chapter 5

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Before anyone points it out: I know Rachel Black doesn't come into the books as Paul's imprint 'till Breaking Dawn, but oh-well. I just wanted to include her since I don't know how long this book will drag out for. By the way, this chapter sucks. Just a warning... Now for the story:

It's been a week since I've known about everything. the stories, the Cullens. the only problem is that I have a hard time excepting that any of the Cullen I've seen could do any damage. I'd been completely ignoring everyone. My Uncle, the guys, even Jake. Eventually though, ignoring everyone gets lonely. It took Leah about an hour to convince me for her and I to hangout, although she failed to mention that Kim and my cousin Rachel would be there.

"Hey Bryce, you know Kim right?" I smiled and nodded.

After we'd all sat down on the steps outside the house I turned to Leah"I was really hoping I could ask you a couple questions about..." I trailed off, not sure how to continue.

Kim came over, pushing her brown hair away before placing an arm around my shoulders "Don't worry Bryce," she smiled to Rachel "We know. Our boyfriends don't keep anything from us, they couldn't if the wanted to"

"I wouldn't say Paul is my boyfriend yet," Rachel said "and you relax Bryce. You're my cousin too remember, heck we've shared a house since I got back from college. I think I could handle rejection if just you and Leah want to hang out and do, whatever it is she-wolfs do." she shrugged, then we all laughed clearly knowing the words sounded ridiculous.

I sighed "Don't jinx me, I'm not a wolf yet." then quickly regretted my words knowing Leah didn't exactly enjoy being a female shape-shifter either. I looked over at her but she didn't seem to concerned with my comment. I quickly changed the subject "What did you girls want to do today exactly?"

"Well," Rachel said, getting up from the small stairs and looking at her watch "I kinda wanna see Paul, the guys are at first beach cliff diving if you want to head down there."

Kim laughed "For someone you don't consider your boyfriend, you to hand out as much as Jared and I." Rachel just seemed to shrug off the comment, probably afraid it would start a feud.

"I don't know," I sighed "last time I tried to go to first beach I didn't even make it half-way."

"Don't worry, if anything happens we're right here." Kim said, taking my hand to start to pull me in the direction of the beach.

"Speaking of Paul, how long have you guys been dating exactly?" I was curious, after all Rachel was a good four years older than Paul. Being my cousin knew what I meant, and didn't seem offended.

"Not very long," she said, shrugging off the question. We had all noticed Billy and Jacobs reactions towards Paul. Jacob even suggested that Rachel move in with Paul, but Uncle Billy must've really missed Rachel because he was completely against it.

"Do you have eyes for anyone?" Kim asked, raising an eyebrow dramatically.

"Not yet." Kim gave me a funny look, as if she was thinking that I couldn't be serious.

"You may not even find someone." Leah said, reminding us all of her presence. Kim glared.

"You can be such a Debbie Downer," she waved her hand as if to wave off Leah's comment. "Listen there's someone for everyone in the world. Maybe there just not in La Push." By then we were almost at the beach, although Leah clearly wasn't that excited to go.

"Hey guys, I didn't think we were going to the beach. I think I'm gonna jog home and get a bathing suit, or a couple wetsuits if the guys are diving in case anyone wants to join them." Rachel told me that she had a wetsuit that she'd like for me to bring down. Before I left I also convinced Leah to join me for the walk home.

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