Connecting Paths: Kimi No Naw...


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(AN ANIME STORY) Kimi No Nawa: After story. There might be troubles and problems before Taki Tachibana could... Еще

Your Name.: Connecting Paths
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Love Awakening
Chapter 10.1
The Lost Chapter

Chapter 2

3K 45 7


Taki hit his alarm and looked up at his window."Hmm... I think I woke up before the alarm."

Taki moved from his bed and sat by the edge where he put his elbows against his upper knees and rest his chin on his two hands.

He thinks more about Miyamizu's expression if she saw Taki visited the café either her house.

He still get himself relax for a bit and gain the courage to visit the Miyamizu's.

He got all of his things packed up before leaving for an adventure, arranging the lace of his black shoes. He ride to a train he usually rides then travel somewhere he haven't been before.

I thought traveling Tokyo to Miyamizu's café is like traveling from Tokyo to Itomori. Taki sighed with relief as he held tight on one of the handle from above his head.

He waited for a few minutes and as the train stopped for the last station, he left from the train.

When he reached an unknown town, he asked where was the Miyamizu's café was.

"Uhm, Ma'am, where can I find the Miyamizu's café?" Taki ask politely to a senior when he passed by her.

"Oh, Miyamizu's café?! Just go straight, dear, you'll see it eventually!" Replied the old lady, cheerfully.

Taki nodded for thanks then he did what the old lady told him to. Why does she looked so happy when I asked about the Miyamizu's café?

[Few minutes of walking]

At last, Taki saw it and he felt warmth inside him when he saw the café just three blocks away from him. He ran towards it but he stopped when he saw Sayacchi planting some flowers at the front of the café window.

He took a deep breath before yelling.

"Sayacchi!" Shouted Taki as he run towards the braided girl.

"Ohayo. What brings you here? Are you finding Miyamizu already?" Ask Sayacchi as she wear off the gloves from her tired hands.

"Well, to be honest, yes." Said Taki fluttery. "Is your... Husband there?"

"Yeah." Replied the girl as she looked at the window of the café.

"What is he doing? And, where is he?"

"Well... I don't know actually." Said Sayacchi timidly.

Sayacchi smiled confidently and putted down the red colored gloves then walked towards the entrance of the said famous café.

The amazed Taki took his phone out and compared the café in person and in the picture.

Yeah it is same.

"Taki!" Shouted Sayacchi.

Sayacchi waved her hand as she signal to Taki to enter the cafe. Taki understood the idea. And he did enter.

"Welcome to the café, Taki."

"Welcome." Said the active and friendly crews.

The dumbfounded Taki looked around the café. He saw the maids with same fancy outfits from the Internet pictures. It is same as an ordinary café but it has lot more decorations and stuffs. I am amazed on how the crews and maids treat people. He thought as he continued looking around.

No wonder it is famous.

An old lady went down the stairs and saw Taki standing by the entrance. The lady was so surprised about the visitor because he was the one who asked where is the Miyamizu café located.

Taki got cluttered because of how the lady got in the café when the entrance was behind him.

"I know you're wondering how I got in? There's an entrance here, young man." Chuckled the old lady.

"By the way, I'm Hitoha Miyamizu." Said the old lady as she bows down.

"Taki, Taki Tachibana." Replied Taki with a smile and did a 1 second bow.

Taki suddenly dense up but finally understand everything in the café and in the family of Miyamizu's. Hitoha walked towards him. "What brings you here, Tachibana?"

Taki snapped out of the things inside the café and remembered he want to see someone really special in his life.

"Is... Mitsuha Miyamizu here?"


Taki just found himself in a room full of family pictures and antiques.

"Feel comfty Taki-kun. Mitsuha will be here maybe for a few minutes." Said Sayacchi as she gives water to the tired brown-haired man.

"Who's room is this, Sayacchi?"


Taki turned red a little but manage to act normal. He sip from the glass of water he's holding and looked around the room full of decorations and stuffs. He also saw the door Hitoha Miyamizu might entered in and got up to open and peeked on what's on the other side.

"That's strange. Another door on Mitsuha's room?"

But, Indeed, a way in and out.

"Taki-kun?" A familiar voice suddenly reached through Taki's ears.

He slowly looked behind on who it was and saw a black-haired girl with a red ribbon tied on her hair.

"Mitsuha?" Taki didn't notice that a tear fell down his cheeks.

"Taki, why are you here? How did you know—?"

Taki pointed behind Mitsuha and she saw her two buddies looking at her with a thumbs up from their hand.

Mitsuha put her look back at Taki, she can't believe that Taki is here. In front of her. Talking to her. She went closer and closer until she could hug Taki. The man did the same and felt each other's warm embrace.

Mitsuha ended up crying and so was Taki.

"Mitsuha, why did you ran away from me when we ask each other's names?"

Mitsuha's eyes widened for she really did ran away without any clear reason. She let go of the hug then she looked down and played her hands for a second then she looked up to Taki again and smiled.

"I was confused. I thought alot of things then suddenly I fled away because I thought you were all imaginary and its all just a dream."

Taki shut his mouth and he walked a step closer to Mitsuha so he could put his hand on Mitsuha's right neck.

Mitsuha can't help but blush after what Taki did and the two continued debating about their feelings.


The two other couples left the room and went to the last table of the café to have a conversation.

"The two are having some lone time." Mumbled Teshigawara as he laid his back against the back of the chair, aggravated.

Sayacchi then looked at her husband, thinking that maybe she could say something facilitating. She sat beside Teshi and look at him like a child waiting for her parents to give her candies.

Teshi felt flutter. He moved his face to Sayacchi who's still looking at him. "What's with the face? Do you need something?"

Sayacchi bend over to Teshie's face slowly and as Teshie thought that his playful wife is going to whisper something, Sayacchi did her move. She kissed Teshie's lips and ran away towards the other side of the café, smiling and giggling.

Teshigawara who was shocked by the thing his wife did, made him grew red on the face. "Hey!" Teshie shouted to Sayacchi as a sign for her to come back, but she won't.

Teshi was smiling widely after what his wife did so he decided to chase her to do the same thing.


"Why did you come here from the first place?" Ask Mitsuha as she sat down by the vacant chair beside her.

Taki took a deep breath before saying his words. "It's just," —replies Taki as he also sit back on his chair in front of Mitsuha's— "I felt connection between us, Mitsuha. I felt it. I knew I have met you before, maybe a long time ago. So, I just wanted to know the girl I've been seeking for."

Mitsuha turn a little red from what Taki said to her face. She looked at the window beside them (not far from the two protagonists) and smiled back to Taki. "I also... Felt it. I've been searching for something or someone for the rest of my life and I didn't stop. Now you're here, I'm here, in front of you, and I really felt joy inside me." Mitsuha stood up and as she walk towards Taki, her tears falls down from her face.

"Mitsuha—" worried Taki but Mitsuha still have something to say, so Taki let her finish.

"Taki, what took you so long to find me?" Asked Mitsuha as she cried more and she kneeled down in front of Taki, making her head rest on his lap.

"Mitsuha, I'm so sorry. Gommenasai. I'm sorry it took me that long. I did tried to." Taki didn't continue what he wants to say on the last part because he thought that he might change Mitsuha's mood right now.

Taki held Mitsuha's black hair but she lift her head up to look at Taki. She smiled slightly and stood up from her kneeling position.

"It's your fault, dummy." She smiled. "You didn't wrote your name on my hand."

"I know." Taki replied, fluttery. "I did wrote 'I love you' because I thought we could still be together for long that time."

Mitsuha smiled for her tears to be unnoticed. She walked in and held the knob of her room's door. "Excuse me, I'm just going to the bathroom." She asked as she gets out of the room, with a clogged nose, leaving Taki alone.

Taki heard the knob is moving so he thought that it's Miyamizu, but he was wrong.

"Taki-kun?" Shouted Sayacchi.

Taki got alerted so he stood up and looked at Sayacchi who stood still by the door, holding the knob.

"What happened to you, Sayacchi?" Ask Taki with a concerned face. "You look tired."

"Ah, haha, just a little play with my husband Teshie." Giggled Sayacchi as Teshie peaked at the room.

"Sayacchi." Called Teshigawara which was still behind him, waiting for her to continue walking in the room.

"Ah, right." Said Sayacchi as she entered and stand right beside Taki.

Teshie looked around and saw that Mitsuha wasn't beside Taki, having a conversation.

"Where's Mitsuh—"

"Here." Said Mitsuha with red eyes and clogged nose as she peak at the door, making them look behind.

Mitsuha entered the room but Teshie glared at Taki like he is going to hit Taki right in the head with a large hammer.

"Remember what we talked about last time, Taki? What did you do to Miyamizu?!" Exclaimed Teshie trying to be patient.

"Don't worry Teshie, he didn't do anything bad to me."

Teshigawara looked behind. "Then why are you crying, Mitsuha?" Ask Teshie.

"Its nothing," — Mitsuha ran towards Taki and held his arm in surprise— "It's just tears of joy. I just miss the love of my life."

Taki turned red and looked at Mitsuha, which she only do is to smile at him.

"Ah, m-me either!" Exclaimed Taki, still fluttered.

Teshie looked at the two 'lovey-dovey' couples and decided to go out the room. "Just don't make kids too early when Sayacchi and I are not around, okay?" Giggled Teshie as he raised his hand in head level, saying he need to be going, and so was Sayacchi.

The two 'lovey dovey' couples were left alone in the room. Just don't make kids too early? Taki thought that made his looked really red on the outside.

Mitsuha release her grip from Taki and she look at Taki's face, giggling.

"What happened to you, why are you so red?" Ask Mitsuha innocently, even though she really knows the reason.

"Ah, n-nothing." Answered Taki without making an eye contact with Mitsuha because of too much embarrassment.

"Hmm, ok." Said Mitsuha as she close her eyes and smiled. "Just tell me if something is bothering you."

Taki looked at Mitsuha. But as Taki is going to bend over to kiss her on the lips, someone banged the door. He stand back up before that someone could ever peak.

"Onee-chan? Who's he?" Asked a girl still on her school uniform.

Is she Yotsuha? Taki thought as he stared at the girl.

"Ah, Yotsuha. He's my childhood friend. He came to visit me." Smiled Mitsuha as she arranges Yotsuha's messy hair.

"Well, ok. I'll be going now, Onee-chan. I must do my home works."

Mitsuha stood up and waved a little to Yotsuha as she close the door. She sighed and looked back at Taki, smiling.

She's so cute. God, her smiles are angelic.

Mitsuha sit back on where she was sitting a while ago and held Taki's hand. "Thanks for visiting, Taki-kun." Smiled Mitsuha.

Taki thought of a way on how they could get each other more. So he eventually got a plan.

Taki kneeled down. "Mitsuha, can I ask you out?" Ask Taki, blushing.

Mitsuha also blushed 'cause since it was weekends starting tomorrow, she ask Taki.

"Um, when and where are we going to meet?" Mitsuha ask shyly.

Taki felt warmth in him because this is his first time, and also Mitsuha's first time.

"Yeah, um tomorrow, morning... since it's Saturday tomorrow and, I'll come to your house to fetch you." Said Taki sincerely, which made Mitsuha blush more.

"Ok, settled." Agreed Mitsuha with delight.

Taki stood up, feeling relief. He finally talked to the girl he loves and finally they could know each other well.

"Arigato! Sayonara!" Said Taki waving his hand high in the air for the Miyamizu's.

"Thank you and good bye! Come back soon, okay?" Said Sayacchi.

Taki saw Teshie, Mitsuha, Yotsuha, Hitoha and the maids waving goodbye at him.

"I promise!" Shouted Taki to them then he made his way home, glad and at ease.


Wow! I made 2256 words just to write the Chapter 3 xD Have a nice day readers! :) See ya again on Chapter 4! :* :P

Good morning/ Good night / Good afternoon/ Good evening

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