Love You Better

Autorstwa xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

16 0 0
Autorstwa xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

Julian's pov
I thankfully walked into class today with no sign of Lexi. She was a great, but complicated girl who can be hard to keep up with. Me being the dumbass that I am invited her to the dance to then call her the wrong name.

I knew exactly why I called her the wrong name. It was simple, we've hooked up multiple times that I was already used to it.

"Yo did your plan work last night?" Khalid asked sitting next to me. "Nope." "Ha I knew that you trying to sleep with her wouldn't work." "How did you know I was gonna do that?" "You're predictable, so what did you do?"

"I may have called her the wrong name." "Dude are you fucking serious?" "Yeah and she got pissed." "What did you call her, Victoria, Alyssa?" "Morgan."

"Oh man, you're so fucked." "I know, I told her that because they're related and I know them both that I just got confused." "They don't look alike though." "Well I think she bought it so I'm all good."

"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for Morgan?" "No we're just close friends. We fought last night and it was still on my mind."

"Are you Positive that it wasn't just her on your mind and not the situation?" "Of course she was on my mind. I hurt her and I didn't think she felt anything after we hooked up, but clearly I was wrong."

"Whatever man just do you and if I were you I would apologize to Both." "I am going to, but I have to wait on Morgan because she's had a tough week and I don't wanna ruin her Friday anymore than I already did." I said and then she walked into the room.

Morgan's pov
As I walked in the classroom all I could see was Julian starting at me. As I walked to my desk I looked down so that he didn't try to get my attention.

All that I thought about last night was the fight, but I realized it wasn't my fault, it was his. I blamed him because he changed. The Julian Manning I remembered was always wanting to go an adventure and only payed attention to what was right in front of him, not what would happen in the next 10 minutes.

Thankfully my sister said she wasn't feeling well last night and didn't end up coming to school.

Last night I realized something really important, maybe I was just dumb and I should've listened to Allie. Maybe I had mistook kindness with flirting? Maybe I was just in over my head? Maybe this was just a fantasy that I wanted to become a reality.

"Hey you." I heard the voice of Miles say. "Hi Mi." "What happened to the whole thing we were supposed to do last night?" "I don't know, but it's not happening. He told me that he wants to be with her."

"Well we need to convince him that she isn't good for him." "I don't want to anymore, it's over, I gave up." "After all that you've been through you're just gonna give up?" "Yeah I guess."

"Did he get mad at you?" "No he was confused and I think you're confused too. I told him how I felt about him." "How did you feel about him." "I liked him, I liked him a lot." "You did?" "Yeah, but don't tell Noah that, he's probably kill him."

"When did this happen?" "When we hooked up." "You hooked up with him?" He asked loudly. "Shhh and yeah you Are so behind." "Well no one told me." "I'm surprised Allie didn't say anything, she tells you practically everything." "She probably kept it a secret."

"When did you two get together?" "The first time was a few weeks back." "The first time?" "Yeah we did it about another 6 Times after that." "And he doesn't wanna get with you, even after all that?"

"Nope he wants to be loyal to my sister, but he tried having sex with me once while he was with her." "Holy shit, does Lex know about it?" "No but she probably wouldn't care, she likes him too much to give a care in the world."

"Well I still do care about her and as much as I would wanna tell that douche off, it's not my place. Unfortunately it's yours." "I'm not gonna do that to him. We may not be on speaking terms, but I still care about his reputation."

"Are you listening to yourself right now Morgan? You're defending the person who just hurt your feelings." "I know why but at the same time I don't know why. I just feel like we've been through too much and if I ever said anything it would ruin my friendship with him and my relationship with my sister." "This isn't about what makes them happy, it should be about what makes you happy."

"Well I'm not happy either way." I said Turning back around.
"Morgan I told you not to come today." My coach laughed. "I know but I needed to see my girls kick Alachua's ass." "Alright Morgan, but don't you dare come to practice tomorrow." "Okay Okay Fine." I laughed.

"Ughh remind me why you won't let me go home?" Tanner asked sitting next to me. "Because it's my car and you don't have anything better to do at home." "How do you know that? I might have a date or something." "Now that you said that I know for a fact that you don't have a date." "But what if I did?"

"I would make you walk your ass home." "That's a long walk though." "Not really, if you cut through Lowell Ave you'll get there faster."

"You didn't get in the car like I told you the other day didn't you?" "Nope I didn't, I didn't wanna talk to him." "Did he try to talk to you?" "Yeah and I said what I had to say and he said what he had to say."

"What was it all about anyway?" "Nothing just stupid stuff." "Whatever you say."

"Yo Tanner." A voice said coming from behind. It was Justin and Julian walking towards us. "What's up?" Tanner asked while they did their boy handshake. "Nothin I'm just here to watch the game." "You mean you're here to watch Camila." "Maybe, maybe not. Why aren't you playing?" He asked Turning to me. I noticed Julian turn to the side and started using his phone.

"I got injured, rolled my ankle." I lied as Julian looked right at me. "Damn that sucks, but it could be worse." "Yeah I get injured all the time, but Julian here knows exactly how to treat an injury. One time he broke his arm, but as soon as he got the cast off he bounced right back."

"Yo Justin and Tanner." Another boy on the team called out. "We'll be right back." Tanner said running off. Now it was just Julian and I and then tension was stronger than ever. There were times that we didn't speak, but not like this.

I noticed him staring at me, but when I looked back he looked away. As much as I wanted to talk it out with him he did me wrong like Miles said. Standing right next to him made everything worse because he was the last person I wanted to see.

"I'm going home, can you tell my brother that I left?" I asked him. "Yeah." He replied and that was it.

On my way home I thought about how stupid I sounded talking to Miles, but something always lead me to defend the boy who broke me. He's someone I never wanted to come in contact with, but then when I met him he was exactly what I was looking for. He did these crazy things, but I just wanted to experience more.

As I walked up to my room I heard sniffling from my sisters room. "Hi lex you feeling okay?" "Not at all." She said burying her face into her pillow. "You were fine yesterday." "Yeah Well things change."

"Okay something is clearly up." "No shit." "Relax, talk to me." "You were right." "About?" "Julian. He's a complete asshole." "I couldn't agree more. What did he do?"

"So last night he invited me over so we could hang or whatever and then he asked me to homecoming, but informed me after that he had also invited you." "Listen about that-" "Relax he told me the plan so I'm not mad."

"So anyway we decided to watch Friends with Benefits and he literally tried to seduce me the whole movie, but I told him to back off since it's my favorite movie." "So you gave up the chance to have sex to watch a movie?"

"Let me finish bitch. Anyway when the movie finished I was ready to go when he convinced me to have sex with him so I was like okay fuck it. So we started to get undressed and stuff and then he goes and called me the wrong name."

"Woah what did he call you?" "Well I told him how hot he was and he said thanks Morgan." When She said that my heart started racing. Did he tell her about our past?

"And What happened after?" "I got dressed and left." "This sounds like a big misunderstanding. Maybe he said my name because we're sisters." "That's what he said, but I'm not buying it."

"Well he does have an ex by that name?" "The only girl he told me about was Victoria." "Maybe that had a bad breakup with a girl named Morgan and he doesn't like to talk about her." "Maybe, but what should I do? I don't know if I should talk to him or not."

At this point I wanted to tell her what I wanted to tell her this whole time, but my gut told she that I shouldn't. As bad as I wanted things to fall into place for me I couldn't tell her to break up with him because she would be unhappy.

"I think you should do whatever is best for you. You do know that you don't need a guy to be happy though, but if that boy makes you happy then go get him."

"Damn I never knew my sister could give such good advice. As mad as I am about him calling me that wrong name I have to remember that I still have hella feelings for him." "Exactly." "I'm gonna go get my boy back, and thanks I hope you find that one boy that makes you happy like he makes me." "Thanks."

After I looked down at my phone and realized that Zach had texted me.

Zach- Hey

Me- Hi

Zach- wanna FaceTime? I'm bored in my dorm

Me- Sure

After my phone started vibrating like crazy and his name popped up on the screen.

"Hey Morgan." He said with this cute smirk on his face. "Hey, what's up?" "Nothin I just got back from Practice." "How was it?" "Horrible, it was pouring and it's so hot." "That's Florida weather for you." I laughed.

"Ha Yeah, hows my boy Julian been?" "Good he's been busy with soccer." "How's your season been?" "Good, but I just want the actual season to start." "Wait your actual season hasn't started yet?" "Nope, but I know where you live they play in the fall." "Yeah."

"How's football going?" "It's going." He laughed. "Wow." "We've won a few and we've lost a few, but we always try to bounce back." "Same, I couldn't even play this week and my team managed to lose 6-1, but we play an easy team next so we're guaranteed to win."

"Nice, So was talking to Julian and I might just take a trip up to Gainesville in a few weeks." "Really?" "Yeah I miss you and Julian." "Well I miss you too." I said as I felt myself blushing.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could get to know each other a little more when I get there if you want to." "Are you asking me on a date?" "Depends do you want it to be a date?" "Yeah I guess."

"Then it's a date, but don't tell Julian. In all honesty I don't know how he would feel about me taking you out." "I won't, but why should it matter? He has a girlfriend anyway." "Oh yeah I forgot about that."

"So how is my best friend anyway? We really haven't talked since you guys came." "I don't know, I would ask him since I can't read his mind." "Are you getting sassy with me?" "Maybe just a little." I laughed.

"Yo Zach We gotta go, the assembly starts in 10 minutes." I heard Brandon scream in the background.

"Well I gotta go, but we'll talk later okay?" "Okay, Bye." I said hanging up.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh who was that?" Lexi said busting through my door.

"I thought you left?" "Oh I did, but then I realized that he has some top 100 guys soccer party at Michigan University tomorrow so he isn't even home." "Wait When did he leave?" "Sixth period." "Interesting."

"Well enough about that, who's the boy?" "His name is Carter." I lied because I didn't need her telling Julian anything. "Ohhh where does he go?" "University of Florida." "Ooo a college boy?" She asked jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yeah, he's from Manhattan New York." "Woah then he must be really experienced. If he went to a prep school he definitely partied every night." "Yeah, he told me about that."

"That's why I wanted to move there before high school, but you had to bud in and explain the reasons why you wanted to stay here." "Well I don't know why I was so dumb." "So you're saying that we should do that now?!" She asked excitedly. "No, I could do that if I wanted to, but I wanna stay close to home." "Ugh you're no fun."

"So did you pick your homecoming dress out yet?" "Ugh no my friends are always working." "Well I was gonna go now, if you wanna come." "Of course I wanna go, I'm too tired of waiting and plus it's your senior year so you have to make a final homecoming impression." "Okay let's go." I said grabbing my keys.

After talking with Lexi I kinda understood where she was coming from, I mean her boyfriend is literally lying to her behind her back and her friends haven't been there for her. On our way to the store we sang throwback songs at the top of our lungs. I never realized how alike my sister and I are until today.

"Ooo yay we're here." She said excitedly. "Maybe we should leave." I said starting to panic. "Why?" She asked and then she noticed what I noticed.

"Those bitches." She said getting mad. "I'm serious, we can come back another day if you want." "No, let's go in." She said getting out and slamming the car door and walking in.

"Well would you look at this, it's Taylor, Becca, and Samantha. All the girls who claimed they had to work today." "Lex? What are you doing here?" Taylor asked turning around. "The better question is What are you doing here?"

"Well the town decided that all teen workers should take the day off." Her dumb friend Samantha said "So why is Daniella Patterson working here right now?" "She still wanted to work?" Becca said definitely unsure of what she was saying.

"That's it, I'm Uninviting you from Cameron Marshall's hotel room party after homecoming." "Woah woah woah, you can't do that." Taylor said crossing her arms. "But I can, Cameron is one of my best guy friends and he said I can invite anyone and I invited you, but I changed my mind."

"We don't care, we got invited to Devin Ingram's party anyway." "Well have fun with the guy who has a warrant." "We will and by the way we've been hanging behind your back for the longest time." Samantha said. "No shit dumbass and by the way you should really go back to your plastic surgeon, he fucked up your nose." "He fucked me too." She said laughing as we walked away.

"Ugh those girls are idiots." "You're Friends with them." I laughed. "I was friends with them, keyword WAS." "Whatever." She said pulling a whole bunch of dresses from each rack.

"Are you really trying all of those on?" "Well for the first time in awhile it's a Friday and I have nothing to do, so yeah, unless you have something to do." "Nope, go try them on."

As I searched for dresses I thought about Julian and how we would have to be seen together. It's one thing to be in a class with a boy everyday, but it's another thing When he has to pull me in close and wrap his hands around my waist. I could already think about everyone's reactions even though they shouldn't be surprised.

"Morgan." My sister called as she waved me over. "So what do you think?" "It's cute I like the little white and blue jewels on it." "Me too, I'm getting this one." "Lex that's literally the first dress you tried on." "I know but I love it." "Whatever, how much is it?" "350." "Dude you don't have that much." "I actually do." She said holding up our mothers debit card.

"You stole that from her?" "Yeah but do you honestly think she'll care?" "Um yeah." "Morg Just live a little. Go try some dresses on." "I haven't picked any out." "Look through the ones i had in the back." "Fine." I said walking into the dressing room.

I looked through the numerous amounts of dresses that she got until I saw this light pink 2 piece. It was simple, but super cute.

As I walked out in the dress my sister was talking on the phone. "Miles can we please just talk about this later, I'm super busy."

"Hey." I said walking towards her. "Oh my gosh you look so pretty." "Thanks." "Get That one please." "But this is the first dress I'm trying on." "Too bad, here's the card and I'll be waiting in the car." "Don't you have to pay?" "I already did." "Ugh." I said dragging myself back to change.

When I went up the the counter to pay I pulled out my moms debit card praying for her not to kill me for taking it. "Hey you're Morgan Ryan right?" Daniella asked. "Yeah." "You Are all set." She said putting the dress in a bag. "What do you mean." "A few days ago Julian Manning came into the store and said that you would come here to get a dress so he left you a 250 dollar store credit and he said you can keep the rest of the money so 90 dollars is your change." "Are you kidding me?" "Nope, you're a lucky one." She said waving as I left.

"What was that all about?" She asked already sitting in the drivers seat. "She was just asking me about soccer." "Since when does she care?" "I don't know, but let's go before mom figures anything out." "Sounds good." She said pushing the gas hard and we sped off.

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