Falling In Love With My Fathe...

By CrazieeBaybieeAlex

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Falling In Love With My Father's Killer [Prologue]
Falling In Love With My Father's Killer [Chapter 2]
Falling In Love With My Father's Killer [Chapter 3]
Falling In Love With My Father's Killer [Chapter 4]

Falling In Love With My Father's Killer [Chapter 1]

748 8 2
By CrazieeBaybieeAlex

" Keeley! Hi, chick!" I heard my best friend, Dakota Nightingale, say to me as I walked into school.

" Hey, Dakota! How you been?" I said, hugging her when I saw her. I'd known her since my father's murder and she had always been there for me since.

" Great thanks, honey! What about you?" She asked, hugging me back and looking at me to make sure if I was ok. She had dark brown, curly hair which hung over her face aand reached her shoulders and brown eyes which stood out with her midnight-blue eyeshadow.

" I've been better!" I admitted, frowning slightly.

" Mum bring up the memory of your dad again?" She asked although I was pretty sure she knew mum did. My mother had a habit of bringing up bad memorys of the past.

" Don't she always?!" I replied, frowning. She gave me a hug before I had started crying.


" Morning, Keeley! Morning, Dakota!" Owen called from inside tutor. Owen was one of mine and Dakota's best friends.

" Morning, Owen!" We both said at exactly the same time and sat down at our usual table.

" So... How are you two?" He asked, obviously itching to tell us something.

" We're great! Owen, have you got something to tell us?" I asked, curious of what it may be.

" Actually, I've got something to ask you both. What are you doing on the 21st of August?" He asked.

" I'm not doing anything. Keeley?" Dakota asked.

" Nothing, to be honest. Why?" I asked him.

" Do you both want to come to see the 'Pendulum' consert with me? I need to know by Friday so I can pre-order the tickets before they are all sold out!" He asked, knowing that we both love 'Pendulum'.

" Of course!" Me and Dakota both answered at the same time.

" Great!" He replied just as the bell went for Tutor.


The rest of the school day had flew past without any of us noticing it. I was on my usual walk home from school and it felt like someone was watching me. I turmed around quickly to see if anyone was there but I saw no one. I started again but half an hour later I felt something tap my shoulder. I spun around quickly to see if anyone was there again but no one was there.

" Hello?" I asked.

........ Silence. That was all that filled the air. An ever so shadowy silence that was too silent for my ears to bare.

" Look! If you're in there then come out!" I shouted out, feeling slightly stupid shouting into total nothingness.


" Keeley?! You took ages getting home! What happened?" I heard my mother shout from the kitchen.

" Yeah, I got a little caught up in my studys that i needed to go talk to Mr Nightingale, Dakota's dad, before coming home!" I explained, not telling her about me stopping in the middle of the field because I thought someone was watching me.

" Alright. Well, I'm glad you're back home because I need your help!" She said while walking out of the kitchen. She had the same colour hair as me - light blonde - but it wasn't in tight curls like mine was. I got that from my father. Her hair was straight. She had the same blue eyes me and my father had though.

" What do you need my help with?" I asked, not really wanting to do whatever it was.

" Can you help me pick an outfit out for Friday night?" She asked, grinning.

" Why, what's happening Friday night?" I asked, not really bothered.

" I'm going out on a date!" She replied.

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