
By 2proxy

13.8K 270 200

Based on a roleplay I've done Tweets kinda psycho Craig is a poor boi with his heart for kenny And Kenny? We... More

Chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 2

3.1K 62 63
By 2proxy

Kenny blinks and shook his head "i-uh- i don't really eat lunch often..." he spoke and shrugged his shoulders before grinning at Craig's actions " what a gentleman" he coos softly as the door was held open for him, content to walk in first with a smile while Craig had a flush dance upon his cheeks at the flirt, dipping his head to hide his embarrassment " sure...whatever... i'll buy you something" he grumbled marching off into the store to the refrigerated section to look for a sandwich " pick what you want... i'll get a meal deal or something". The blondes lips parted as he felt his heart warm at the offer " y-you really don't need to...." he stammers out as he swallows, trailing after Craig as his cheeks heated up to a rosy shade.

The noirette scoffed slightly, shooting the blonde an incredulous look " i didn't have lunch yesterday so i have a little extra allowance .... just pick something... grab a snack and a drink to go with it... it honestly isn't a big deal" he assured, picking out what he wanted before waiting for Kenny. Kenny bit his bottom lip but looks at the food on the shelves, picking up a simple bottle of coke and a sandwich after reading the ingredients- he wouldn't want to die on a day like this now would he? He looks over at Craig and gave a smile " thanks Craig" he hums, occasionally Cartman or Stan or Kyle would buy him some food, but that hadn't happened in a long time. Just the fact that he'd only began speaking to Craig after so long and he was already buying him something made him feel warm inside.

A quiet huff and an offhand shrug was all Craig gave as acknowledgement while he payed for their lunches " sure..... it's big deal" he shot back as they left the store, pausing to hold the door open for Kenny again watching as his smile brightened when the door was held open for him once again. Kenny felt his cheeks warm and smiled more, eyes sparking slightly with a dull flicker of life he really hadn't felt in a long time. " thanks~" he purrs out while waiting for Craig.

" No problem, M'lady" the taller joked, taking note of he bright shine in the others eyes, he could feel a blush creeping it's way back onto his cheeks as he stared at Kennys features. He shook his head, looking away and continuing to walk without any real ideas to where he was going while the blonde grins brighter at the joke, laughter bubbling from his lips as he walked with him, playfully bumping their hips together, practically glowing with happiness.

"so.." Craig began, trying to ignore the blondes obvious flirting " wanna eat at starks pond?" he asked, glancing over at the blonde and taking in his happy aura and letting it relax him... he was helping someone be happy...someone who actually was enjoying his company. Kenny blinks and nodded " anything is better than the prison we call a school" he murmurs and hums as he blinks up at him while the noirette hummed in agreement and allowed himself to fall into step closer to Kenny, hoping the smaller boy hadn't noticed the change as their shoulders brushed slightly "i'd like to avoid going back for as long as possible"

Kenny nodded " yeah, it's not like we learn much there anyway" he spoke and smiles as he felt their shoulders touching every few seconds, his cheeks a soft pink shade as he occasionally peered up at the taller male, listening as Craig let out a soft sigh, though this time it was out of contentment rather than annoyance, the noirette watched as his breath curled up in tendrils of steam before dispersing into the air. " Christ... i wish i brought my cigs" he grumbled, remembering how he had left them in his room as he'd left in a rush this morning. The blonde hums and shuffled a hand into his pocket "i have a few" he spoke " Stan gave them to me" he spoke again and looks over at him as he sat down on the grass.

Craig blinked down at him before joining him on the grass " you keep em' you probably have a harder time getting a hold of them... i just steal them from my dad" he admitted, waving his hand dismissively, opening his can of energy drink with a satisfying crack. Kenny tilted his head and shrugs before putting them back into his pocket " if you say so" he hums holding his bottle of coke, thoughts of Karen running through his mind... he'd share it with her later he decided before looking over at the pond, relaxing instantly at the sight.

" you wanna come over for tea some time? my parents are out of town this weekend so i'm babysitting Ruby... but you can come over for pizza and video games if you'd like?" he asked,briefly worried that he'd let his hopeful tone slip through too much. The smaller male blinks and looks over at him, as if he'd heard him wrong " really?" he asked raising his eyebrows as his cheeks flushed " Ruby's a good kid.... she looks after Karen a lot in school" he spoke looking up at him with a small smile while Craig choked on his sandwich, gasping slightly before regaining his composure " Ruby's a bitch...she pushed me down the stairs" he grumbles dejectedly, taking a hesitant swig of his drink " but yeah... really... bring Karen too, maybe she can keep Ruby occupied for a bit"

Kenny blinks and snorted covering his mouth with his hands as he laughed " that sounds awful pfft" he let himself fall back into the grass onto his back " i would've anyway.... there's no way i would let her stay at home". Craig offered a small nod and joined him on the grass, staring up at the clouds as they moved across the sky" i understand... so tomorrow is Saturday.. you wanna come over?" he asked, turning onto his side to face Kenny and slowly picked at the grass that tickled his face.

The blonde blinked and rolled onto his side to face Craig, a grin slipping onto his face as he nodded " sure... that'd be nice" he hums and continued to openly stare at the male. "Sweet" Craig muttered, cringing at his own nasally voice. He could feel Kennys gaze on his face, could feel him studying him, the attention making his ears burn with embarrassment and his gut twist with butterflies. He thought briefly of Tweek, how he use to feel that with him... the thought made his face fall and the butterflied disappear. He decided to shake the thoughts away, he wouldn't let the jittery male control his life despite their relationship being over.

Kenny hums quietly and, as he had no filter blurted out " you have nice eyes" quietly, tipping his head back to look at the sky above them " reminds me of the sea....very deep" he hums out and fluttered his eyes closed contently. The taller male flushed even deeper " that's uh.. pretty gay dude" he tried to jest, giving Kenny a halfhearted nudge in the shoulder to hide how flustered he was, turning back to simply look up at the clouds, he tried to concentrate on calming the burning in his cheeks and the pounding in his chest. Blinking as he noticed Kenny humming once more " well i'm pretty gay myself" the smaller spoke and grins brightly as he was nudged.

Craig huffed out a small laugh " i mean same but... y'know" he watched the blonde flop over onto his back with an amused look " i thought you liked girls.... i hear a lot of stories y'know....but then i wouldn't be surprised if you'd managed to talk Stan into experimenting". Craig's words made Kenny wiggle his eyebrows in a playful manor " never said fully gay, just pretty gay" he grins " as long as they look nice and they've got a good personality and voice i'm down"

Craig snorted again, " that's me out of the question then" he chuckled at the way he wiggled his eyebrows, Kenny was truly ridiculous. The blonde opens his eyes to look over at him " your personality is great" he smirks "and so's your voice~" he purrs playfully "i'd say you're pretty much in the question" he hums with a grin watching as Craig let out a choked out sound. The noirette flushed darkly as he tugged at his hat to hide his face " fucking hell dude" he gasped,rolling around in a flustered panic, he paused to lay on his back again " you can't just blurt out stuff like that man" watching as Kennys lips pouted and how he had sat up. " why not?" he tipped his head and deepened his pout, blonde locks of fair falling into his face as his blue eyes gladly took in the red across Craig's cheeks.

" because!" Craig spluttered sitting back up" it's embarrassing..." he continued with a mumble, refusing to look at him as he willed his blush to disappear to no avail. Kenny simply pouted more, running his fingers through his blonde locks, shrugging his shoulders as he murmured a "sorry", eyes looking over the pond, vivid memories flooding through his mind, he'd woken up here many times after dying... Blinking as he heard Craig beginning to speak again. " Why...why are you apologising? it's embarrassing.....because i like being flirted with.... but i can't control my blushing" he grumbled hoping that him opening up to the blonde but put his mind to rest.

" because i embarrassed you?" the blonde questioned slightly and raised an eyebrow as he took his eyes from the pond and trailed them over the black haired male. " yeah... but it's embarrassing because i enjoy it" Craig grumbled clarifying once again, tucking his knees up to his chin as he stared across the pond, having long since given up on controlling the reddening of his cheeks tensing slightly as Kenny moved closer to him, hearing his hum close to his ear. The smaller male playfully rested his head on his shoulder, just hoping that he wouldn't be pushed away for the contact "everyone enjoys a compliment.... a flirt" he hums " its normal to get embarrassed over them"

Craig groans and pulled his hat over his face, ducking his head into his knees as he spoke " a friend can compliment a friend... flirting is a whole different thing" he mumbled.Kenny didn't know whether he should pull back or not, he could feel how tense Craig was... but he still hadn't been pushed off yet. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries...last time he did that it didn't end well....not well at all. he murmurs another soft apology as he looks over the water of the pond. " stop apologising and get your fucking head back on my shoulder" Craig growled, pulling his hat back up and glancing at the forlorn looking blonde " look.. i'm like emotionally constipated or something... so i'm not very good at dealing with compliments or flirting or rance or shit like that.... i don't know how to react so i just get flustered...doesn't mean that i want it to stop". The blonde simply hummed and shifted to press their sides together, resting his head back upon Craig's shoulder to curl up against his side.

The black haired male let out a small sigh, his head tilting to the side to rest on top of Kennys, after a moment however he murmured " about the cigs... do you think we could share one?" he tried approaching the subject apprehensively. Kenny felt a rush of heat go through him as he felt the head resting upon his own, a smile slipping onto his features " yeah" he murmurs and picked one from his pocket as well as his lighter before lighting it with ease and offering it to the taller male. Craig took the cigarette between his fingers, taking a long slow drag with a grateful hum. he pulled the cigarette from his lips, holding the smoke in for a short while before letting it out through his nose, watching the smoke drift around them before handing it back to Kenny.

The shorter male shifted against him to hold the cigarette and take a drag with ease, slowly parting his lips to let it flow from his mouth with a hum of contentment as the nicotine filled his system. With a small chuckle, Craig plucked the cigarette from between Kenny's fingers, giving him a mischievous smirk as he slipped it between his own lips again, inhaling a lungful of smoke before blowing it out in a stream directly at Kenny's face, watching as Kenny's face changed from a curious look to one of surprise. The blonde squeaked and fluttered his eyes closed as the smoke hit his face " rude" he spoke playfully and grins.

" yeah, that's me" Craig mumbles, stealing another quick drag before handing it back to Kenny again, this time he made sure he had the blondes attention before puffing out few rings of smoke, hoping the blonde would at least find it somewhat impressive". Kenny grinned at the sight as he took another drag, humming as the smoke filled his lungs before breathing it out " sweet" he lent into his shoulder more as he watched the smoke filling the air.

The noirette snorted slightly, subsequently huffing out the remaining smoke in his lungs "that's as far as my skill goes im afraid" he hummed, letting the dull buzz of nicotine settle over his mind, over about a year of abuse, the substances did little to actually calm his nerves, but the small buzz he did get he cherished. He also revelled in the new comfort of smoking with another person brought him too, a small smile creeping onto his lips without his mind realising. Kenny felt his own smile brighten at the smile he saw, simply pressing closer until their sides were flushed against each other, humming softly as he just nodded " its cool"

However the new closeness didn't go unnoticed as Craig quirked up an eyebrow and his lips curled from a smile to a smirk " funny... i never pegged you as a cuddler " he mused. The blonde looks up at him and grins brighter " what did you peg me as then Tucker?" he playfully teased and flicked his tongue over his bottom lip with a soft hum at the leftover taste of smoke. While Craig shrugged, returning Kenny's playful look, only somewhat more awkwardly with a sharper gaze "i don't know McCormick... what did you peg me as?" he crooned, leaning a little further into Kenny's personal space, challenging his dominance over the silly teasing game.

Kenny felt another grin tugging at his lips even more and hums as he stayed still, letting Craig into his personal space " what did you want me to peg you as?" he purrs sweetly and bumps their noses together in a playfully submissive gesture before taking a gamble and nipping the tip of the taller males nose with a breath,lips curling up as he spoke to him.

" a switch~"

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