
By UnknownBeliever

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Bryce never thought much of it when her cousin, Jacob Black began to spend more time with Sam and his pack of... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

182 3 0
By UnknownBeliever

I woke up feeling weird, like scary weird. I got out of bed and looked carefully at myself in the mirror. I decided that I still looked the same, but there was something. I looked at my clock "oh my god I'm gonna be late!" I changed into a bathing suit, shorts, a tank top, and good running shoes, before hitting the trail. I'd told Jake I would meet him in the woods so we could walk to the beach and was suppose to leave 15 minutes ago.

I ran as fast as I could, ripping down the forest "Hi Jake!" I said almost out of breath, I was shaking really hard when I came to a stop "sorry I'm late."

Jake look nervous "Bryce your not late, your a little early actually."

I looked down at my watch, I was early "Really? I thought I was going to be late so I ran," my shaking had died down, but it was still noticeable.

"Hey I just remembered do you mind if the guys come along?" Jake asked. I shook my head no and then Jake disappeared off to get the guys, and hopefully Leah and Emily. I was about to sit down on a log to catch my breath when something red hit me, Hard.

I looked around, slightly dazed. The red thing turned out to be a girl a few feet away, sprawling to get up. "Are you OK ma'am?" I asked.

She quickly got up from the position "A little close to the boarder aren't we." she didn't exactly cackle but it was still super creepy, and confusing.

"What border?" I asked, hoping that she hadn't hit her head or something.

She moved a little farther away, and also seemed confused. Moving her head to the side, in a way that reminded me of the raptors from Jurassic Park.

I got up  from the log, feeling the back of my head, It stung bad. There was no blood on me or her though, which you think there would be with such a collision. She walked over to me sniffing the air around which just proved her insanity "Are you one of them," she seemed to be talking to herself "you smell like it. but if you were why let me land right on top of you?" she wasn't making any sense and that just made me mad. I took in a deep breath and a rank scent filled my lung. what was she wearing, some, it smelled like some overly sweet perfume.

Whatever it was following her and making me kind of rage-full...if that a word. she continued to circle me and then, I couldn't take it. "What's your problem?" I yelled, trying to charge at her which I knew was a bad move. She was surprised, and so I almost grabbed her but she was to fast. Her red hair tracing her path like a living flame, she darted away and I just blindly followed her. I tried to stop but my feet wouldn't listen, I just kept running. I had grabbed her once when I was on her tale but then we reached a stream and I stopped. it was terrible and overpowering. the whole area was filled with that same to-sweet smell and I was frozen in my spot.

She looked back at me from the other side of the river and stood there processing me just as I was trying to. "I'm watching you from now on." she laughed, before disappearing. I was shaking bad, worse than before. I fell to my knees, then to the ground. I couldn't stop.

"Whats happening?" I asked, almost to quietly. My skin, it felt like every part of me was on fire, from my blood that felt like it was boiling to my eyes that were becoming raw just by keeping them open. I tried to blink it away and it just made it worse. That smell, it was like it was burning my lungs. I heard someone coming, no, trampling through the brush. It was Jacob, I looked up at him and he turned pale

"Bryce!" my cousin crouch beside me and the closer he got the more pain I was in. "we got to get you out of here, if they see you like this." he paused "I bet that Alice already has." Alice? Why did that name sound familiar? Jacob said the girls name like it was a cuss. He picked me up and went to take me to wherever we were going. As Jacob turned, and I face the other side of the stream, in the distance I could see him just slightly. Emmett. what was he doing out here?

As we got close to home the pain had decreased, but not disappeared. It was throbbing now, through my head down to my toes and everywhere in between. When we got home I noticed all the guys, and Emily and Leah were sitting on the porch. They stood up as the space between us grew thinner. A rain began to pour down a little before we stepped into the house, but I didn't feel it.

"How is she?" Emily asked, grabbing my hand.

"How do you think she is Emily?" Leah said, with enough venom even I could hear it.

"Guy's give her space to breath," Paul said, for once sounding like the calm one.

"Where are you going guys?" Seth asked, I turned my head to see Jake, Quill, and Embry leaving through the front door.

"I'll go get the car, I'm taking Bryce to doctor Cullen." Sam said, coming into the room. It looked like he and Billy had just finished a conversation in the other room.

"You're the Alpha Sam, just take care of Bryce. She doesn't know anything about this." Billy sighed. Alpha, I almost screamed.

"What the heck it going on!" This time I did scream, getting up from the couch Jake had place me on before he left. I was given strange looks. The shaking had almost disappeared, but the pain was just now numbing out.

"Listen Bryce, you have to stay come. We haven't been able to tell you this but you're a-" Sam interrupted.

"What's about Seth," Sam said, his voice sounded different, very in command. "come with me Bryce. I'm taking you to the doctors." I didn't try to ignore his command, which was strange, because honestly I was a little afraid of Sam right then.

"Sam what's going on?" I asked getting into the car. He looked at me once we were both in the car, signalling for me to pay attention.

"Do you remember the stories of how our people were descendants of wolves," I nodded "It's more that just a story Bryce." I sighed, was everyone going crazy?

"Listen, I don't want to sound rude, bit seriously. Did you hit head or something?" He shrugged off my comment.

"Bryce, I'm gonna have a some of the guys keep on eye on you more and more from now on. If that leech comes back." he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"leech," It didn't take me long to guess what he was saying "vampire, right?" When he didn't say anything I laughed.

"I'm serious,"  There was that voice again. He looked at me, even though we were now almost to the hospital. Luckily the road was not busy. I knew he must be telling the truth.

I sighed and sat deeper into the car's seat. "What do we do now?" I asked.

"Hopefully you can stay calm, and it will pass. Jake's been hoping this wouldn't happen, especially since Leah..." he trailed off, and I didn't push him further.

For the rest of the drive we didn't talk, and when we got to the hospital there was no wait to see Dr.Cullen. "Hello Dr. Cullen. I assume you knew we were coming?" I was surprised when the doctor nodded.

"Yes, I was expecting someone. I was wondering why Alice told me to take an extra shift tonight." He explained, leading me into the examination room. He took some blood, along with a few other test before leaving the room. After a while I began to get nervous. I played with the ring on one of my fingers, looking down at my hands.

I stopped playing with the ring and flexed both hands. I looked at either side of both for something abnormal. "What's happening to me." I sighed.

"Nothing you can't handle I'm sure." Dr.Cullen said, walking into the room from his office "It appears as if everything is normal Ms.Black." I thanked him before getting up.

"Can I go?" he nodded, showing me to the door. I saw Sam signing papers. Soon we were out.

"What did the doc say." I told him that everything was fine, but he insisted on talking to him alone. I sat down at a table as Sam and Dr.Cullen turned the corner, although it didn't stop me from ease dropping. "Well?" Sam asked.

"As I told her, she is seemingly completely human, although..." he turned the corner, and I didn't have time to turn my head "she is showing signs, she's gained a few inches since her last check-up, and it looks like her hearing has improved." I blushed, embarrassed.

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