bubblegum bitch, gossip girl

By -winchesters

17.1K 736 84

"I'm the girl you'd die for. I'll chew you up and I'll spit you 'cause that's what young love it all about. S... More

★ | 000. introduction
★ | 000. epigraph
★ | 002. the wild brunch
★ | 003. poison ivy
★ | 004. bad news blair
★ | 005. dare devil
★ | 006. the handmaidens tale
★ | 007. victor victrola

★ | 001. kiss on the lips

3.1K 126 16
By -winchesters

Book: Bubblegum Bitch, Gossip Girl
Chapter 1: Kiss On The Lips
Word Count: 2623

Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here... and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel!

As Candice read the post, she couldn't help the large smirk that overcame her lips. The infamous Serena Van Der Woodsen was finally back in town after disappearing from everyone's lives. "Blair is so going to have a fit about this." She snickered, tilting her head as she looked down at her phone.

Chuck Bass, who was sitting right next to her grinned as he looked down at her screen. "Good, things were getting a little... dull around here." He said with a devious tone. "You want to go outside and have a..." He trailed off and put his fingers up to his mouth, making a smoking signal.

"You know I can never say no to that." She replied and stood up, her short dress riding up her thighs even further but she didn't care. She loved getting attention. Chuck purposefully walked behind her so he could get a view of her. It didn't bother her. She knew she was hot.

They went down the elevator and when they stepped off, Candice spotted a familiar blonde walking into the building. Candice's smirk seemed to widen and she turned to Chuck. "I'll meet you outside. I need to do something first."

"Mm, but can't I watch." Chuck said with a wide smile as he looked between her and Serena.

"Perv." Was all she said as she walked away from him and towards the blonde female. "Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. It's so good to see you again, Serena." She said in an overly fake enthusiastic voice.

"Candice?" Serena said back with surprise. Her footsteps got a bit quicker as she got closer to her. Within the time Serena was gone, Candice didn't look like she had changed a bit. Her hair was the same, her makeup, her style, even the same evil smirk. It brought a sense of familiarity to Serena that she had missed. "It's good to see you to."

"I don't even have to ask if you missed me obviously you did." Candice said cockily. "I can't believe you actually decided to show your face here again. Brave or stupid?"

Her blunt tone was nothing out of the ordinary and Serena didn't take it to heart. She never did when it came to Candice and her words. "I missed being home. I'm not the same girl I used to be. I've changed."

"Well, that's boring. I liked the other Serena. She was a party twenty four seven." Candice looked her up and down, seeing the clothes she was wearing were anything but revealing and she looked like your typical good girl.

"The other Serena was a mess who was on a path of self destruction." Serena shook her head. "But that doesn't mean I'm boring now."

"We will have to see about that, won't we?" Candice said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She walked towards her, her heels clacking on the ground and she stopped until she was inches away from her. "Go join the party. I'm sure everyone is just dying to see you again."

"Where are you going?" Serena asked as Candice moved away from her and towards the hotel doors.

"Chuck and I need to chill out. It's so stuffy up there with all those old bats. I would ask if you'd like to join but, you're boring now." She giggled and turned on her heel, strutting towards the door and outside. She had felt Serena's eyes on her the entire time.

As soon as she reached Chuck, she snatched the joint out of his hand and brought it to her lips. "Do tell what happened?"

"She says she has changed. Turned over a new leaf, looking at the bright side of life." Candice scoffed and took another drag. "We'll see about that. If I know anything about Serena. It's that this good girl act won't last long. Hopefully it ends sooner rather then later."

★ ★ ★

Candice had her legs crossed as she sat on the steps for lunch, watching as the nervous little blonde girl was showing Blair the invitations she had hand made.

Isabel and Kati were gushing over hoe adorable they were. "It looks like a ten year old made it. You can't seriously want to use these?" Candice stated as she looked at Blair was raised eyebrows.

Jenny frowned and looked away in embarrassment while Blair just laughed  playfully. "What would you prefer? To have alcohol and strippers on them?"

"Least it would make for a more interesting invitation and not," she picked up a card and held it in front of her face, "please come to my party. We can play charades and eat strawberry cake." She said in a childish voice.

Blair grabbed the card and ripped it away from her hand. "I like them. She didn't do a bad job. And here is yours... as promised." She handed one over to Jenny who had brightened up since she now had the go ahead to go to the party.

"Hey, here you guys are." Serena breathed out, walking over to them with a yogurt in her hands. "I looked all over the dining hall for you." She turned to Jenny. "Oh, hi, I'm Serena."

"I know, uhm, I mean, hi, I'm Jenny." The smaller blonde stuttered back, shaking her hand as if she were a celebrity.

Candice could feel the atmosphere around her change and she glanced to her side to see Blair's smile had been replaced with a sneer as she stared up at her once best friend. It made Candice smirk and lean forward, ready to see the storm that was soon approaching.

Serena leaned down and picked up one of the invitations. "So, when's the party?"

"Saturday." Blair answered hesitantly. "And you're kinda not invited. Since until twelve hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school. And Jenny used up all the invites." Jenny went to protest but Blair cut her off, "you can go now." Jenny dropped her head and scurried away. Blair turned back to Serena and said in a non apologetic voice, "sorry."

Serena bit the inside of her cheek in anger. "No, it's ok. I've got a lot of stuff to do anyway." She threw the invitation back down and it landed on the step next to Candice. She slyly picked it up and hid her smile behind it.

"Well, we should get going then. Unless you want us to wait for you." Blair stood up and with judgement filled eyes, she stared Serena down. "Looks like you got a lot of yoghurt left."

"No, go ahead."

Blair dropped her smile as she walked past but stopped when she saw Candice wasn't following her but instead still sitting and staring up at Serena. "Candice? Come. We're leaving."

Candice slowly looked over at her before standing up. "Of course, B." She walked past Serena who had basically been begging her with her eyes not to leave. She shrugged unapologetically.

"Blair, think we can meet tonight?" Serena stopped them from going.

Blair turned around to face her. "I'd love to but I'm doing something with Nate tonight."

But Serena wasn't going to back down. "The Palace, 8 o'clock. Nate will wait." Candice looked between the two of them.

"I can probably do a half hour."

"Thanks for making the time."

"Your my best friend." Blair linked her arms with Candice to make sure the girl didn't fall behind again and pulled her along as they got away from the girl that was making Blair's blood boil.

★ ★ ★

"What are you two losers doing?" Candice questioned as she approached Chuck and Nate, taking the joint from Chucks hand. "I needed this." She said as she took a smoke.

"I need that more then you." Nate commented and Candice simply raised her eyebrows, not making a move to hand it over to him. "Blair's mum's at the country house."

"You and Blair are going to be alone which might lead to some mind blowing sex and that's a problem?" Candice shook her head. "Boys are so hard to understand."

Chuck nudged her shoulder and said, "maybe I should swipe some of my dad's Viagra? Or my mom's Paxil's? Nathaniel, you're finally about to have sex with your girlfriend. It's like you're heading to your execution."

"No, man. I'm good." Nate lied, nervously playing with his hands in front of him.

Candice handed her joint back over to Chuck and linked her arms with Nate, smiling up at him sweetly. "Come on, sweetie. You know you can talk to us. We're your best friends. Best friends don't keep secrets, silly." Her voice was sickly sweet. It was the voice she always used when she wanted to seem innocent to get information out of people.

"Yeah, you and Blair have been dating forever, all of a sudden there is a problem?" Chuck added on.

"There is no problem. It's just... do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we're just gonna... end up like our parents?" Nate said and that made Candice stop walking.

"Well, I mean, all my mum does is marry millionaires, gets their money and then moves onto the next one. Seems like a pretty easy life to me."

"You really want to have sex with all them old dudes?" Nate said with a disgusted expression.

"A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do." She said uncaringly as they went back to walking down the pathway.

"You know, aren't we entitled to choose... just to be happy?" Nate said, looking between them for some sort of agreement.

"Look, easy, Socrates. What we're entitled to is a trust fund... maybe a house in the Hamptons, a prescription drug problem. Happiness does not seem to be on the menu. So smoke up and seal the deal with Blair... 'cause you're also entitled to tap that ass."

★ ★ ★

By the time Candice arrived at the Kiss On The Lips party, she was already three champagnes in and having a great time. The party was packed and people were dancing together and drinking. It was exactly the type of scene she liked to be in.

She felt someone grip her arm tightly and she whipped around with a glare. "Easy with the claws. You might be my friend but if you mark me I while rip your hair out." Blair let go of her arm at the threat. "Now what do you want? I was having a good time." She slyly waved at the girl she had just been dancing with.

Blair scoffed, "I don't want you talking to Serena ever again. She's no longer our friend."

"And why is that, Queen Blair?" Candice asked, not particularly liking that fact that Blair always felt the need to tell her what to do.

Blair grabbed her and pulled the taller girl closer to say into her ear, "because the slut slept with Nate." She pulled back with an evil glare. "So stay away from her."

So, that's why Nate was having so much trouble sleeping with Blair. He was hung up over Serena. This was some scandalous information indeed. She nodded her head. "Whatever you want, Blair."

"I mean it, Candice. You're my friend, right? Friends have each others back." Blair growled out almost desperately.

"I have your back." Candice said simply. "Don't you trust me?"

Blair gave her a look and said, "nobody trusts you."

"I have built myself quite the reputation, haven't I?" She laughed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go back to having fun so scram." She lifted her hand and shooed the other girl away, going back to her original dancing partner.

Blair stomped her foot at being brushed off and stormed through the crowed to find her minions who she knew would agree with whatever she said no matter what she said. That's what she needed now to feel better since Candice was to busy dancing with some random nobody.

A few short moments later, Serena entered the party and walked up to the first person she recognised which was Candice. "Hey! Do you know where Chuck is?"

Candice looked over at her with slightly hazy eyes. "I'm not supposed to be talking to you." She giggled and wrapped her arms around the waist of the random girl from behind and leaned into her back.

"What? Why?"

"Go talk to your bestie about it." She nodded her head towards Blair who were watching the pair with fire in her eyes. "Although I would be careful. She may kill you." She laughed louder and when Serena saw she wasn't going to get anything else out of her, she left, searching for Chuck and Jenny on her own.

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The party was coming to an end and Candice found herself outside in the cold air as she waited for the limo to come pick her up. She looked to her side and snorted when she saw Chuck. "Who punched you? I should give them a kiss."

"Shut up." Chuck snapped harshly, not in the mood for her voice when he was so angry about what happened.

Blair came out seconds later, watching as Serena got into a cab with Dan and Jenny. "She better not show her face again." She hissed, crossing her arms over her chest and digging her nails into her skin with frustration.

"I'm actually hoping she will." Chuck said and Blair glanced at him.

★ ★ ★

"I'm just so angry! How could she do this to me! She slept with my boyfriend! She's such a - such a - " Blair couldn't even come up with the words, that's how angry she was about this situation.

Candice rolled her eyes. "So, Serena and Nate are little bitches. This is something we knew already." She stood up from Blair's bed and walked over to Blair who was sitting down in front of her mirror, brushing her hair and getting ready for bed.

"I'm going to ruin her. If she thinks she's going to get away with this, she has another thing coming." Blair roughly moved the brush through her hair, thinking of all the ways she could destroy Serena's life and make her regret ever coming back from boarding school.

Candice put her hands on her shoulders and leaned down, kissing her cheek. "Did you really invite me over to talk about Serena?" She questioned with a laugh. "Or was there another reason you pulled me away from that beautiful blonde tonight?"

Blair glared at her through the glass and pushed her away. "Don't make me regret inviting you over."

"I never do." Candice gripped Blair's chin and turned her head, kissing her roughly. Blair gasped and reached up, holding the side of her cheek as she let Candice dominate the kiss. "Let me take your mind off it for the night. How does that sound?"

Her eyes were full of mischief and desire. An irresistible sight to Blair. Nate hadn't been the only one who cheated in their relationship but unlike what happened with Nate, no one would ever find out about Blair and Candice. All it was was two friends messing around, nothing more.

And Candice was absolutely fine with that.

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