Creek Oneshots

By WeDontWantAnySpam

94.8K 1.3K 1.4K

Just a shit ton of gay oneshots of Tweek and Craig. I will take requests in the comments, I do smut, fluff, a... More

The Third Attempt
Dancer AU Part 2
Caught In The Act
Friends Should Care For Each Other Even In The Darkest Of Times
Different Languages AU Part 1

Dancer AU Part 1

9.2K 115 192
By WeDontWantAnySpam

        WARNING!!!! THIS CHAPTER WILL BE REALLY LONG!!! Also go read my book of Klance oneshots, if you ship Klance but anyways ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!!!!! Also trigger warning, there will be a few 'f ' bombs and I don't mean the word fuck. F-a-g-g-o-t, so be warned.....

                      Tweeks POV~

      I remember that ever since I was a young boy, I loved to dance. Everything about the art form intrigued me, pulling me closer and closer like a magnet. At first, I was a bit wary of wanting to do dance. I was afraid that kids would make fun of me, call me a faggot. So I kept this secret hidden for many years.

       There were only a few people who knew about my secret. There was my parents, my dance teachers, a few of my relatives, and my best friend, Leopold Stotch, or mostly known as Butters. Leo and I go way back, all the way back to the 1st grade.


    I walked into the dance studio, kids running around in the assortment of different dance shoes. I could feel myself start shaking a little bit at how nervous I was. 'All of these kids are already in their own cliques. I'll never fit in with any of them! Gah!' I thought. I started to panic and shake a bit more.

       "Hey there! I'm Leopold! But you can call me Butters!" A boy with blonde hair stuck a hand out in front of me. I looked at his hand for a few seconds before shaking it back. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

      "H-hello. I'm Tweek!" I smiled at him and looked down at his shoes. Tap shoes, just like mine. I wonder what other types of dance he does?

      "So, Tweek, what dance classes are you taking?" Leopold asked. I thought for a minute to remember what I was taking.

      "B-Ballet, Jazz, And Tap. What about you?" I felt a bit girly about taking ballet because it wasn't normally something a boy would take. I was only taking it for because my parents told me that it would help me become more flexible and open up my joints. I was also thinking about doing figure skating and my parents said that "almost all figure skaters took ballet".

       "Neato! I'm taking all three of those! Hey, we should be friends!" Leopold smiled brightly, his blue eyes sparkling tremendously.

      "Y-yeah, I would like to be friends!" I smiled back and we both giggled a bit as we walked into the tap studio together.

                    ~End of Flashback~

      I stretched on the floor of my room, my leotard and leggings on. Tonight was my first night of pointe ballet and Leo told me that it would be best to stretch before class. I wasn't sure about doing pointe because Leo also told me that we were the only boys in the class. I eventually changed my mind and decided to do it.

       My schedule was very busy during the week. On Mondays, I had ballet. Tuesdays is Tap. Wednesdays I have Jazz, and then on Thursdays I have Pointe. Luckily, my Friday's were free, but those were the nights I had to help my parents at their coffee shop.

       All of my nights were pretty busy too because I got home from school at around 4:00 p.m., then I ate dinner. Then I would go to whatever dance class I had that night (all of them were around an hour or an hour and a half), then I would get home around 7:00 p.m. at night. I would take a shower and do the hours of homework I had, do the work I had on my computer, then go to bed at around 1 in the morning. I woke up at 4:00 the next day for school, and repeat these steps all over again.

      I hear the doorbell ring downstairs and I quickly grab my dance bag and water bottle. I walk down the stairs and open the front door. Leo is standing there in his leotard with his dance bag as well. Leo and I had every dance class together. We also had most of our classes in school together. Leo and I weren't completely alone when we didn't have each other though. Leo had his boyfriend, Kenny McCormick, and I had my other friends, Token Black and Bebe Stevens.

       Bebe was also another person who knew that I did dance. Bebe and I took Ballet and Jazz together, so she also knew Leo. She is a very good friend, always helping out when she doesn't need to. When Leo first developed feelings for Kenny, she sat with Kenny everyday at lunch to see if he had a crush on anyone. Eventually, he admitted that he had a crush on Leopold, and thus their relationship started. She was also very good at makeup and fashion, which is why she wanted to be a fashion designer when she gets out of high school. We were seniors now so it wouldn't be too much longer till we go to college.

My other friend, Token, is a very nice guy. His parents are always doing nice things for the community of South Park and are also very generous people. Token was born into a rich family, but he never thought that he was above someone because his family had money. That was something I admired about Token.

       "Hey there, Tweek! You ready for your first night of pointe?" Leo gave me a quick hug and I hugged him back. I nodded my head and we walked out of my door. Bebe was waiting for us in her car, and we both climbed into the back seat.

        "Hey, you guys ready for your toenails to fall off? Are you ready for the agonizing pain you guys will have for the next few months you take pointe? Are you ready to come home at night and have ice packs on your feet while you do your homework?" Bebe rambled a bit and Leo just looked terrified at all the terrible stuff she was listing about pointe. Bebe and I both giggled as she pulled out of my driveway.

       "You make it sound like there is nothing good about pointe!" Leo whined.
      "No there are lots of good things about pointe." Bebe countered, turning down the road.
       "Like what?" He asked.
       "Well it's pretty and graceful. The teacher is nice, everyone in the class is nice, and also there are only 10 kids in our class so it's pretty small compared to our jazz class!" Bebe exclaimed, pulling into the parking lot of the dance studio.

       We all walked inside and sat on a bench outside of the pointe class. We changed into our pointe shoes and then talked while we waited. We watched the kids in aerial for a few minutes through the glass windows and then moved on to watch the hip hop kids. There was one boy in hip hop that caught my eye. He was wearing a blue muscle shirt and black leggings.

I noticed that he was the only one in the class that was wearing blue converse and a blue chullo hat. Something about that hat reminded me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't help but also notice that the boy had bright blue eyes, a pair of eyes I also remembered from somewhere. The teacher called us in for pointe and Bebe, Leo, and I all walked into the studio. The teacher took this class as an opportunity to let everyone introduce themselves and play a few fun little icebreakers. The second half of class she went over positions and the basic anatomy of a pointe shoe.

Bebe was right. The girls in that class really are very nice and also very welcoming. She introduced us to another friend of hers named Wendy. Wendy went to the high school as us and was actually running for president of student council. Wendy was dating a quarterback at our school named Stan Marsh, but by the way she looked at Bebe, I knew that she had feelings for Bebe.

The rest of my night was the same as most other nights. I did my 3-4 hours of homewrok, took a shower, then went to bed. As I lay there awake, staring at the glow in the constellations on my ceiling, I couldn't help but think about the boy in blue. The way his body moved in sync with the music, his blue chullo hat that was messy but not completely destroyed, and his tan skin. The thing that kept me up with thoughts in my head was those blue eyes of his. There was something about his eyes that brought back memories, memories that made me feel a sort of...spark with him. I must be going crazy.

He stood there, his eyes glowing from the moonlights bright light. The stars of fate shined above us as I looked at this mystery boy with my hazel eyes. He reached his hand out towards me, and I couldn't resist the urge to place my hand in his palm. Those beautiful blue eyes drew me into his warm embrace like a magnet.

"I missed you, Tweek. You have no idea how hard it was to be without you for so long!" He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around him, a quick second of hesitation before I snuggled my head a bit into his chest. Something about his embrace fekt oddly familiar and comforting. It was like I wanted to leave, but the warmth of his body was so enticing and welcoming, I just had to stay.

"I barely know you, but I feel so close to you. Am I going absolutely crazy? Bonkers? Completely mad?" I questioned to myself. His presence smelt of pastries and fresh laundry, which was driving me crazy because it smelt so good and inviting. Then there was me, who practically smelt like coffee 24/7.

      He leaned in closer to me, getting dangerously close. But, I wouldn't say that it made me uncomfortable in slightest. I could feel myself leaning in as well. We both got closer and closer, our eyes set on each others lips. I could feel his breath on my lower lip, and I will not deny that it was driving me crazy, mad, bonkers...insane! Our lips were about to touch, when suddenly-!

        I woke up with a start, a few drops of sweat on my forehead. My alarm clock was beeping and the sun was shining through my blinds. I looked at the time, which read 6:30 a.m. I had to be at school in an hour! I shut off my alarm clock and got out of bed, walking over to my closet. I grabbed a tank top and put it on, then grabbing one of my green hoodies and sliding it on over my tank top. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped on my green converse. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my messy excuse of hair. I patted it down a bit but that didn't work very well. Fuck it.

I ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. There was a fresh brew of coffee and I grabbed my thermos to pour some coffee in it. The scent of the coffee reaches my nose. French roast, my favorite. I put the lid back on my thermos and sighed happily. I walked to the front door, grabbed my bag, and walked outside.

       Every morning, I would make my daily commute to the bus stop. It was almost like my me time. All I had during that time  of the day is my headphones, the trees and snow, and the cold air around me. During this time of peace in the morning, my thoughts swam around my head. Most of the time they were about what I was gonna do after high school.

I reached my destination and saw Leo and Bebe waiting for me. I ran over and gave them both hugs. We all started talking and then the bus came. I got on and sat in a seat towards the back, Leo sitting in the seat across the isle.

"Today is going to be great!" Leo cheered as he texted on his phone.
"Why's that?"
"It's Kenny and I's two year anniversary!"
"That's great! Are you two gonna celebrate?"
"He said that he had something planned. I'm so excited!"
"You're lucky! I'll never find love." What I said was kind of true. When it came to love, my relationships always went down the worst path they could. I remember I was in a relationship in 4th grade. That was probably the best relationship I've ever been in. Then they moved away and I haven't seen them since.
"Sure you will! You just need to have hope! There is someone out there for you who will make you feel like the greatest person in the entire world." Leo has good advice. His advice was like a poem, the words just flowed out of his mouth like a dark puddle of ink.

At that moment, a boy walked onto the bus. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a blue hoodie, and a blue chullo hat. He looked around trying to find somewhere to sit, then his eyes met with my hazel ones. He walked over to my seat and looked at me. Hip hop boy?!

"Can I sit here?" He asked. I nodded shyly and scooted over. We were both silent for a few minutes. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and I saw a text from Leo.

Leo: Talk to him!!!!
Tweek: No way! He'll think I'm weird!
Leo: Well what if you guys get along? If you two hit it off then you might get lucky ;)
Tweek: LEOPOLD BUTTERS STOTCH!! Kenny has turned you into a real perv 😂
Leo: Yeah he taught me that one when we were having sex last night
Tweek: I didn't need to know that. What about your parents!?
Leo: They were asleep so Kenny climbed up my window and trust me it wasn't as enjoyable because we had to be super quiet.
Tweek: I'm sorry.
Leo: It's fine. He said he would make up for it tonight. Anyways, talk to that boy!!!!!

I put my phone back in my pocket and glanced over at the boy. The light from outside the window shined into his bright blue eyes, my heart started to flutter. I looked over at Butters from across the isle and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at him and then leaned back into my seat. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it again. This time it was a text from Token.

     Token: Butters told me about that boy your sitting next to. Talk him up!!

      'Damn he knows to?' I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. The bus quickly turned a corner and all of us went from one side of the bus to the other. The boy next to me was pushed into my side and my heart started pounding.

      "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" He said, his brows furrowed in concern. I then realized that my chest was really hot. I looked down and realized my hoodie had coffee all over it. I twitched a bit at the heat.

"O-oh goodness!" He then took a cloth rag out of his backpack and started patting it on the coffee all over my shirt. I could see Leo across the isle with a smirk. 'He did this didn't he? Sneaky fucker!'

"I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen." He kept rubbing the cloth on my shirt before I gently took his wrist in my hand.

"Thanks for trying to help clean it up, but it's not gonna work. You tried though and that's all that mattered!" I smiled and I could almost see the blush on his face. He then had a lightbulb kind of moment and he grabbed something else out of his backpack. It was a blue hoodie and he handed it to me.

"You shouldn't have to walk around at school all day wearing a big stain on your shirt. Are you wearing a tank top under that?" I nodded and he then helped me get my hoodie off. I could feel my heart beating faster by the second. On one hand, I was pissed at Leo for causing this, but on the other, I was so fucking happy he did this. But I wouldn't know that until later.

The boy slipped the hoodie over me and then smiled. The hoodie was a little big on me, but it was comfy and it had a calming scent to it. A scent that I recognized from my childhood.

"I'm super sorry!"
"It's fine. Things happen, ya know?"
"Let me make it up to you. I'll buy you a coffee or something after school." Was he asking me out on a date? Ha! Who am I kidding? Someone asking out the spaz of the school? He probably just felt sorry for me like everyone else does.
"Yeah, that would be nice." I smiled at him and he zipped up his backpack. The bus stopped in front of the school. The boy next to me got up and looked at me. He stuck his hand out and smiled a small smile.

"My names Craig. Craig Tucker." He helped me up out of the seat and shook my hand a little bit.

"My names Tweek. Tweek Tweak." I introduced myself, Leo giving a kissy face from behind Craig. I shook my head at him and he snickered.

"Well, see you around!" He said as he walked off the bus. Leo ran up beside me and cheered excitedly.

"Tweek, who's your new boyfriend? Is he cute?" Leo jokingly asked. I groaned and punched his shoulder. The whole half hour before class started, I couldn't help but think about what Craig did on the bus. He just gave his hoodie to me even though he had only known me for about 10 minutes. Only one question was running around my mind. Why? Why was he making me feel all these feelings?

      The bell rang and I walked inside of the school. I walked into the school and to my locker. I entered in my combo and like magic, it opened. I grabbed my books for first period and then shut my locker. The hallway was busy as usual, a sea of students overflowing my ears with their conversations.

       I made it to my first period and sat down in my desk. Leo walked in shortly after and sat down next to me. We started talking about the dance routine from last night. Then he walked in. Craig.....

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