The New Life

By LifeCanReallySuck

620 16 2

{Have to read My Best Friends Hot Brother For This To Make Sense} Their back and better then ever! Come see Z... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note

Chapter 5

37 1 0
By LifeCanReallySuck

He slid the chair out for me as I sit down in it, he then pushes it in. There was a single good smelling candle in the middle of the table. Then there were plates with forks and knives on the table.

He sits down across from me.

A girl with chin short blue hair and a nose piercing wearing a waiters uniform walks up t us, damn Ash, what did you have to do to make this girl do this for us?

"Here's he menu, I'll be back in a couple minutes, what would you like for a beverage?" she says boredly.

"I'll have water," I speak up.

"Make that two," Ash smiles to the girl who walks away to the house that was decently far away.

I read what's on the single piece of paper. And, since my date already knew me in probably every way, I'm going to order pizza, because I love pizza. If someone hates pizza, their not my friend. Ash says he would take some as well, HARK! Me sharing pizza? You wish.

Ash and I began talking about the days before I moved away, while I had the concussion, where we used to sleep I the same bed and stay there all afternoon because it was comfortable.

"Do you remember when your mother and Catherine seen us sleeping?" I laugh.

Ash rolls his eyes, " 'you hurt her, I'll hurt you,' please I remember that like it was yesterday."

We start laughing, "Catherine was so overprotective of me when it came to you, yeah, that kind of died," we both start laughing again.

"It's not terrible down here? Is it?" Ash asks.

"Other then this being a city, no, it's not terrible. But then again I haven't went to school yet. So that could go down hill pretty fast," I laugh, "but I didn't miss being back home, I miss being with all my friends."

"Believe me when I say this to you, everyone misses you as well. Some of Catherine's friends only hung around because they liked hanging out with you, needless to say their gone. And the guys miss hearing your sense of humor, it's better having you around."

I smile and blush a little. I really missed my home. I missed it alot. And I wish I could go back. But I can't.

Soon the waitress came back holding one giant pan of pizza, she set the giant pan of pizza on the table, "anything else I can get you?" She looks at both of us. We both say no and she walks back to the house.

After we eat Ash holds out his hand as a Melody of a song played. A slow song. He stood beside me with a goofy smile on his face.

"May I have this dance m'lady?" He said.

I always loved it when he said m'lady, mainly because it wasn't English from this day in age and he always made it sound kind of goofy. It was almost adorable in a way.

"You may," I put my hand in his, his hand was warm compared to mine which sent shivers down my back.

He pulled me up out of the chair and held me close as he threw me around like a rag doll, he did it like he was a gentleman. He looked at me in my eyes, he didn't look at me with lust, but with love. He didn't say "I lust you," he said "I love you."

And I knew he meant it, because he's never said the sentence"I love you," to a girl that wasn't in his family. Believe me, I know from personal experience.

He had his arm around my lower back, not on my ass, for the first time. His other hand holding mine about shoulder length, meanwhile my hand was slung around his neck.

We were close enough to feel each other's breath, his was warm as it grazed upon my tanned skin as if it were smoke on water. His green eyes pierced me with passion, I just wanted to him and keep him forever in my sight. With me.

I his green eyes starred at my dark red lips, while mine stayed attached to his eyes, not in the creepy way of course.

The night was young, we were young. There were stars shinning up in the sky above us, the Crescent moon above us providing additional light.

Asher's hair moved with the little breeze that swept along us while we danced like the young lovers we were.

I knew that there is always a moment. A moment when time slows down, when everything goes from hours, to minutes, then it feels like milliseconds. Everything goes blurry except if the person you love.

And I knew, Asher Jett, he was my moment. The man that made me feel young all this time, he's the guy that actually kept me going up in life.

His hand lifted up while still holding mine and caressed my cheek with his warm knuckles, "your so beautiful," he smiles at me.

I start to blush looking away and setting my head on his chest, if we could stay like this forever.


{Ash's POV}

As much as I wanted to stay with Addison forever, I knew I couldn't.

So, for now I had to make tonight the best night ever for her until the next time I see her.

At the moment her and I danced, I loved seeing her smile. I loved seeing her bright blue eyes light up, I loved seeing her small dimples that even though she hates them I think there the cutest thing in the world- next to her.

And although I already love her, her eyes remind me of an ocean that I'm afraid I might drown in, not die, but drown in her love. I'm afraid I might loose myself loving her. And although that will never happen and I'll never give her up, it's a concern.

Her smile lights up even the evilest of hearts, it's bright and full of love, confidence and strength. She is my everything.

Her heart was pure, even if bad things have happened to her she doesn't let them bring her down, she always pays for food for the homeless, she loves seeing other people smile even when she's dying inside. She's so smart and pretty she could charm anyone.

I know this because she's charmed me, I don't know what I did to deserve her, I was a terrible, terrible person. I've never deserved such a bright and beautiful person in my life such as Addison. I love her to pieces and I swore that I'd change for her. She never asked me to change, I just knew that I had to, because I knew she had fell for me. And I had fallen for her, I wasn't going to lead her on like everyone else.

Because she wasn't "everyone else," she was her. Her humorous, trouble marker self. She is so beautiful and I hope she's with me forever, because I don't want to live forever with her here with me.

I truly love Addison King, I love her flaws and imperfections, I love everything about her, because she doesn't have a flaw to me.

She's everything I've ever wanted in my life.

And with that, I kissed her. I love Addison King, I love Zoey Holland, I love Ashley Quintin. I love them all because their the same girl, their the girl I've always been looking for.

This is so sweet 😭😭
I want a guy to say this to me 😭😭
#singleforever 😭😂


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