Night Of The Hunter // TeenWo...

By wondersland

95.6K 3.1K 284

❝Honest To God I Will Break Your Heart, Tear You To Pieces And Rip You Apart❞ //extended summary inside// {bo... More

Night Of The Hunter
Proper Hospitality
Memory Cards and Normal Sisters
Unpacking and Pasta Dinners
Looks Can Be Deceiving
The Roughest Of First Days
Father Daughter bounding
Fooling Fools
A Deal
You Don't Always Get What You Want
You've Got A Mean Right Hook
Step One
No Turning Back
Storms And Their Names
No Idea
La Nuit Du Chasseur
The Good, The Bad, And The Plain Out Evil
Mending The Broken

Not A Monster

2.9K 127 25
By wondersland

'Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for, is behind the trigger.'


"Care to explain what happened earlier?" A voice asks from behind me. I smirk but quickly turn it into an innocent smile.

"Care to explain what event in particular you're talking about?" I question my dad who's standing by my room door.

He steps inside and shuts the door. "How about we start with the fact that you stabbed a hunter and almost killed him." He speaks with an emotionless face, but the anger in his voice makes it all to clear that he is beyond pissed.

I may not respond well to authority but I've never been one to go against my parents, I guess there's a first time for everything.

"You said it yourself I 'almost' killed him. Which means he's not dead, which means I don't now why your here lecturing me." I retort, crossing my arms across my chest.

"What we should be doing right now is resting up for when we go kill the Kanima and Derek." I state, irritated that he's lecturing me like a five year old who drew on the wall.

I don't even know why the hell he's ignoring the fact that I only resort to violence when it's necessary to help send a message. This time it just happened to be the fact that a hunter answered my question stupidly and was beating up an innocent human.

He gives me an almost solemn look, almost as if he's noticing something for the first time. "I've watched you grow into the woman you are today, Alice. And I know that you don't show others you care about them the same way most people do." He starts.

"What are you getting at dad?" I question, dropping my hands to my sides. I can't help but feel the lump in my throat form.

"There is a part of you, no matter how small it is, that doesn't want Derek getting hurt." He speaks, making me take a step back.

"Because if you didn't then you would have taken a group of hunters with you, gone to where you know that he's hiding, and have killed him by now."

The horrible thing right now is that there's the tiniest bit of me that is grinning in joy because someone finally pointed it out. Because somebody finally made me realize that I was stupid enough to let a tiny piece of my wall crumble. And now I can't help but wonder how many of those smiles or laughs I gave Derek were actually real.

I let out a laugh of disbelief, and shake away the stupid thoughts in my head. "Wow dad, now what would mom think of you giving the green light for your daughters to date a werewolf." I sarcastically respond, turning towards my closet to put away my weapons.

Probably not the best idea because next thing I know I feel a small prick of a needle on my neck right before everything goes black.


I let out a heavy groan as I rest on my elbows and take in my surroundings. "Son of a bitch." I let out an extremely agitated huff of air as I slowly rise from my bed.

"I can't believe he knocked me out." I mumble, rubbing the spot where the needle stabbed my neck.

Glancing towards my clock I let out a sigh of relief, good I wasn't out for long. Now what the heck is this? I grab the small paper folded in half from my nightstand and open it.

We're at the warehouse

if you wake up and feel any better. ~Al

What doe she mean by warehouse? It only takes me a split second to realize where she's talking about. I hurry to throw on both of my shoes and grab my weapons before rushing out the door. As I run out of my house, and to my car I can't help but feel like today is going to be one hell of a night. 

I step out into the light of the warehouse successfully silencing everyone and catching their attention. But maybe it's just the weapons in my hand that have most of them looking that they just saw a three headed dog.

"And so our rightful leader arrives. A bit of a dramatic lateness, but nonetheless it's good to see you here, Alice." My grampa walks over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I return his smile after glaring at my dad who's a few feet away.                                               
My lips turn into a frown as I see Allison being held up by the Kanima. "Gerard what is that all about." I point to my sister. I was already pissed off at the fact that my dad tried to knock me out so that I wouldn't be here, and now I arrive only to find my sister in this situation.

"You're one of them." A voice breathes out in disbelief. I look to the voice to see Derek lying on the floor. He looks like he's had better days if I do say so myself.

"Who'd you expect took over when you forced my mother to take her life?" My voice echoes in the large warehouse.

Shrugging my grandfather's hand off my shoulder, I take a few steps forward. "But don't worry. I've been this amazing since before I was even in high school." I smirk, twirling the sai skillfully in my hands. I let out a humorless laugh at his look of realization that he was fooled once again by another Argent.

"Let her go and just kill the Kanima." I order. Gerard shakes his head before smiling.

"You don't get it do you. He wants the bite." Scott speaks up. I feel my jaw clench as I look from Scott to my grandpa for an explanation.

"He's right, Alice. But don't you see we can both finally forget our disease filled lives." He rejoices, completely ignoring the fact that he's going against everything our family stands for.

"Ah another fact you didn't know about Alice here." He addresses the room. "Come on now I know you werewolves can smell it." He insists.

I see them all except for Derek sniff the air. "Somethings wrong with your blood isn't it, it's why you got sick at the station." Scott asks, realization plastering across his face.

"Yes, ever since Alice was four she's had to injection insulin into her system. Very nasty disease she's had her whole life." He explains to everyone here. My eyes narrow as I clench my hands around my sai.

"What the hell are you playing at here?" I question in an irritated tone.
But that's when everything snaps into place.

It all makes sense now, why he wanted Scott to join Derek, why he wanted Allison to kill Derek, why he wanted me to get close to Derek. He wants the bite to cure his cancer.

He lifts the sleeve of his shirt up as Scott drags Derek over to him. I step in front of the teen wolf, seething in anger. "Are you crazy!" I yell at Scott. He looks at me with what I would classify as distrust. "He's using you to get the bite so that he can kill Derek and become the alpha."

"Step aside Alice, this is for the best." Gerard instructs. When he sees that I'm not going to move, he gestures in Allison's direction.

I take a glance and see the Kanima tightening its tail around her neck. My breath falters at the fact that the man who I always thought was one of the best grandfathers; is putting one of his own granddaughters in danger just to get what he wants.

I let out a defeated sigh and move out of Scott's way. All I can do is watch as Scott makes Derek bite down on Gerard's arm. Gerard grins at his triumph making me look at him with utter disgust and anger. "Congrats you're a monster." I tell him in a monotone voice. He shakes his head and points a finger at me

"You want to believe that you're not one too when we both know that's a lie. You're the most monstrous thing here and that says something, being as how there's werewolves amongst us." He remarks pointedly. No one says anything knowing that Gerard has the upper hand with not only the Kanima, but also the bite.

"You made your first kill when you were twelve, so why should this be any harder? Be the monster that you know you are and bring him to the brink of death for me." He instructs, shoving me forcefully towards Derek. Scott tries to step in but immediately stops when the Kanima lets out a hiss.

By now I can't help but feel an uncomfortable feeling settle in the pit of my stomach. I suck in a breath and I raise my weapon to impale Derek. My eyes land on his and I've never in my life wanted to look away from my kill until now.

"You're not a monster." He coughs out, making me stop the knife right over his stomach. "A monster wouldn't hesitate like you're doing right now." Derek points out.

I can't do this. This isn't right. My breath comes out in a slow, yet uneven pace as I step away from him.

"You really disappointed my Alice." Gerard remarks in an obviously angry tone. "I set you out to do one thing and you end up letting your emotions get in the way." He goes to step towards Derek but stops. Instead he looks down at the black liquid pouring out of his bite.

"You use to always say death before dishonor." I quote, watching as he takes out his medication container. "Guess now you'll be able to live up to your own words." I finish quietly.

"Mountain Ash!" Gerard screams out, crushing one of the pills in his hand. Only it's mountain ash and not medicine that's inside of it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek turns to Scott after his explanation of how he switched Gerard's pills to ones with mountain ash.

"Because you might be an alpha, but you're not my alpha." Scott responds as we all look towards a fuming Gerard. He looks around, giving the appearance of a manic with not only the expression on his face but with the black liquid coming out of his bite.

"Kill them! Kill them all!" Gerard screams out.

I look at Allison and grip my sai. She sees it and nods her head. I throw the knife sending it sailing into the Kanima's head. It screams letting go of Allison and she stumbles forward just as the bright lights of a car fill the room.

The jeep smashes through the room sending the Kanima to the ground. "Did I get him." Stiles yells out, referring to the Kanima he and Lydia just ran over.

She doesn't answer, instead jumping out of the jeep and over to the Kanima. She holds something out in front of it and by some weird miracle he shifts back to a human.

He only gives a small, almost non existent, nod before Derek and some other guy that came out of nowhere impale their claws into Jackson. His lifeless body falls to the floor, ending his Kanima curse.

We all look away thinking that there's nothing else left to do but go home. Jackson on the other hand decides to slowly stand from the ground.

Holy shit. Did I just see a resurrection or something?

He lets out a loud roar that echoes throughout the warehouse as his eyes shine a cold bright blue. Not wasting a single second, Lydia rushes over to him. They ingulf each other in a tight hug.

I look over to the last two members of my own family and smile before walking over. Never in my life have I ever felt so distant from them. Allison holds my hand as I stand in front of my dad. I look at him and all the anger I've felt towards him these past few days just melts away.

This man here has never once been a bad father to me. And in the time span since my arrival here, I've managed be a complete fuck up of a daughter to him. Allison squeezes my hand in reassurance before letting go.

I take a step forward and hug my dad, thankfully he hugs back and I feel those stupid tears forming in my eyes again. "So are we taking that family trip or what." I mumble, letting out a small laugh.

"Of course." He replies, a reassuring tone to his voice. When he said that I have an odd way of showing that I care, he was right.

Because this is as good of an honest heartfelt apology that I'm probably ever going to be able to muster in my life. And no matter my hesitation to kill today, I can't help but mull over the words Gerard told me. I might not look like one, but there's no doubt in my mind that I am a monster.


A/N: Holy shit you guys!!!! I only have the epilogue and than I'm done with this book. This took me much longer than I had expected it to.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to any and all of you who have stuck with me till the end of the line. No matter how long it took.

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