When I Met Him

Autorstwa Anjie-Kun

194 4 0

"When I met him...I didn't care. I wasn't the least bit concerned yet after everything that happened before... Więcej

When I Met Him
When I Talked to Him

When I Got Even

59 1 0
Autorstwa Anjie-Kun

Ciel's POV:

I fell face-first onto my bed exhausted from detention. I managed to finish my quiz but then Prof. Randall gave me a literal mountain of homework which had to be done, by the end of detention. I'll never know how I was able to finish it all in time. I groaned in pure emotional agony at how rotten my life seemed to be, the only upside was that I didn't have to worry about doing any homework tonight. I sighed to myself as I stared at the photo on my night stand. It was of myself as a child and my parents. I really wish they were here right now.

They may have died when I was younger but the pain of not having them here still lingers. As I look at the elegantly framed picture of my blonde blue-eyed mother and blunette father standing side by side holding a five year old me, I wonder to myself 'what would they think of me now?' I then rolled onto my back keeping the pillow over my face to hide my despondency from the world.

Whilst I was still griping over my exceptionally dismal day I heard a knock at my bedroom door. It couldn't have been anyone but my Aunt Angelina. "Whaaat!" I called out from my pillow which muffled my voice. The door opened, "Ciel, are you alright dear?" asked my worried aunt. I continued talking from my pillow. "I'm wonderful!" I retorted sarcastically. I wasn't in any mood to be babied.

I love my Aunt Anne and I know she's been trying her best to take care of me since my parents passed but I just wanted my space at the time. "I made some tea for you, it's earl grey your favorite." she said trying to sound cheerful. I heavily contemplated on accepting the offer but the gloominess trumped my interest. In the end I just wasn't up for it.

I turned my head from my pillow to answer, "No thanks Aunt Anne, I'm not exactly in a tea mood." I'm sure disappointment marred her lovely pale face beyond my periphery. I could feel that worry was evident in her bright red eyes and on her mouth, which lacked her usual red lipstick, was frowning sadly.

She walked over and placed the saucer and cup onto my nightstand. "I heard about your detention. I take it that it wasn't well?" she questioned. I just groaned in response.

"It's not the end of the world Ciel, tomorrow might be better." she said. I scoffed in despair. "I admire your optimism Aunt Anne but I highly doubt it." I said. with my luck tomorrow might be worse. "Well it doesn't hurt to be a little optimistic every once in a while..." she then got playful and started smooshing my face into a pout while I just continued frowning, "...And don't frown so much dear you'll give yourself wrinkles that way." she said. She tends to temporarily change the subject when trying to cheer me up.

I merely waited for her to let go before I rubbed my throbbing face as I frowned unaffected by my aunt's usual weirdness. "Look don't dwell on it too much You can't let the course one bad day or even several others define how you think tomorrow will be, it all depends on what you decide to make of it." She said with a stern gentleness of a mother, like my mother [makes sense, they were sisters after all]. "Besides high school isn't forever, just stick it out until it's over and don't allow yourself the bother of letting every problem get to you. Alright?" She finished. I gave a nod comprehending the advice I was given. I wanted to follow my aunt's words but it was hard to just decide to have a good day when the odds of it are immensely stacked against you.

I thought about it hard letting it sink in further as it began to make more and more sense. Perhaps I was just making a huge fuss over one bad experience and blowing it all out of proportion. At my age it was bound to happen. My aunt Ann was right but I still couldn't help but sulk a little more before letting out a sigh. "Alright." I mummbled. Satisfied with my answer Aunt Ann retrieved my tea from the nightstand and held it out to me again as I sat upright on the edge of my bed. The contents of the cup was still steaming meaning it was still hot. The aroma was very pleasant and beckoning me greatly, I couldn't say "no" now especially since my spirits were slightly lifted. I took the cup from the saucer by the handle carefully and gave it a blow to cool it off some. I hummed at the sweet taste as I took my sip, Earl grey was my favorite for a reason. It always hit the spot when I needed it the most.

"Thanks aunt Ann." I said after a long satisfied sigh, it felt good to unwind with a spot of tea. "Anytime dear." Responded my aunt as she smiled reassured that I'd be alright. "Now, dinner should be ready in about an hour be sure to wash up by then." She informed me as she turned to leave my room. "Just think about what I've said okay? Believe me it does get easier." She concluded before walking out and closing the door behind her. After my aunt was gone I finished up my tea, then fell back onto the bed, my head colliding with the silky decorative blue and black vintage striped and fleecy pillows. I closed my eyes as I thought to myself, 'I do hope tommorow will be better, for the sake of my sanity.' I meant it too, I wasn't sure if I could handle anymore annoyances and it made me wonder what would be in store for me?


The next day was the day that everything changed, and not just my luck but my perception on so many things. I could never understand how those idiotic teens in romance novels or television shows and movies could be so quick to come up with such silly conclusions, based off of how one action or a situation seemed. Whether it was a seemingly romantic or offensive gesture the whole thing would eventually be blown out of proportion and everything would lead to a tidal wave of misunderstandings and drama. I found it all to be repetitive and idiotic, just trivial nonsense being reused in every senario they can think of to entertain the feebleminded and hoplessly romantic. People like myself however -who enjoy more chilling sorts of enjoyment- see these sorts of troupes as nothing short of a load of farce. I guess I now see that it's easy to see it that way when your watching from the outside. It's so much more different when it, by some miracle happens to you. Your met with a situation that blindsides you for a moment and before you even know what's happened your left triffled with endless amounts of ambiguity plaguing your mind, until it slowly drives you insane.

My day started off just about the same as the previous; boring annoying, long- you get the gist of it. I was so out of it that I barely noticed anything around me. My body was basically on auto pilot while my mind was trying to decipher my Aunt's words. I was attempting to figure out how I was suppose to make my day "better"-as my she put it- as I stared off into nothing oblivious to nearly everything. I could barely hear Alois while she was trying to talk to me. I could gradually hear her voice getting louder before I heard her say, "...Ciel are you listening?" she asked in a scolding tone. I snapped out of my haze and blinked incredulously. "Uh...Sorry?" I said as though I was in a stupor knowing that the light blonde girl was going to lecture me, again.

"You should really learn to pay attention, maybe then Prof. Randall wouldn't be so pissed with you all the time." she said with a huff, I felt a vein pulsation in my forehead from irritation toward Alois's notion. She then reprised what she was saying previously, "I was saying that I have a way to get back at Maurice." I stared at her in disbelief. I knew Alois had some connections and loyal admirers but was she willing to use those resources against Maurice? How?

"Please tell me it doesn't involve any sexual favors." I mocked. Alois growled at my joke, "Of course not! I wouldn't put out for just anyone, but it will require some serious ass kissing." she said haughtily trying to brush off my jest. I gave a light chuckle at her reaction. I know Alois would never sleep around like some people claim she does but it was still pretty funny teasing her every now and again.

She then continued explaining, "And it's something far more clever than getting her put out of class..." I was curious to what she had in mind but at the same time I was scared to find out what it was. With Alois you can never truly know how far she can go when getting a little payback. The blonde leaned into my ear with a hand covering her words as she whispered, divulging her scheme to me, which made my eyes widen with interest. When she finished telling me her plan I turned to her in a calm yet surprised fashion and said, "Alois that is probably the most brilliant idea you've ever had since I met you."

The mischievous blonde grinned wickedly, her insane craze for scheming and revenge shinned brightly in her sky blue eyes. She giggled gleefully before responding, "I know right? Just leave it to me Ciel, that bitch will pay for getting you put out yesterday." She then leaned over and forcibly hugged me tight, it was a bit uncomfortable because she purposely had her breasts pressed up against me as she squeezed my body closer. The pulsating vein in my temple came back, with a vengeance.

Edward's POV:

I peered over my shoulder a smidge just to see what had Phantomhive so worked up as she demanded in an agitated tone, "Damn it Alois, get off of me!" Earning an amused giggle from her friend who was embracing her in a seemingly affectionate way-a bit too affectionate. Ciel [I believe Soma called her] seemed to be in better spirits now compared to the previous day. She was a tad brash but far more lively. I didn't really bother myself with it too much, I mean it wasn't like her little "altercation" with her friend was distracting or disruptive. I've actually slept through worse it was just noticeable that she seemed less gloomy than when I last saw her. It assured me that she was alright since I couldn't ask yesterday due to my hasty retreat to get away from Soma. I shrugged not letting myself get too invested in the thought, it wasn't my concern anyway.

I turned away from the scene and continued sorting out my materials for first hour. Just as I was pulling out my notebook I was approached [yet again] by the unrelenting force that I've come to know as; Maurice. She smiled expectantly as she said, "Hi Edward~!" she cheered. I growled lowly as I cringed at her obnoxious voice. I was at my wits end with this girl. She had done nothing but follow me around constantly to flirt with me [she tried and failed to be subtle], she had her friends follow me around to try and talk me into liking her, and hint that I should be her date to her silly little party. When she invited me the previous day I left without an answer signifying that I wasn't interested, guess she didn't get the message.

She either didn't notice my hostile response to her presents or she was unfazed, because her smile was unwavered as she spoke again, "I was wondering what time are you coming to my party? It starts at 2 pm but you can show up anytime you'd like." she beamed happily. I just continued sorting my things busily as I responded in a flat monotone. "I never said I was going."

The blonde just looked with a confused frown, "But I thought..." -I cut her off- "I never said anything to indicate that I'd go to your party, so if you're expecting me to come you'll be waiting for nothing." I finished calmly without giving her so much as a glance.

I could never stand girls like her who were so use to getting their way that the word "no" was nonexistent in their vocabulary. When I sensed that she hadn't left yet I darted my eyes toward her challenging her determined gaze before she immediately looked away in defeat. Despite this she was defiant enough to delude herself with false hope when she said "O-oh, okay then. E-even so the offer still stands, just...let me know if you change your mind!" she struggled to maintain a confident smile as I bore every ounce of seriousness into her never once wavering my decision. She quickly ran off with a blush of embarrassment on her face probably feeling foolish, or possibly fuming over the rejection. I didn't want to seem harsh and I almost regretted my behavior, but once my peace was restored any thoughts of remorse for my ungentlemanly actions were lost. Soon I was calm and prepared for the day, and soon after Prof. Michaelis walked in and took roll call.


Ciel's POV:

I had to stop at my locker to get my economics book. Prof. Spears didn't assign any homework last night since we did a class project so I didn't have it on hand. As I pulled out my text book I thought about how the day was just about as productive as the previous one. What could I do to make it better? Could I make it better? Am I just fooling myself? These questions continued to plague my mind until my eye absentmindedly fell upon something, sitting in the far edge of my locker. It was something I had nearly forgotten about for several months; a ring box that I had received from my aunt on my fourteenth birthday. I took hold of the small black velvet case and opened it.

Inside was a silver vintage ring embedded with a deep blue sapphire stone resized to fit my thumb as it was previously owned by my father. It was an heirloom of his that was meant to be mine when I came of age for some sort of traditional reasons. I was grateful to receive such a precious gift from my parents even in death, but I could never bring myself to wear it. I would usually just carry it around in my bag or pocket, never wearing it since I was still grieving at the time, eventually I ended up leaving it in my locker almost forgetting about its existance -until now. '... You can't let the course one bad day or even several others define how you think tomorrow will be, it all depends on what you decide to make of it. '

My aunt's words rang in my memory like a bell. I wanted to believe those words but between Maurice, my annoying classmates, and the universe I couldn't exactly see it happening. Then I remembered Alois' plan the very thought of getting back at that little git was enough to make me smirk. True it wasn't the best form of motivation but it did make me feel better. Maurice was part of the reason why my days in school were filled with dread and misery, giving her a taste of her own vile medicine was everything she deserved and I looked forward to it.

As I slipped the shimmering antique onto my thumb a calming sigh escaped my lips as I smiled to myself. A sinister wave of giddiness crept up my spine making me chuckle lowly before I finally continued on to my economics class. Just after I walked into the classroom I felt the buzz of my cellphone coming from my sweater pocket [Made sure to put it on vibrate this time]. It was a message from Alois.


Hey shrimp! 🍤👈😜

I groaned at the text before responding quickly.


I'm in class now.

I typed briefly as I made my way to my seat. It was a usual routine for Alois to text me during first hour transition since she was most likely procrastinating any potential for punctuality. She'll get bored after conversing with one of her other "aquaitances" and with the reluctance to go to her first class immediately -that being Prof. Randal's Biology class- she decides to use the spare time to pester me. She texted me back in the millisecond it took me to reply:


Yeah, yeah! I just finished talkn' 2 Your cousin! He's very cute! 😍

I sat down as I wondered, cousin? Uhg! She was likely referring to Elizabeth's brother, Edward -he's a junior on the Cricket team- 'gross! Damn it Alois! You just had to go for my...' my mental rant was paused by another buzz from my phone.



He said u hav a digital camera!😊📷

'Huh?' I thought.







No reason😏...😃can I borrow it!

What the hell was this girl on? Why would she need my camera? Was she planning to do something with it? Before I could ask her she explained as if she was anticipating my response.



B4 u say no, I need it for my plan against the bitch!😭please let me borrow it!

I paused and thought for a moment reluctant to comply with her request. I had to make sure she wouldn't do anything illegal or inappropriate with it. Alois is proned to do stupid things with my stuff, she never goes too far but she could. Unfortunately Prof. Spears came into the room telling us to take notes.

I sent a quick text to Alois.


Class is starting we'll talk about it later.

I finally turned off my phone and put it away before taking out my notebook. I had no idea what Alois wanted my camera for but I'd find out later. I put the thoughts and questions aside as I tried to pay attention. Soon I began to think about the "plan" and the mischievous smirk returned to my face. I didn't bother trying to hide it and I'm sure it might've creeped out a few of my peers who happened to notice. I looked to my ring as I vowed to myself that today would be a day of my own definition; it would be a day of glorious, ever so deserved revenge.


So far it hadn't exactly been the best day ever but it wasn't horrible either. In Economics Prof. Spears gave a lecture on Victorian arts, making me wish I had brought a pillow, because five minutes into the lecture I was already dozing off abandoning my notes in favor of cake and chocolate dreams.

It wasn't until P.E. that things got bad. After being shunned from Nurse Blanc's office again I had to go straight to the changing rooms to put on my gym wear. After I was dressed Maurice came up to me, "Oh what a lovely ring Ciel." she said pretending to be sincere. I covered my ring with my other hand protectively as I glared at the golden-blonde girl who never stopped smiling at my hand. "Do be careful, it'd be a shame if it got lost." she said before leaving with a false friendly wave. God I couldn't wait to see all that faux innocents melt away from her face, to reveal her as the hideous, venomous beast she really is.

I tried to ignore her until I looked down at my thumb. I didn't want to listen to that damnable girl since I Knew she was only trying to startle me, but when I looked at my precious heirloom I allowed the words to seep into my mind. I couldn't risk losing such a special gift from my parents this thought made me caress the ring affectionately as I came to my decision. I instinctively looked around to see if Maurice and her friend had left; they had already finished getting dress. Once they were gone from the locker room to join the class I slid the ring off of my thumb and left it in my bag for safekeeping. I then stuck it into my locker where it would stay, until I returned from class.

Other than Biology P.E. is probably the worst class I could ever have! Today we played dodge ball-not exactly my favorite game.

The worst part is that Coach Bardroy had us team up which meant I would surely be picked last like always. Herman Greenhill [A senior Cricket player] and Maurice [of course] were the captains and chose the teams, I really didn't feel like getting hit with a ball.

Herman was the first to pick, "I'll take...Phantomhive!" he said. I nearly gasped when I heard my name being called on. 'Why did he pick me first?' I thought, what was worst I'd be teamed against Maurice not that I wanted to be on her team, but being against her would be like screaming to get hit by her or one of her followers.

As I reluctantly trudged over to Greenhill's side I heard Maurice call out her friend -who's name I didn't know- as one of her team mates. I internally dreaded playing this wretched game, I would've done anything to get out of it even edure more homework from Prof. Randall! Once the teams were selected Coach Bardroy called out the rules, "Remember; if you get hit you're out, no throwing with excessive force, and try not to get hit!" he then blew his whistle signaling us all to start.

I barely managed to make it halfway through the game as I evaded the slew of rubber balls hurdled toward me. Maurice attempted to hit me once or twice, but she seemed to be distracted, she just kept looking toward the large double doors of the gym. It was really weird though I didn't bother trying to analyze Maurice's behavior because I was too distracted by the onslaught. In hindsight I now know why she was acting that way, I almost wish I had known sooner, but then my vengence wouldn't have been as satisfying.

Towards the end Herman and I were the last ones standing, against Maurice and one other female student. I honestly didn't think I'd even get that far. As I dodged frantically I looked over toward the edge of the gymnasium and noticed one of Maurice's friends walking into the gym, the blonde one with the the parted bangs- Abigail. She waved to Maurice after seeing her earning a return of the gesture. I guess she wanted to see her "best friend" win another game. I nearly gagged in disgust until I noticed another person walk in right behind her, after she took a seat and started cheering for Maurice.

It was the new bloke from homeroom, 'What the hell?' I thought. Soon a million questions flooded my head as I watch the blonde boy skulk around eyeing the underclass girl intently. What is he doing here? He doesn't have gym this hour is he lost? Did he come to watch Maurice? Ew! Why would that concern me? My gaze hardened as I studied the new student trying to cultivate an answer getting as suspicious as his face looked, until eventually he turned and left back through the double doors. I must've let my mind get lost in wonder because the next thing I knew I was struck in the face with a ball, thrown by Maurice. Coach Bardroy blew his whistle, "Cole, no excessive force!" he yelled. "I didn't mean to." said Maurice trying to appear innocent. Meanwhile my face was stinging something awful, other than that and my shattered pride I was alright.

"Are you hurt Phantomhive?" asked the coach with concern. "I'm fine." I said. I got back up and sat out with the rest of my teammates, wearing a large throbbing red mark on my face. When the game resumed Greenhill managed to get Maurice out, and then eventually the other girl.

With that the game was concluded our team had won. "Well done Herman!" called the coach. Since our team won we were permitted free time for the rest of the hour, while the losing team had to do a series of exercises. It was expected that Herman would be praised by the other students for leading our team to victory however what surprised me was that people were complimenting me for making it as far as I did, even Greenhill. "You did well Phantomhive!" he said.

I was so embarrassed that I just looked away saying, "I-it wasn't all that, really." Some of the senior girls started gushing about how modest I was as if I was a cute child, it only made me even more embarrassed.

When class was finally over I changed back into my uniform; my white school shirt, collar buttoned, my scarlet red and white striped neck tie, light grey school sweater, and black skirt just an inch above my thighs, dark grey socks and dark brown buckled uniform shoes. I still had on my black headband which was strapped onto my short blue-black hair, with my bangs pushed over to cover my left eye.

I then reached into my bag to retrieve my ring, but when I opened the box the ring wasn't there. I froze at this revelation as I looked everywhere it could've possible been. Frantic searching then turned into anger when I didn't find it anywhere in my bag nor was it in my locker. I clenched the pink rose-patterned bag close as I held back the urge to scream. The hard truth ran through my brain like an enraged mantra. Someone had stolen my precious ring; that was my conclusion and it irked me. I immediately suspected the very person who "suggested" that I leave the ring, but Maurice wasn't anywhere to be found among the changing girls. Realizing that I was rudely gazing about in a locker room, I turned my head back toward my locker before growling under my breath.

"Buggar!" I whispered venomously before slamming the locker door shut and leaving the locker room promising to myself that there would hell to pay for this.


Edward's POV:

Around lunch hour I began looking around the school for that girl I saw leaving the changing room earlier. After being released from my Economics class I made my way through the school hoping that she was close by. I asked various other people if they'd seen a girl with her description but unfortunately there are quite a few girls like her, but once I found that she was friends with Maurice the search was narrowed down to one.

The reason why I searched so determinedly is because of what I witnessed earlier in the halls during third hour. I was running an errand for my teacher when I noticed a female student coming out of the girls' changing room, but she was still in uniform. I Found this odd since there was a gym class being held so I though she would've been dressed for it. I then spotted something peculiar in her hand shining in a glimmering deep blue as she pocketed it while skulking about, like she was trying not to get caught. I hid out of sight behind the corner before she could look in my direction. After that I followed her to the gymnasium and concluded that she was a friend of Maurice's seeing as how they had waved to each other. At the moment I then assumed that she was probably just holding onto something for her when she nodded to her with a smirk.

Some might think that I was getting a bit too suspicious but something just didn't feel right especially when I noticed Phantomhive's expression after gym. She walked out of the changing room looking quite upset. I didn't want to get too involved but the look in her eye was just...devastating. I soon found myself walking up to her. "Are you alright?" I asked. She looked up in surprise when she saw me, "Oh -King hello, I'm fine." she said looking downward in sorrow. I could tell she wasn't fine and I didn't want her to hold back, so I tried again attempt my best -though it could've been better- comforting smile I could muster, "Please tell me, and just call me Edward." I said giving a crooked grin that clearly weirded her out.

She raised a peculiar brow before folding her arms and turning away then reluctantly said, "I lost something...something very important to me. If I'm being honest I believe it was stolen but I have no proof." she said in a dismal manor. "What did you lose?" I asked.

She hesitated again as she looked down with a dull gaze, 'God whatever she lost must've been really special to her.' I thought. "A ring given to me by my aunt, from my parents." she answered, she then narrowed her eyes almost angrily, "I should never have worn it today." she added bitterly clenching her fingers to her sleeve. I wondered, 'What can I do?' I wasn't all too keen on going on a treasure hunt for a supposedly stolen ring but, I hated the idea of just leaving Ciel like that but how could I have been any help? 'I haven't seen any thing of the sort, how can I...' my thoughts were ceased as the saddened girl looked up from the ground and that's when I saw it...her eyes -her visible one. It bore a deep blue color that made me recall something. '...Maybe I have.'

Suddenly the bell rang interrupting my thoughts and tore my gaze from the short girl. "I have to go." she said as she hastily walked off before I could stop her. I watched as she disappeared into the sea of people bustling about the halls leaving me alone and with half a theory in my memory to go on that may lead me to some answers.

I had to find that girl from earlier she might have at least seen something, or at the most she may be the culprit. If there was one thing that I did know it's that she's friends with Maurice. Perhaps she'd know where to find the girl. I dreaded going anywhere near that obnoxious beast voluntarily but I wanted to help Ciel if not, only to prove my suspicions correct.

About halfway down the hall I found Maurice at her locker with some friends. Among them was the very girl I was looking for. I got closer to listen in on what they were saying making sure not to be seen, and what I heard was abominable. "Good work Abigail, I'll bet that brat is crying her eyes out looking for this dreadful thing!" said Maurice. "Yeah this'll teach her who's boss!" said the other girl.

"Ugh! It's so old fashioned, she simply has no taste." stated Maurice as she held up her hand to the light shining through the hall window. My eyes widened as I looked and that's when I saw it; there on the blonde's left thumb was a silver ring, embedded with a deep blue sapphire stone, fashioned into a rectangular shape glimmering brightly.

I knew it -I knew that girl had something blue and shiny tucked away into her pocket. It was Ciel's ring, I just knew it. They never specifically said it was Ciel's but I was certain it had to be hers. I stomped over to the group disgusted by their behavior at the blue-haired girl's expense. I don't condone such thievery, and I wasn't going to let them get away with it. "Maurice!" I said angrily. The girl turned the waved at me like an excited child. "Ah! Edward!" the blonde cheered happily, it just sickened me even more how she could pretend to be so proper.

I walked up to her swiftly and grabbed her roughly by the hand. As she protested I snatched the ring from off her finger, "What are you doing that's mine!" she cried. "You can't do that to Maurice!" yelled the girl called Abigail. I inspected the ring closely and found myself a damning piece of evidence to use against the girls. "Tell me where did you get this ring?" I asked. The girl who I knew took it, paled at my question. "It was a gift from my father!" said Maurice defensively.

"Really...?" I questioned, it was more than obvious that she was lying. The ring didn't match a thing of her, physically or otherwise, and she said it herself that it was too vintage for her taste so why would she even wear it? "...is your father a Phantomhive?" I asked smirking. "Of course not!" She huffed haughtily crossing her arms definately. I then held up the ring revealing the engraving on the side. "Then why is it engraved with the Phantomhive name?" I asked. Maurice began to sweat nervously, she clearly didn't know how to answer. "Uh...he and my father are friends and..." I cut her off not even wanting to hear her lies. "I saw your little friend there make off with this ring earlier outside the girls' changing room." I said pointing to Abigail, "I also heard you all boast on about stealing it." they all paled as I finished.

"She-she stole it not me!" Maurice cried how pathetic she was willing to throw her friend under the bus. "You know what? You were annoying before, but now I'm absolutely appalled by you. Dishonest people like you make me sick!" I snapped making the surprised blonde gasp. I walked off to my next class as Maurice basically demanded that I come back.

I just ignored her as I studied the ring, my gaze fixed on the exuberant blue gem making me remember the eyes that belonged to its real owner. After seeing the massive amount of hurt in the bluenettes eyes while in the hall, I could imagine that she was anxious to have her ring returned.


Ciel's POV:

I ended up spending my entire lunch hour looking for my ring I know I didn't lose it, I remember taking it off, placing it in the box, and putting it away into my bag. It was nowhere in or near my locker nor had anyone seen it. I was so distraught. I sat in Biology holding my empty black velvet ring case ashamed of my foolishness. 'How could I have been so stupid to have brought such an expensive, precious piece of jewelry to school?' I thought as I groaned in despair immensely crossed with myself for being so careless. I then glanced up and noticed Maurice storming into the room angrily, mumbling under her breath as she and her group of friends following close behind plopped down behind me. I could tell she was fuming without even looking at her.

I didn't care however I just wanted to wallow in my misery without her antics. I was in no mood to be bothered by her but thankfully she didn't seem all that invested in tourmenting me at that moment. Just as I was studying my case again in wonder, Prof. Randall walked into the class. "Good day everyone, I have the results from your pop quiz yesterday." he said. I wasn't as concerned about my test results as I should have been. All I cared about was finding my ring. It was all I could think about. I knew someone stole it but who? I suspected Maurice but she was present in gym, though she could've gotten one of her lackeys to it for her, like the girl who walked into the gym earlier. However good a theory it might have been I didn't have any proof nor any indication that she even had my ring. She would have been discreetly rubbing it in my face otherwise but strangely she didn't say a word to me. Not even a loudly spoken whisper about me what so ever.

My pondering was interrupted by a paper being placed in front of me. I looked up to see Prof. Randall give me a stern and intimidating glance before he walked off to continue passing out the scores. I sighed and picked up my paper expecting a D or lower, but to my surprise I got a C+. I softly hummed to myself feeling a tingle of pride. I suppose I did know enough of the answers to pass, not to mention all that free time I used to study the notes in my final class, before finishing the test in detention helped too.

My marveling was instantly interrupted by squealing from Maurice and friends as they giddily shared their results with each other. They all scored A's -what a shock. After receiving our papers the Professor began a brief lecture on the chapter since a fair amount of students failed and needed a refresher. I made sure to be alert this time.

Once class was over I gathered my things to leave when Prof. Randall called for Maurice and her friends. I didn't want to stick around so I just left. The second I set my foot outside the door I was pulled aside by someone. It was Alois. "What the Hell...!" I was cut off by her hand over my mouth. "Shush, come over here!" she whispered.

She then brought me to the Janitor's closet which was located right next to Randall's classroom. "I'm not making out with you." I said half jokingly half unamused. "Very funny, just get in!" she answered as she shoved me inside then closed the door. The closet was dark as you would expect, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. Alois turned on the flashlight on her phone as we maneuvered our way around buckets, mops and other various cleaning supplies that were scattered round the floor. Alois pulled me with her, guiding me through the pitch black darkness until she stopped and crouched pulling me down with her. "Let the show begin." she said darkly with a maniacal giggle that gave me slight chills.

I was somewhat confused until I noticed we were right next to the air vent. I finally understood. The vents between the closet and classroom are linked so we would be able to hear Randall's conversation with the girls. We were about to witness Alois's method of "getting back at Maurice". This was it we were about to witness the undoing of Maurice-Bloody-Cole and her little followers!

"I noticed you all did well on the quiz." Prof. Randall began. "Well we just did our best, right girls?" said Maurice receiving simultaneous delighted high-pitched 'mm-hm's' from her followers. Ugh! it makes me sick how they hang onto her every word. "Yes your work was very good-a little too good." he said sounding more stern.

We then heard a girl ask, "What do you mean sir?" Alois's smile began to widen. God, she can be really scary. "When I was reviewing your quizzes I noticed some anomalies in your work." There was a pause. "What anomalies?" asked Maurice. "It appears that all three of your papers are strikingly identical, even some of the handwriting on miss Cole's paper is similar to miss Millard's writing. This tells me that someone or all of you, are cheating!" he stated loudly. We could faintly make out the girls' shocked gasps. It made me anxious to hear more.

"What? None of us..." Maurice was cut off by the Professor. "I am no fool miss Cole. It is clear from what I've seen that you did not do your work. In fact I've reviewed every assignment you girls have ever turned in excluding homework and the same result is shown that you three have been helping each other!" he nearly roared. I could hear the girls whimpering through the vent. It was about time those brats were caught. Oh it was exactly what I'd been waiting for.

"I-I didn't cheat sir I swear! They've been copying from my work, I was only helping them out a little." Maurice said shakily. I was revolted by how desperate she was to get out of trouble. "That's not true! You've been making us do your tests and school work since the beginning!" Yelled one girl. The other then shouted, "Traitor!" heh, no honor among thieves, nor cheaters.

"Shut up! -so what? It doesn't matter, my father will hear of this-..." Maurice was cut off by the teacher again. "Yes he will." the brat made a confused noise after hearing that. She probably expected Prof. Randall to back off after threatening to get her father involved. "I happen to know your father personally and I know for a fact that, he will not be happy to hear that his child was dishonest in her school work the entire semester." said the brash professor. I could hear Maurice faltering heavily realizing that she'd been caught and that she would be punished accordingly.

We then heard the Professor continue. "Starting today you three will make up every test, quiz and report that you've cheated on, and every one of your parents will be notified." The sound of the girls' whining and breaking down simultaneously flowed through the vents. Revenge had been served and it has never tasted sweeter.


When school was over everyone was eager to go home and enjoy their weekend. I have to say it was pretty satisfying seeing Maurice so despondent after the humiliation she suffered, being scolded by Prof. Randall. What's more two of her friends have left her high and dry and will likely never speak to her again, now that they know where her loyalty lies. However I still couldn't have cared less about Maurice's downfall because I was still looking for my ring.

It was the end of the bloody day and still I couldn't find it. I decided to check the lost and found as a last resort hoping that maybe it was turned in but alas no one had. 'pleh of course not. Nobody would turn in a real silver, sapphire embedded ring. They'd either keep it, gift it or sell it. Such a dishonest world we live in.' I bitterly mused mentally.

I thanked the lost-and-founds keeper and proceeded out of the school in disappointment. Looking up toward the sky I noticed that it had just stopped raining. Quite a bit of luck because I didn't have my umbrella. It must've stopped just before I walked out because when I felt for the rain, it was but a mere sprinkle. I figured it would be okay for me to just walk home since I didn't live all that far away.

I took a pause to walk on as I wondered what had happened to my ring. I couldn't help but get depressed again. I lowered my head letting my partially wet bangs hang over my face dripping with water. All the regret, all the irritation, all the grief, it just started flooding my mind making me practically immobile. I scowled to myself. "Phantomhive!" a voice said suddenly making me look to up.

Edward King was coming out of the school looking somewhat disheveled from what I assume was from running. 'Edward-again- honestly why does he keep popping up out of nowhere?' I wondered as he walked closer catching his breath. "Hello Kin-uh...Edward. What can I do for you?" I responded. "I have something that I think belongs to you." he said. Before I could question him he pulled out from his pants pocket the very thing I had been longing for all day; my ring.

I was speechless, then happy, but then I became wary. If he had it this whole time does that make him the one who stole it? I looked up to meet his gaze studying his eyes for any malicious intent. He scoffed as he spoke irritably. "If you're thinking that I'm the one who took it you're wrong." he said as if reading my mind. "I saw one of Maurice's friends make off with it during third hour, so I retrieved it." he explained. I just crossed my arms skeptically, "Really then why not turn it into the lost and found?" I questioned."Because anyone else would've taken. You can't be too careful." He was right about that much, but I still wasn't convinced. I folded my arms defiantly as continued interrogating the blonde boy, "you really expect me to believe any of this...?" -I was cut of abruptly- "Yes!" he responded defensively making me gasp.

"I detest lying with a passion and I would never steel anything that isn't mine to take." I looked to him with uncertainty, still trying to find the signs of a liar in his eyes however I knew he was possibly telling the truth. Only Maurice would sink so low as to steel from someone for amusement. She was my number one suspect after all. I kept my arms crossed as I looked at the ring feeling a tad regretful for blaming Edward.

The blonde boy then huffed and took hold of my hand gently. I became startled as he then carefully slipped the ring onto my thumb and looked at me. His crystal blue eyes stared abysmally into my own deep blue one that could be seen. I froze not knowing what to make of it, it was quiet between us awkward even, until Edward quickly looked away with that everlasting scowl he wore so often. "What?" I asked. "N-nothing it's just...it may sound strange to say but, the only reason I knew it was your ring from the start, is because...the gem matches your eye color."

I had no idea what to say to that! What do you say to something like that? Why would he even say something like that? My expression was probably as still as a painting. My mouth slightly a gape as the questions piled higher and higher into my brain. I almost didn't hear him as he gripped his bag and said, "I'll see you tomorrow miss Phantomhive." he then turned hastily to walk off. I was still a little bit frozen until I realized he had spoken to me. "Uh-I-..." I got out indignantly.

I looked up for a moment's glance, then noticed that he was looking back at me curiously, causing me to straighten up into a more proper posture as I cleared my throat. "Th-thank you...Edward." I struggled out trying not to sound ungrateful because truly, I was very grateful! Edward gave a faint smiled and nodded before turning toward the side walk leaving me alone on the school entrance staircase, alone, slightly damp and very, very confused.

To Be Continued...

What do you guys think? I know it's not the paring that most people go for due to the fact that King Edward V was a ghost/director and only appeared briefly in one stink'n episode and one OVA but I think that they're so cute together.

They're both hot, they cheat at board games, and they're the same age! Not to mention Ciel makes the perfect Uke. If we can pair Ciel up with Alois then we can pair him up with Edward V, bow down to my shipping powers!

See you in the next Chapter Bye now!

Anjie-Kun Out!

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