
By bitchy_cactus

8.3K 227 16

Karin Kurosaki died March 6th the day of her 19th birthday. On that day she not only lost her life she lost h... More

I Died Long Ago
Don't Make Me An Enemy
Seven Years
My Resolve
Her Blood On My Hands
I Will Avenge

At Peace Once Again

1.1K 31 11
By bitchy_cactus

That night was like a dream except it was real and the next morning I woke up to the bright sun. Strong arms were wrapped around my back and my bare back was pressed against a tool chest. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I smiled as I realized where I was and last nights memories played in my mind. I carefully moved out of Toshiro's grip so to not wake him up. I went over to Toshiro dresser and grabbed one of his shirts and put it on. I walked out of the room and went towards the kitchen. I walked around and gathered the pots and pans and for the next hour, I was dancing around in the kitchen making breakfast. I was so focused on what I was doing I didn't notice the figure leaning against the door smirking. I walked towards the counter and stood there for awhile. I jumped slightly as I felt two arms go around my waist and hold on tight, and chilly breath on my ears.

"You know having you in my shirt and nothing else is making me crazy." He said in his deep cool voice.

That voice made my knees go weak every time he used it. I turned around and faced him. "How do you know this isn't my shirt? I saw that you didn't do anything to my drawer after all this time." I challenged.

His smirked widened. And his grip tightened and pulled me closer to him so our chest was toughing. "That's definitely my shirt it hangs to low on you. And I always figured you'd come back and you'd need your drawer." He exclaimed confidently.

"Tch! So you just knew all along I'd come back to you?" I questioned and his eyes became more serious.

"You'll always find your back because I'd never let you get away." He said and pulled me closer and hugged me tightly.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his chest. We stayed in each other arms and I knew I never wanted to let him go again. I heard a large bang on the door and we both turned and looked.

"Well you did run away from a squad four treatment center and disappear after being unconscious for almost two weeks," Toshiro explained as his hands were still tightly wrapped around my waist.

"But I don't want to go back. You better than anyone knows I'm healed and are mine to go back to duty." I smirked as a saw the smallest shade of pink on his cheeks. "Come on Toshiro, help me you don't want me to leave either," I said running my nails over his bare chest. I saw him try to fight it but he slowly gave in.

"Fine!" He exclaimed and walked to the door as I went back to his room.

"Can I help you?" Toshiro questioned.

"Captain Hitsugaya we are sorry to disturb you but we are looking for commander Shiba. She ran away from her hospital room and it is imperative we find her." The male shinigami exclaimed.

"SHE DID WHAT?" Toshiro questioned exasperatedly. I smirked at how good his acting was.

"Yes, sir." The shinigami said.

"I will join the search once I have concluded my business," Toshiro exclaimed.

"Thank you, sir."

Toshiro nodded and closed the door and sighed. He walked back and motioned for me to come out.

I walked out and followed him to the couch. And we sat down and I snuggled close to him.

"You know Ichigo is going to know you are here," Toshiro said holding me tightly.

"It'll take him awhile. I've completely masked my reistu and he can't sense it anyways." I said.

"So I'm a co-conspirator in your escape. This is going to cause quite a scandal." He said sighing again.

"You know me unpredictable and always causing trouble," I said laughing.

"That's an understatement." He said.

We got to stay together in peace for another three house before I felt that large reistu standing right outside Toshiro's house.

"TOSHIRO!!" Ichigo screamed.

"Told you so," Toshiro said as he sighed.

"Man, I was comfortable," I whined.

"That's what you're upset about, Ichigo is going to kill me." HE said.

"Toshiro is that fear I here. You've never been afraid of Ichigo before." I exclaimed.

"He also has never walked into my house with you in nothing but one of my shirts and underwear." He exclaimed coming closer to my ear.

"He wouldn't break down a fellow captain's door," I said but a minute later we heard a large crash and we both jumped up. I watched as Ichigo walked in with is zanpokto in hand. I went to Toshiro knowing that I wasn't really wearing appropriate clothes.

"TOSHIRO!" Ichigo yelled again.

It was obvious that I was behind Toshiro and Ichigo's eyes widened and I grabbed the blanket as quickly as I could but it was already too late.

"KARIN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR CLOTHES?" Ichigo questioned loudly.

"They are umm..." I started and then realized something. "IT DOESN'T MATTER ICHIGO I'M A GROWN WOMEN I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" I yelled frustrated. His eyes just moved to Toshiro and he glared at his bare chest.

"Toshiro!" Ichigo said calm but deadly. "BANKAI!" He yelled and I watched his Bankai appear.

I watched as Toshiro reached for his zanpokto. My anger was rising, and my reistu started gathering around me and the ground began to crumble under my feet. They both turned to me and their eyes widened. They were afraid they knew what my zanpokto could do and if I was willing to draw it here I was serious.

"You wouldn't dare," Ichigo said trying to act unafraid.

"Take their souls, Raigetsu," I said and my zanpokto changed. "You want to test me?" I questioned both of them. I watched as they glared at each other and slowly put their zanpokto's away. I smiled. "GOOD. Now I guess I'll be getting back to my squad." I said trying to sneak away.

"No you don't you're going back to the hospital," Ichigo said.

"I don't want to," I whined and his eyes widened. "What?" I questioned.

"You seem different. You seem happy and alive." Ichigo said carefully.

"I have something to live for again," I said and walked passed them both to the door. I stood by the door as I heard Ichigo spoke.

"Did you sleep with her Toshiro?" HE questioned calmly.

"None of your business Kurosaki. She's an adult and we were together before this, and we've already had this conversation before the accident. I'm finally starting to see the Karin that I fell in love with Ichigo and I'm not going to let anything mess that up especially your obsession with controlling her life." Toshiro exclaimed.

"In others words, that's a yes. Look I know we've been through this so I know that you won't screw up. But I can't watch another sister die, and for a while there I didn't know if Karin would ever come alive again." Ichigo explained softly.

"She's alive again trust me." He said.

I sighed at how that sounded and I could tell Toshiro didn't mean to say it that way.

"TOSHIRO!" Ichigo yelled.

"That's not what I meant," Toshiro said carefully.

I saw Ichigo storm out of the room and Toshiro was laughing when he walked out. I punched his arm and he flinched.

"OW, What was that for?" He questioned.

"She's alive alright." I quoted. "You idiot," I said and sighed.

"That isn't what I mean, and you know it." He said and pulled my arm towards him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Come on," he said and we shunpo'd to squad four.

I went back to the hospital and after about five hours I was finally cleared and I left to go meet my squad at the local tavern. When I go there the lights were off and I slowly went inside. The lights turned on and I saw a happy birthday banner.


I watched as my closest friends and family stood before me. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday. For the longest time, I hated March 6th, it was the anniversary of my sister's death and the darkest day in my history. But today standing before all of them I was happy. I smiled. "Well this is quite the squad meeting," I said. We partied all night long and I watched as a lot of people were passed out drunk. I looked in the far corner and saw a young familiar face. I walked over to her and stood beside her.

"Let's take a walk," I said to her.

"Hai, commander." She said and she followed closely behind me.

"I still want to be your teacher, however, we have to discuss something first," I exclaimed.

"Something to discuss?" She questioned.

"Toshiro," I said calmly as I lean against the wall.

"We have to discuss Captain Hitsugaya?" She questioned.

"Do you know our history?" I questioned her.

"Hai, even before I knew of your relationship I knew who was. You were a legend in my village in the Rukan. You were my idol, you were everything I wanted to be. You're the reason why I wanted to be a shinigami, the reason I entered the shino academy. I had so little reistu and I failed the entrance exam two times. I almost gave up but then I saw you. You were accompanying Captain Hitsugaya and Kurosaki to give your report. I saw you in person and you inspired me once again. My idol, when I learned of your death I was saddened but I also had a sense of curiosity to find you. I saw you at the academy and I couldn't believe that head captain you degrade you so much as to make you attend the shino academy. And I saw the other students horrible glances and whispers. I made me so angry to have them speak of my idol so disrespectfully. I watched you sit alone every day and I wanted to approach you but you were everything I wasn't. Strong, kind, beautiful, and I could feel your reistu from a mile away. I wanted to be exactly like you more than anything. That's why I was so happy when you said you would be my teacher. The one person I always admired was willing to teach someone like me. I don't really know what possessed me to go and speak with Captain Hitsugaya that day. But you were so close to him and I thought that I could meet you. I know it was wrong but I was hopeless when I entered squad thirteen. Everyone hates me because I'm so weak and yet the captain goes easy on me. I just want to prove myself. SO I'M BEGGING YOU COMMANDER SHIBA PLEASE BE MY TEACHER." Anzu said bowing her head.

I smiled at her words, and I felt relieved about what she said about him even though I knew it would hurt his ego. I placed my hand on her head. "First rule, you don't bow to anyone. No, the soul society has different rules so if your speaking to a captain then you do bow. But never someone of the same rank. It's true I was born with high reistu but that was also one of my greatest flaws. I had to learn how to have complete control over my zanpokto because of its destructive power. You have something that most shinigami have to spend years learning and some never get it. You can control your reistu which means you've mastered the hardest skill. Now, all we have to is build you reistu. You will become strong." I said patting her head.

"I'm truly sorry about deceiving Captain Hitsugaya in order to get to you. I really didn't mean to cause problems Captain Hitsugaya is a brilliant shinigami, but I don't feel that way. Not that he is bad because you would never be with someone bad it just for me." She babbled.

I stopped her before she dug a hole for herself. "I know what you mean, I'm sure he will understand," I said sensing something. "Get home before it get's too late it can be dangerous at night in the seireitei," I ordered.

"Hai Commander." She said.

"OI, what did I say about the commander stuff," I said roughly.

"Hai Lady Karin," I said and turned she stopped and ran back toward me and wrapped her hands around my waist. "Thank you, Thank you so much, Lady Karin." She said.

I smiled and patted her head once again. "Your welcome now go," I ordered and she walked off into the night. "Do you make a habit of eavesdropping on people's conversations?" I questioned that familiar reistu.

"Well, I was curious about what the girl had to say." He said humping from the roof.

"Hurts your pride doesn't it to know she just said that to you to get to me," I said laughing as a white haori and hair landed in front of me.

"TCH! I'm a catch." He said.

"Sure Toshiro," I said laughing as he wrapped me in his arms. We looked up and watched the stars.

"Happy Birthday Karin." He said softly.

"It actually is happy this year. I know that where ever Yuzu is out there that she is happy that the man who killed is dead. I'll always have to live with not saving her that day but now I can move on and start living in her honor and in her memory. For the first time in a long time I feel alive again I feel happy. I'm glad that I became the commander of the Ansatsu. I'm glad that I have my squad and my family and my friends. And I most glad that I finally have my best friend back." I said turning around in his arms.

"I'm glad to." He said and pushed his lips against mine.

I kissed him back. We separated and a shooting star flew across the night sky. "I wish that I'm happy like this forever," I said and I truly did want to be happy forever. I was happy with my life as it was now and saw I looked up I saw Yuzu's spirit smiling and I felt like I had set her soul as well as mine free. Finally, I was free from that night and I was free to live again. I looked at her spirit and smiled. "Thank you, Yuzu for everything. We'll meet again I know we will. Be free my sister and may your soul finally rest in peace. Because now I am finally at peace." I exclaimed as I stayed protectively in Toshiro's arms. I am finally alive and at peace again.

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