Trust No One

By Tres_Beachs

166 7 0

In this twist of the famous tv show Teen Wolf, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall are not only childs they bot... More

Chapter 1: It Was Supposed To Be Easy
Chapter 3: Present Day
Chapter 4: Who are You?
Chapter 5: Crushes
Chapter 6: Awkward Lunches
Chapter 7: Trust Issues

Chapter 2: Wrong Move

25 1 0
By Tres_Beachs

Noah's POV:

I start to get all nervous as I watch Noel get inside Erica's car. I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well. But then again I might be overreacting, I mean Stiles does alway say that I worry too much. Yeah, that's it. Noel will be fine and so will everyone else.

I go back to my four computer set up and turn on my head set, while looking at the monitors. I can see the cameras I set up in Derek's loft on the first monitor, the trackers in everyone's phone on the second, the oulines of Jennifer's house just incase my friends need guidance on the third, and on the last I'm connected to the police station's emergency hotline.

I watch the cameras in Derek's loft closely as I watch the scene unfold before my eyes. Kali goes straight for Lydia and Derek steps up to protect her as Stiles drags her away, along with Ethan. As the fight progresses Kali gains the upperhand and next thing you know there is glass shattering as Jennifer drops in from the ceiling.

Kali and Jennifer start to through punches as Derek attacks from behind. They both work together to take her down but she is significantly stronger than them so the twins both start to form voltron wolf. Before they complete the merge they are ripped apart by Jennifer and thrown to different sides of the room. Kali faces Jennifer one on one and in the end Kali is left dead.

I fear for my friends life as I see Kali drop to the ground as well as the twins.

"Derek you need to get my brother and Lydia out of there now! I don't know if she'll try something or not but I'm not willing to risk it," I yell into Derek's earpiece.

"Noah they can leave but I know I'm the one Jennifer wants. Just make sure you check in on Scott and make sure he's alright," Derek informs me while motioning for them to leave.

"Guys they're still alive but barely we need to get them to Deaton," Lydia states as she checks the twins' pulse.

"I'll call Deaton to let him know, and Derek becareful," I say.

"I will."

I switch to Scott's earpiece to inform him of the new-comers, "Hey Scotty Derek and Jennifer are on their way to you right now."

"Ok, ya that's fine. Hey how's Noel, can you tell her I'm sorry, that I didn't mean to make her upset. I want her to know I'm just looking out for her."

Oh gosh, what am I supposed to say to that. I know he's looking out for her, but she doesn't get it and now she's out in a potentially dangerous situation and I know about it. Should I tell him?

Before I can say anything an alarm goes off in Jennifer's house. "Hey Derek, where are you guys.... Derek...... DEREK!"

Holy shit! This is exactly what I was afraid of.

"Allison there's someone else in the house with you guys," she whispers back,"I know."

"Did you find what you were looking for? You know what It doesn't matter we can find another way, just get everybody and get out."

"Noah-", her reply gets cut off by a bone chilling scream. No no no no no NO. I know that scream.


"Noah," she whimpers. I turn to Isaac, Boyd and Jackson, "Guys I think Jennifer has Noel."

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