silence. [a YoonMin Fic]

By Moro_23

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'Thanks' Yoongi breathed out, suddenly realising that he hasn't actually said anything for a while. 'You're w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6: interlude: snippets, part 1
Chapter 7: interlude: snippets, part 2
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

212 10 3
By Moro_23

From the moment he woke up, Yoongi couldn't ignore the strange feeling roaming around his insides. It wound its way around his lungs and tugged at his heart, prancing around like it owned the fucking place. It was a mixture of excitement, fear and a hell of a lot of longing. Yoongi clutched the bedsheets covering him tightly against his chest. He longed for Jimin's touch, for the feel of the younger's lips against his, for his warmth, his very presence, everything. Yoongi wanted to be alone with Jimin again and pick up where they had left off yesterday before being interrupted. And partly that scared the hell out of him. It also made him blush furiously and smile like an idiot (especially when remembering that look Jimin gave him in the hallway). Yoongi wanted to bang his head against a wall because why the hell was he behaving like this? What was he? 15?!

After tossing and turning under his sheets for a while, Yoongi decided to just get up and head over to the recording studio. It was still early (the fact that Yoongi was up at this ungodly hour just emphasized how stirred he was) and everyone else was still sleeping. They had a photo shoot scheduled at noon, which meant they had hair and make-up to go through starting from 9am, which still gave Yoongi plenty of time to work on his music. Whenever his mind was scattered all over the place (more like in in overdrive right now) music soothed Yoongi. Whether it was writing up some new lyrics to run by their producers and the rest of the band, or coming up with new ideas for the songs they were currently working on, music gave Yoongi something to focus on. It took his mind off everything else and for a short while all the worries and thoughts that would normally gnaw at him would fall silent.

Yoongi carefully tiptoed out of the room, so as not to wake Jin and, after making himself a mugful of coffee, headed off. The building housing the dance and recording studios was about a 5-minute walk away. Though he was not by any means a morning person, Yoongi had always enjoyed the short walk over to the neighbouring building, especially early in the morning. There was a certain sense of solitude that enveloped him as he walked around the empty hallways.

As he got to the small studio and sat down, coffee mug strategically placed at arm's length to his right, Yoongi was feeling pretty good – he was going to play around with a song or two and that would calm him down a bit. Except he soon realised that he wouldn't be able to do shit this morning. All his mind could think about was how Jimin would dance to this particular chorus, what he'd sound like while singing the bridge of that song. And that didn't help at all, because it just lead Yoongi to think about Jimin even more. About what they did yesterday. About how Jimin's heart was racing just as much as Yoongi's. About those dark eyes of Jimin's seemingly wanting to devour Yoongi. Even the mere thought of those looks he gave Yoongi wrecked him completely.

With all this in mind, about fifteen minutes after arriving at the studio Yoongi was literally banging his head against a table. He eventually decided to leave as he wasn't able to concentrate on anything anyways. Well, except for a certain someone.

As Yoongi was walking down the hallway that lead towards a set of stairs, dreading the day that lay ahead of him (rather, the moment when he'd face that kid again and everything that came with that encounter; if there even was anything to come out of it), he suddenly cocked his head up at the faint sound of music.

It was barely audible, but Yoongi was sure it came from one of the dance studios ahead of him and to his left.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly approached the studio door and gently pushed it open. The music, Yoongi soon discovered, was coming from a phone that lay on the ground next to what seemed to be a black, fluffy lump with messy dark hair sticking out at the top of it.


Jimin was a nervous wreck. Yes, he had an audition and actually got accepted and would now be a part of this boy group the company was putting together. Yes, if everything somehow worked out they might just put their name out there and holy crap, they might just become idols. Actual idols, like the ones you see on TV all the time. If things worked out.

While from what he understood, he wasn't the youngest member in the band, Jimin was certainly the newest addition to it. Everyone else already knew each other for a couple of years now. There already was a group. And Jimin wasn't part of it. It was this fact that made him feel uneasy the most.

Jimin was ready to accept that he would be away from home pretty much all the time from now on, that he will miss his family and friends, that a probably very busy schedule lay ahead of him (what with him being a trainee and all), but he dreaded the thought of not fitting in with the rest of the group. Truth be told, what Jimin wanted more than anything right now was to be able to fast-forward time and for all the awkward, get-to-know-you stages to be over. He wanted to be friends with the other boys. To know them, and for them to know him. He wanted to belong.

Alas, time travelling is yet to be invented, so you'll just have to make-do with what you can.

Once Jimin got to the dorm, he was left to unpack his stuff and informed that the other members should be back from dance practice shortly. Great.

It didn't take long for Jimin to take in his new home. The place was rather small and jam-packed with clothes and shoes strewn about. The apartment also housed a single larger room with seven beds in it. You could tell that six of those beds had belonged to six individuals for a while now. One or two of them were neatly made; some were a complete mess, with their sheets all wrinkled and pillows at both ends of the bed. Books, comics, mangas and sheets of paper (at times crumpled) took up most of the floor area. One bed stood out of the bunch, at the far end of the room. It was unmade, a duvet and two pillows folded neatly and placed at the end of it. Jimin ventured a guess that that was going to be his bed. While the place seemed cosy enough despite its size, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Jimin didn't expect much from their dorm, but he wasn't sure he was prepared for sharing a room with six other strangers just yet.

What better way to get to know them all in no time though?

Jimin supposed that was true, but he was still nervous.

As he was trying to figure out where he'd put his clothes and whatnot, Jimin heard the apartment door open and a chorus of loud, giggly voices followed. It made Jimin realise just how quiet, how still everything had been up until then. Yup, he was definitely on the outside looking in.

The chattering and noise seemed to disappear from the hallway and head towards the kitchen area. The clanking of dishes and glasses could be heard soon afterwards.

'God, if I don't get some food in my stomach soon, I will literally die!' a voice cried.

'Well if you'd actually help with the making of said food maybe you'd get to eat sooner, Taehyung-ah' came the reply.

'But hyuuuung, I can barely move after all that torture they put us through!'

'I'll help, Jin-hyung' someone offered.

'NO!' the others screamed suddenly. Jimin could swear he head a tinge of panic in those voices.

'I'm sorry Joonie, but last time you tried to help you ended up with a cupboard door in your hand. Stay there, I'll help with the cooking.'

Giggles and the sound of pots and pans being handled could be heard from the kitchen now and after a few more minutes Jimin could sense the smell of beef and spices filtering through the small apartment. That was when he realised that he had been eavesdropping on the others.

Come on, let's just get this over with.

Reluctantly, Jimin gave a weak knock on the kitchen door and opened it. He could feel a big lump forming in his throat and his mouth was going dry at an alarming pace. Six pairs of eyes looked up at him quizzically.

A rather tall boy with broad shoulders was working the stove while another boy, face shaped more like an oval, limbs long and skinny, was chopping up vegetables in the middle of the table behind him. At the right end of the table sat two other boys watching something on one of their phones, grins still plastered on their faces from what they were looking at a second ago. Jimin thought he recognised one of them from school. The other end of the table was occupied by another two boys hunched over what seemed to be a tiny old notebook full of scribbles.

'Um, ... I'm sorry for barging in like this.' Jimin spluttered. 'My name is Park Jimin and I'm a new trainee. It's very nice to meet you all. I hope we will get along well.' He quickly added, bowing.


The boy Jimin now recognised as Kim Taehyung jumped up and pulled him into a tight bear hug.

A small wave of relief washed over Jimin, soothing his initial nerves as Taehyung proceeded to introduce the group to Jimin and boast about Jimin's talent at dancing. Jimin immediately blushed and shrugged it off. He was not that big a deal. The other members seemed to take an immediate liking to their new bandmate with chubby cheeks – Jimin found himself bombarded with apologies for not having a proper welcome ('Really now, how could they not tell us you were coming today?!', 'Guess they wanted the whole thing to just go naturally or some fancy reason like that.'), and questions about where he was from, his family, his likes, dislikes, how his trip to Seoul was, etc. Taehyung proceeded to glue himself to Jimin, throwing in praises for Jimin every time singing and especially dancing were mentioned.

The boy who had been preparing dinner for everyone, whose name Jimin learnt was Kim Seokjin, quickly proceeded to take some more food out of the fridge and asked the boy who had been helping him until now (whose name was Jung Hoseok if Jimin remembered correctly) to slice up some more veggies and take out another set of cutlery and plates.

By the time dinner was served Jimin's worries about how and even if he'd fit in washed away almost completely. A huge burden off his chest, Jimin was relaxed enough to realise how hungry he was, and ate a healthy portion of food along with the others. He also couldn't help but comment on what an amazing cook Seokjin was. The older boy thanked him, saying it was no big deal and that it was the least he could do. At that, he was cut off by the maknaes of the group saying that they'd probably be dead by now without Seokjin's cooking. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and talk and laugh and pretty soon Jimin felt as if he'd been here, having dinner like this for years as well. He completely forgot that he had just met these boys about a couple of hours ago. A long and wacky conversation soon started about each of the member's shower habits and all the pains they've gone through until they finally managed to figure out a showering order that worked for them.

Everyone was mostly busy trying to figure out where Jimin would fit in when, having finished his food, Jimin decided to sit back and just listen to the conversation. It was fun watching his new band mem- no, friends, trying to figure things out and laughing whenever they remembered something silly. It gave Jimin a rather soft, warm feeling in his chest and made him smile widely. That was also when he first had time to take a good look at one of the other six guys sitting at the table. He was seated across from Jimin, to his left. He had dark, fluffy hair that covered his forehead and rested neatly just above his eyes. He didn't say much after introducing himself as Min Yoongi, but smiled warmly at Jimin when he did so. The soft features of his face made it hard for Jimin not to stare at him for too long. There was an air of mystery and strength to him that caught Jimin's eye and drew him in. Jimin supposed that was what charisma was. Though Min Yoongi mostly kept to himself throughout dinner, Jimin could tell he was listening to the conversation the others were having, smiling and laughing heartily whenever something funny was mentioned. Jimin could swear he even saw Yoongi gently smiling at him whenever Jimin looked over in his direction, especially towards the beginning of dinner when Jimin felt incredibly nervous.

After they had finished dinner, the boys got ready to have a shower before going to bed. Following a plethora of pleas on the others' part Jimin agreed to shower second (seeing as no one finished showering quicker than Taehyung), but Jimin had insisted he'd wash the dishes and Hoseok stayed behind to help him. Jimin was happy to discover another person that loved dancing as much as he did and by the time they finished the washing up, they agreed on having a dance practice after schedule tomorrow.

'I just want to say in advance that it is not my fault if anything's broken in the bathroom tomorrow morning. The place was intact when I left it' Namjoon announced as he came into their living-/bedroom last.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh softly as the others proceeded to tease Namjoon. Apparently the guy was a bit of a wrecking ball.

Soon after that the lights were out and everyone but Yoongi was fast asleep. He had announced he'd be staying up a bit, toying with some song ideas on his laptop. Yoongi's bed was closest to the room's door, Seokjin's and Jungkook's beds to the left of his. Across from Yoongi slept Namjoon, followed by Hoseok and Taehyung, whose bed was right next to Jimin's. Jimin closed his eyes and nestled under his duvet, listening to the soft sounds of Yoongi's keyboard and the others' calm, deep breaths. Hearing how quickly all the other boys drifted off made Jimin wonder what lay ahead of him tomorrow. Excitement and a good dose of fear swirled around inside him as he pondered. Part of him still couldn't quite believe that all of this was happening. He, Park Jimin was in a band and they were working their way towards a debut. He had no idea what lay ahead of him and though he was petrified by the whole idea of stardom, he felt like he would be able to pull through with bandmates such as his. Jimin wanted to sing and dance more than anything and he had a feeling that no matter how hard things might get, their group would pull through. Jimin was incredibly grateful to have been blessed with such bandmates. Such friends. He smiled softly against the covers.

Try as he might though, Jimin realised that he couldn't go to sleep. He was tired after today but all the excitement about what lay ahead of him, of them, pumped too much adrenaline into his system and now he couldn't bloody sleep. He pulled his phone over from the small bedside table (already filled with a bunch of manga and books that Taehyung and the maknae, Jungkook, had insisted Jimin must read) and started looking at random things on his twitter feed. Yoongi glanced over as he noticed the younger move around and then shifted his gaze back to the screen of his laptop.

After about ten minutes Jimin was getting bored of looking things up online and sleep still eluded him. He looked up at the ceiling, letting out a low defeated sigh. He initially considered reading one of those mangas, but didn't want to wake Taehyung up by turning on the lamp on the small table between them.

'Just read a bit, that should wear your eyes out quicker kid.' A low voice addressed Jimin, startling him at first.

Jimin looked around him to see that it was Yoongi who talked. The white light from his laptop gave him a bit of an eerie appearance, but Jimin still couldn't help but admire those soft features of his. Yoongi's eyes glowed a bit as he smiled to Jimin.

'And don't worry about waking up Taehyung – he sleeps like a freakin' log.' Yoongi added nonchalantly.

Jimin couldn't help but grin back at his hyung and then slowly reach for the lamp and turn it on. The light it emitted was low and warm but it still hurt Jimin's eyes for a few good seconds. Yoongi gave the younger boy a nod and a smile out of the corner of his mouth before returning to his work. Afterwards, Jimin started to read. The manga he was reading was really good and as Jimin got more into it and became less focused on being anxious, fatigue washed over him; and sure enough, he couldn't even remember having fallen asleep.

When he woke up to the others' yawns, stretches and greetings the next morning though Jimin found the book placed neatly atop the bedside table and he could have sworn he saw Yoongi sneaking him a knowing smile as they all headed off for breakfast.


It was probably around 3:30am and Jimin was sitting on the kitchen balcony. He couldn't sleep. Again. He had become a member of Bangtan almost a year ago now and they were debuting soon and Jimin was scared. Sure he'd been scared from the start, ever since he got here. He felt incredibly lucky and thankful for the amazing friends he had as bandmates though, without which he wouldn't have been here today. Jimin was the last one to join their ranks and he was scared he wouldn't fit in, that he wasn't as good as the others. Not as fit to be an idol like they were. That was until he saw that all the other members were a bunch of dorks as well. Together they had gotten through the challenging journey that was their traineeship and now here they were, preparing to debut.

That being said, Jimin still had moments when he felt a bit down. When his insecurities got the better of him. When he felt bad because he hadn't been here as long as the others, didn't have as much experience. It was also in moments like this that he became very homesick as well. So he sat out on the balcony, looking at the moon and stars shining above and thinking that that same light might just be shining on his sleeping family back home. Jimin knew it was silly, but it made him feel less lonely.

'I don't wanna sound like Jin-hyung, but you really should go to bed kid.' a low raspy voice addressed Jimin, making him jump out of his reverie.

'Hyung! Don't do that anymore, you scared the crap out of me!' Jimin let out a sigh and then smiled. His heart was pacing, and not just because of the scare.

Yoongi's hair was fluffy as always, but it was also a bit ruffled up and sticking out here and there from how he had slept. He wore a black t-shirt about 3 sizes too big for his small frame; under the silvery moonlight it made for a mesmerising contrast with Yoongi's paler skin. Jimin had to focus so as not to let his mouth hang agape. He was smiling that warm smile of his at Jimin again, saying he was sorry and that he didn't mean to scare the crap out of the younger boy.

'What're you doing out here at this hour anyway?' Yoongi asked quietly while sitting down beside Jimin.

'I was just...' Jimin let out a sigh. 'You know... stargazing I guess' he smiled faintly.

Yoongi furrowed his brows slightly as he tilted his head, ready to listen.

'I dunno hyung... I guess I just feel scared about us debuting soon.' Another sigh, this time longer. 'I was the last one to join our group. What if I'm not good enough? You guys have more experience than me, you've trained more than me and you know each other better. I know it sounds bad, but sometimes I just can't shake the feeling that you're all better at all of this and I'm just on the outside looking in, or something along those lines.' Jimin finished, letting out yet another long breath of air. He glanced over nervously at his hyung.

'Come here' Yoongi beckoned with his slender fingers, arms outstretched. As Jimin came closer, he pulled him into a hug. Jimin could hear Yoongi's heart beat quietly against his chest and Jimin closed his eyes. Listening to that steady rhythm calmed Jimin immensely.

'Now let your hyung drop some knowledge on you, Park Jimin. You are just as good as the rest of us, no matter when you joined the group. Also, here's a little secret for ya-' Jimin could hear Yoongi smile as he continued, 'we're all scared shitless. We've been like that since day one. But we're all in this together and we help each other out and keep each other afloat. If there's any difference between the rest of us and you, it's that we've been scared shitless for longer and know how to hide it better. But that comes with practice kid, you'll get there. Plus, we can talk about that with the others as well if you want. I'm sure people will have more than enough to share. '

Jimin couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. Yoongi hugged him closer still.

'And no matter what happens or what people say, just always remember that you're one of us. You're not some outsider looking in on a group of idols, you're one of the idols!' At this, Yoongi leaned in close to Jimin and whispered in his ear 'And us idols are humans too, just don't let anyone know! That's a secret between us.' and winked. Jimin could feel his cheeks burn up as he sensed his hyung's breath soft and warm against his skin. 'And for God's sake kid, has it never occurred to you that you're the only one who's debuting after only a year of training? Do you realise how goodthat makes you? And I dare say nobody here, not in the band, not in the company, is the type of person to say that they trust you with something without meaning every single word of it. Now look at me.' Yoongi pulled away and held Jimin by the shoulders, at arm's length. His gaze made Jimin's heart race and feel completely defenceless and safe at the same time.

'You are good kid. Hell, you're amazing at what you do. You just need to focus more on doing what you're good at rather than worrying over things you really needn't worry about. Now stop making me sound like some philosophical asshole and let's get to bed.' With that, Yoongi pulled Jimin back to his chest and held the younger boy tightly.

Jimin realised he wanted to stay like this forever. He held on to Yoongi, burying his face against his hyung's chest, tears slowly running down his cheeks and soaking Yoongi's t-shirt. Jimin's shoulders started to trembled slightly as he cried and at that Yoongi started to slowly caress Jimin's head.

After a few minutes though Jimin pulled away, suddenly becoming aware of himself and feeling ashamed.

'I'm sorry hyung.' he sniffed, smiling wryly. 'You must think I'm a wuss.'

'Not at all kid. Never.' Yoongi whispered, his look just as intense as before. It made Jimin's knees weak. 'But stop saying stupid things, or I'll hide one of Namjoon's used socks in your locker when you'll least expect it.' Yoongi grinned suddenly, as Jimin burst out laughing. 'Now come on, you should get some sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us.'

'Okay hyung. Thanks.' Jimin smiled weakly.

Yoongi took the younger boy's left wrist in his hand and lead him back to their shared room, warm smile still on his face. Jimin never wanted that smile to go away. He couldn't get enough of it.

Once he was tucked into bed, Jimin nestled into the duvet and held his left forearm against his chest. He could still sense the warmth of Yoongi's touch on his skin. Something in his chest swelled up immensely and grew warm as Jimin relived the hugs he shared with Yoongi earlier. Oh, how he missed them already. As he buried his face in the pillow underneath, Jimin wondered why was it that on top of everything else, he was falling in love with his hyung.



Jimin could hear someone calling him, but it was distant soft and Jimin barely caught any sleep after what happened the day before, so he just hugged himself tighter and hoped that the voice would go away.

But the voice insisted. And it was becoming louder.

'Kid, you gotta wake up. What're you even doing here? It's about 5:30am.'

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and blinked repeatedly, trying to bring his surroundings into focus. He quickly pulled away as soon as he realised that the person trying to wake him up was none other than Min Yoongi. He looked like he had had a rough night as well. The pale skin of his face was stained a pretty dark purple underneath his eyes and his voice was still hoarse. His hair stood out here and there, as if he had just gotten out of bed and decided to wander over to the studios.

Jimin's heart was suddenly beating a million miles per hour and he was starting to feel sick. Yoongi. His hyung. His hyung whom he kissed less than twenty-four hours ago, and though it was clumsy and they were both petrified and it ended all too quickly, it was the most amazing moment in Jimin's life.

To finally be able to actually feel Yoongi's soft lips against his felt more incredible than Jimin could ever have imagined. He never realised how much he truly yearned for, no, craved his hyung's touch over the years until Yoongi took Jimin's hand and placed it over his chest and Jimin felt under his hand the same excitement and fear that raced inside him. It made his head spin and his knees weak – to know that it was possible, that just maybe his hyung also wanted him in the same way.

'Jiminie, can you hear me?' Yoongi interjected Jimin's thoughts, brows slightly furrowed and concern visible in his eyes. His hand was on Jimin's shoulder, trying to steady him.

'Yeah hyung. I can hear you. Sorry, I just woke up with a start.' Jimin breathed out.

At that Yoongi let himself plop in front of Jimin, a deep sigh escaping his lips. Jimin felt bad. He didn't want to make his hyung sigh like that, or lose sleep for that matter. Did he do something stupid yesterday? Was it all just a big misunderstanding on his part?

'You really had me worried there for a second Jiminie.' Yoongi offered, slowly lifting his gaze.

Jimin found it hard to look at his hyung directly. At least not without blushing madly, while his throat and mouth went dry in a second and his heart threatened to burst through his ribs.

'Jimin-ah, look at me, please.' Yoongi's deep voice was soft. It always managed to calm Jimin's nerves, no matter what.

Jimin slowly raised his head to meet the older boy's gaze.

They stood there for a while, looking at each other. Jimin didn't dare move, or even blink. He could feel something catch fire in his insides again, roaming around his chest and spreading through the rest of his body. He longed for Yoongi's touch more than anything. It was the only thing that soothed the need burning inside of him. The want.

Slowly, Yoongi took Jimin's hand and placed it on his chest. He didn't take his eyes off Jimin's, not even for a second. For a moment Jimin could have sworn his heart stopped dead in its tracks. Yoongi's pulse was through the roof and the poor boy looked scared. It was almost as if by performing this gesture the older was asking Jimin if any of this was alright.

Jimin was never very good with words, so he did the next best thing he could think of - he acted on his feelings and leaned in to press his lips against Yoongi's.

Yoongi was quick to kiss back, pressing his lips harshly against Jimin's. They fumbled around a bit - teeth clashing, lips hungrily searching for each other, desperate for one another – as they tried to sit in a more comfortable position. Then, before Jimin even realised how it happened, he had Yoongi pinned on the floor underneath him. The older boy's right hand was running through the hair just above the nape of Jimin's neck, sending shivers all over the younger's back; his left hand rested on Jimin's lower back, firmly pinning him into place.

After realising that they also need some air, the two broke apart for a few seconds and looked at each other. They were both panting by this point and were flushed red all the way to the tip of their ears. They both smiled from ear to ear.

'You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for hyung.' Jimin breathed and stroked Yoongi's hair gently.

Yoongi let out a sigh, in an attempt to calm his breathing and found himself grinning.

'I'm glad you did it Jiminie.'

Jimin couldn't resist anymore and kissed Yoongi again, this time more gently, savouring every touch of their lips, his tongue soon flicking out tentatively to ask his hyung for permission. At this Yoongi let a low moan escape his lips. Jimin smiled into the kiss. From what he could tell, Yoongi seemed more than happy to oblige. He quickly parted his lips for the younger boy, while grabbing a fistful of his hair and pressing his entire body against Jimin's. This made something inside Jimin go completely crazy and he moaned rather loudly into the kiss. He then proceeded to pin himself harder onto the older boy's body, one knee between his legs, the other pressed firmly against Yoongi's side. With his right hand he was still caressing Yoongi's hair, keeping their mouths sewn together.

Just when Jimin was considering whether or not to start kissing down Yoongi's neck, his phone let out a sudden loud ring. It was Taehyung. Jimin knew this because had set different ringtones for each member one night when he was feeling inspired.

Another ring followed suit. And then another.

'I'm going to kill Taetae' Jimin groaned, breaking away from the kiss.

Yoongi laughed, although disappointment was clearly written on his face.

'To be fair, he doesn't know he's interrupting something.'

'True. But I bet you anything that if he actually knew, it'd be even worse hyung.' Jimin replied, giggling.

He reluctantly crawled off Yoongi and went to check his phone.

'Oh yay, apparently we're to have an impromptu dance practice before we head off for the photoshoot later today. Lucky for us that we're already in the right place.' Jimin grinned sheepishly, looking over at Yoongi who was trying to pick himself off the floor. 'I better answer this. Apparently everyone is also wondering if you took off somewhere, hyung.'

'Tell the bastards they won't get rid of me that easily.'

'Will do' Jimin laughed before coming over and planting another kiss on Yoongi's lips. 'I guess we better go then, huh?' he asked, his eyes searching Yoongi's face for something.

'Yeah...' Yoongi let out a heavy sigh.

They looked at each other once more as they picked up their things and smiled, cheeks turning red.

Jimin froze into place as Yoongi stepped over and they locked gazes. Although there was only a centimetre difference between their heights, Jimin could feel Yoongi towering over him. The older boy's eyes were aflame and dark. He leaned in to kiss Jimin once more before they left the room. It was passionate and slow and made Jimin want so, so much more. But he knew they had to make do with what they had.

As the pair of them left the small dance studio Jimin couldn't help but think back of that first night when he realised that he loved Yoongi more than he'd love an older brother. Part of him still couldn't believe any of this was actually happening.

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