Something to Smile About

By Marvinlover99

78.1K 1.2K 365

Cassandra Charlotte Cat, aka Cass, is the Cheshire Cat's daughter. Cass was always a cheery, mischievous, evi... More

All About Me
In the Beginning . . .
Rotten to the Core
Saying Goodbye and Limo ride
Plan A . . . Fail!
Classes. . .*yawn*
I'm friends with. . . . A DOG!?
Magic in the Kitchen & Some Sauce in a Shoe
Did I Mention that Bennyboo loves Pixie?
Sniffles and Purring
Parents and Pictures
Defend the Kingdom!
A Little Too Much Catnip and An Awesome Concert
Let's Blow This Popscile Stand
I Crown Thee King Pupper!
Something To Smile About
New Story Out Now!

First Meetings and Dorm room

5.6K 92 29
By Marvinlover99

Well, I was right when I said Muscles and Spotty were gonna fall out of the limo. The music stops as I jump out and onto Jay, who stands up with me clinging to his back.

"You get everything! Why do you want whatever this is?" Spotty yells from the ground.

"Because you want it!" Muscles yells as Mal and Ribbon walk around us.


"Give it to me!"


"Muscles! Leave Spotty alone!" I yell hitting Jays' shoulder but doing no good.

"Guys, guys, we have an audience." Mal says for us to look at people staring at us. Jay quickly helps Carlos up and smiles at a lady, a boy in a blue blazer, and a prissy princess.

"Just cleaning up" Jay says, dusting the dirt off him.

"Leave it like you found it," the lady sing songs, "and by that I mean just leave it." She finishes, dropping the sing song voice. Jays throws everything he stole back into the car befor strutting over to Miss Prissy with me still on his back. I lay my head in his hair. I'm not shy or anything, just didn't want to deal with the sane people around here at the moment.

"Hello Foxy, the name's Jay," Muscles says. I peek over his shoulder to see Prissy laugh nervously before the lady puts her head in between the two making Jay step back to where the others were.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress."

"The Fairy Godmother? As in Bibbid- bobbidy-boo?" Mal asks.

"Bibbidi-bobbidy you know it!" The Fairy Mother exclaims proudly.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand, and warm smile and, that sparkly wand." Mal says. Way to make it obvious that we're gonna steal it Pixie.

"That was a long time ago, and as I always say, 'don't worry about the past or you'll miss the future'." FG says with hand motions. Jay taps my foot meaning he wants me off him so I jump off his back and go stand by Evie just as the boy stepped forward.

"It's so so good to meet you." He says, "I'm Ben-"

"Prince Benjamin," Prissy interrupts. Um rude much? "Soon to be king."

"You had me at pince," Evie says strutting up to Ben boy, "My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess."

"The evil queen has no royal status here," priss sassed, not very ladylike is she? "So neither do you."

"And who's you to say?" I snap, "She's pretty much the step sister of snow white, so Evie should have at least some royal status here."

"She's got a point," Ben boy mumbles, thinkingly before turning to Mother Fairy, "I'll need to check into that." He then turned back to us, giving Evie and I apologetic looks, and introduced us to Prissy, whose name is actually Audrey.

"Princess Audrey,"  man, this girl's rude, "Ben's girlfriend, right Bennyboo?" I cackle at the nickname for Priss to glare at me.

"Bennyboo? Hahaha, that's going on my list!" I laugh. I mean, bennyboo? Really? What a nickname!

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you around, and I'll see you all tomorrow." Fairy mom says, "And remember, the doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library hours are from 8 to eleven and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." She then left with the band.

"It's so so good to finally m-meet all of you." Bennyboo says going up to Jay to shake his hand only to get punched in the arm.

"This is a momentous occasion. One that I will hope go down in history. Chocolate?" He says to Carlos who had the stuff practically everywhere.

"As the day our two worlds-"

"Three worlds." I correct him as he shakes Mal's hand. Staring at her like he was must've messed up his head.

"Three worlds join together and begin to heal."

"Or the day you showed five people where the bathrooms are." Says Mal for Bennyboo to chuckle.

"A little bit over the top?" He asks.

"A little more than a little bit." Mal says.

"Well, so much for my first impression." Bennyboo chuckles along with Mal. That is till Prissy sticks her nose into the conversation. I feel Evie start playing with my hair, probably to distract from the awkwardness, and begin to doze off till I hear two undeniably fake laughs. My head shoots up and I blink rapidly as Bennyboo starts the tour, spouting history facts about the school. We walk to a statue of a man and Ben boy claps his hands.

"Aaaaah!" Spotty and me both scream, Spotty jumping into Jay's arms only to get dropped as I jump into Mal's.

"Hey, Pixie." I smile as Mal holds me bridal style.

"Carlos, Cassandra, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything's possible."

"Wait, your Dad is King Dogman?" I say as Mal puts me down.

"If you mean King Beast then yes, Cassandra, he is my dad."

"Call me Cass," I pause adjusting Jay's beanie, "and, since he's Dogman that would make you Prince Pupper? Right?" I ask, a huge smirk coming to my lips.

"Ummm, I guess." Pupper says confused.

"Congratulations," Jay smirks, "You just got a new nickname."

"I guess I should've seen that coming." Bennyboo chuckles.

"So your Dad, does he shed much?" Mal asks sarcastically.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Pupper says surprisingly with a straight face. The two then share a chuckle as I giggle.

"Does she shed much?" I hear Priss say, I guess referring to me.

"Not too often," Ribbon replies petting my hair, "only in the spring will she shed her winter coat."

Prissy raises her eyebrows disbelieving. I sigh.

"Don't worry Miss Prissy, I won't get fur on anything." I say before Pupper continues the tour. We start to walk away but I stop when I realize Spotty isn't with us. I turn around to see him clapping at the Dogman statue, trying to turn it back to human no doubt.

"I think the king wants to come out of his doghouse for a while." I snicker for Spotty to roll his eyes. He grabs my hand and we run to catch up with the others.

". . . . it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals." Bennyboo was saying.

"Who happen to be kings and queens?" Mal asks as we stop in a large entry way.

"It's true!" Prissy chirps, slinging Ben's arm around her shoulders, "Our royal blood lines go back hundreds of generations."

"Ahh, so that would make Pupper a purebred huh?"

"I guess so." Pupper chuckles, "are you a purebred?"

"Sure I am! My crazy bloodline is only made up of purrrrrely mad cats." I chuckle for Bennyboo to shake his head smiling. He then turns to look at the staircase and calls a band boy down. He introduced him as Doug and said that he would help us with our classes. Pupper then turns to look Pixie in the eyes.

"I'll see you guys later, okay?" Pupper pauses,  "And if there's anything you need feel free to--"

"Ask Doug." Prissy stepped in before dragging Ben boy away. Guess she likes to keep him on a short leash. Oooh, that's a good one! Gotta save that one for later!

"Hi guys, I'm Dopey's son, as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and," Doug sees Evie, "Heigh Ho!"

"Evie, Evil Queen's daughter, " Ribbon says strutting over to him.

"S-so, about your classes," Doug stutters, "I, uh, put in the requirements already, history of woodsmen and pirates, saftey rules for the internet, wonderland poetry, and, uh, Remedial Goodness 101."

"Let me guess, new class?" Mal asks for Doug to nod. I need to figure out a nickname for him.

"C'mon guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal says walking up the staircase. I stayed put since I had a question for. . . I don't know, Band boy? Ah, I'll just call him Doug for now.

"Uh, your dorms are that way guys." Doug calls pointing the others in the right direction. He then goes on to name the dwarfs again only to get reminded of Sneezy by Carlos, who then runs off with the others. Doug mumbles something I didn't catch but then sees me.

"Oh, sorry, did you have a question?" He asks for me to nod.

"Will my schedule be different from the others because I'm fresh meat?"

"You're what?"

"You know, freshman, fresh meat? C'mon it's a no brainer!"

"Oh, I see, um, yes, your classes will somewhat be different due to being somewhat younger than the others, but you will still have 2 free hours along with the required classes.  However, you won't be with the others in your remedial goodness class." My ears fall flat.

"So I'm goingto be the only one in that class 3rd hour?" I asks, saddened by the fact that I might be alone. I hate being alone, it's just so. .  Lonely.

"Not technically. Usually Aladdin and Jasmine's kids, Jemma and Allen, are in there. You'll like them they're not stuck up or anything like that. Kinda mischievous themselves, just watch out for any pranks Allen pulls." Doug says for me to perk my ears and nod.

"Alright, that's good to know. By the way where do the tuna go to eat?"

"Excuse me?" Doug asks for me to hold up a finger and pull out a can of cat nip.

I take a snort before replying, "Sorry, I meant, where do you keep the tuna in this place?"

"Oh, in the kitchen, down the hall, 3rd door to the right." Doug pauses, " May I ask you what the substance was you just, um. . ." He trails off with an uncomfortable expression.

"Relax," I say rolling my eyes, "it was just cat nip, and it's the only thing that keeps me sane enough to talk right. If I don't take a sniff at least every hour, I wind up talking in rhymes and riddles and trust me its gets annoying, fast. So if I get my stash taken away," I pause, stepping closer,"I'll know who to blame. So not a word, get it?"

"Um, got it." He said. I could tell he was holding back a chuckle since I was practically a whole head shorter than him and was trying to be intimidating.

"Good." I say before backing up, "Now, which way to the dorms? I need a cat nap."

"That way." I turned to leave, "And Cass?" I turned back.


"Your secrets safe with me, just be sure to watch who your around when using it." Doug says. I smile and nod my thanks before teleporting to room 166. I knock before entering to be completely blinded by pink. After my eyes adjust I see Pixie looking at her spell book while Ribbon was at a desk with a sewing machine. Did she bring that from home? I push the thought aside and walked to the only empty bed that, to my luck had plenty of floor space. I unpacked my clothes before I set up my scratching post, put my blanket on my bed, stuffed my art stuff in a box under the bed, and scattered my toys on the floor.

"C, do you have to put all your cat toys on the floor?" M asks for me to nod.

"I can't just put them in a box! They could try to plot against me! No, they have to stay out so I can keep my eyes on them." I say for Evie to giggle and Mal to roll her eyes.

"Well if you're done unpacking, I can get your measurements and start on a new outfit for you. Which color?" She holds up a horrible light blue and another horrible light pink.

"Umm," I pause, not liking either, but not having the heart to tell Evie that, "I can't really choose. You can just put me in what ever." Wait, did I just tell Ribbon, the queen of fashion and makeup, that she could dress me up in either? This will not end well.

"Oh, alright, then all I need are your measurements." She says getting up. I go over and let her measure me. After that I go to my bed and do the one thing all cats love. . . SLEEPING!

     Okay sorry for not posting since New Years and sorry for any mistakes. I hope you like the part with Doug. Decided to give him some screen time since he doesn't get much of it in the movie. As for any confusion about Remedial Goodness 101. The school put it in about a week before the VK's came, making it still a new class, but still old enough to get student's put in it. Anyway, comment your thoughts, and let me know if you liked the chapter. I'll try to update as soon as possible, but with school, it could be a while.

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