The Unforgettable Summer

By leighbeexo

52.2K 1.3K 472

Sam Baker has issues. Her family is less than functional, her boyfriend is always a little weird and she's p... More

S - Summer in hell
C - The Park
S - Burning Anger
C - Mercedes Mason
S- Stronger Than She Looks
S(continued)- Safe
C - Go Get Your Girl
C - Me Day
S - My Dad
C - My Mum
S - The Nova Thing
C - Gratitude
S - Dreaming

S - Brother

3.3K 90 31
By leighbeexo

After her heartfelt confession, Me and Cara found ourselves curled up in bed together and ended up spending the night in each other's arms.

I loved her.

It was hard to comprehend and harder to accept that I loved her, but it was true that I did. That vulnerable girl when she came here to that caring girl at Mercedes' party, she had more sides to her than I had thought and I liked them. I loved them.

She was beautiful. She had stunning eyes and perfect hair, and a few freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose. She had rosy cheeks and looked like the personification of summer. If summer already wasn't my favourite thing, it would be when I finally realised that I adored her.

When I woke up, she was curled up next to me with her head on my shoulder. I was watching her slow breathing and studying each little freckle and curl she had, trying to take in this beautiful girl next to me. I was lucky.

"Sam, you're staring at me" Cara smiled up at me as her eyes fluttered open. She had such a perfect smile and such breathtaking eyes. I was entranced.

"sorry, you're just, you're pretty" I explained, feeling my face go red.

"aww, Sam, don't be sorry" she smiled again.

Our eyes locked for a moment, I took in her beauty as much as I could. I couldn't help a little "wow" slipping out, she was enchanting.

"You're so cute" Cara giggled a little, and quickly kissed my cheek. Then she realised what she had done. "Oh Sam, i'm sorry" she quickly reprimanded herself, sitting up.

I kissed her cheek gently, nervous energy coursing through my veins. Her touch was exhilarating, I hoped I had the same effect on her. "It's okay" I reassured.

"This is so- it's just a lot. don't get me wrong, I love it" Cara sighed.

"So do I. We should go downstairs, it's almost 10" I changed the subject. Cara nodded.

We wandered downstairs to see the girls chasing each other through the hallway. As we reached the landing, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and my heart sank.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I snapped. Anger coursed through my veins.

"Aw Sammy, that's not a very nice welcome" Kaden laughed at me. I looked up at him in disgust.

"You shouldn't be here, fuck off" I went to close the door, but he put his foot there before I could close it.

"Samiya, let me in" He said, aggression in his voice. An aggression I recognised that didn't completely belong to him. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to run and hide Cara from him. He was a part of my life I didn't want her to see.

"Fuck you" I spat, and stepped away from the door. He swung it open so hard it hit the wall and made a loud sound that made me practically jump out of my skin. I dug my nails into my palm.

"Where's Mum?" Kaden demanded.

"Out" I replied. It was true, but wouldn't be for long.

"When will she be home?" He pressed.

"I don't know" I kept my answers short, as to not give him information.

"Who's that?" Kaden pointed at Cara. I instantly became defensive.

"You don't need to know. Why are you even here?" I demanded. I felt so sorry for Cara, being stuck in this situation. She stood behind me and I could feel her nervous energy. I hated it.

"Dad wants to see you" He told me. I felt as if i had just been punched.

"No, fuck off with that shit, no, no!" I panicked.

"Jesus, Sammy, I didn't even know you swore. You used to be such a good kid, Dad wants to see his daughter, he has the right" Kaden attempted to reason with me, but i stuck to my word.

"You know nothing about me! You haven't even been around for 6 years, get the fuck away from me!" I shouted. Then I heard someone ran into the room.

"Sam! Skye's got pom poms stuck in her hair and i need you to get them out" Sophia told me, completely ignoring Kaden.

"Sophia, go upstairs please, I'll come help in a minute" I tried to hurry her out of the room.

"But Sam!" Sophia whined.

"Aren't you going to introduce me, Sammy?" Kaden sneered.

"No, i'm not. Sophia, go upstairs" I said bluntly. Sensing the atmosphere, Sophia scurried upstairs.

"So that's one of the twins? She's cute" Kaden remarked.

"No. Stop, you don't know them, you don't know me, get out of my life!" I shouted.

"I'm waiting for Mum to come home" He said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"You're such an asshole. Mum will give you the same answer, i'm not going. don't waste your time" I said, venom in my voice. I hated him.

"Sure thing Sammy, I'm gonna wait in the living room." He dismissed me and walked into the living room.

Anger boiled inside me and i felt like breaking something. "Dickhead!" I shouted, turning and punching the nearest object, a framed painting. Glass stuck in my hand and pain coursed through my arm. I was bleeding. I felt like I could collapse. Instead I just stared at the blood, dumbstruck.

Without a word Cara came over and inspected my bleeding knuckles. I began silently crying as she walked me upstairs and sat me down on the side of the bath. She cleaned my hand gently.

"Who's he?" She asked.

"My brother. He's a dick. Don't talk to him, I don't want him to know you" I told her. I recognised the aggression in my voice as one that wasn't my own. I hated it.

"Okay, I won't." She nodded calmly. She kissed my sliced up knuckles playfully and I laughed a little. She then bandaged up my hand.

"Please promise you won't talk to him. Don't even tell him your name" I practically begged.

"I won't" She told me.

"Promise, Cara" I said with all seriousness.

"I promise" She said kindly, taking my good hand in hers as some kind of reassurance. It worked.

Until Lou walked in the bathroom.

"Sam, your Mum and brother are in the living room and they want you to talk with them" She said solemnly.

"Lou, take care of the girls and Cara, don't let him touch them" I commanded. Lou nodded. She knew everything and she understood.

I walked downstairs with the same memory running through my head.

"baby girl? we're going now" Mum gently shook me awake.

"is he gone?" I asked.

"Yes baby, we need to go now, have you got your bag?" She asked.

i nodded and pulled a bag out from under my bed. "Mum I'm scared" I said.

she took my hand. "so am i, but i promise we'll be okay, remember Scott has the house all ready, all we need to do is get the train" she explained.

I nodded, and we left.

At least that memory was tame. The others I blocked out on fear of breaking down completely.

I walked into the living room. Kaden was sat in the armchair with his phone in his hand, and Mum sat on the sofa rubbing her hands together as if she was washing them, like she always did when she was uncomfortable. When I walked in both them turned to me.

"Sam, baby, sit down" Mum gestured to the seat next to her. I sat down, taking her hand in mine to reassure her, even though I felt as if I was about to break.

"Baby girl, K has told me that your father has a- a claim to custody and has threatened to take us to court if I don't let him see you" She explained. I felt like screaming but I stayed quiet. She only ever called me baby girl when something terrible was happening.

"I wanna see you too, Sammy. Dad's nowhere near as bad as he was, he's a changed man" Kaden tried to convince me. It was clear now that he had calmed down he cared.

"I don't mind seeing you. Not him. People don't change Kaden" I said bluntly. I had no compassion for Kaden. Or my father.

"He's still your dad" Kaden remarked.

"He's not. Scott was a better dad than he ever was" I snapped. That stung, and I could tell, as his eyes quickly swivelled to the floor, to Mum, then back to me. It hurt to talk about Scott but I was right.

"Scott would have adopted me if he could. He gave a shit, he treated me like a little girl, like his little girl. Scott's my dad, not Him" I continued, digging the knife in further as if i was talking to Dad, not Kaden.

"Sam, stop." Mum snapped. "there's noting we can do about this situation. I want to you call your father and organise meeting again. We have to be grown up about this" Mum tried to reason with me.

"Can't Lou adopt me? I'm 16, she can do that now. Rather her than him" I begged, desperate rather than cold.

"Lou?" Kaden questioned.

"Louisa, she's my girlfriend" Mum informed him.

"You're a lesbo? shit" Kaden breathed, sighing slightly.

"Shut the fuck up K" I snapped.

"I'm not against it, it's just a shock, you know?" He quickly justified himself.

"That's not important. And can both of you please stop swearing " Mum reprimanded us.

"I'm not seeing dad" I said, bringing us back on topic.

"Samiya, please. Call him. that way, the court can't say I denied contact" Mum reasoned with me. "We can still fight this if we play it right"

I nodded. "Fine"

"Sammy, can me and you talk, alone?" Kaden asked.

Mum looked at me and i nodded. "sure"

Mum left. I was alone with Kaden after never seeing him for 6 years.

"Sammy I never meant to lose contact, I've missed you so fucking much, you're my baby sister, I worried so much, Dad told me- told me Mum stole you away. Why did you leave?" He asked me. There were tears in his eyes, a sight I had never seen before.

"You don't know?" I questioned.

"He hit Mum once, and she ran out, right? or was it his debt?" Kaden asked. Then I realised he had been clueless all these years. He was a kid too when it happened.

"Dad hit me and Mum. He left me with bruises everywhere. Mum planned for weeks to get us out. You were so loyal to him she knew you wouldn't go. So we ran away. I'm sorry Kaden, Mum was scared he would kill me" I confessed, holding back tears.

"Fuck. Sammy, I-, I'm so fucking sorry" He said. He was crying. He grabbed my hand.

"I will never let anyone hurt you again. I'm so fucking sorry" He sobbed.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"because i led him to you, I found your instagram, I helped him, I helped him get to you, Sammy-" He sobbed. I hugged him and he held me tight like i would skip out of his grip if he let me go.

I went quiet until he let me go.

"I'm sorry Sammy, I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry" He repeated himself, sounding as if he was going insane. I felt sorry for him, a mix of pity and hatred swirling in my stomach, a concoction that was oh so familiar.

"It's okay K. Tell Dad i'll call tommorow. I'm going to bed. Don't you dare talk to the blonde girl from the hallway or you'll be sorry. And stay the fuck away from my sisters" I warned him. He held his hands up in mock surrender and then nodded.

"Night baby sis" He said as I left.

"Goodnight K" I smiled slightly and walked up to Mum and Lou's room. In the room was the girls, curled up with Lou watching a movie, and Cara, sat nervously on her phone.

"I'm going to bed, Night" I waved to Lou. She smiled at me and said goodnight.

"I'm going to go to bed too, night Lou, night girls" Cara said, and left the room with me.

We sat on the bed in silence for a second.

"Are you okay Sam?" Cara asked.

"Not really." I sighed.

"Can I help?" She asked.

"I don't know" I said, looking down at my feet. I wanted her to hug me and kiss me and say it was alright, but i wasn't sure what our boundaries were.

"I'm sorry about what happened" She said, and our eyes met. My eyes drifted to her lips. I wanted to kiss her so bad, she was adorable and I needed comfort, I needed her. It was like being with her would somehow make it better.

"Cara, can I ask you something a bit weird" I asked.

"Of course" She smiled,putting a hand on mine in reassurance.

"Can you sleep in my bed with me tonight?" I asked, my free hand shaking slightly. I was thankful for my darker skin otherwise she would have seen me blush.

"Of course. I kinda like being close to you" She smiled bashfully, looking down at the floor.

"Cool. I- I like being with you. A lot." I said.

"cool" She grinned, looking back up to my eyes. Oh god. Those eyes. Those lips. That smile. I was falling hard for her. My eyes drifted to her lips again. She watched my movements as if waiting for me to act. Our eyes met again.

"Can i kiss you?" I blurted out, and then covered my mouth. My mind started racing but I couldn't move, like i was frozen. I was so panicked. I just sat there with my hands over my mouth like an idiot.

She laughed and took my hands off my mouth. One of her hands stayed on my cheek and she looked into my eyes with a smile. She leaned in and kissed me.

Her hands tangled in my hair and her lips moved against mine. I relaxed into her touch and allowed my lips to move with hers. Her lips were soft and her skin was warm.

Somehow we ended up even closer to each other and when our lips separated we were barely an inches apart, my hands round her waist and her hands in my hair.

"Shit" I breathed. My mind raced again. I just kissed a girl. A girl! A pretty girl, and she was soft and smelled nice and felt nice and she was perfect in every way and she kissed me!

My little heart felt fit to burst. She giggled at my reaction. "You're adorable" She smiled. She kissed me again, quickly this time.

"I love you Cara" I told her sincerely, looking into those perfect green eyes. She was breathtaking. Literally.

"I love you too Sam" She said, beaming. Her smile was the main reason she looked like summer, her smile lit up the room and lit up my dark view of things.

After that, Me and Cara found ourselves curled up in bed together and ended up spending the night in each other's arms.

I loved her.


ahhh they kissed! I love these characters too much oops.
what do you guys think of Kaden? is he a dick or misunderstood?
i hope you all enjoyed this dramatic, gay chapter, see you soon!

~Leigh xo

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