
By perksofbeingsidnee

103K 3K 426

He was an extrovert. She was an introvert. They were complete opposites. More

the end


2.5K 80 5
By perksofbeingsidnee

Two days.

In those two days Dylan couldn't find Austin anywhere. She searched for him all over campus. She waited outside his classroom doors. He didn't show up to the library. He was at school. According to Brandon at least. Dylan called Austin all of the time. She spammed him with texts. She could feel the breaking point on the horizon. It was coming.

In those two days Edwin couldn't talk to Austin. He saw him in the few classes they shared. He saw him every time they would get together at lunch. He just couldn't get him to budge. He tried to show him the painting. He wanted to know what was wrong. He wanted to help Dylan and Austin, but Austin wasn't having it.

In those two days Austin had managed to avoid both Edwin and Dylan completely. He ignored Edwin. He ignored Dylan. In fact the only time he had seen Dylan was whenever he looked at his phone. Unfortunately for him, she was his lock and home screen. He wasn't willing enough to change it. He missed her, but he just couldn't let himself talk to her. She ditched him. For his best friend.

Dylan had had enough. It was a short day at school. Austin had escaped once again. Dylan now stood outside his door. Her brown eyes stared at the wooden front door. She lifted her hand and pressed the small button. The girl stood there in silence for a moment. Then the door open.

 A woman stood in front of her. Austin's mom, Tina. Dylan had never actually met Tina since Austin was normally over at her house; however, Tina knew all about Dylan. "Um Hi. I'm Dylan, we have never actually met, but um is Austin around?"

Tina smiled at the young girl. She knew two things about Dylan. Dylan was Brandon's younger sister and Austin was infatuated with her. "It's finally nice to meet you Dylan. Austin always talks about, but no he isn't. He went to go pick up some food for lunch. He should be home after, but you could hang out. I would love to talk." Dylan smiled and nodded, entering the Porter home. 

The two sat in the living room. Tina really loved Dylan. The more she talked to the girl, the more she saw what Austin saw. The mother knew that the two would end up together. Whenever Austin would come up in the conversation, Dylan's eyes would light up and her grin covered her face. Dylan really loved Tina. The more she talked to the mother, the more she saw Austin. Like mother, like son. Her heart was of gold. She knew that the two were close. She spoke so highly of her son. 

Hours felt like they had passed. Tina and Dylan seemed to have become best friends in that amount of time. Just as the two were coming to a conclusion of Dylan's future as an artist, the door handle twisted. Austin walked in. Fiffany followed. The two were laughing at god knows what. 

Dylan's smile fell. Her heart dropped. She had no idea who the girl was, but in that instant she turned jealous. The girl could be a complete sweetheart. Dylan didn't care. She was with Austin. Her Austin.  

Austin turned to find his mother. And Dylan. His smile turned into a frown. "Dylan, why are you here?" Tina could hear the venom dripping from Austin's voice. Her eyes turned to Dylan full of sympathy. She didn't know what had happened, but she sure knew that the girl did not deserve it. Even with their new friendship, Tina knew that Dylan was a kind girl. 

"I ugh came to talk to you. Um, I didn't think you would have company, but you do so ugh, I'm just going to go. I'll call you later then." Dyl rose from her spot on the couch and walked to the door. Austin watched her every move carefully. Fiffany stood there awkwardly. Tina glared at her son. With one last sad smile, Dylan waved to Tina, leaving the Porter home.

Okay, so I was writing the story and had this whole plan. I was so excited cause I got out of my writer's block and then TRL was on. So yeah, I decided to watch the boys instead of write. Don't Judge Me! Lol so this became a quick filler. Shit is going to go down next chapter. I promise.



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