His Private Girlfriend (#1)

By SilentNiaAngel

486K 7.7K 507

Adrian and Molly are two unlikely friends and classifying them as best friends would be an understatement. Ad... More

0| His Private Girlfriend
1| His Private Girlfriend
1|His Private Girlfriend
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 2]
Private Girlfriend [chapter 3- Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [chapter 4- Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 4- Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 5-Part 1]
Private GirlFriend [Chapter 5-Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 6- Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [chapter 6- part 2]
Private Girlfriend [chapter 7- Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [chapter 7- Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 8- Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 8- Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 9- Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 9-Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 10-Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 10 - Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 11 part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 11- Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 12 - Part 1]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 12 - Part 2 ]
Private Girlfriend [Chapter 13 - Part 1]
Private Girlfriiend [Chapter 13 - Part 2]
Private Girlfriend [ chapter 14 ]
Private Girlfriend [epilogue]
Bk2: Her Private Boyfriend

Private Girlfriend [chapter 3-Part 1]

19.5K 332 17
By SilentNiaAngel

Chapter 3 : Part 1 – Valentine’s Day Ball 

I walked into my work place and all I could see was red and white. Somewhere dress in red and white and it was pretty annoying it’s not that I don’t like Valentine’s Day but I don’t see the sense in Valentine’s Day. Why should a woman or man take just one day out of a month, out of a year to celebrate their love? Why?

I walked along the passage way. Staring at everyone dress up and write notes. I took one glace up to a banner that was hang up which stated. Valentine’s Day masquerade ball tonight in the ballroom. Every year they have the same ball, same routine, and co workers sending people secrets notes, wine, chocolate and so much more. Then they meet each other at the ball, not knowing who’s your admire. Dance with one you don’t know a few get kissed, laid and so on. Then the next morning the ladies had to figure out whom was their secret admire. So obnoxious, I thought.

“Hey Molly” said hunter walking up to me.

“I wonder who’s your secret admire” he said against my ears

“I don’t know and I don’t care to know” I said walking off.

“Don’t be surprised if it’s me “he called out.

Hunter was the Vogue play boy editor. He goes out with everyone and has sex with them, then breaks their hearts. He’s hot but so not my type. I walk into my office to see kat sniffing some roses on my desk.

“Morning kat” I said eyeing the roses.

“Morning, Someone got a secret admire” she said handing me the roses. I place my hand bag on the desk and pull of my read coat before taking the rose from here. Kat was always the one so excited about things when I was just lay back.

“Read the envelope” she said excitedly

“I think of you every day and every night, I see Love when I see you smile”


Your secret Admire

“You got to be kidding me” I said dropping the envelope on the table along with the roses.

“So I guess someone has to come to the ball tonight” said kat smiling at me teasingly

“No, I’m not going, I don’t have anything to wear” I said turning on my laptop.

“Don’t worry about that you’re going” said Kat pointing at me and taking up the roses.

“Morning ladies” said Michael staring at me

“I see someone got an admire” said Michael walking over to me.

“So I guess we will be seeing each other at the ball tonight” said Michael smiling.

“First of all I’m not a rose fan, I rather Jasmine, Second of all I don’t see the sense in a one day celebrate love and last and foremost I’m not going to the ball”

“You’re going I’m calling Adrian” said kat picking up her cell phone

“No” I said taking the phone from her

“I’m not going” I said

“We’ll see about that” said Kat walking out

“Please do not get Adrian involve in this” I shouted

“You can’t stop me” she shouted back

“Why?” asked Michael

“I’m not into that stuff” I said

“Come on it will be fun”

“The only thing fun is me in my bed sleeping” I said opening one of our magazines.

“Attending a simple party will be fun” he said smiling at me. I must admit he has a great smile.

“No and that’s final” I said and he walk off.


I walk into my living room to see Kat in a short white dress and white red pumps. Then I saw Adrian walking in with a bottle of beer.

“Please tell that those are not dresses on the couch” I said taking off my shoes.

“I can’t because they are” said Kat

“You’re going to the ball”

“No I’m not” I said

“Adrian” said Kat pouting

“If you say one word I kill you”

“I’m sorry Molly, The lady have spoken, plus I want to know who’s your secret admire” he said smirking

“I love you and I hate you both” I said dropping on the sofa

“Yellow or blue?” asked Kat. I frown and glance at the dresses.

“I’ll go with the blue” I said

“Told you” said Adrian

“What?” I asked getting up.

“He told me you would choose the blue” she said handing the dress to me

“Now go and get ready, the party starts five minutes ago” said Kat

“Adrian, Upstairs Now!” I shouted walking up the stairs. I arrive in my room to see bouquet of roses and a big white teddy bear on the bed. You got to be kidding me.

“Yes” he said coming into the room and closed the door behind him.

“You did this?” I asked sitting on the bed.

“Yea” I thought you might like it. He said caging me on the bed.

“Apart from the rose, I love it” I said smiling at him as he kissed me.

“Hold on” I said

“Why the hell did you go with Kat about me going to the ball?” I asked

“She insisted” he said kissing me

“Plus I want to know who is putting their hands on my baby” he said kissing me as I fall back on the bed and we started to kiss.

“Adrian, Amanda is here” called Kat

“Shit” I heard him mumbled as we quickly got up.

“You’re going out tonight?” I asked pulling My Blouse.

“Yea, Amanda wants me to take her to that new restaurant in town” he said

“Oh” I said pulling my hair in one.

“You better go down before she gets any idea” I said eyeing the stuff on the bed.

“Just one more” he said pulling me into a sweet kiss

“Adrian baby!” called Amanda

“You better go” I said

“Yea, hope you enjoy yourself” he aid

“I’ll try” I said as I kiss him and then he walked out


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