a similar life.

"So. I was thinking of leaving in about an hour." Bucky spoke looking down at his watch.

I swallowed nervously. "Okay."

"Should I repeat myself? Or explain?" He questioned.

"What are you talking about?" I innocently asked.

"I. As in me. Just me. Will be leaving in an hour. Alone. With no tag alongs or followers or so help me God Stephanie."

I gave an exaggerated sigh but said nothing.

"I mean it."

I nodded, "I know you do."

"And you'll stay here right?" He added.

"Sure." I obviously lied.

He sighed.

We finished out pizza and I jumped in bed.

"You're okay to drive the rental by yourself tonight?" I asked as I fiddled with my phone, texting my family to check on them.

"It's not rocket science." He sarcastically spoke.

"To you it might be."

"I'll be fine. Meaning, I don't need a chauffeur."

I laughed, "Don't read between the lines Barnes."

"Yeah yeah." He flipped through his journal reading a few things before heading off to the bathroom.

It was almost time for him to leave.

For us to leave.

Well I'll be leaving a while after him but still.

When he came out the bathroom he let out a deep breath and looked at his watch.

"I should get going."

"Definitely." I added.

He looked at me silently for what seemed like forever.

I gave a fake close mouthed smile and he sighed.

"It's like everything I've said went right over your head."

I fought a real smile but decided not to say anything.

"I'll be back soon. No need to tag along. I'm a super soldier. You aren't. I don't want you in harms way Stephanie."

"I know."


I rolled my eyes, "And you're right."

He gave a sigh of relief.

"You are a super soldier."

"Christ." He frustratedly ran a hand through his slightly messy hair.

"Relax James."

He gave an unbelieving nod and grabbed a bag he had packed earlier.

"I'll call when I'm on my way back."

I nodded,"Be careful!" I shouted after him.

I laid back in the bed and thought about listening to him.

I could die.
I could get hurt badly.
I could distract him.
I could hold him back.


I could also help him.
I could protect him and watch his back.

He could be safer with me there.
He could also be safer with me here, at the hotel.

I groaned into a pillow.

I have to go.

Even if to keep and eye on him from afar.

I rolled over and fiddled with my phone for about her half hour mentally debating.

Bucky's POV

I pulled up to the large, abandoned concrete building and parked the rental car.

The drive was fine despite Stephanie's thoughts.

I shut off the car and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat.

Taking a deep breath I opened the door and began walking towards the base.

Of course there was a lock and chain wrapped around the handles of the door.

And of course the only windows happened to be 20ft off of the ground.

Breaking the lock it is.

I looked around and saw a chunk of metal and used it to beat the chain off.

I sincerely hope there is no one around because that wasn't the most silent way to get in.

I pushed the large doors open and was met with darkness.

I grabbed my flashlight and decided it may be less detectable to tread around in the dark.

I walked the long hallways and entered into rooms hoping to find anything.

I took pictures with my phone.

Thank God for Stephanie.

I had no idea how to work this piece of junk until she taught me.

I had now been walking around this facility for an hour and a half when I heard a loud noise.

The sounds of metal crashing to the ground was almost deafening.

I'm slightly hoping it's Stephanie.

Either that or I'm screwed.

End of Bucky's POV

I arrived to the warehouse about almost two hours after Bucky left.

The mental struggle was real and I don't know how it happened but I myself.

I jogged up to the building to see the lock and chain already on the floor.

Oh Bucky.

I walked in and turned on my flashlight immediately.

Minutes later I heard a yell and a loud crash a without thinking I ran to the sound.

Bucky was in trouble.
He needs me.

I ran as fast as I could until I hit what felt like a wall.

I fell to the ground as a light was shined in my face.

I squinted up into the brightness to see Bucky.

Next to him was a very confused Steve Rogers.

My breath hitched.

"Rhea?" He spoke.

"Who the hell is Rhea?" Bucky snapped.


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