silence. [a YoonMin Fic]

By Moro_23

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'Thanks' Yoongi breathed out, suddenly realising that he hasn't actually said anything for a while. 'You're w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6: interlude: snippets, part 1
Chapter 7: interlude: snippets, part 2
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

142 8 0
By Moro_23

Yoongi had actually looked forward to this ever since they found out that they would have a weekend off. Taehyung and Jungkook instantly took it upon themselves to declare that they would have a movie night, alongside a healthily unhealthy menu which included pizza and popcorn. While he definitely wasn't the most social of the bunch, Yoongi enjoyed spending quality time with his bandmates. It never happened too often, given their hectic lives, so Yoongi always welcomed their once-in-a-blue-moon lie-ins, movie nights and especially cooking nights.

He was fiddling around on his laptop when Jin poked his head through the door of their room and told him to come over to the living room, as they were about to start the movie soon. Yoongi could hear the young ones squeaking over in the other room and rolled his eyes while attempting to suppress a smile. If he was to be perfectly honest with himself, Yoongi maybe kinda, sorta felt like squeaking a tiny bit as well. Maybe. Sure, they've all known each other for a few good years now, they've lived together, they knew each other all too well, but the boys never really got to experience a lot of the typical things people their age did – from things like going to uni and having a crap-load of assignments, to backpacking 'round the country, or foreign countries for that matter, going to festivals, volunteering to help plant trees in a rainforest and whatever the heck other things people in their early twenties did these days. And movie nights were most definitely on the list of stuff-people-do-and-bond-over, and Yoongi might have a soft spot for these sorts of things; because the bunch of nerds fiddling around in the other room just now were family to him by now and he loved each and every one of them. So Yoongi allowed himself to smile a bit as Jin's head disappeared behind the door, calling out for Yoongi to move his bum already. Yep, he most definitely had looked forward to this.

As he entered the living room Yoongi saw that most of the others were already strategically positioned near the TV. The TV was in the far corner of the room, across from what in Yoongi's opinion was the most awesome angled couch ever. It was wide and cosy and housed just enough large, soft pillows to make for an easy nestling during your stay. The couch was positioned in such a way that it formed a 'v' in front of the television set. Namjoon and Jin were sitting on the shorter side of the couch, munching on some snacks, while Jungkook and Taehyung were wrestling over who would insert the DVD into the player. They had refused to divulge any sort of information whatsoever about what they were going to watch, stating only that it was a must-see for them all as young men. As Taehyung pinned Jungkook to the floor in an attempt to finally snatch the DVD case out of his hand, Yoongi saw that it the case was decorated with the portraits of four young boys, the title written in large red letters underneath. By the looks of it, they were going to watch an American movie. Yoongi didn't manage to read the title in time because the maknae kept waving the box around, finally managing to escape Taehyung's grip after a few more seconds of vicious struggling.

'HA! I wiiiiiin! I get to put the DVD in and officially start our movie night extraordinaire!' Jungkook chanted, though he was clearly out of breath.

'You might've won the fight Kookie, but this is most definitely not over!' Taehyung shot back, a wide grin plastered all over his face.

'Gee, for a second there I thought you might poke each other's eyes out or something.' Hoseok added, as he entered the room, three boxes of pizza in hand. He placed the boxes on the small table just in front of the couch and flopped down on the couch.

Yoongi proceeded to sit down on the floor, resting his back against the couch, a pillow placed there strategically for added comfort. He was pulling a fluffy red throw off the couch and wrapping it around himself when Tae started to make sure they were ready to start.

'Ok,' Taehyung began pointing around, 'food – check, drinks – check. Everyone here?'

'Wait for me!' Jimin called out from their room.

Oh yeah. What with all the commotion Yoongi didn't even get to look around properly and see that Jimin wasn't even in the living room.

Two seconds after calling out, Jimin made his way over to the couch area.

'I told you guys I was gonna shower before we start.' He added.

Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off the younger. His hair was ruffled up and looked incredibly soft from being freshly washed and dried. His full pink lips stood out beautifully against his lightly tanned skin. Also, Jimin was wearing a beige oversized jumper that showed off his shoulders and the bloody sleeves of that sweaters were a tad on the long side (of course), covering up most of Jimin's hands and just making him look so damn adorable that Yoongi wanted nothing more than to snatch him away and cuddle, and hug, and kiss, and –

Ook, I'm gonna stop you there before this stops being PG. So much for a cosy night in with the fellas, huh, Min Yoongi?

Yoongi was immensely grateful to whoever turned off the lights in the room after Taehyung made sure everyone was there, as he could feel his cheeks warming up and probably turning very, very red as he continued to study Jimin out of the corner of his eye. The TV was now the only significant source of light in the room, casting a cold white light on everyone and everything, but Yoongi still couldn't avert his gaze from Jimin, whose features were illuminated sharply; his eyes had a sparkle in them; his figure was dark but also seemed to glow in the slightly eerie lighting. Yoongi knew then and there that he could stare at the younger boy like this forever, if not for his want to pull him close, take that jumper and every other item of clothing off him in order to see all of his body in this light that somehow managed to be bright and dark at the same time. Even the mere thought of seeing Jimin that way was intoxicating to Yoongi and he soon realised he had to struggle to pay attention to the dialogue going on around him.

'And as I'm officially still mad at you for not admitting to taking the work of art that is my pair of unicorn socks, I'm just gonna sit here with Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung and deprive you entirely of my epic cuddles, Park Jimin.' Taehyung concluded and without so much as another glance towards Jimin, he proceeded to drop on the couch, between his hyungs. He let out a theatrical sigh and smiled.

Oh yeah, how could Yoongi forget how much those two loved to make a soap opera scene out of everyday life situations?

'Fine then. Have fun. See if I care.' Jimin retorted, in a most dramatic voice.

To his complete astonishment, Jimin then walked over to where Yoongi was nestled, pulled the throw off him and sat down between his legs, leaning back against the elder's chest. Yoongi's pulse instantly went into overdrive and he could feel something warm and satisfied blooming in his chest.

'Yoongi-hung knows I didn't take those darn socks. I was practicing with him that night, right hyung?' Jimin now turned around to face Yoongi, a wannabe innocent look in his eyes. But holy god, he was just so close and smelled so good and Yoongi really had to exercise every ounce of self-restraint he had in him in order to not kiss those damned lips of his right then and there.

The elder swallowed hard, his mouth and throat almost entirely dry by now.

'Yeah... practice. We were going over choreos that night. Yeah.' Yoongi let out a shallow breath.

Smooth. Your sentences just ooze IQ right now.

'Your petty bickering aside, can we just start watching the movie today?' Hoseok called, putting an end to the youngers' drama scene.

'Thank you!' Jungkook added, though he was smiling as he selected the appropriate subtitles and proceeded to press play.

Jimin pulled one of the pizza boxes closer to them and handed a slice to Yoongi before taking one for himself and beginning to munch on it hungrily. He settled back against Yoongi's chest as he did so. The warmth inside Yoongi's chest did a triple somersault and started running all over the place as Jimin pressed up against Yoongi once they finished eating. The elder thanked all the gods above for inspiring him to pull that throw off the couch as shortly after, he could feel Jimin's hands smooth along his legs, pulling them tightly around his own frame. Yoongi tensed up a bit at this – what if the others noticed? Heck, he loved being able to sit like this, with Jimin basically in his lap, but they were with five other people who didn't know that the two of them might just like to cuddle like this and do some other stuff as well, and... well, Yoongi wasn't exactly ready to have any conversations about those things, or to come up with explanations. Or anything of the sorts. He just wanted to enjoy sitting like this with Jimin and everyone else. To his relief however, Yoongi saw that everyone's eyes were glued to the screen of the television.

All except for one pair.

Jimin looked up at Yoongi as he sensed the older relax. He smiled gently at Yoongi and Yoongi was suddenly thankful they weren't standing because that smile just made him turn to mush. He suddenly realised he had stopped breathing for a few good seconds and his heart was screaming at him by now, as it needed the bloody oxygen. The look Jimin gave him was warm, innocent, soft, yet Yoongi could swear he saw something lurking underneath the surface of those eyes. And it was filled with desire. The elder couldn't help but note the playful spark dancing around in the younger's eyes right before they were replaced by a pair of moon crescents as Jimin smiled. Wholeheartedly. It made Yoongi smile and want to kiss the younger even more, but he resigned himself to adjusting the throw around them and hugging Jimin and he rested his head on Jimin's right shoulder. Every now and then Yoongi would press his cheek against Jimin's temple and sigh inaudibly but longingly.

Yoongi felt a bit guilty as due to of all of the above he missed out on the very beginning of the movie. However, he more or less got the gist of it – the story was about a group of four twelve year-old boys that decided to go find the body of another boy that was reported missing in the area. But it was also more than that – it was a story about youth, family, friendship, the curiosity and fear that came together with growing up and most of all the loss of a certain innocence that came with growing up. And the struggle that follows that loss. Yoongi smiled bitterly when he realised this and he could feel a strange emptiness settling in his chest, alongside the warmth he felt for Jimin.

By the time the credits started to roll Yoongi had realised where the movie got its title from, as Ben E. King's song of the same name started to play in the background. As he looked around at the other members, Yoongi ventured to guess that all of them were dealing with more or less the same bittersweet feeling that now lurked in his chest. Jimin had untangled one of Yoongi's hands from around his torso and now held it tightly against his chest. Yoongi could feel the younger's heartbeat. It was somehow melancholic in its steady rhythm. Jimin swallowed heavily and let out a deep sigh.

For a few seconds everyone was silent, the boys just looking at each other. It took Yoongi a few seconds to register that the brighter gleam in Hoseok's eyes was due to the tears that threatened to fall down his cheeks at any minute now. Namjoon had that slightly pursed smile stuck on his face – the one they all knew he wore when he struggled to hold back from crying. Taehyung had crawled in Jin's lap and his face was now buried against the elder's chest as he stroked Taehyung's head gently. To the pair's right Jungkook sat upright, his face blank as he continued to stare at the screen. Yoongi could have sworn he saw the maknae's lower lip quiver.

'Hyungs' Jungkook began, startling everyone for a second, 'can I just say that I really love each and every one of you... and...' he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Yoongi's heart sank when he saw that the younger was crying now. 'And I don't want us to gr-' Jungkook's voice broke for a second as he continued to struggle with holding back his tears, 'I don't want us to grow apart. Ever. You're like family to me and I've learnt so much from you and I just don't... I don't want to lose you!'

At that, some barrier Jungkook was struggling to keep up must've broken inside of him because the maknae had started to cry. Really cry. Taehyung quickly scooted off Jin's lap in order to wrap himself around the younger boy, hugging him tightly as he continued to sob loudly. Yoongi could feel Jimin shift as he glanced over at Yoongi, who nodded, and then got up and went over to Jungkook's side and hugged him as well.

Melodramatic as it might've seemed, pretty soon all the members joined in and they shred one big group hug. Yoongi let the warm feeling of the hug wash over him. Yes, he too was scared and couldn't imagine life without his band members whom he befriended a few years back. It broke his heart to see the group's youngest (who was normally all smiles and goofiness personified) feel so sad. It also humbled Yoongi to think that he too meant so much to the people around him. Jungkook's sobs slowly died down and he was now leaning against Jimin, who was slowly stroking his shoulders. Yoongi noticed that Hoseok still had tears running down his cheeks as he gently patted the maknae's knee.

'Oh, come over here you big sap!' Yoongi said quietly as he pulled Hoseok to his side and hugged him. He could feel the younger's arms latch onto to fabric of his hoodie almost immediately. Hoseok cried softly into Yoongi's shoulder.

The group stayed like that for a little while longer, soothing each other when needed. Yoongi wasn't exactly sure, but he thought it was Jin that finally broke into a nostalgic smile first because he then started to talk about how he felt when first meeting the others. The boys then took turns reminiscing about their early days as trainees, first impressions, shenanigans, rehearsals and other adventures they'd shared over time. Surely enough, soon all of them were laughing again shortly. As usual, Yoongi didn't share too much, but stuck to chiming in here and there but all of a sudden he felt that he wanted to speak up. He cleared his throat a bit as he attempted to speak and suddenly all the other members turned towards him.

'I don't think I've mentioned this before, but initially I was looking more into working as a composer or producer within the company. Then they asked me to sing and dance and they told me I should consider being an idol. I was on the fence about the whole thing for a long time...' Yoongi looked up to meet the gazes of his friends, 'but then I got to know you guys and I instantly knew what I wanted to go on with. And fuck me if being an idol isn't hard as hell, but it's most definitely worth it when you're in a group like this one right here.' He finished, drawing a horizontal circle in the air as he gestured towards the group.

Silence had set in again.

Yoongi let out a sigh as he felt nervousness creep up on him. Did he say something weird?

'There you go again hyung.' Namjoon finally spoke, 'Saying something in that way of yours that just puts everything else to shame.' He added, giggling softly.

'Yeah, hyung doesn't talk that much, but when he does... holy crap.' Hoseok offered, smiling as well.

'My ass. You guys just need to stop being a bunch of sentimental bastards.' Yoongi tried to shake them off as he laughed nervously.

'Said the king of the sentimental bastards.'

This made Yoongi stop and look up. He could feel his breath catch in his throat again and that familiar pang in his chest. Those words came from Jimin and somehow, somehow they seemed to be referring to more than just right now. Jimin was looking at him from the other side of the couch, his gaze warm and loving and incredibly dark. Yoongi could see the skin of his cheeks turning a slight pink under the pale white light cast by the TV. No one said anything and the two just continued to look at each other. Yoongi had yet to figure out how it was that Jimin could just hold his gaze like that. As if nothing and no one else existed in the world.

Yoongi found himself at a loss for words and just smiled shyly.


The boys continued talking until well after midnight and Yoongi didn't even remember how it happened but at some point they must've all fallen asleep in the living room.

The TV was still turned on as Yoongi's eyelids fluttered open and he struggled to figure out where he was. He woke up because he needed to go to the loo and was now squinting at the harsh light scratching abstract patterns on the back of his eyelids. He gently slid his shoulder from underneath Hoseok's head and slid off the couch, making sure to plant a couple of pillows next to the younger's side in order to prevent him from toppling over. Yoongi then proceeded to wobble over to the bathroom, yawning silently as he did so.

When he came back, Yoongi couldn't help but grin at the sight before him – the members were sprawled all over the couch and in front of it, curled up and sleeping soundly. Their breathing was barely audible, but Yoongi could hear how soft and relaxed it was.

Just then the door to Yoongi's left slid open and Jimin walked back into the living room, barely visible behind the mass of duvets he was carrying.

'You nearly scared the life out of me Jiminie!' Yoongi whispered, relieved to see it was Jimin and not some thief or ghost wandering about the house.

'Oh, sorry hyung.' Jimin tilted his head to the side in order to actually see Yoongi from behind the covers. 'I just heard you when you woke up and thought we could all use these since were sleeping here.' He finished, lifting the duvets slightly in order to show what he was talking about.

'And they say Jin-hyung's the mother hen of the group.' Yoongi smiled.

'Oh shut up and help me with these already.' Jimin grinned back.

Once they made sure everyone was covered up Yoongi wasn't sure what to do with himself. Him and Jimin were still up and there were no duvets left and if he was being perfectly honest with himself, Yoongi would've really, really wanted to share one with Jimin over anyone else right now.

'What're you thinking about hyung?' Jimin asked softly as he walked over to the elder after making sure Taehyung and Jungkook were tucked in. The light from the TV cast a deep shadow on half of Jimin's face and Yoongi found himself once again in awe of that beautiful contrast between darkness and light that just seemed to show off the younger's beautiful features.

Yoongi suddenly realised that he had been holding his breath and let out a sigh. He didn't really know how to say what he wanted to say without coming across as a weirdo. He lifted his right hand and gently brushed Jimin's hair back, finally coming to a rest on the side of the younger's neck. The feel of Jimin's soft skin and steady pulse underneath his hand made Yoongi's heart race in his chest.

'I was just thinking if you'd like to come sleep with me tonight.'

The words came out of Yoongi's mouth before even he could register what he had said. When he finally did, Yoongi could feel his entire face burn up and his eyes go wide. Suddenly, he found he couldn't look Jimin in the eye any longer.

Jimin laughed quietly and, taking Yoongi's hand in his own, planted a few soft kisses on it before adding:

'I'd love that hyung.' The younger's voice was barely audible, his tone almost shy, yet still somehow eager.

Yoongi finally turned his head back and faced Jimin again. The younger boy was looking up at him, his dark eyes mesmerising Yoongi. He gave Jimin a lopsided grin before lowering his head again and taking the younger's hand in his own and heading off to his and Jin's room. Yoongi could feel Jimin's hand gently squeezing his as they walked. Jimin's hand was small and soft and warm and Yoongi loved being able to hold it. At some point the elder realised that his hand felt clammy and couldn't suppress a grin when wondering if it was because of his, Jimin's, or both.

The two were still holding hands after entering Yoongi and Jin's room. As soon as the soft click of the doorknob announced that they were separated from the others Yoongi was surprised to turn around and be caught by Jimin's lips.

It had been a while since they were able to make out properly and Yoongi was glad to find out he wasn't the only one to miss that – Jimin guided Yoongi's hand to his lower back and let it rest there and then proceeded to slide his left hand underneath Yoongi's hoodie, while the right hand made its way up to tug at the short hairs above Yoongi's neck.

They pressed hard against each other, their lips and teeth clashing, hunger clearly palpable in their actions. Yoongi relished in the touch of Jimin's soft, full lips against his own and found himself having to supress several moans as the younger gently sucked and nibbled at his lower lip and then his tongue. They kissed like that for a little while longer, tongues sliding and pressing against each other. Their breaths were heavy, not only from want of each other but also because they barely gave themselves space to breathe before locking lips yet again. The warmth roaming around Yoongi's chest started to make its way downwards again. And that was when Yoongi tightened his grip around Jimin's waist and gently stepped forward. It took Jimin about a half a second to realise what was going on before letting himself be led towards Yoongi's bed.

Once he could feel the bed's frame pressing against the back of his legs, Jimin let himself fall back on it and all but dragged Yoongi after him, desperate for the elder's touch. Yoongi gave out a low moan at the gesture.

They were lying in bed now, Yoongi on top of Jimin the way he'd been only on the night when they made out in the dance studio a few weeks back, and Yoongi was thankful their position was horizontal as he was pretty sure he couldn't stand upright in thatt very moment. The feel of Jimin's slender and firm body pressed so close to his own made the elder's head spin; the fire burning inside of him had long since passed his stomach and was dancing dangerously close to his crotch area now. And there it was, happening all over again – Jimin was driving him crazy and Yoongi loved every single second of it. Yoongi toyed with fistfuls of Jimin's hair as he broke off their kiss and started to draw a trail of pecks along Jimin's jaw, eventually moving down the side of his neck. He could feel Jimin tense up and his skin becoming warmer with every touch of his lips. Shallow gasps escaped the younger's lips as his breathing was getting heavier. Yoongi could feel Jimin's hands roaming desperately across his body – one of them digging deeper into Yoongi's left shoulder blade with every wet kiss the elder planted on Jimin, the other sliding slowly down Yoongi's lower back, making its way towards his ass.

The next thing Yoongi knew was that Jimin's hand had finally reached its destination and started rubbing and kneading hungrily, before lifting up a bit and tentatively sliding his middle finger right down the middle of Yoongi's bum. This last gesture especially sent waves of heat and shivers all over Yoongi's body and he pressed his hips down onto Jimin's, grinding them. Jimin sighed from somewhere deep in his throat at that and lifted his midsection in an attempt to press harder against Yoongi. Now Yoongi wasn't the type to flatter himself or anything, but he was pretty sure he could feel the beginnings of an erection in the younger's pants. Then again, by now he was half-hard himself, so he wasn't really one to talk. Suddenly the tops and sweatpants they were wearing seemed a blasphemy to Yoongi who wanted nothing more than to see and feel Jimin's naked skin pressed tightly against his own. After planting a few more kisses along Jimin's collarbone Yoongi got up, now straddling Jimin. With clumsy and trembling hands, the elder started to lift Jimin's jumper; all the while Yoongi was looking deep into the younger's eyes. He searched for any sign that would indicate to Yoongi that Jimin might not have wanted him to do this, but all that he saw was Jimin looking lovingly back at him as he tried to steady his breathing. The younger boy's eyes were wide and though he too seemed to be scared, his gaze was filled with so much longing it made Yoongi's knees weak and his heart flutter.

As Yoongi's hands pushed the jumper up Jimin's chest, the younger sat up as well, taking care to steady Yoongi in his lap before lifting his arms above his head and tilting his head back in order for the jumper to slide off more easily.

Yoongi couldn't help but gasp when he finally freed Jimin of his top; he knew his mouth was still slightly open and he was staring by now, but god damn, he couldn't take his eyes off of Jimin. Sure, he'd seen his dongsaeng more or less shirtless over the years but this time for some reason it was completely different. It was as if Yoongi was beginning to really see Jimin for the first time in his life. And the sight of the younger left him speechless and unable to know what to do with himself anymore and so full of desire that something inside Yoongi's chest literally ached at the sight of him. He wanted to stay there and look at the younger for hours and hours, memorising every curve of the lean muscles that adorned Jimin's chest. He wanted to run his fingers over the smooth skin of Jimin's torso, breathe in Jimin's scent, taste him, kiss him senseless.

Woah, and this only after exposing his top half. Imagine how you're gonna feel later on.

Yoongi blushed furiously at that realisation and bit down on his lower lip in order to supress a grin. Yup, he, Min Yoongi, was most definitely crazy for Park Jimin.

'God Jiminie, you're so damn beautiful.' He confessed.

It was Jimin's turn to blush a deep shade of red, as he too was now slowly lifting the elder's hoodie, eventually taking it off him. Yoongi instinctively drew into himself a bit once he too was sitting topless in front of Jimin. Unlike the younger's, his skin was pale and his small frame wasn't as well-built as Jimin's. Yoongi found himself yet again wondering if Jimin might not like what he saw.

'Hyung, look at me.' Jimin's voice was low and soft, his breath tender against Yoongi's chest as he drew the elder closer to him.

The younger's hands now rested on Yoongi's hips, thumbs gently massaging small circles over them. Yoongi slowly lifted his gaze to meet Jimin's. There it was – again, that look that made Yoongi feel lightheaded and made his knees go weak; the look that made him feel special and scared at the same time, because he was the only one Jimin was looking at. Really looking at. With beautiful dark pools for eyes, a fierce intensity to them, mouth slightly agape. That look that made Yoongi's heart race; it made him want to kiss Jimin all over, it made him yearn for Jimin in every single way imaginable. It made Yoongi want to be filled to the brim with Jimin. It made him think that nothing else really mattered in the world, besides the two of them.

'You really have no idea how breathtaking you are, do you?' Jimin added, smiling shyly.

Before Yoongi could even think to come up with some snarky comment, Jimin pulled him in for a deep kiss, his right hand holding the elder in place by grabbing a fistful of his hair. Their tongues intertwined playfully, and both boys moaned into the kiss as their now bare chests pressed against each other, sending shivers through their bodies. Pretty soon Yoongi's fear from earlier had gone away and he had Jimin pinned underneath him, after somehow sliding off both their sweatpants as well.

If Yoongi thought he had felt desire roaming around his insides until now, boy was he wrong. Being able to touch and hold Jimin so close while they were both only in boxers, set his previously mentioned insides on fire and as Yoongi let his lower half rest on top of Jimin and Jimin placed one leg over the elder's in an attempt to push harder into him, Yoongi was pretty sure it was safe to say that they were both pretty hard now. Yoongi knew he wanted to do something about that, but he was also still a bit scared. For one, he'd never been with anyone this way before; second, he didn't know if he'd be any good at it.

Jimin let out a pained moan that drove Yoongi crazy as the elder thrust his hips don once more, the friction between their genitals sending them up the walls while simultaneously not being nearly enough. Sweat was covering both of them by now and their heavy, muffled breathing filled the small room. After a few more kisses, Yoongi decided to untangle his right hand from Jimin's hair and let it roam south. He traced his fingers over the side of Jimin's neck, shoulder and then torso, finally stopping when they reached the waistline of Jimin's boxers. Jimin gasped when he sensed Yoongi was rubbing small circles over his hipbone and arched his lower back slightly. Yoongi slid to Jimin's left side.

'Tell me if you want me to stop.' He said, voice slightly trembling as his breathing became heavier.

Jimin stared at the elder, a confused look on his face for a couple of seconds before feeling Yoongi's finger trail over to his other hipbone and then tentatively sliding underneath the hem of his boxers. Yoongi couldn't help but smirk when he saw the expression on the younger's face – astonishment mixed with something akin to ecstasy. Yoongi himself had to bite back a loud moan as his hand wrapped over Jimin's hard member. He quickly pressed himself against Jimin as he started to stroke down the younger's length. At this, Jimin let his head fall back and moved his hips slightly, trying to synchronise his movements with Yoongi's hand.

'Ah, hyung...' Jimin let out, while wrapping an arm around the elder and pulling him closer.

Pretty soon Yoongi discovered that Jimin had a sort of sensitive spot just to the left of his slit, and after slicking his fingers with the precum that had started to form there, took full advantage of this knowledge. He found that he loved the way he could make Jimin squirm and basically turn to jelly underneath him as he ran his finger tentatively over the head, only to have to kiss away Jimin's moans as he went on to apply a bit more pressure to that sensitive spot. Soon enough, Yoongi was tugging at Jimin's boxers and pulling them down in order to give both of them more space. Jimin gasped with pleasure when the cold air of the room hit him, only to be reduced to a moaning mess as Yoongi's hand cupped him entirely, now that it could move around more freely. The elder started to stroke Jimin's length, trying to find a steady pace to go with.

'Hyung, please... faster...' was all that Jimin could manage to blurt out after a few minutes.

Yoongi was more than happy to oblige. He positively adored seeing Jimin looking so eager and full of yearn. As the elder started to pump his hand at a faster rhythm he could feel Jimin's hips picking up their pace as well. The feeling of Jimin thrusting like so into his hand had Yoongi gasping for air, as the heat between his own legs continued to increase. Yoongi lifted himself so he was positioned over Jimin again as he continued to stroke him faster and faster; he planted his mouth firmly over the younger's as his moans increased in number and intensity – he wanted to catch each and every one of them as they left Jimin's lips.

After a few more strokes and thrusts and Yoongi sliding his thumb over the head of Jimin's now throbbing member, Jimin let out a guttural cry and Yoongi could feel the younger's entire body shudder underneath him as he came. Yoongi's hand was covered in cum as he gently stroked Jimin through the end of his orgasm.

Jimin was panting weakly as Yoongi did this and eventually brought his left hand to the back of Yoongi's neck as they shared a final long kiss. His other hand was still on Yoongi's back, holding onto the elder as if for dear life. Yoongi had to admit to himself that he liked the sort of urgency with which Jimin held him.

'Holy crap hyung...' Jimin began, through shallow breaths, 'that was... holy crap...' he finished as he let his head fall back on the pillow underneath him.

'Well, consider it payback for all those times you teased me in the past. Actually, consider it a sort of warning, because I was being nice just now.' Yoongi replied, teasingly. 'Now wait there a second while I fish for some wet wipes or something.' He added while getting out of bed and rummaging through a drawer. The elder proceeded to clean Jimin and himself up before nuzzling back next to Jimin.

'Come here already.' Jimin demanded as he turned on his side and pulled Yoongi closer; he planted a kiss on Yoongi's lips before pulling back to look at him.

Yoongi suddenly felt nervous. He swallowed in an attempt to get rid of the lump of lead that settled in his throat.

'Seriously though, I hope that was ok. I mean, I never... this was the first time I...' he trailed off, not knowing what to say or if he even could say it, given how dry his mouth felt.

Jimin turned an adorable shade of pink and smiled widely.

'Hyung, here I am a complete mess after what you did, trying to gather my brains off the floor so that I can tell you it was amazing, and you're worried if it was "ok"?' he kissed Yoongi again, slowly running his tongue over the elder's lower lip. 'Also, for what it's worth, this was a first for me too.'

Yoongi looked up at Jimin. Brought his hand up to the younger's face and caressed it gently. He loved the way Jimin closed his eyes and leaned into the touch.

'That aside, what about you hyung?' Jimin asked, his gaze shooting downwards for a second before looking back at Yoongi and smiling coyly.

At that, the elder buried his face in his pillow. Jimin could see the deep blush that crept up to the tips of his ears.

'Hyung?' Jimin asked, confused.

'Well, let's just say that I'm okay for now... but you owe me.' Yoongi's voice was muffled as he kept his face buried in the pillow.

'Wha-? Oh... OH!' Jimin yelped as he realised what Yoongi was talking about. 'Oh wow, hyung.' He giggled.

'Shut up.' Yoongi finally turned his head back to face Jimin. 'It's not my fault you're hot as hell when I jack you off.'

They both laughed silently leaning towards each other, so that their foreheads and noses touched.

After a bit of fiddling around with the covers and Jimin pulling his boxers back on, the pair found a position they were comfortable in (Jimin spooning Yoongi from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around the elder's body) and fell asleep.

The next day Jimin and Yoongi were the first ones to wake up. They shared one last kiss before entering the living room only to find the other members still sound asleep.

'We should have movie nights more often.' Yoongi said, smiling warmly and prompting Jimin to hold back a small laugh.

'Come on hyung, let's make some breakfast.'

'Sounds good to me.'

After checking again that nobody could see them, Yoongi gave Jimin's bum another light squeeze as they headed towards the kitchen.

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