You Met Me at an Interesting...

נכתב על ידי hklover2011

838 20 1

He wants me to be his Alpha Female, but I refuse the werewolf life and I won't accept it, even it it kills me. עוד

You Met Me at an Interesting Time
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Three

124 4 0
נכתב על ידי hklover2011

Author's note: I have not been feeling go recently due to food posioning that I had for a few day, but I wanted to get a chapter out before this weekend. Enjoy :)

Breathing in the fresh October air while my eyes took in the scenery before me as I jogged through the forest, it was about five in the morning so almost sunrise.  Jogging in the forest was a way to just get away for a while, but it also brought nightmares about my late pack.  The memories were slowly flowing back to me as I jogged taking in the scenery and the fresh air, I stop and close my eyes trying to forget the past. Pushing the thoughts in the back of my mind I counted on my way as I was coming out of the forest I came across a house and a road that lead back to my neighborhood, just as I was about to make it to the street, a growl caught me off guard.  I could feel my body become tense, I turn to see the source was only a dog. He keep barking as his ear pulled back in a warning to me followed by me to  shake my head at the dog I starting to jog back to my house to get ready for work.

“Morning Audrey, I feel we haven’t talk in a while, how is everything going?” Monica asked as I sat at my desk.

“It going great and you saw me like a day ago,” letting out a chuckle, “Have you been these last two days anyway?” I asked as started to work on the paper work and appointment rescheduling.

“Oh, well I was still had a hangover when I woke up, so I just called in sick. As for yesterday I had the day off.” Monica smirked, “So I heard from a certain person that it was an amazing hottie here yesterday to talk to Mr. Williams.”

I raised my eyebrow at her comment before rolling my eyes, “Yeah, your point is?”

“Audrey,” she whined as she got up from her chair walking towards me only to shake my shoulder forcing me to take my eyes away from my work. “I’m dying here, everyone said the guy was talking to you and staring, so... “I just gave her a blank face as she just gave me a questioning look, “Audrey are you hiding someone from me?”

“No, Monica there is no one, you know that, besides he was only here because he had business with Mr. William, so that the only reason he was talking to me.“ I told her as she just walk back to her desk saying ‘right’ before she gave her full attention to the work in front of her.

My stomach was growling so loud, as I look at the time on the computer screen to see that it was finally time for my lunch break.

“Hey Monica, do you want to go out for lunch?” I asked before grabbing my coat from the back of my chair along with my purse.

She nodded, grabbing her things, as we walk to the elevator taking us all the way to the lobby room.  Just as the elevator doors open, I turned my head towards Monica as we held a conversation walking to the front door and once we were half way there with my luck I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be getting away scot-free.  With my head turn to Monica as I was focusing on her words, I was so focus that I wasn’t focused on the fact that I was going to bump into someone, and I did just that. I quickly apologized to the young men before caught up to Monica, who was already to the door.  We agree to go to a Tim Hortons that wasn’t far from the office, during lunch our topic went from work to Monica huge crush on Nick, it was a pretty relaxing lunch before we had to head back to the office. Before leaving Tim Hortons I grab my iced coffee in my hand as Monica and I walked back up to our floor, just as we were getting off the elevator one of our co-workers told us to bring her something back for the next time. Turning around as I counting to walk to face the co-worker and insisted that next time we go out for lunch that we were going to just bring her with us since I have a horrible memory, and just when I was about to turn around I smashed right into a freaking wall that almost caused me to fall backwards from the impact. Wait when did there get to be a wall here, and when did wall have arms. I thoughtas I felt a pair of strong muscular arm wrap around my waist that were keeping me balance from falling, the butterflies that felt like they were having a sugar high in my stomach which I only felt for the first time which was yesterday when Mr. William guest was here. Oh no. Please, please be wrong. I silently chant in my head as I look up toward those amazing eyes that took my breath away when I saw them am stare back at me.  

“Are you ok, doll?” A deep voice said breaking me away from staring as my face began to feel warm with a blush.

“Yeah I’m ok, sorry about bumping into you and thanks,” I said in a whisper.

“It’s not a problem ,” flashing me a knock out smile, “I don’t believe I got your name from the last time I was here, doll. I’m Gabriel.” He said while slowly taking his arms away from my waist before he offering his hand.

“Audrey.” Giving a small smile before placing my hands in his huge hands.

Gabriel brought my hands toward his lips kissing my knuckles as he look at me the entire time keeping his eyes lock on me. My cheeks instantly burned from his gesture as took my hand away from his lips,” I hope to see you again Audrey.” He said before giving me another smile before leaving toward the elevator.

Still feeling as if I was in a trance by Gabriel’s charm I didn’t notice Monica squealing or all the eyes that staring at me probably just as shocked as I was about this situation. It took Monica calling my name to break his spell as I blink as she waved her hand in my face. When my eyes were on her, she broke into the biggest smile that would causes her facial muscle to hurt later.  She start to talk about how he was so into me and that we would make such a cute couple, I could hear everything she was say but I was to focus on what just happen.

   By the time I got home I was exhausted, but at the same time I couldn’t stop thinking which was only keeping me up. Sighing, I rose from my bed as I went to my dresser to pull out one of my hoodies with black yoga pants and getting my black running shoes from the closet. I figured that it I went on a run it would help me to stop thinking about what happen today at the office.

 I lock the front door before I head on the street that took me around the block of the neighborhood, it was pitch black with only the few street light that help a little. I was half around the block when I heard as howling sound in the distance, immediately my body became stiff at the sound as my heart felt like it stop, another howl was heard, but this time it sound closer, a lot closer. My body was still frozen my eyes saw yellowish golden eyes that appeared on the border line of the forest near the neighborhood. My breathing turns into hard shallow as it felt hard to breathe, I could the eyes lock onto me as it crept closer towards me.

As the eyes started to come closer I could see that the eyes belong to a grey timber wolf, its eyes never left me as it stalk closer to me, by now it was only two feet away from me.  Something was telling me that this wolf was no regular wolf that just oh so happen to be in Flint which was too far from Northern Michigan territory for this to be a normal wolf. By now the wolf was only just about a couple of steps in front of me it was then that I took notice that this wolf wasn’t alone instead it was two other wolves behind the first wolf, but their distance. Something wet touched my leg, I would have scream but there were two reasons as to why I couldn’t.

 One was my body still was frozen with fear and the other was because I knew that if a wolf approach you to never run because it would take it as a challenge and since I knew this wasn’t a normal wolf. I wasn’t going to take my chances.

 The wolf began to sniff me as he poke my leg with his wet nose, closing my eyes taking slow deep breaths trying to calm my nerves before I end up doing something I regret. When I open my eyes I saw that the wolf was not just staring at me holding its head confuse.  I was starting not to care whether it would take my running as a challenge because as of now I just want to leave and forget about this whole ordeal because this wolf was making me a little uncomfortable by being so close.  I carefully pick my foot out to walk away when a growl warned me to place it back on the ground. I look up toward the wolf, who was now baring his teeth at me making me freeze as he still growled walking behind when I felt a push from behind me shoving me forward towards the forest. I could myself panic as I realize what this wolf wanted from me, I stood my ground as it keep pushing me.

When the wolf found out I wasn’t going to move the growling got louder, even then I still didn’t move, until I felt the wolf try to nip at my ankle. Trying to pull myself together  I slowly walk towards the place the wolf was pushing me as I took a couple of steps the other two wolves came and walk beside me making sure I didn’t try to run. My breathing was still irregular and I could feel my hand get clammy, with each step that I took I was taking a chance with my life even if I run. Now I could feel the tear gathering in my eyes, quickly blinking them away, I could tell we were now at the border of the forest. With one last hard shove from the angry wolf behind me sending me fully into the forest, by now the angry wolf went behind a tree following a sound of bones breaking and morphing. Exhaled a shaky breath as I saw what step from behind the tree where the wolf disappear and my eyes landed one a young men about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes that were glaring at me.  No longer wanting to see him being so angry with me I look down trying to avoid him, as my wander to find the other two wolves when I notice they were no longer here which made me feel nervous not knowing where they disappeared to.

“Who are you?” The man before ask getting in my face trying to intimidate me, which was working.      

I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I shout it, it felt like a million thoughts were going through my mind as I saw the angry seem to glow in his blue eyes as he began to burn holes into me waiting for my answer. Not knowing what to do or say, I averted my eyes to the ground as the intimidation of his stares seems to increase with every second of my silence. The sound of an angry sigh being release from the guy made me quickly glance back up before looking back down then places around him trying to avoid his deadly look.

He began to take in deep breathe as if he was trying to calm himself down before he spoke, “Look I’m sorry, but can you please tell me who you are?” His eyes soften after seeing me looking at the ground for so long afraid to look him in the eye, “Please, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to know your name, so that I may report back to my alpha.”

I could hear the softness in his voice as he spoke, but it didn’t help me feel less intimidated by him. “Audrey.” I quickly whispered, but I knew he heard me when he gave a nod while the corner of his lips seem to turn up making me uneasy like he knew something I didn’t.

“Audrey, are you a lone wolf? Where is your pack?” He question as he step closer placing his thumb and index finger on my chin making me face him.

I eyes glance at his ocean filled eyes for a second before I look away again sensing my eye start to water at the mention of my late pack. I wanted to just take off running to get away from him and the question that seem to twist the dagger that was already in my heart. I closed my eyes hoping that it would somehow stop the tears that wanted to escape as I shook my head.

“So you’re not a lone wolf, then where is your pack?”        

Not knowing how to answer the question I stayed quiet, not wanting to reveal my past to a stranger. I took in a deep breath as I let it out slowly before opening my eyes that where not probably still glossy from the tears still threatening to be unleashed.

“I have no pack, because I’m not a wolf.” I whispered still not looking in his eyes knowing that he was going to probably judge me for my responds because it was uncommon for a person to deny their wolf.

“But I smell you, you’re a wolf as well.” He stated before stepping back from me.

“Not anymore I hate this curse,” saying that my feet start moving backwards creating a bigger gap between me and the stranger.

Noticing that he wasn’t going to take a step forward, I turn my body face the path that I was forced to enter from before breaking out into the fasted run that I could muster. Not looking back to see if he was following I ran as if I was in the Olympics working for a gold medal, as the view of my house got closer I pushed myself further as I tried to dig into my jacket pocket for my house key. I held the house key in my shaking hands as I reach the front door trying to quickly unlock the door, I was starting to feel as if I was one of those characters from a horror movie running away from a murder trying to get to a safe place. In a way that how I was truly starting to feel, I was running from the question that open the door to my pain fully past of murders and bloodshed.  Finally getting inside the house I close the door as I laid my back against the metal door as I felt the emotion of sadness take over my body. My leg gave out forcing my body to depend on the door for support as my gravity seem to get too heavy for me to stand as my body lowered to the floor. Pulling my legs closer to me as I just cried all the pain out thinking about the scream and the murder of my pack, I tried to calm myself down but the thought were overwhelming as I just lost myself in my sorrow. 

Please comment and vote, let me know what you think. 

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