Fixing You (Complete)

By amwrites

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Kendall, a bisexual 16-year-old, is living at home with an abusive mother, who's also an alcoholic. To cope w... More

Fixing You: Prologue
Chapter 1: Drowning in Booze
Chapter 3: A Terrifying Surprise
Chapter 4: The Funeral
Chapter 5: Saying our Sweet Goodbye's
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: Reliving a Nightmare
Chapter 8: Remembering Livi
Chapter 9: First Day of School
Chapter 10: The Bitch in Christian Louboutin Heels
Chapter 11: Not so Innocent After All
Chapter 12: Fro-yo and Hot Boys
Chapter 13: If Looks Could Kill
Chapter 14: The Party
Chapter 15: Birthday Breakfast
Chapter 16: Mozzerella Sticks and Waffle Fries
Chapter 17: Used, Hurt, and Broken
Chapter 18: Because of You
Chapter 19: Happily Ever After?

Chapter 2: Growing a Backbone

1.3K 32 17
By amwrites

Chapter 2

As I opened the door, I could already hear my mother cursing excessively behind closed doors. The words hung in the air, filling the room and traveling throughout the walls. Shutting the door behind me, I looked around, surprised to see that she was fully awake.

"Kendall Grace Duncan. What do you think you're doing getting home this late?" She said - more like slurred. No doubt about it she had been drinking again. I almost wanted to laugh at her for trying to be a disciplinary mother. A smirk is soon plastered across my face, trying to contain my laughter. But suddenly, I got fired up. Probably because of the way she stared at me like I was from a different planet. Like I was a stranger in her house rather than her daughter. "Why do you care? It's not like you ever have before," I shot back, rolling my eyes.

"I will not have you out at the waking hours of the day, Kendall. It's irresponsible," she continued, looking me directly in the eyes. "You shouldn't be out on the street," Is she kidding me? I scoff, "Take your own advice, mom." I used air quotes around the word "mom", which made her even more pissed. I could practically see the steam shooting out of her ears, almost as if she were to erupt with fury.

"Listen to me, you little bitch," she growls, grabbing my face so I have no choice but to look into her raging eyes, "No one talks to me that way. No one. Especially not a filthy whore like you." Her words were followed by a slap to the face, making me fall to the ground on impact. I held it in pain as I curled into a ball on the floor. Get up, Kendall. Get up. Don't let her do this to you, my mind persuades me, giving me confidence.

With that, I got up and brushed myself off, despite my still-stinging cheek. Without much thought, I knocked her square in the jaw. I watched her as she fell to the ground, crimson blood spatting out of her mouth and trickling out her nostrils. Seeing her so weak and frail only made me want to make her suffer more.

I jumped on top of her as she tried throwing punches back at me. Once I was sure she was down for good, I got up, my knuckles covered in welts and dripping blood. "I will not be treated like this an longer. Not even from you." My words were venom towards her; I was a slithering snake. "Fuck you." I stated forcefully before grabbing my things and walking out the front door.

* * *

I had packed what I could in the little time I had. Throwing my luggage into my car, I slammed the door frantically, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible. As I sped down the street, I wiped the stray tears away that had managed to escape from the corner of my eyes.

I've always wanted to - needed to - stick up to my mother for treating me any way she wanted. I wasn't her little doll, something she could just throw around wherever she pleased. And today was the day I finally grew a backbone. It took me only a few moments to realize that I was shaking. I clutched onto the steering wheel, hoping that would stop my uncontrollable quivering, but it just ended up turning my knuckles white.

I wasn't sure where I was going, but at this point, I didn't care. The farther away from her, the better, I thought as I waited at a stop light. I don't know why, but I couldn't stop crying. The tears flowed down my rosy cheeks as I tried desperately to wipe them away.

I could see movement coming from the corner of my eye, and as I looked out my window, I noticed a teenage boy, about my age, trying to get my attention. I rolled down my window. "Yes?" I asked, wondering what he could possibly want at a time like this. "Are you alright?" He questioned, observing me. "You look a little.."

"Like complete and utter shit? I know. That's exactly how I'm feeling," I say, wiping yet another tear that rested on my eyelash. Why was I opening up to this stranger? I hadn't even known him for five minutes, and already I was pouring my heart out as if he were a therapist. I assumed he heard the pain in my voice, despite how I tried to keep it steady. He was silent for a moment, but finally responded, "Pull into this restaurant right here. It's just around the corner."

"What? Why?" I asked, wondering why he would want me to do such a thing. "Trust me," he replied. I've heard those words one too many times before to know that no one ever meant them, but when he said it, he sounded genuine. As if he actually cared, unlike everyone else. I hesitated, but did as instructed just as the light turned green.

Pulling into Antonio's Italian Restaurant, I waited as he pulled up beside me in the parking space. He flattened out his shirt as he got out of the car. I stayed there for a while in the car, storing all my thoughts into little boxes to be kept hidden, when he came around to my side and opened the door. He held out his hand, and I realized he was trying to be nice. A true gentleman. I didn't even know this boy, and yet, he'd made a great first impression. I smiled, taking his hand in mine as he led me inside.

"Table for two, please," He kindly asked as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. As the waiter got our table situated, the boy slid in the booth in front of me so we were now facing each other. We sat until they brought us garlic rolls fresh and soft from the oven.

He waited until our waiter was out of ear shot before he asked, "So tell me what happened." Is he kidding? How could he possibly expect me to sit here and tell him everything about me? He was a complete stranger! I, of course, said what was on my mind, "You don't even know me and you already want me to spill my life story?" It came out as rude, although I didn't intend for it to be. I laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. He smiled - a gorgeous one at that - and replied, "I'm Cole."

"Kendall." I stated.

"Kendall." He repeated, getting the feel of my name in his mouth. "Pretty name, suited for a pretty girl, such as yourself." I blushed at the compliment. After all, it's not every day a guy tries to flirt with me. Now that I think of it, a guy has never done that to me before. A smirk played across his lips.

He had luscious curls that had managed to escape to his forehead. His eyes were the color of creamy milk chocolate, and his lips reminded me of delicate rose buds. I suppose I was staring too long, because Cole looked at me. "Uh..Kendall? Earth to Kendall." he said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Oh, uh..sorry about that." All he did was laugh, rewarding me with a cheeky grin.

"So back to the reason we're here: what happened?"

After talking a while, I spilled everything. We ended up staying at Antonio's until closing time, when one of the waiters kicked us out, threatening to lock us in if we stayed any longer. Cole and I laughed and ate our food and had a good time. We even go to the same school! He's a senior, and I'm a junior. No wonder I've never noticed him before. Talking to him was so simple, despite his attractive features. I felt like I had known him for years.

And that's when I knew I had finally made my first friend.


A/N: Hey guys! What do you think about Cole? How about the face that Kendall finally stood up to her mother? Leave comments below and don't forget to vote vote vote!

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