Scars ˚✧˳✧ Remus Lupin

By rainyylovegood

417K 12.6K 5.9K

The markings scattered his back, interlocking and over-layering to weave a tapestry of anguish and indescriba... More

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16.3K 470 181
By rainyylovegood

11:06 am, 1st September, 1976

"This year's the year!" James punched the air in front of him as the four Marauders strolled down the Hogwarts Express.
"This year I'm going to do it. I'm going to be so amazing she'll have to go out with me," He smirked as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I think I have more of a chance with her than you." Sirius chuckled, earning a nasty side-glare from James.

"Anyway," James continued, stamping on Sirius' foot and causing him to double over. "This year, I'm going to get my girl. And you," James stopped, spun around, and pointed at Remus, "You, are going to get your girl."

Remus rolled his eyes and sadly remembered that that wouldn't happen.

"It's been five, pitiful years Moony. If you're not going to get over it then you have to say something. I can't put up with this for a sixth year." Sirius shrugged nonchalantly as they neared the desired compartment.

"There's no point." Remus dug his hands into his pockets as his eyes trailed along the floor.
"I'll have to ask her out for you if you don't grow a pair." Sirius smirked again.

"Okay, here's the deal. If Lily says yes to me, you have to tell Harper. No backing out." James slung his arm around Remus' shoulder.

"I don't think so. I mean, guys, she doesn't even give me a second glance. I-" Remus quickly snapped his mouth shut as Peter pulled open the door.

They all shuffled one by one through the door.

"Hi guys!" Harper beamed.

Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, and her long cream jumper fell down to just above her knees.

In Remus' words, she looked breathtaking.

"Good summer Black? As usual, you didn't write." Harper didn't look up from her book as she spoke.
"You don't need me to write to know what a wonderful time I was having because I adore my family with all my heart." Sirius grumbled, folding his arms tightly over his chest.
"Snap!" Harper exclaimed, flashing him a quick smile before focusing back on her book.

"You seen Lily around?" James burst out, raising his eyebrows at her as she laughed.

Her laugh fell from her mouth like silk, her eyes lit up and Remus couldn't help but smile at her.

"She's in the prefect carriage." Harper opened her book again and James let out a frustrated sigh, sinking down in his seat.

"Speaking of which, I should be off." Remus remembered, pulling his robes over his shoulders as he rose.
"Well, guess I'll see you around." Harper looked up and waved at him.
"See you mate." Peter added, causing Sirius to snort.
"You're too well behaved for your own good," Sirius chuckled.
In response to this, Remus just shook his head gently before departing from the compartment.

"Did Lily day anything about me over the summer?" James leaned towards Harper, peering over the top of his glasses at her.
"Oh yeah, actually. There was this one letter I got where she told me she actually had a massive crush on you. Has done since first year but she's too scared. She thinks that when she admits it you won't be interested anymore because you're too cool for her." Harper said, not showing a single sign of emotion.

"Really? Seriously?" James leapt out of his seat.
"No." Harper burst into a fit of giggles, "I'm sure you've dreamed of that being true though!" She nudged James gently as Sirius and Peter burst out laughing.

The three of them tried to contain their hysterics as James pursed his lips, focusing his eyes on the scenery outside.

After an hour of catching up on their summer events and describing the pranks the boys had planned the door of the compartment was pulled open.

Remus slowly stepped inside and collapsed onto the seat beside James.

"Have fun with the other prefects?" Sirius waggled his bushy eyebrows, a smirk growing on his face.
"Oh yeah, I love spending my time in a room full of arrogant know-it-all's." Remus complained.
"Hey! Lily was there and I'll have you know she isn't an arrogant-Hi, Lily!" James stumbled to his feet once again, a dazzling smile formed on his face as he did so.

"Potter." She nodded, leaning against the doorframe.
"What can I do for you?" He bowed his head at her, causing Harper and Sirius to snigger from behind.
"I need to talk to Harper." Lily looked straight past him, although even she couldn't deny the small blush that arose on her freckled cheeks.
"Oh alright then." The brunette girl huffed, slamming her book closed and planting her feet back in the floor.

Harper rose and stepped past James. This only caused their height difference to become even more apparent. Five years ago Harper had been the second tallest amongst the group of gryffindor friends, the only exception being Remus. However, she was now one of the shortest as everyone else has overtaken her, even Peter.

"Will you hold this for me?" Harper asked, holding out her book towards Remus.
"Y-yeah, of course." He stammered, taking the book from her and holding it tightly against his chest.

Sirius chuckled and James hit him round the back of the head, but Harper thought nothing of it.

Calmly, she closed the door behind her and followed Lily.

"Where are we going?" Harper chirped.
"To sit with Marlene." Lily replied, as if there could be no other answer to that question.
"Why don't you both sit with me and the guys?" Harper asked, more slowly this time.
"Marlene can't even be in the same room as Black without getting nervous." Lily replied in the same time of voice.

Marlene McKinnon was a tall, skinny girl that'd had an undeniable adoration for Sirius Black throughout the whole of last year. Towards the beginning of summer, it got so bad that the poor girl couldn't speak in front of Sirius as he rendered her to a state of coughs and giggles. This was all too normal to Harper.

As Lily slid open the door the two girls were greeted by not one, but two sets of eyes.

Marlene McKinnon and Severus Snape.

"You didn't tell me he was here." Harper hissed over Lily's shoulder as they walked in.
"You spend too much time around Potter and Black, he's not bad." Lily retorted before sitting down beside the boy in question.

Harper let out a long sigh of exasperation, pushed her hair out of her face, and then sat lazily beside Marlene.

"Good summer Marl?" Harper asked, only regretting giving her book to Remus - she could really do with it now.
"Loved it, although we should've written to each other more." Marlene gave Harper a genuine smile.

As much as Harper liked the girl, she didn't have any interest in sharing letters. If their friendship increased anymore then she would be subject to ear-achingly long conversations about Black's chiselled appearance or raspy voice.

"Sev was telling me about..." Lily began but Harper had suddenly lost all interest.

In truth, Harper really did love Lily Evans to bits. The girl was brilliant, thoughtful, kind, and uncommonly bright. Lily Evans was the only girl that Harper could wholeheartedly call an honest friend but she never shut up about Snape.

Snape was a lanky boy, only just taller than Lily herself, and had hair as long as Sirius'. His hair however, appeared an almost darker shade of black and glistened in the light. This was most likely a case of grease rather than good shampoo.

His nose protruded from his face rather harshly, giving the impression that he was always turning his face up at everyone else. This fact wasn't helped by the fact that a frown always seemed to be etched into his expression. Even the boy's tone of voice spelt out distaste for everything.

"I'm going to go change into my robes." Harper stood up abruptly and quickly scurried from the compartment. Once outside the girl felt like she could relax and finally breathe again.

As she wandered down the train, she looked up to see and all too familiar figure headed her way.

Remus Lupin.

"Hey, I was coming to give you your book back." Remus held up the book, a goofy smile gripped his face.
"Thanks, I was actually coming to find it. Snape is with Lily and Marlene. The whole conversation made me was to fall asleep." The girl laughed, taking her book back and hugging it to her body.
"I guess you could come sit with us again," Remus shrugged. This only caused Harper to let out another laugh as she jokingly pushed Remus away.

Together, side-by-side, the two best friends made their way back to the original compartment filled with laughter and chatter.

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