Buttercream Oneshots

By buttercreamficsx

80.7K 811 184

Oneshots about the Buttercream Gang (Jack, Conor, Joe, Caspar, Mikey, Josh and Oli) Please leave prompts and... More

Hostage (Jack)
It's In The Past (Jack + Conor)
Friends For A Reason (Joe)
A New Maynard (Jack + Conor)
Hidden Talent (Jack)
Protected (Jack + Conor)
Don't Listen To Them (Jack)
Quiet (Jack + Conor)
Not A Child (Joe)
You're Not Ok (Jack + Conor)
Grief (Jack + Conor)
Catch It (Jack + Conor)
I Don't Care (Jack + Conor)
Don't Blame Yourself (Jack + Conor)
Still Breathing (Joe)
In Your Shadow (Jack + Conor)
Turn To Twitter (Jack + Conor)
I Don't Feel Too Good (Jack)
Car Crash (Jack + Conor)
One Million (Jack)
1K Views! (Authors Note)
Hole In The Wall (Jack + Conor)
Hidden Talent - Part 2
Always My First Choice (Jack + Conor)
Always Close By (Jack + Conor)
Insecure (Joe + Caspar)
Don't Overdo It (Jack + Conor)
I Missed You (Jack + Conor)
The Reason Why (Jack + Conor)
A/N I Need Your Opinion And Help
I Don't Belong (Jack + Conor)
Deep Down (Jack + Conor)
Relapse (Joe + Caspar)
Broken Ankle (Jack + Conor)
It Doesn't Matter (Jack + Conor)
Damaged Goods (Jack + Conor)
A Bit Too Friendly (Jack + Conor)
My New Story

Battered And Bruised (Jack, Conor, Joe + Caspar)

1.3K 21 10
By buttercreamficsx

Can you please do a Jack and Caspar centric one shot? Like Jaspar and the Maynard brothers get kidnapped and the kidnapper picks on Jack and Caspar and they get abused the most and are the most traumatized and Conor looks after Jack and Joe looks after Caspar when they get rescued


Not everyone liked youtubers. That was a fact. But no one ever suspected someone would take it this far. No one ever thought it would get deadly.

Jack, Conor, Joe and Caspar were sitting in Jacks flat, just relaxing after a long week. The four friends had decided to put on a movie after filming videos and having dinner. It was calm and peaceful and a much needed break for the four friends.

*Knock knock*

Jack looked up from where he was sat and stood up.

"Wonder who that is?"

"Maybe it's a delivery or something?" Joe suggested.

"Didn't order anything"

"Well here's a good idea, go and answer the door and see" Conor said, smirking at his brother.

"Jesus Con, don't get your knickers in a twist" Jack replied, enjoying the banter with his sibling.

"Hello, what do you wan-" Jack was cut off by a punch to the face. He collapsed to the ground and clutched his head, moaning in pain.

"Hey what's going on out here? Hey! HEY! What do you think you're doing?!" Conor shouted, having seen what was going on.

"Conor, what the fu-" Joe said, him and Caspar turning the corner, only to stop in shock when they saw what was happening. Jack was on the floor, his head bleeding, Conor was being held against a big guys chest whilst another three men were stood at the door, pointing a gun directly at them.

"Hello boys. I suggest you all follow me without making any fuss. One peep out of any of you, and this bullet goes straight through your head, you understand?"

Joe and Caspar quickly nodded their heads, panic rising in their chests. One man came and roughly grabbed the two boys by their arms, dragging them out the door, whilst the other one dragged Jack up from the floor by his shirt, pulling him up to stand.

"Hey! Careful! He's hurt!" Conor shouted, trying to breakaway from the hold.

"Shut it Mister, or this kid will be dead before you know it!"

Conor shut his mouth, his concern for Jack outweighing his desire to scream at the psychopath.

The four boys were dragged towards a large white van and thrown into the back. Conor first, then Joe, then Caspar, then Jack. Jack was pushed to the floor of the van as the door slammed shut behind them. Conor quickly pulled his brother close to him, leaning Jack against his chest.

"Hey buddy, are you ok?"

"M'sorry I let them in" Jack mumbled, his eyes fluttering.

"Don't be silly Jack, you had no idea what would happen" Caspar said kindly, trying to reassure the younger boy that they didn't blame him.

"How's your head?" Joe asked, concern in his eyes.

"Hurts, but I've had worse" Jack laughed, trying to lighten the situation.

Conor didn't say anything, but just held Jack close and tried to give him any comfort he could.

Before long, the van came to a halt and the doors were opened. The four boys were pulled out of the van and pushed towards a large, seemingly abandoned, warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Each man grabbed a boy and took them inside. Four chairs were set in a circle, facing inwards. Each youtuber was sat on a chair and tied up, ropes tight around their ankles and wrists.

"What do you want?" Conor pleaded, scared for his and the others lives.

"Ah ah ah, we make the demands here, not you. Now. I know that you four are very famous. And very influential. This means you're worth a lot of money. So we left a little note for the police, demanding a small sum of money for your safe return"

"You're sick" Joe spat out, venom in his words.

The four men laughed, evil in their eyes.

"Not sick, just maybe... morally challenged?" The ringleader said, earning more laughs from the other men.

"Remember boys, behave, and there's no need for you to get hurt more than necessary, but we'll have our fun first" The man said this slowly, walking around the circle.

"How. About. We play. A game." He said, each word finished with a sharp enunciation.

"I pick one of you and we perform a little show. Who is the weakest, who will cause the most pain? Ah ha, you!" He said pointing towards Jack.

"Ah that one, that's his brother over there I think, he jumped to his defence very quickly" one of the men chimed in.

"Oooh siblings! How exciting!"

"You leave my brother alone" Conor spat, fighting his restraints.

"This should be fun" he laughed, untying Jack from the ropes.

"Now we need another one. Which of you two?" He asked, directing the question at Joe and Caspar.

"Me! Punish me, not him!" Joe said quickly, trying to save his best friend.

"Brave. Well, in that case, we'll take him since he clearly means so much to you" he said, pointing to Caspar.

"No! Leave him alone! Please!" Joe begged, tears threatening to spill.

Caspar had yet to say anything, fear expressed on his face.

"Sit back and relax boys, you're in for a rough ride!"

Jack and Caspar were taken from their chairs and brought to the middle of the room. They both tried to fight it, but two men held each boy. There was no chance of escape. The men circled them both, eyeing them up. Out of nowhere, two fists came and punched each boy. One for Jack. One for Caspar. The two boys fell back from the impact, clutching their bodies in pain.


"CASPAR" Joe and Conor cried out at the same time.

"STOP! YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Joe screamed, tears streaming down his face.

"My dear boy, that's the point. By hurting them, we hurt you. And by hurting you all, we win. Don't worry. We won't damage them too much, we promised we'd return you all alive"

Punch after punch after punch after punch. It didn't stop. Jack and Caspar were on the floor, moaning in agony, their bodies having been assaulted over and again. Words were shouted, "No one loves you!" "They'll never come for you" "You're useless!" The mental torture was potentially worse than the physical. But eventually it stopped, and the men ceased from the abuse.

"I think that's enough for now. Boys, we'll leave you alone. Hope we didn't cause too much inconvenience!"

Joe and Conor were untied as the men left. Both boys rushed towards the bodies on the floor, collapsing beside them both.

"Jack! Jack! What have they done? Speak to me! JACK! PLEASE!" Conor sobbed, holding his brother close to his chest. Jack opened his eyes, and curled up into a foetal position, shielding himself.

"No more. No more" he mumbled to himself.

"It's me Conor. They've gone Jack. They can't hurt you now. It's ok"

Jack opened his eyes and met his brother shining ones. Jack burst into tears, the pain and emotional torture too much for him. Conor just held him close, trying to protect Jack from any more assault.

"I've got you. I've got you now. It's ok. Shhh" he muttered, hugging his little brother to his chest.

"I'll protect you Jack, they won't hurt you again, I promise"

The same thing was going on a metre away. Joe was holding Caspars talk frame, which suddenly seemed so much smaller now. His blood covered hand was clutching Joes as tightly as possible, seeking any comfort he could find.

"I'm sorry Casp, I'm sorry. It should have been me. I can't believe I let this happen" Joe cried, tears slipping down his face.

"S'ok" Caspar slurred, his split lip preventing any proper words coming out.

"It's not ok, it's not. But I'm going to make sure you're ok. I won't let them hurt you again" Joe swore, vowing to protect his best friend at all costs.

A few minutes later, Joe turned to Conor and met his teary eyes.

"How's Jack?"

"He's not good. He's got concussion and I'm pretty sure a few ribs are broken, I don't know what to do. How's Casp?"

"Caspars not doing well either. His face is smashed in and I'm pretty sure they dislocated his shoulder and potentially broke his wrist"

"I'm going to kill those bastards if it's the last thing I do" Conor seethed, anger coming out of his mouth.

"I know you're angry Con, but Jack needs you now. You have to be strong for him and I have to be strong for Caspar. It's all we can do right now"

"You're right" Conor took a deep breath.

"But as soon as Jack is taken care of, nothing will stop me from killing those bastards. No one touches my baby brother and gets away with it"

"Trust me Con, I'll be there with you, making sure those men get what they deserve"

The four boys managed to find a reasonably comfortable position, Jack lying on Conor's lap, head against his chest and Caspar leaning against Joes shoulder, the smaller mans arm wrapped around his shoulder.

That was how the police found them. They raided the building, breaking down the doors. Conor and Joe instantly shielded the two boys, ready to hurt anyone who came near them.

"Back off, or I swear you'll regret it!" Conor shouted.

"It's alright son, I'm officer Taylor of the police, we've come to save you"

"Oh thank god!" Joe cried out, almost crying with joy.

"Please help us! My brother and my friend are injured badly, they need a doctor now!"

"Alright kid, alright. Calm down now. Your brother and friend will be fine, we'll take care of them."

Jack and Caspar were put on stretchers, to be taken away to hospital.

"No! No!" Jack cried out, screaming when the paramedics came near.

Conor ran towards Jack and grabbed his hand.

"Hey hey buddy, it's ok. You're going to the hospital to get help. I'll see you there ok? You're safe now don't worry"

"Don't leave me please" Jack cried, clearly traumatised by the event.

"I'll be with you buddy, don't worry. You let them help you, I'm here"

It took a few minutes before Jack and Caspar were both happy to leave Joe and Conor. Caspar didn't want to leave without Joe, the past few days drama catching up with him. Both boys promised to see them at the hospital once they had spoken to the police.

After a few hours, the police were done with Conor and Joe and had gotten all the information they needed. The men were arrested, but not before Joe and Conor got a punch in.

"You stay away from me and my family or I swear to God you'll regret it"

"You ever come near my friend again, you'll be six feet under"

The two boys were taken to the hospital to be reunited with their friends.

After both Caspar and Jack being released from the hospital with broken bones and strict instructions, everyone went back to Jacks flat. No one wanted to leave eachother, refusing to be alone. That night, no one slept. Despite being exhausted, the four boys knew they would only wake up screaming, nightmares preventing a good nights sleep. So they watched films. No one slept the next night either. Or the next. Every night Jack would snuggle into Conors chest, his big brothers arms keeping him safe. Caspar would lean against Joe, seeking protection from his best friend. There were no complaints. The two older boys were glad they could protect them and themselves from ever being hurt again.

To say it was hard to get over was an understatement. There were nights when Jack was plagued with nightmares. There were nights when Conor refused to sleep, incase someone broke in. There were days where Joe refused to leave the house, too scared of being taken again. There were days where Caspar couldn't move because of his injury's. It didn't get better. Until one day it did. Eventually, the memory faded a bit. Bit by bit, they fixed the broken memories until they could function on a daily basis without breaking down. And they felt better. And they looked better. And they carried on with their lives, knowing they had the support of the other three and the promise of a new day. Because they had survived.

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